// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported Panel */ const { Atk, Clutter, Gio, GLib, GObject, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const Cairo = imports.cairo; const Animation = imports.ui.animation; const Config = imports.misc.config; const CtrlAltTab = imports.ui.ctrlAltTab; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Overview = imports.ui.overview; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const Main = imports.ui.main; var PANEL_ICON_SIZE = 16; var APP_MENU_ICON_MARGIN = 0; var BUTTON_DND_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT = 250; // To make sure the panel corners blend nicely with the panel, // we draw background and borders the same way, e.g. drawing // them as filled shapes from the outside inwards instead of // using cairo stroke(). So in order to give the border the // appearance of being drawn on top of the background, we need // to blend border and background color together. // For that purpose we use the following helper methods, taken // from st-theme-node-drawing.c function _norm(x) { return Math.round(x / 255); } function _over(srcColor, dstColor) { let src = _premultiply(srcColor); let dst = _premultiply(dstColor); let result = new Clutter.Color(); result.alpha = src.alpha + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.alpha); result.red = src.red + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.red); result.green = src.green + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.green); result.blue = src.blue + _norm((255 - src.alpha) * dst.blue); return _unpremultiply(result); } function _premultiply(color) { return new Clutter.Color({ red: _norm(color.red * color.alpha), green: _norm(color.green * color.alpha), blue: _norm(color.blue * color.alpha), alpha: color.alpha }); } function _unpremultiply(color) { if (color.alpha == 0) return new Clutter.Color(); let red = Math.min((color.red * 255 + 127) / color.alpha, 255); let green = Math.min((color.green * 255 + 127) / color.alpha, 255); let blue = Math.min((color.blue * 255 + 127) / color.alpha, 255); return new Clutter.Color({ red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: color.alpha }); } class AppMenu extends PopupMenu.PopupMenu { constructor(sourceActor) { super(sourceActor, 0.5, St.Side.TOP); this.actor.add_style_class_name('app-menu'); this._app = null; this._appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); this._windowsChangedId = 0; /* Translators: This is the heading of a list of open windows */ this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem(_("Open Windows"))); this._windowSection = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(); this.addMenuItem(this._windowSection); this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._newWindowItem = this.addAction(_("New Window"), () => { this._app.open_new_window(-1); }); this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._actionSection = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuSection(); this.addMenuItem(this._actionSection); this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this._detailsItem = this.addAction(_("Show Details"), () => { let id = this._app.get_id(); let args = GLib.Variant.new('(ss)', [id, '']); Gio.DBus.get(Gio.BusType.SESSION, null, (o, res) => { let bus = Gio.DBus.get_finish(res); bus.call('org.gnome.Software', '/org/gnome/Software', 'org.gtk.Actions', 'Activate', GLib.Variant.new('(sava{sv})', ['details', [args], null]), null, 0, -1, null, null); }); }); this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); this.addAction(_("Quit"), () => { this._app.request_quit(); }); this._appSystem.connect('installed-changed', () => { this._updateDetailsVisibility(); }); this._updateDetailsVisibility(); } _updateDetailsVisibility() { let sw = this._appSystem.lookup_app('org.gnome.Software.desktop'); this._detailsItem.visible = (sw != null); } isEmpty() { if (!this._app) return true; return super.isEmpty(); } setApp(app) { if (this._app == app) return; if (this._windowsChangedId) this._app.disconnect(this._windowsChangedId); this._windowsChangedId = 0; this._app = app; if (app) { this._windowsChangedId = app.connect('windows-changed', () => { this._updateWindowsSection(); }); } this._updateWindowsSection(); let appInfo = app ? app.app_info : null; let actions = appInfo ? appInfo.list_actions() : []; this._actionSection.removeAll(); actions.forEach(action => { let label = appInfo.get_action_name(action); this._actionSection.addAction(label, event => { this._app.launch_action(action, event.get_time(), -1); }); }); this._newWindowItem.visible = app && app.can_open_new_window() && !actions.includes('new-window'); } _updateWindowsSection() { this._windowSection.removeAll(); if (!this._app) return; let windows = this._app.get_windows(); windows.forEach(window => { let title = window.title || this._app.get_name(); this._windowSection.addAction(title, event => { Main.activateWindow(window, event.get_time()); }); }); } } /** * AppMenuButton: * * This class manages the "application menu" component. It tracks the * currently focused application. However, when an app is launched, * this menu also handles startup notification for it. So when we * have an active startup notification, we switch modes to display that. */ var AppMenuButton = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'changed': {} }, }, class AppMenuButton extends PanelMenu.Button { _init(panel) { super._init(0.0, null, true); this.accessible_role = Atk.Role.MENU; this._startingApps = []; this._menuManager = panel.menuManager; this._targetApp = null; this._busyNotifyId = 0; let bin = new St.Bin({ name: 'appMenu' }); this.add_actor(bin); this.bind_property("reactive", this, "can-focus", 0); this.reactive = false; this._container = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'panel-status-menu-box' }); bin.set_child(this._container); let textureCache = St.TextureCache.get_default(); textureCache.connect('icon-theme-changed', this._onIconThemeChanged.bind(this)); let iconEffect = new Clutter.DesaturateEffect(); this._iconBox = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'app-menu-icon' }); this._iconBox.add_effect(iconEffect); this._container.add_actor(this._iconBox); this._iconBox.connect('style-changed', () => { let themeNode = this._iconBox.get_theme_node(); iconEffect.enabled = themeNode.get_icon_style() == St.IconStyle.SYMBOLIC; }); this._label = new St.Label({ y_expand: true, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER }); this._container.add_actor(this._label); this._arrow = PopupMenu.arrowIcon(St.Side.BOTTOM); this._container.add_actor(this._arrow); this._visible = !Main.overview.visible; if (!this._visible) this.hide(); this._overviewHidingId = Main.overview.connect('hiding', this._sync.bind(this)); this._overviewShowingId = Main.overview.connect('showing', this._sync.bind(this)); this._spinner = new Animation.Spinner(PANEL_ICON_SIZE, { animate: true, hideOnStop: true, }); this._container.add_actor(this._spinner.actor); let menu = new AppMenu(this); this.setMenu(menu); this._menuManager.addMenu(menu); let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); this._focusAppNotifyId = tracker.connect('notify::focus-app', this._focusAppChanged.bind(this)); this._appStateChangedSignalId = appSys.connect('app-state-changed', this._onAppStateChanged.bind(this)); this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId = global.window_manager.connect('switch-workspace', this._sync.bind(this)); this._sync(); } fadeIn() { if (this._visible) return; this._visible = true; this.reactive = true; this.show(); this.remove_all_transitions(); this.ease({ opacity: 255, duration: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD }); } fadeOut() { if (!this._visible) return; this._visible = false; this.reactive = false; this.remove_all_transitions(); this.ease({ opacity: 0, mode: Clutter.Animation.EASE_OUT_QUAD, duration: Overview.ANIMATION_TIME, onComplete: () => this.hide() }); } _syncIcon() { if (!this._targetApp) return; let icon = this._targetApp.create_icon_texture(PANEL_ICON_SIZE - APP_MENU_ICON_MARGIN); this._iconBox.set_child(icon); } _onIconThemeChanged() { if (this._iconBox.child == null) return; this._syncIcon(); } stopAnimation() { this._spinner.stop(); } startAnimation() { this._spinner.play(); } _onAppStateChanged(appSys, app) { let state = app.state; if (state != Shell.AppState.STARTING) this._startingApps = this._startingApps.filter(a => a != app); else if (state == Shell.AppState.STARTING) this._startingApps.push(app); // For now just resync on all running state changes; this is mainly to handle // cases where the focused window's application changes without the focus // changing. An example case is how we map OpenOffice.org based on the window // title which is a dynamic property. this._sync(); } _focusAppChanged() { let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); let