// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const GObject = imports.gi.GObject; const Lang = imports.lang; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Background = imports.ui.background; const BackgroundMenu = imports.ui.backgroundMenu; const LoginManager = imports.misc.loginManager; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Params = imports.misc.params; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; var STARTUP_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.5; var KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.15; var BACKGROUND_FADE_ANIMATION_TIME = 1.0; var HOT_CORNER_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD = 100; // pixels var HOT_CORNER_PRESSURE_TIMEOUT = 1000; // ms function isPopupMetaWindow(actor) { switch(actor.meta_window.get_window_type()) { case Meta.WindowType.DROPDOWN_MENU: case Meta.WindowType.POPUP_MENU: case Meta.WindowType.COMBO: return true; default: return false; } } var MonitorConstraint = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'MonitorConstraint', Extends: Clutter.Constraint, Properties: {'primary': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('primary', 'Primary', 'Track primary monitor', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE, false), 'index': GObject.ParamSpec.int('index', 'Monitor index', 'Track specific monitor', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE, -1, 64, -1), 'work-area': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('work-area', 'Work-area', 'Track monitor\'s work-area', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE, false)}, _init(props) { this._primary = false; this._index = -1; this._workArea = false; this.parent(props); }, get primary() { return this._primary; }, set primary(v) { if (v) this._index = -1; this._primary = v; if (this.actor) this.actor.queue_relayout(); this.notify('primary'); }, get index() { return this._index; }, set index(v) { this._primary = false; this._index = v; if (this.actor) this.actor.queue_relayout(); this.notify('index'); }, get work_area() { return this._workArea; }, set work_area(v) { if (v == this._workArea) return; this._workArea = v; if (this.actor) this.actor.queue_relayout(); this.notify('work-area'); }, vfunc_set_actor(actor) { if (actor) { if (!this._monitorsChangedId) { this._monitorsChangedId = Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', () => { this.actor.queue_relayout(); }); } if (!this._workareasChangedId) { this._workareasChangedId = global.screen.connect('workareas-changed', () => { if (this._workArea) this.actor.queue_relayout(); }); } } else { if (this._monitorsChangedId) Main.layoutManager.disconnect(this._monitorsChangedId); this._monitorsChangedId = 0; if (this._workareasChangedId) global.screen.disconnect(this._workareasChangedId); this._workareasChangedId = 0; } this.parent(actor); }, vfunc_update_allocation(actor, actorBox) { if (!this._primary && this._index < 0) return; if (!Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor) return; let index; if (this._primary) index = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; else index = Math.min(this._index, Main.layoutManager.monitors.length - 1); let rect; if (this._workArea) { let ws = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(0); rect = ws.get_work_area_for_monitor(index); } else { rect = Main.layoutManager.monitors[index]; } actorBox.init_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } }); var Monitor = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'Monitor', _init(index, geometry) { this.index = index; this.x = geometry.x; this.y = geometry.y; this.width = geometry.width; this.height = geometry.height; }, get inFullscreen() { return global.screen.get_monitor_in_fullscreen(this.index); } }) const defaultParams = { trackFullscreen: false, affectsStruts: false, affectsInputRegion: true }; var LayoutManager = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'LayoutManager', _init() { this._rtl = (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL); this.monitors = []; this.primaryMonitor = null; this.primaryIndex = -1; this.hotCorners = []; this._keyboardIndex = -1; this._rightPanelBarrier = null; this._inOverview = false; this._updateRegionIdle = 0; this._trackedActors = []; this._topActors = []; this._isPopupWindowVisible = false; this._startingUp = true; this._pendingLoadBackground = false; // We don't want to paint the stage background color because either // the SystemBackground we create or the MetaBackgroundActor inside // global.window_group covers the entirety of the screen. global.stage.no_clear_hint = true; // Set up stage hierarchy to group all UI actors under one container. this.uiGroup = new Shell.GenericContainer({ name: 'uiGroup' }); this.uiGroup.connect('allocate', (actor, box, flags) => { let children = actor.