'-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN'

      @short_description: Introspection interface

      The interface used to introspect the state of Shell, such as running
      applications, currently active application, etc.
  <interface name="org.gnome.Shell.Introspect">

        @short_description: Notifies when the running applications changes
    <signal name="RunningApplicationsChanged" />

        @short_description: Retrieves the description of all running applications

        Each application is associated by an application ID. The details of
        each application consists of a varlist of keys and values. Available
        keys are listed below.

        'active-on-seats' - (as)   list of seats the application is active on
                                   (a seat only has at most one active
    <method name="GetRunningApplications">
      <arg name="apps" direction="out" type="a{sa{sv}}" />

        @short_description: Retrieves the current list of windows and their properties

        A window is exposed as:
        * t ID: unique ID of the window
        * a{sv} properties: high-level properties

          Known properties:

          - "title"       (s): (readonly) title of the window
          - "app-id"      (s): (readonly) application ID of the window
          - "wm-class"    (s): (readonly) class of the window
          - "client-type" (u): (readonly) 0 for Wayland, 1 for X11
          - "is-hidden"   (b): (readonly) if the window is currently hidden
          - "has-focus"   (b): (readonly) if the window currently have
                                          keyboard focus
          - "width"       (u): (readonly) width of the window
          - "height"      (u): (readonly) height of the window
    <method name="GetWindows">
      <arg name="windows" direction="out" type="a{ta{sv}}" />