focusedApp = tracker.focus_app; if (!focusedApp) { // If the app has just lost focus to the panel, pretend // nothing happened; otherwise you can't keynav to the // app menu. if (global.stage.key_focus != null) return; } this._sync(); } _findTargetApp() { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let workspace = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace(); let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); let focusedApp = tracker.focus_app; if (focusedApp && focusedApp.is_on_workspace(workspace)) return focusedApp; for (let i = 0; i < this._startingApps.length; i++) if (this._startingApps[i].is_on_workspace(workspace)) return this._startingApps[i]; return null; } _sync() { let targetApp = this._findTargetApp(); if (this._targetApp != targetApp) { if (this._busyNotifyId) { this._targetApp.disconnect(this._busyNotifyId); this._busyNotifyId = 0; } this._targetApp = targetApp; if (this._targetApp) { this._busyNotifyId = this._targetApp.connect('notify::busy', this._sync.bind(this)); this._label.set_text(this._targetApp.get_name()); this.set_accessible_name(this._targetApp.get_name()); } } let visible = (this._targetApp != null && !Main.overview.visibleTarget); if (visible) this.fadeIn(); else this.fadeOut(); let isBusy = (this._targetApp != null && (this._targetApp.get_state() == Shell.AppState.STARTING || this._targetApp.get_busy())); if (isBusy) this.startAnimation(); else this.stopAnimation(); this.reactive = (visible && !isBusy); this._syncIcon(); this.menu.setApp(this._targetApp); this.emit('changed'); } _onDestroy() { if (this._appStateChangedSignalId > 0) { let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); appSys.disconnect(this._appStateChangedSignalId); this._appStateChangedSignalId = 0; } if (this._focusAppNotifyId > 0) { let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); tracker.disconnect(this._focusAppNotifyId); this._focusAppNotifyId = 0; } if (this._overviewHidingId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._overviewHidingId); this._overviewHidingId = 0; } if (this._overviewShowingId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._overviewShowingId); this._overviewShowingId = 0; } if (this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId > 0) { global.window_manager.disconnect(this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId); this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId = 0; } super._onDestroy(); } }); var ActivitiesButton = GObject.registerClass( class ActivitiesButton extends PanelMenu.Button { _init() { super._init(0.0, null, true); this.accessible_role = Atk.Role.TOGGLE_BUTTON; this.name = 'panelActivities'; /* Translators: If there is no suitable word for "Activities" in your language, you can use the word for "Overview". */ this._label = new St.Label({ text: _("Activities"), y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER }); this.add_actor(this._label); this.label_actor = this._label; this.connect('captured-event', this._onCapturedEvent.bind(this)); this.connect_after('key-release-event', this._onKeyRelease.bind(this)); Main.overview.connect('showing', () => { this.add_style_pseudo_class('overview'); this.add_accessible_state (Atk.StateType.CHECKED); }); Main.overview.connect('hiding', () => { this.remove_style_pseudo_class('overview'); this.remove_accessible_state (Atk.StateType.CHECKED); }); this._xdndTimeOut = 0; } handleDragOver(source, _actor, _x, _y, _time) { if (source != Main.xdndHandler) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; if (this._xdndTimeOut != 0) GLib.source_remove(this._xdndTimeOut); this._xdndTimeOut = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, BUTTON_DND_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT, () => { this._xdndToggleOverview(); }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._xdndTimeOut, '[gnome-shell] this._xdndToggleOverview'); return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; } _onCapturedEvent(actor, event) { if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS || event.type() == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN) { if (!Main.overview.shouldToggleByCornerOrButton()) return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _onEvent(actor, event) { super._onEvent(actor, event); if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_END || event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE) if (Main.overview.shouldToggleByCornerOrButton()) Main.overview.toggle(); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _onKeyRelease(actor, event) { let symbol = event.get_key_symbol(); if (symbol == Clutter.KEY_Return || symbol == Clutter.KEY_space) { if (Main.overview.shouldToggleByCornerOrButton()) Main.overview.toggle(); } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _xdndToggleOverview() { let [x, y] = global.get_pointer(); let pickedActor = global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.REACTIVE, x, y); if (pickedActor == this && Main.overview.shouldToggleByCornerOrButton()) Main.overview.toggle(); GLib.source_remove(this._xdndTimeOut); this._xdndTimeOut = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; } }); var PanelCorner = class { constructor(side) { this._side = side; this.actor = new St.DrawingArea({ style_class: 'panel-corner' }); this.actor.connect('style-changed', this._styleChanged.bind(this)); this.actor.connect('repaint', this._repaint.bind(this)); } _findRightmostButton(container) { if (!container.get_children) return null; let children = container.get_children(); if (!children || children.length == 0) return null; // Start at the back and work backward let index; for (index = children.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (children[index].visible) break; } if (index < 0) return null; if (!(children[index].has_style_class_name('panel-menu')) && !(children[index].has_style_class_name('panel-button'))) return this._findRightmostButton(children[index]); return children[index]; } _findLeftmostButton(container) { if (!container.get_children) return null; let children = container.get_children(); if (!children || children.length == 0) return null; // Start at the front and work forward let index; for (index = 0; index < children.length; index++) { if (children[index].visible) break; } if (index == children.length) return null; if (!(children[index].has_style_class_name('panel-menu')) && !(children[index].has_style_class_name('panel-button'))) return this._findLeftmostButton(children[index]); return children[index]; } setStyleParent(box) { let side = this._side; let rtlAwareContainer = box instanceof St.BoxLayout; if (rtlAwareContainer && box.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { if (this._side == St.Side.LEFT) side = St.Side.RIGHT; else if (this._side == St.Side.RIGHT) side = St.Side.LEFT; } let button; if (side == St.Side.LEFT) button = this._findLeftmostButton(box); else if (side == St.Side.RIGHT) button = this._findRightmostButton(box); if (button) { if (this._button && this._buttonStyleChangedSignalId) { this._button.disconnect(this._buttonStyleChangedSignalId); this._button.style = null; } this._button = button; button.connect('destroy', () => { if (this._button == button) { this._button = null; this._buttonStyleChangedSignalId = 0; } }); // Synchronize the locate button's pseudo classes with this corner this._buttonStyleChangedSignalId = button.connect('style-changed', () => { let pseudoClass = button.get_style_pseudo_class(); this.actor.set_style_pseudo_class(pseudoClass); }); // The corner doesn't support theme transitions, so override // the .panel-button default button.style = 'transition-duration: 0ms'; } } _repaint() { let node = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let cornerRadius = node.get_length("-panel-corner-radius"); let borderWidth = node.get_length('-panel-corner-border-width'); let backgroundColor = node.get_color('-panel-corner-background-color'); let borderColor = node.get_color('-panel-corner-border-color'); let overlap = borderColor.alpha != 0; let offsetY = overlap ? 0 : borderWidth; let cr = this.actor.get_context(); cr.setOperator(Cairo.Operator.SOURCE); cr.moveTo(0, offsetY); if (this._side == St.Side.LEFT) cr.arc(cornerRadius, borderWidth + cornerRadius, cornerRadius, Math.PI, 3 * Math.PI / 2); else cr.arc(0, borderWidth + cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 3 * Math.PI / 2, 2 * Math.PI); cr.lineTo(cornerRadius, offsetY); cr.closePath(); let savedPath = cr.copyPath(); let xOffsetDirection = this._side == St.Side.LEFT ? -1 : 1; let over = _over(borderColor, backgroundColor); Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, over); cr.fill(); if (overlap) { let offset = borderWidth; Clutter.cairo_set_source_color(cr, backgroundColor); cr.save(); cr.translate(xOffsetDirection * offset, - offset); cr.appendPath(savedPath); cr.fill(); cr.restore(); } cr.