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) children[i].allocate_preferred_size(flags); }); this.uiGroup.connect('get-preferred-width', (actor, forHeight, alloc) => { let width = global.stage.width; [alloc.min_size, alloc.natural_size] = [width, width]; }); this.uiGroup.connect('get-preferred-height', (actor, forWidth, alloc) => { let height = global.stage.height; [alloc.min_size, alloc.natural_size] = [height, height]; }); global.stage.remove_actor(global.window_group); this.uiGroup.add_actor(global.window_group); global.stage.add_child(this.uiGroup); this.overviewGroup = new St.Widget({ name: 'overviewGroup', visible: false, reactive: true }); this.addChrome(this.overviewGroup); this.screenShieldGroup = new St.Widget({ name: 'screenShieldGroup', visible: false, clip_to_allocation: true, layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), }); this.addChrome(this.screenShieldGroup); this.panelBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelBox', vertical: true }); this.addChrome(this.panelBox, { affectsStruts: true, trackFullscreen: true }); this.panelBox.connect('allocation-changed', this._panelBoxChanged.bind(this)); this.modalDialogGroup = new St.Widget({ name: 'modalDialogGroup', layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout() }); this.uiGroup.add_actor(this.modalDialogGroup); this.keyboardBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'keyboardBox', reactive: true, track_hover: true }); this.addChrome(this.keyboardBox); this._keyboardHeightNotifyId = 0; // A dummy actor that tracks the mouse or text cursor, based on the // position and size set in setDummyCursorGeometry. this.dummyCursor = new St.Widget({ width: 0, height: 0, visible: false }); this.uiGroup.add_actor(this.dummyCursor); global.stage.remove_actor(global.top_window_group); this.uiGroup.add_actor(global.top_window_group); let feedbackGroup = Meta.get_feedback_group_for_screen(global.screen); global.stage.remove_actor(feedbackGroup); this.uiGroup.add_actor(feedbackGroup); this._backgroundGroup = new Meta.BackgroundGroup(); global.window_group.add_child(this._backgroundGroup); this._backgroundGroup.lower_bottom(); this._bgManagers = []; // Need to update struts on new workspaces when they are added global.screen.connect('notify::n-workspaces', this._queueUpdateRegions.bind(this)); global.screen.connect('restacked', this._windowsRestacked.bind(this)); global.screen.connect('monitors-changed', this._monitorsChanged.bind(this)); global.screen.connect('in-fullscreen-changed', this._updateFullscreen.bind(this)); this._monitorsChanged(); // NVIDIA drivers don't preserve FBO contents across // suspend/resume, see // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=739178 if (Shell.util_need_background_refresh()) { LoginManager.getLoginManager().connect('prepare-for-sleep', (lm, suspending) => { if (suspending) return; Meta.Background.refresh_all(); }); } }, // This is called by Main after everything else is constructed init() { Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', this._sessionUpdated.bind(this)); this._loadBackground(); }, showOverview() { this.overviewGroup.show(); this._inOverview = true; this._updateVisibility(); }, hideOverview() { this.overviewGroup.hide(); this._inOverview = false; this._updateVisibility(); }, _sessionUpdated() { this._updateVisibility(); this._queueUpdateRegions(); }, _updateMonitors() { let screen = global.screen; this.monitors = []; let nMonitors = screen.get_n_monitors(); for (let i = 0; i < nMonitors; i++) this.monitors.push(new Monitor(i, screen.get_monitor_geometry(i))); if (nMonitors == 0) { this.primaryIndex = this.bottomIndex = -1; } else if (nMonitors == 1) { this.primaryIndex = this.bottomIndex = 0; } else { // If there are monitors below the primary, then we need // to split primary from bottom. this.primaryIndex = this.bottomIndex = screen.get_primary_monitor(); for (let i = 0; i < this.monitors.length; i++) { let monitor = this.monitors[i]; if (this._isAboveOrBelowPrimary(monitor)) { if (monitor.y > this.monitors[this.bottomIndex].y) this.bottomIndex = i; } } } if (this.primaryIndex != -1) { this.primaryMonitor = this.monitors[this.primaryIndex]; this.bottomMonitor = this.monitors[this.bottomIndex]; if (this._pendingLoadBackground) { this._loadBackground(); this._pendingLoadBackground = false; } } else { this.primaryMonitor = null; this.bottomMonitor = null; } }, _updateHotCorners() { // destroy old hot corners this.hotCorners.forEach(corner => { if (corner) corner.destroy(); }); this.hotCorners = []; let size = this.panelBox.height; // build new hot corners for (let i = 0; i < this.monitors.length; i++) { let monitor = this.monitors[i]; let cornerX = this._rtl ? monitor.x + monitor.width : monitor.x; let cornerY = monitor.y; let haveTopLeftCorner = true; if (i != this.primaryIndex) { // Check if we have a top left (right for RTL) corner. // I.e. if there is no monitor directly above or to the left(right) let besideX = this._rtl ? monitor.x + 1 : cornerX - 1; let besideY = cornerY; let aboveX = cornerX; let aboveY = cornerY - 1; for (let j = 0; j < this.monitors.length; j++) { if (i == j) continue; let otherMonitor = this.monitors[j]; if (besideX >= otherMonitor.x && besideX < otherMonitor.x + otherMonitor.width && besideY >= otherMonitor.y && besideY < otherMonitor.y + otherMonitor.height) { haveTopLeftCorner = false; break; } if (aboveX >= otherMonitor.x && aboveX < otherMonitor.x + otherMonitor.width && aboveY >= otherMonitor.y && aboveY < otherMonitor.y + otherMonitor.height) { haveTopLeftCorner = false; break; } } } if (haveTopLeftCorner) { let corner = new HotCorner(this, monitor, cornerX, cornerY); corner.setBarrierSize(size); this.hotCorners.push(corner); } else { this.hotCorners.push(null); } } this.emit('hot-corners-changed'); }, _addBackgroundMenu(bgManager) { BackgroundMenu.addBackgroundMenu(bgManager.backgroundActor, this); }, _createBackgroundManager(monitorIndex) { let bgManager = new Background.BackgroundManager({ container: this._backgroundGroup, layoutManager: this, monitorIndex: monitorIndex }); bgManager.connect('changed', this._addBackgroundMenu.bind(this)); this._addBackgroundMenu(bgManager); return bgManager; }, _showSecondaryBackgrounds() { for (let i = 0; i < this.monitors.length; i++) { if (i != this.primaryIndex) { let backgroundActor = this._bgManagers[i].backgroundActor; backgroundActor.show(); backgroundActor.opacity = 0; Tweener.addTween(backgroundActor, { opacity: 255, time: BACKGROUND_FADE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } } }, _updateBackgrounds() { let i; for (i = 0; i < this._bgManagers.length; i++) this._bgManagers[i].destroy(); this._bgManagers = []; if (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter) return; for (let i = 0; i < this.monitors.length; i++) { let bgManager = this._createBackgroundManager(i); this._bgManagers.push(bgManager); if (i != this.primaryIndex && this._startingUp) bgManager.backgroundActor.hide(); } }, _updateKeyboardBox() { this.keyboardBox.set_position(this.keyboardMonitor.x, this.keyboardMonitor.y + this.keyboardMonitor.height); this.keyboardBox.set_size(this.keyboardMonitor.width, -1); }, _updateBoxes() { this.screenShieldGroup.set_position(0, 0); this.screenShieldGroup.set_size(global.screen_width, global.screen_height); if (!this.primaryMonitor) return; this.panelBox.set_position(this.primaryMonitor.x, this.primaryMonitor.y); this.panelBox.set_size(this.primaryMonitor.width, -1); this.keyboardIndex = this.primaryIndex; }, _panelBoxChanged() { this._updatePanelBarrier(); let size = this.panelBox.height; this.hotCorners.forEach(corner => { if (corner) corner.setBarrierSize(size); }); }, _updatePanelBarrier() { if (this._rightPanelBarrier) { this._rightPanelBarrier.destroy(); this._rightPanelBarrier = null; } if (!this.primaryMonitor) return; if (this.panelBox.height) { let primary = this.primaryMonitor; this._rightPanelBarrier = new Meta.Barrier({ display: global.display, x1: primary.x + primary.width, y1: primary.y, x2: primary.x + primary.width, y2: primary.y + this.panelBox.height, directions: Meta.BarrierDirection.NEGATIVE_X }); } }, _monitorsChanged() { this._updateMonitors(); this._updateBoxes(); this._updateHotCorners(); this._updateBackgrounds(); this._updateFullscreen(); this._updateVisibility(); this._queueUpdateRegions(); this.emit('monitors-changed'); }, _isAboveOrBelowPrimary(monitor) { let primary = this.monitors[this.primaryIndex]; let monitorLeft = monitor.x, monitorRight = monitor.x + monitor.width; let primaryLeft = primary.x, primaryRight = primary.x + primary.width; if ((monitorLeft >= primaryLeft && monitorLeft < primaryRight) || (monitorRight > primaryLeft && monitorRight <= primaryRight) || (primaryLeft >= monitorLeft && primaryLeft < monitorRight) || (primaryRight > monitorLeft && primaryRight <= monitorRight)) return true; return false; }, get currentMonitor() { let index = global.screen.get_current_monitor(); return this.monitors[index]; }, get keyboardMonitor() { return this.monitors[this.keyboardIndex]; }, get focusIndex() { let i = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; if (global.stage.key_focus != null) i = this.findIndexForActor(global.stage.key_focus); else if (global.display.focus_window != null) i = global.display.focus_window.get_monitor(); return i; }, get focusMonitor() { return this.monitors[this.focusIndex]; }, set keyboardIndex(v) { this._keyboardIndex = v; this._updateKeyboardBox(); }, get keyboardIndex() { return this._keyboardIndex; }, _loadBackground() { if (!this.primaryMonitor) { this._pendingLoadBackground = true; return; } this._systemBackground = new Background.SystemBackground(); this._systemBackground.actor.hide(); global.stage.insert_child_below(this._systemBackground.actor, null); let constraint = new Clutter.BindConstraint({ source: global.stage, coordinate: Clutter.BindCoordinate.ALL }); this._systemBackground.actor.add_constraint(constraint); let signalId = this._systemBackground.connect('loaded', () => { this._systemBackground.disconnect(signalId); this._systemBackground.actor.show(); global.stage.show(); this._prepareStartupAnimation(); }); }, // Startup Animations // // We have two different animations, depending on whether we're a greeter // or a normal session. // // In the greeter, we want to animate the panel from the top, and smoothly // fade the login dialog on top of whatever plymouth left on screen which // we get as a still frame background before drawing anything else. // // Here we just have the code to animate the panel, and fade up the background. // The login dialog animation is handled by modalDialog.js // // When starting a normal user session, we want to grow it out of the middle // of the screen. _prepareStartupAnimation() { // During the initial transition, add a simple actor to block all events, // so they don't get delivered to X11 windows that have been transformed. this._coverPane = new Clutter.Actor({ opacity: 0, width: global.screen_width, height: global.screen_height, reactive: true }); this.addChrome(this._coverPane); if (Meta.is_restart()) { // On restart, we don't do an animation. Force an update of the // regions immediately so that maximized windows restore to the // right size taking struts into account. this._updateRegions(); } else if (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter) { this.panelBox.translation_y = -this.panelBox.height; } else { this._updateBackgrounds(); // We need to force an update of the regions now before we scale // the UI group to get the correct allocation for the struts. this._updateRegions(); this.keyboardBox.hide(); let monitor = this.primaryMonitor; let x = monitor.x + monitor.width / 2.0; let y = monitor.y + monitor.height / 2.0; this.uiGroup.set_pivot_point(x / global.screen_width, y / global.screen_height); this.uiGroup.scale_x = this.uiGroup.scale_y = 0.75; this.uiGroup.opacity = 0; global.window_group.set_clip(monitor.x, monitor.y, monitor.width, monitor.height); } this.emit('startup-prepared'); // We're mostly prepared for the startup animation // now, but since a lot is going on asynchronously // during startup, let's defer the startup animation // until the event loop is uncontended and idle. // This helps to prevent us from running the animation // when the system is bogged down let id = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, () => { this._startupAnimation(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(id, '[gnome-shell] this._startupAnimation'); }, _startupAnimation() { if (Meta.is_restart()) this._startupAnimationComplete(); else if (Main.sessionMode.isGreeter) this._startupAnimationGreeter(); else this._startupAnimationSession(); }, _startupAnimationGreeter() { Tweener.addTween(this.panelBox, { translation_y: 0, time: STARTUP_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: this._startupAnimationComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _startupAnimationSession() { Tweener.addTween(this.uiGroup, { scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, opacity: 255, time: STARTUP_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: this._startupAnimationComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _startupAnimationComplete() { this._coverPane.destroy(); this._coverPane = null; this._systemBackground.actor.destroy(); this._systemBackground = null; this._startingUp = false; this.keyboardBox.show(); if (!Main.sessionMode.isGreeter) { this._showSecondaryBackgrounds(); global.window_group.remove_clip(); } this._queueUpdateRegions(); this.emit('startup-complete'); }, showKeyboard() { this.keyboardBox.show(); Tweener.addTween(this.keyboardBox, { anchor_y: this.keyboardBox.height, opacity: 255, time: KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: this._showKeyboardComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); this.emit('keyboard-visible-changed', true); }, _showKeyboardComplete() { // Poke Chrome to update the input shape; it doesn't notice // anchor point changes this._updateRegions(); this._keyboardHeightNotifyId = this.keyboardBox.connect('notify::height', () => { this.keyboardBox.anchor_y = this.keyboardBox.height; }); }, hideKeyboard(immediate) { if (this._keyboardHeightNotifyId) { this.keyboardBox.disconnect(this._keyboardHeightNotifyId); this._keyboardHeightNotifyId = 0; } Tweener.addTween(this.keyboardBox, { anchor_y: 0, opacity: 0, time: immediate ? 