// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const UPowerGlib = imports.gi.UPowerGlib; const SystemdLoginManagerIface = ; const SystemdLoginSessionIface = ; const SystemdLoginManager = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(SystemdLoginManagerIface); const SystemdLoginSession = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(SystemdLoginSessionIface); const ConsoleKitManagerIface = ; const ConsoleKitSessionIface = ; const ConsoleKitSession = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(ConsoleKitSessionIface); const ConsoleKitManager = Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(ConsoleKitManagerIface); function haveSystemd() { return GLib.access("/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd", 0) >= 0; } let _loginManager = null; /** * LoginManager: * An abstraction over systemd/logind and ConsoleKit. * */ function getLoginManager() { if (_loginManager == null) { if (haveSystemd()) _loginManager = new LoginManagerSystemd(); else _loginManager = new LoginManagerConsoleKit(); } return _loginManager; } const LoginManagerSystemd = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'LoginManagerSystemd', _init: function() { this._proxy = new SystemdLoginManager(Gio.DBus.system, 'org.freedesktop.login1', '/org/freedesktop/login1'); }, // Having this function is a bit of a hack since the Systemd and ConsoleKit // session objects have different interfaces - but in both cases there are // Lock/Unlock signals, and that's all we count upon at the moment. getCurrentSessionProxy: function() { if (!this._currentSession) { this._currentSession = new SystemdLoginSession(Gio.DBus.system, 'org.freedesktop.login1', '/org/freedesktop/login1/session/' + GLib.getenv('XDG_SESSION_ID')); } return this._currentSession; }, get sessionActive() { return Shell.session_is_active_for_systemd(); }, canPowerOff: function(asyncCallback) { this._proxy.CanPowerOffRemote(function(result, error) { if (error) asyncCallback(false); else asyncCallback(result[0] != 'no'); }); }, canReboot: function(asyncCallback) { this._proxy.CanRebootRemote(function(result, error) { if (error) asyncCallback(false); else asyncCallback(result[0] != 'no'); }); }, canSuspend: function(asyncCallback) { this._proxy.CanSuspendRemote(function(result, error) { if (error) asyncCallback(false); else asyncCallback(result[0] != 'no'); }); }, canHibernate: function(asyncCallback) { this._proxy.CanSuspendRemote(function(result, error) { if (error) asyncCallback(false); else asyncCallback(result[0] != 'no'); }); }, powerOff: function() { this._proxy.PowerOffRemote(true); }, reboot: function() { this._proxy.RebootRemote(true); }, suspend: function() { this._proxy.SuspendRemote(true); }, hibernate: function() { this._proxy.HibernateRemote(true); } }); const LoginManagerConsoleKit = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'LoginManagerConsoleKit', _init: function() { this._proxy = new ConsoleKitManager(Gio.DBus.system, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', '/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager'); this._upClient = new UPowerGlib.Client(); }, // Having this function is a bit of a hack since the Systemd and ConsoleKit // session objects have different interfaces - but in both cases there are // Lock/Unlock signals, and that's all we count upon at the moment. getCurrentSessionProxy: function() { if (!this._currentSession) { let [currentSessionId] = this._proxy.GetCurrentSessionSync(); this._currentSession = new ConsoleKitSession(Gio.DBus.system, 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit', currentSessionId); } return this._currentSession; }, get sessionActive() { if (this._sessionActive !== undefined) return this._sessionActive; let session = this.getCurrentSessionProxy(); session.connectSignal('ActiveChanged', Lang.bind(this, function(object, senderName, [isActive]) { this._sessionActive = isActive; })); [this._sessionActive] = session.IsActiveSync(); return this._sessionActive; }, canPowerOff: function(asyncCallback) { this._proxy.CanStopRemote(function(result, error) { if (error) asyncCallback(false); else asyncCallback(result[0]); }); }, canReboot: function(asyncCallback) { this._proxy.CanRestartRemote(function(result, error) { if (error) asyncCallback(false); else asyncCallback(result[0]); }); }, canSuspend: function(asyncCallback) { Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function() { asyncCallback(this._upClient.get_can_suspend()); return false; })); }, canHibernate: function(asyncCallback) { Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function() { asyncCallback(this._upClient.get_can_hibernate()); return false; })); }, powerOff: function() { this._proxy.StopRemote(); }, reboot: function() { this._proxy.RestartRemote(); }, suspend: function() { this._upClient.suspend_sync(null); }, hibernate: function() { this._upClient.hibernate_sync(null); } });