/* Popovers/Menus */ // the popover itself .popup-menu-boxpointer { -arrow-rise: $base_margin+2px; // distance from the panel & screen edge } // container of the popover menu .popup-menu { min-width: 15em; color: $fg_color; //.popup-status-menu-item {font-weight: normal; color: pink;} //dunno what that is &.panel-menu { margin-bottom: 1.75em; // so it doesn't touch the bottom of the screen } } // popover content .popup-menu-content { padding: $base_padding; border-radius: $modal_radius*1.25; border: 1px solid $borders_edge; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 $shadow_color; background-color: $bg_color; } // menu items .popup-menu-item { padding: $base_padding*1.5 $base_padding*2; border-radius: $base_border_radius*1.5; spacing: $base_padding; transition-duration: 100ms; background-color: transparent; &:ltr {padding-left: $base_padding;} &:rtl {padding-right: $base_padding;} &:focus, &:hover { background-color: $hover_bg_color !important; &:active { background-color: $active_bg_color !important;} } &:checked {background-color: $checked_bg_color !important;} &:checked { margin-bottom: 0; box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 0 darken($checked_bg_color, 5%); border-radius: $base_border_radius $base_border_radius 0 0; &:focus,&:hover { background-color: lighten($checked_bg_color, 3%) !important;} &:active { background-color: lighten($checked_bg_color, 5%) !important;} } &:active { background-color: lighten($active_bg_color, 5%); color: $active_fg_color; } &:insensitive {color: transparentize($fg_color,0.5);} // add margin to switches in menu items .toggle-switch { &:ltr { margin-left: $base_margin;} &:rtl { margin-right: $base_margin;} } } // all other graphical elements (sliders) .popup-inactive-menu-item { color: $fg_color; &:insensitive { color: $insensitive_fg_color; } } // symbolic icons in popover .popup-menu-arrow, .popup-menu-icon { icon-size: 16px !important; // for some reason the variable doesn't work here } .popup-menu-arrow { } // popover submenus .popup-sub-menu { background-color: $checked_bg_color; border-radius: 0 0 $base_border_radius $base_border_radius; .popup-menu-ornament { min-width: $base_icon_size !important; } // submenu specific styles .popup-menu-item { border-radius: 0; margin: 0; &:last-child { border-radius: 0 0 $base_border_radius $base_border_radius; } &:focus,&:hover { background-color: $hover_bg_color !important;} &:checked { background-color: $checked_bg_color !important; &:focus,&:hover { background-color: lighten($checked_bg_color, 8%) !important;} } &:active { background-color: $active_bg_color !important;} } .popup-menu-section { .popup-menu-item:last-child { &:hover,&:focus { border-radius: 0;} } &:last-child .popup-menu-item:last-child { border-radius: 0 0 $base_border_radius $base_border_radius; } } } // container for radio and check boxes .popup-menu-ornament { @extend %heading; width: 1.2em; text-align: center !important; &:ltr { text-align: right;} &:rtl { text-align: left;} } // separator .popup-separator-menu-item { margin: 6px 0; padding:0 !important; &:ltr { margin-right: $base_margin;} &:rtl { margin-left: $base_margin;} .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { height: 1px; //not really the whole box background-color: $borders_color; } .popup-menu-ornament { width: 0 !important; } // separators in submenus .popup-sub-menu & { background-color: transparent; // account for ornament &:ltr { margin-right: 2.5em;} &:rtl { margin-left: 2.5em;} .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { background-color: lighten($borders_color, 7%); } } } // desktop background menu .background-menu { -boxpointer-gap: 0px; -arrow-rise: 0px; // hide the beak on the menu } // system status menu .aggregate-menu { min-width: 22em; // this is unneeded at the top-level in this menu, hide it .popup-menu-ornament { width: 0 !important; } // lock screen, shutdown, etc. buttons .popup-menu-icon { -st-icon-style: symbolic; &:ltr {margin-right: $base_margin*2;} &:rtl {margin-left: $base_margin*2;} } // account for ornaments in submenus with padding .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item > :first-child { // this value is hardcoded for visual effect &:ltr { margin-left: 1em;} &:rtl { margin-right: 1em;} } } // right-click (and panel) app menu .app-menu { max-width: 27.25em; // this is unneeded at the top-level in this menu, hide it .popup-menu-ornament { width: 0 !important; } .popup-inactive-menu-item:first-child { // "Open Windows" label > StLabel { @extend %caption_heading; &:ltr {margin-right: $base_margin*2;} &:rtl {margin-left: $base_margin*2;} } } }