0 : KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeInQuad', onComplete: this._hideKeyboardComplete, onCompleteScope: this }); this.emit('keyboard-visible-changed', false); }, _hideKeyboardComplete() { this.keyboardBox.hide(); this._updateRegions(); }, // setDummyCursorGeometry: // // The cursor dummy is a standard widget commonly used for popup // menus and box pointers to track, as the box pointer API only // tracks actors. If you want to pop up a menu based on where the // user clicked, or where the text cursor is, the cursor dummy // is what you should use. Given that the menu should not track // the actual mouse pointer as it moves, you need to call this // function before you show the menu to ensure it is at the right // position and has the right size. setDummyCursorGeometry(x, y, w, h) { this.dummyCursor.set_position(Math.round(x), Math.round(y)); this.dummyCursor.set_size(Math.round(w), Math.round(h)); }, // addChrome: // @actor: an actor to add to the chrome // @params: (optional) additional params // // Adds @actor to the chrome, and (unless %affectsInputRegion in // @params is %false) extends the input region to include it. // Changes in @actor's size, position, and visibility will // automatically result in appropriate changes to the input // region. // // If %affectsStruts in @params is %true (and @actor is along a // screen edge), then @actor's size and position will also affect // the window manager struts. Changes to @actor's visibility will // NOT affect whether or not the strut is present, however. // // If %trackFullscreen in @params is %true, the actor's visibility // will be bound to the presence of fullscreen windows on the same // monitor (it will be hidden whenever a fullscreen window is visible, // and shown otherwise) addChrome(actor, params) { this.uiGroup.add_actor(actor); if (this.uiGroup.contains(global.top_window_group)) this.uiGroup.set_child_below_sibling(actor, global.top_window_group); this._trackActor(actor, params); }, // trackChrome: // @actor: a descendant of the chrome to begin tracking // @params: parameters describing how to track @actor // // Tells the chrome to track @actor. This can be used to extend the // struts or input region to cover specific children. // // @params can have any of the same values as in addChrome(), // though some possibilities don't make sense. By default, @actor has // the same params as its chrome ancestor. trackChrome(actor, params) { let ancestor = actor.get_parent(); let index = this._findActor(ancestor); while (ancestor && index == -1) { ancestor = ancestor.get_parent(); index = this._findActor(ancestor); } let ancestorData = ancestor ? this._trackedActors[index] : defaultParams; if (!params) params = {}; // We can't use Params.parse here because we want to drop // the extra values like ancestorData.actor for (let prop in defaultParams) { if (!params.hasOwnProperty(prop)) params[prop] = ancestorData[prop]; } this._trackActor(actor, params); }, // untrackChrome: // @actor: an actor previously tracked via trackChrome() // // Undoes the effect of trackChrome() untrackChrome(actor) { this._untrackActor(actor); }, // removeChrome: // @actor: a chrome actor // // Removes @actor from the chrome removeChrome(actor) { this.uiGroup.remove_actor(actor); this._untrackActor(actor); }, _findActor(actor) { for (let i = 0; i < this._trackedActors.length; i++) { let actorData = this._trackedActors[i]; if (actorData.actor == actor) return i; } return -1; }, _trackActor(actor, params) { if (this._findActor(actor) != -1) throw new Error('trying to re-track existing chrome actor'); let actorData = Params.parse(params, defaultParams); actorData.actor = actor; actorData.visibleId = actor.connect('notify::visible', this._queueUpdateRegions.bind(this)); actorData.allocationId = actor.connect('notify::allocation', this._queueUpdateRegions.bind(this)); actorData.destroyId = actor.connect('destroy', this._untrackActor.bind(this)); // Note that destroying actor will unset its parent, so we don't // need to connect to 'destroy' too. this._trackedActors.push(actorData); this._updateActorVisibility(actorData); this._queueUpdateRegions(); }, _untrackActor(actor) { let i = this._findActor(actor); if (i == -1) return; let actorData = this._trackedActors[i]; this._trackedActors.splice(i, 1); actor.disconnect(actorData.visibleId); actor.disconnect(actorData.allocationId); actor.disconnect(actorData.destroyId); this._queueUpdateRegions(); }, _updateActorVisibility(actorData) { if (!actorData.trackFullscreen) return; let monitor = this.findMonitorForActor(actorData.actor); actorData.actor.visible = !