$dispose(); } _styleChanged() { let node = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let cornerRadius = node.get_length("-panel-corner-radius"); let borderWidth = node.get_length('-panel-corner-border-width'); this.actor.set_size(cornerRadius, borderWidth + cornerRadius); this.actor.set_anchor_point(0, borderWidth); } }; var AggregateLayout = GObject.registerClass( class AggregateLayout extends Clutter.BoxLayout { _init(params = {}) { params['orientation'] = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL; super._init(params); this._sizeChildren = []; } addSizeChild(actor) { this._sizeChildren.push(actor); this.layout_changed(); } vfunc_get_preferred_width(container, forHeight) { let themeNode = container.get_theme_node(); let minWidth = themeNode.get_min_width(); let natWidth = minWidth; for (let i = 0; i < this._sizeChildren.length; i++) { let child = this._sizeChildren[i]; let [childMin, childNat] = child.get_preferred_width(forHeight); minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, childMin); natWidth = Math.max(natWidth, childNat); } return [minWidth, natWidth]; } }); var AggregateMenu = GObject.registerClass( class AggregateMenu extends PanelMenu.Button { _init() { super._init(0.0, C_("System menu in the top bar", "System"), false); this.menu.actor.add_style_class_name('aggregate-menu'); let menuLayout = new AggregateLayout(); this.menu.box.set_layout_manager(menuLayout); this._indicators = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'panel-status-indicators-box' }); this.add_child(this._indicators); if (Config.HAVE_NETWORKMANAGER) { this._network = new imports.ui.status.network.NMApplet(); } else { this._network = null; } if (Config.HAVE_BLUETOOTH) { this._bluetooth = new imports.ui.status.bluetooth.Indicator(); } else { this._bluetooth = null; } this._remoteAccess = new imports.ui.status.remoteAccess.RemoteAccessApplet(); this._power = new imports.ui.status.power.Indicator(); this._rfkill = new imports.ui.status.rfkill.Indicator(); this._volume = new imports.ui.status.volume.Indicator(); this._brightness = new imports.ui.status.brightness.Indicator(); this._system = new imports.ui.status.system.Indicator(); this._screencast = new imports.ui.status.screencast.Indicator(); this._location = new imports.ui.status.location.Indicator(); this._nightLight = new imports.ui.status.nightLight.Indicator(); this._thunderbolt = new imports.ui.status.thunderbolt.Indicator(); this._indicators.add_child(this._thunderbolt.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(this._screencast.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(this._location.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(this._nightLight.indicators); if (this._network) { this._indicators.add_child(this._network.indicators); } if (this._bluetooth) { this._indicators.add_child(this._bluetooth.indicators); } this._indicators.add_child(this._remoteAccess.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(this._rfkill.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(this._volume.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(this._power.indicators); this._indicators.add_child(PopupMenu.arrowIcon(St.Side.BOTTOM)); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._volume.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._brightness.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); if (this._network) { this.menu.addMenuItem(this._network.menu); } if (this._bluetooth) { this.menu.addMenuItem(this._bluetooth.menu); } this.menu.addMenuItem(this._remoteAccess.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._location.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._rfkill.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._power.