(global.window_group.visible && monitor && monitor.inFullscreen); }, _updateVisibility() { let windowsVisible = Main.sessionMode.hasWindows && !this._inOverview; global.window_group.visible = windowsVisible; global.top_window_group.visible = windowsVisible; this._trackedActors.forEach(this._updateActorVisibility.bind(this)); }, getWorkAreaForMonitor(monitorIndex) { // Assume that all workspaces will have the same // struts and pick the first one. let ws = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(0); return ws.get_work_area_for_monitor(monitorIndex); }, // This call guarantees that we return some monitor to simplify usage of it // In practice all tracked actors should be visible on some monitor anyway findIndexForActor(actor) { let [x, y] = actor.get_transformed_position(); let [w, h] = actor.get_transformed_size(); let rect = new Meta.Rectangle({ x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h }); return global.screen.get_monitor_index_for_rect(rect); }, findMonitorForActor(actor) { let index = this.findIndexForActor(actor); if (index >= 0 && index < this.monitors.length) return this.monitors[index]; return null; }, _queueUpdateRegions() { if (this._startingUp) return; if (!this._updateRegionIdle) this._updateRegionIdle = Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, this._updateRegions.bind(this)); }, _getWindowActorsForWorkspace(workspace) { return global.get_window_actors().filter(actor => { let win = actor.meta_window; return win.located_on_workspace(workspace); }); }, _updateFullscreen() { this._updateVisibility(); this._queueUpdateRegions(); }, _windowsRestacked() { let changed = false; if (this._isPopupWindowVisible != global.top_window_group.get_children().some(isPopupMetaWindow)) changed = true; if (changed) { this._updateVisibility(); this._queueUpdateRegions(); } }, _updateRegions() { if (this._updateRegionIdle) { Meta.later_remove(this._updateRegionIdle); delete this._updateRegionIdle; } // No need to update when we have a modal. if (Main.modalCount > 0) return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; // Bug workaround - get_transformed_position()/get_transformed_size() don't work after // a change in stage size until the first pick or paint. // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=761565 global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.ALL, 0, 0); let rects = [], struts = [], i; let isPopupMenuVisible = global.top_window_group.get_children().some(isPopupMetaWindow); let wantsInputRegion = !isPopupMenuVisible; for (i = 0; i < this._trackedActors.length; i++) { let actorData = this._trackedActors[i]; if (!(actorData.affectsInputRegion && wantsInputRegion) && !actorData.affectsStruts) continue; let [x, y] = actorData.actor.get_transformed_position(); let [w, h] = actorData.actor.get_transformed_size(); x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); w = Math.round(w); h = Math.round(h); if (actorData.affectsInputRegion && wantsInputRegion && actorData.actor.get_paint_visibility()) rects.push(new Meta.Rectangle({ x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h })); let monitor = null; if (actorData.affectsStruts) monitor = this.findMonitorForActor(actorData.actor); if (monitor) { // Limit struts to the size of the screen let x1 = Math.max(x, 0); let x2 = Math.min(x + w, global.screen_width); let y1 = Math.max(y, 0); let y2 = Math.min(y + h, global.screen_height); // Metacity wants to know what side of the monitor the // strut is considered to be attached to. First, we find // the monitor that contains the strut. If the actor is // only touching one edge, or is touching the entire // border of that monitor, then it's obvious which side // to call it. If it's in a corner, we pick a side // arbitrarily. If it doesn't touch any edges, or it // spans the width/height across the middle of the // screen, then we don't create a strut for it at all. let side; if (x1 <= monitor.x && x2 >= monitor.x + monitor.width) { if (y1 <= monitor.y) side = Meta.Side.TOP; else if (y2 >= monitor.y + monitor.height) side = Meta.Side.BOTTOM; else continue; } else if (y1 <= monitor.y && y2 >= monitor.y + monitor.height) { if (x1 <= monitor.x) side = Meta.Side.LEFT; else if (x2 >= monitor.x + monitor.width) side = Meta.Side.RIGHT; else continue; } else if (x1 <= monitor.x) side = Meta.Side.LEFT; else if (y1 <= monitor.y) side = Meta.Side.TOP; else if (x2 >= monitor.x + monitor.width) side = Meta.Side.RIGHT; else if (y2 >= monitor.y + monitor.height) side = Meta.Side.BOTTOM; else continue; let strutRect = new Meta.Rectangle({ x: x1, y: y1, width: x2 - x1, height: y2 - y1}); let strut = new Meta.Strut({ rect: strutRect, side: side }); struts.push(strut); } } global.set_stage_input_region(rects); this._isPopupWindowVisible = isPopupMenuVisible; let screen = global.screen; for (let w = 0; w < screen.n_workspaces; w++) { let workspace = screen.get_workspace_by_index(w); workspace.set_builtin_struts(struts); } return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }, modalEnded() { // We don't update the stage input region while in a modal, // so queue an update now. this._queueUpdateRegions(); }, }); Signals.addSignalMethods(LayoutManager.prototype); // HotCorner: // // This class manages a "hot corner" that can toggle switching to // overview. var HotCorner = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'HotCorner', _init(layoutManager, monitor, x, y) { // We use this flag to mark the case where the user has entered the // hot corner and has not left both the hot corner and a surrounding // guard area (the "environs"). This avoids triggering the hot corner // multiple times due to an accidental jitter. this._entered = false; this._monitor = monitor; this._x = x; this._y = y; this._setupFallbackCornerIfNeeded(layoutManager); this._pressureBarrier = new PressureBarrier(HOT_CORNER_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD, HOT_CORNER_PRESSURE_TIMEOUT, Shell.ActionMode.NORMAL | Shell.ActionMode.OVERVIEW); this._pressureBarrier.connect('trigger', this._toggleOverview.bind(this)); // Cache the three ripples instead of dynamically creating and destroying them. this._ripple1 = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'ripple-box', opacity: 0, visible: false }); this._ripple2 = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'ripple-box', opacity: 0, visible: false }); this._ripple3 = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'ripple-box', opacity: 0, visible: false }); layoutManager.uiGroup.add_actor(this._ripple1); layoutManager.uiGroup.add_actor(this._ripple2); layoutManager.uiGroup.add_actor(this._ripple3); }, setBarrierSize(size) { if (this._verticalBarrier) { this._pressureBarrier.removeBarrier(this._verticalBarrier); this._verticalBarrier.destroy(); this._verticalBarrier = null; } if (this._horizontalBarrier) { this._pressureBarrier.removeBarrier(this._horizontalBarrier); this._horizontalBarrier.destroy(); this._horizontalBarrier = null; } if (size > 0) { if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { this._verticalBarrier = new Meta.Barrier({ display: global.display, x1: this._x, x2: this._x, y1: this._y, y2: this._y + size, directions: Meta.BarrierDirection.NEGATIVE_X }); this._horizontalBarrier = new Meta.Barrier({ display: global.display, x1: this._x - size, x2: this._x, y1: this._y, y2: this._y, directions: Meta.BarrierDirection.POSITIVE_Y }); } else { this._verticalBarrier = new Meta.Barrier({ display: global.display, x1: this._x, x2: this._x, y1: this._y, y2: this._y + size, directions: Meta.BarrierDirection.POSITIVE_X }); this._horizontalBarrier = new Meta.Barrier({ display: global.display, x1: this._x, x2: this._x + size, y1: this._y, y2: this._y, directions: Meta.BarrierDirection.POSITIVE_Y }); } this._pressureBarrier.addBarrier(this._verticalBarrier); this._pressureBarrier.addBarrier(this._horizontalBarrier); } }, _setupFallbackCornerIfNeeded(layoutManager) { if (!global.display.supports_extended_barriers()) { this.actor = new Clutter.Actor({ name: 'hot-corner-environs', x: this._x, y: this._y, width: 3, height: 3, reactive: true }); this._corner = new Clutter.Actor({ name: 'hot-corner', width: 1, height: 1, opacity: 0, reactive: true }); this._corner._delegate = this; this.actor.add_child(this._corner); layoutManager.addChrome(this.actor); if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { this._corner.set_position(this.actor.width - this._corner.width, 0); this.actor.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(Clutter.Gravity.NORTH_EAST); } else { this._corner.set_position(0, 0); } this.actor.connect('leave-event', this._onEnvironsLeft.bind(this)); this._corner.connect('enter-event', this._onCornerEntered.bind(this)); this._corner.connect('leave-event', this._onCornerLeft.bind(this)); } }, destroy() { this.setBarrierSize(0); this._pressureBarrier.destroy(); this._pressureBarrier = null; if (this.actor) this.actor.destroy(); }, _animRipple(ripple, delay, time, startScale, startOpacity, finalScale) { // We draw a ripple by using a source image and animating it scaling // outwards and fading away. We want the ripples to move linearly // or it looks unrealistic, but if the opacity of the ripple goes // linearly to zero it fades away too quickly, so we use Tweener's // 'onUpdate' to give a non-linear curve to the fade-away and make // it more visible in the middle section. ripple._opacity = startOpacity; if (ripple.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) ripple.set_anchor_point_from_gravity(Clutter.Gravity.NORTH_EAST); ripple.visible = true; ripple.opacity = 255 * Math.sqrt(startOpacity); ripple.scale_x = ripple.scale_y = startScale; ripple.x = this._x; ripple.y = this._y; Tweener.addTween(ripple, { _opacity: 0, scale_x: finalScale, scale_y: finalScale, delay: delay, time: time, transition: 'linear', onUpdate() { ripple.opacity = 255 * Math.sqrt(ripple._opacity); }, onComplete() { ripple.visible = false; } }); }, _rippleAnimation() { // Show three concentric ripples expanding outwards; the exact // parameters were found by trial and error, so don't look // for them to make perfect sense mathematically // delay time scale opacity => scale this._animRipple(this._ripple1, 0.0, 0.83, 0.25, 1.0, 1.5); this._animRipple(this._ripple2, 0.05, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.25); this._animRipple(this._ripple3, 0.35, 1.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1); }, _toggleOverview() { if (this._monitor.inFullscreen) return; if (Main.overview.shouldToggleByCornerOrButton()) { this._rippleAnimation(); Main.overview.toggle(); } }, handleDragOver(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (source != Main.xdndHandler) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; this._toggleOverview(); return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, _onCornerEntered() { if (!this._entered) { this._entered = true; this._toggleOverview(); } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, _onCornerLeft(actor, event) { if (event.get_related() != this.actor) this._entered = false; // Consume event, otherwise this will confuse onEnvironsLeft return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _onEnvironsLeft(actor, event) { if (event.get_related() != this._corner) this._entered = false; return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } }); var PressureBarrier = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'PressureBarrier', _init(threshold, timeout, actionMode) { this._threshold = threshold; this._timeout = timeout; this._actionMode = actionMode; this._barriers = []; this._eventFilter = null; this._isTriggered = false; this._reset(); }, addBarrier(barrier) { barrier._pressureHitId = barrier.connect('hit', this._onBarrierHit.bind(this)); barrier._pressureLeftId = barrier.connect('left', this._onBarrierLeft.bind(this)); this._barriers.push(barrier); }, _disconnectBarrier(barrier) { barrier.disconnect(barrier._pressureHitId); barrier.disconnect(barrier._pressureLeftId); }, removeBarrier(barrier) { this._disconnectBarrier(barrier); this._barriers.splice(this._barriers.indexOf(barrier), 1); }, destroy() { this._barriers.forEach(this._disconnectBarrier.bind(this)); this._barriers = []; }, setEventFilter(filter) { this._eventFilter = filter; }, _reset() { this._barrierEvents = []; this._currentPressure = 0; this._lastTime = 0; }, _isHorizontal(barrier) { return barrier.y1 == barrier.y2; }, _getDistanceAcrossBarrier(barrier, event) { if (this._isHorizontal(barrier)) return Math.abs(event.dy); else return Math.abs(event.dx); }, _getDistanceAlongBarrier(barrier, event) { if (this._isHorizontal(barrier)) return Math.abs(event.dx); else return Math.abs(event.dy); }, _trimBarrierEvents() { // Events are guaranteed to be sorted in time order from // oldest to newest, so just look for the first old event, // and then chop events after that off. let i = 0; let threshold = this._lastTime - this._timeout; while (i < this._barrierEvents.length) { let [time, distance] = this._barrierEvents[i]; if (time >= threshold) break; i++; } let firstNewEvent = i; for (i = 0; i < firstNewEvent; i++) { let [time, distance] = this._barrierEvents[i]; this._currentPressure -= distance; } this._barrierEvents = this._barrierEvents.slice(firstNewEvent); }, _onBarrierLeft(barrier, event) { barrier._isHit = false; if (this._barriers.every(b => !b._isHit)) { this._reset(); this._isTriggered = false; } }, _trigger() { this._isTriggered = true; this.emit('trigger'); this._reset(); }, _onBarrierHit(barrier, event) { barrier._isHit = true; // If we've triggered the barrier, wait until the pointer has the // left the barrier hitbox until we trigger it again. if (this._isTriggered) return; if (this._eventFilter && this._eventFilter(event)) return; // Throw out all events not in the proper keybinding mode if (!(this._actionMode & Main.actionMode)) return; let slide = this._getDistanceAlongBarrier(barrier, event); let distance = this._getDistanceAcrossBarrier(barrier, event); if (distance >= this._threshold) { this._trigger(); return; } // Throw out events where the cursor is move more // along the axis of the barrier than moving with // the barrier. if (slide > distance) return; this._lastTime = event.time; this._trimBarrierEvents(); distance = Math.min(15, distance); this._barrierEvents.push([event.time, distance]); this._currentPressure += distance; if (this._currentPressure >= this._threshold) this._trigger(); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(PressureBarrier.prototype);