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._nightLight.menu); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._system.menu); menuLayout.addSizeChild(this._location.menu.actor); menuLayout.addSizeChild(this._rfkill.menu.actor); menuLayout.addSizeChild(this._power.menu.actor); menuLayout.addSizeChild(this._system.buttonGroup); } }); const PANEL_ITEM_IMPLEMENTATIONS = { 'activities': ActivitiesButton, 'aggregateMenu': AggregateMenu, 'appMenu': AppMenuButton, 'dateMenu': imports.ui.dateMenu.DateMenuButton, 'a11y': imports.ui.status.accessibility.ATIndicator, 'keyboard': imports.ui.status.keyboard.InputSourceIndicator, 'dwellClick': imports.ui.status.dwellClick.DwellClickIndicator, }; var Panel = GObject.registerClass( class Panel extends St.Widget { _init() { super._init({ name: 'panel', reactive: true }); this.set_offscreen_redirect(Clutter.OffscreenRedirect.ALWAYS); this._sessionStyle = null; this.statusArea = {}; this.menuManager = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuManager(this); this._leftBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelLeft' }); this.add_child(this._leftBox); this._centerBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelCenter' }); this.add_child(this._centerBox); this._rightBox = new St.BoxLayout({ name: 'panelRight' }); this.add_child(this._rightBox); this._leftCorner = new PanelCorner(St.Side.LEFT); this.add_child(this._leftCorner.actor); this._rightCorner = new PanelCorner(St.Side.RIGHT); this.add_child(this._rightCorner.actor); this.connect('button-press-event', this._onButtonPress.bind(this)); this.connect('touch-event', this._onButtonPress.bind(this)); this.connect('key-press-event', this._onKeyPress.bind(this)); Main.overview.connect('showing', () => { this.add_style_pseudo_class('overview'); }); Main.overview.connect('hiding', () => { this.remove_style_pseudo_class('overview'); }); Main.layoutManager.panelBox.add(this); Main.ctrlAltTabManager.addGroup(this, _("Top Bar"), 'focus-top-bar-symbolic', { sortGroup: CtrlAltTab.SortGroup.TOP }); Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', this._updatePanel.bind(this)); global.display.connect('workareas-changed', () => this.queue_relayout()); this._updatePanel(); } vfunc_get_preferred_width(_forHeight) { let primaryMonitor = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; if (primaryMonitor) return [0, primaryMonitor.width]; return [0, 0]; } vfunc_allocate(box, flags) { this.set_allocation(box, flags); let allocWidth = box.x2 - box.x1; let allocHeight = box.y2 - box.y1; let [, leftNaturalWidth] = this._leftBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let [, centerNaturalWidth] = this._centerBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let [, rightNaturalWidth] = this._rightBox.get_preferred_width(-1); let sideWidth, centerWidth; centerWidth = centerNaturalWidth; // get workspace area and center date entry relative to it let monitor = Main.layoutManager.findMonitorForActor(this); let centerOffset = 0; if (monitor) { let workArea = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(monitor.index); centerOffset = 2 * (workArea.x - monitor.x) + workArea.width - monitor.width; } sideWidth = Math.max(0, (allocWidth - centerWidth + centerOffset) / 2); let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.y2 = allocHeight; if (this.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { childBox.x1 = Math.max(allocWidth - Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), leftNaturalWidth), 0); childBox.x2 = allocWidth; } else { childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), leftNaturalWidth); } this._leftBox.allocate(childBox, flags); childBox.x1 = Math.ceil(sideWidth); childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.x2 = childBox.x1 + centerWidth; childBox.y2 = allocHeight; this._centerBox.allocate(childBox, flags); childBox.y1 = 0; childBox.y2 = allocHeight; if (this.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), rightNaturalWidth); } else { childBox.x1 = Math.max(allocWidth - Math.min(Math.floor(sideWidth), rightNaturalWidth), 0); childBox.x2 = allocWidth; } this._rightBox.allocate(childBox, flags); let cornerWidth, cornerHeight; [, cornerWidth] = this._leftCorner.actor.get_preferred_width(-1); [, cornerHeight] = this._leftCorner.actor.get_preferred_height(-1); childBox.x1 = 0; childBox.x2 = cornerWidth; childBox.y1 = allocHeight; childBox.y2 = allocHeight + cornerHeight; this._leftCorner.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); [, cornerWidth] = this._rightCorner.actor.get_preferred_width(-1); [, cornerHeight] = this._rightCorner.actor.get_preferred_height(-1); childBox.x1 = allocWidth - cornerWidth; childBox.x2 = allocWidth; childBox.y1 = allocHeight; childBox.y2 = allocHeight + cornerHeight; this._rightCorner.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); } _onButtonPress(actor, event) { if (Main.modalCount > 0) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (event.get_source() != actor) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let type = event.type(); let isPress = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS; if (!isPress && type != Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let button = isPress ? event.get_button() : -1; if (isPress && button != 1) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords(); let dragWindow = this._getDraggableWindowForPosition(stageX); if (!dragWindow) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; global.display.begin_grab_op(dragWindow, Meta.GrabOp.MOVING, false, /* pointer grab */ true, /* frame action */ button, event.get_state(), event.get_time(), stageX, stageY); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } _onKeyPress(actor, event) { let symbol = event.get_key_symbol(); if (symbol == Clutter.KEY_Escape) { global.display.focus_default_window(event.get_time()); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _toggleMenu(indicator) { if (!indicator || !indicator.container.visible) return; // menu not supported by current session mode let menu = indicator.menu; if (!indicator.reactive) return; menu.toggle(); if (menu.isOpen) menu.actor.navigate_focus(null, St.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false); } toggleAppMenu() { this._toggleMenu(this.statusArea.appMenu); } toggleCalendar() { this._toggleMenu(this.statusArea.dateMenu); } closeCalendar() { let indicator = this.statusArea.dateMenu; if (!indicator) // calendar not supported by current session mode return; let menu = indicator.menu; if (!indicator.reactive) return; menu.close(); } set boxOpacity(value) { let isReactive = value > 0; this._leftBox.opacity = value; this._leftBox.reactive = isReactive; this._centerBox.opacity = value; this._centerBox.reactive = isReactive; this._rightBox.opacity = value; this._rightBox.reactive = isReactive; } get boxOpacity() { return this._leftBox.opacity; } _updatePanel() { let panel = Main.sessionMode.panel; this._hideIndicators(); this._updateBox(panel.left, this._leftBox); this._updateBox(panel.center, this._centerBox); this._updateBox(panel.right, this._rightBox); if (panel.left.includes('dateMenu')) Main.messageTray.bannerAlignment = Clutter.ActorAlign.START; else if (panel.right.includes('dateMenu')) Main.messageTray.bannerAlignment = Clutter.ActorAlign.END; // Default to center if there is no dateMenu else Main.messageTray.bannerAlignment = Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER; if (this._sessionStyle) this._removeStyleClassName(this._sessionStyle); this._sessionStyle = Main.sessionMode.panelStyle; if (this._sessionStyle) this._addStyleClassName(this._sessionStyle); if (this.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { this._leftCorner.setStyleParent(this._rightBox); this._rightCorner.setStyleParent(this._leftBox); } else { this._leftCorner.setStyleParent(this._leftBox); this._rightCorner.setStyleParent(this._rightBox); } } _hideIndicators() { for (let role in PANEL_ITEM_IMPLEMENTATIONS) { let indicator = this.statusArea[role]; if (!indicator) continue; indicator.container.hide(); } } _ensureIndicator(role) { let indicator = this.statusArea[role]; if (!indicator) { let constructor = PANEL_ITEM_IMPLEMENTATIONS[role]; if (!constructor) { // This icon is not implemented (this is a bug) return null; } indicator = new constructor(this); this.statusArea[role] = indicator; } return indicator; } _updateBox(elements, box) { let nChildren = box.get_n_children(); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { let role = elements[i]; let indicator = this._ensureIndicator(role); if (indicator == null) continue; this._addToPanelBox(role, indicator, i + nChildren, box); } } _addToPanelBox(role, indicator, position, box) { let container = indicator.container; container.show(); let parent = container.get_parent(); if (parent) parent.remove_actor(container); box.insert_child_at_index(container, position); if (indicator.menu) this.menuManager.addMenu(indicator.menu); this.statusArea[role] = indicator; let destroyId = indicator.connect('destroy', emitter => { delete this.statusArea[role]; emitter.disconnect(destroyId); }); indicator.connect('menu-set', this._onMenuSet.bind(this)); this._onMenuSet(indicator); } addToStatusArea(role, indicator, position, box) { if (this.statusArea[role]) throw new Error(`Extension point conflict: there is already a status indicator for role ${role}`); if (!(indicator instanceof PanelMenu.Button)) throw new TypeError('Status indicator must be an instance of PanelMenu.Button'); position = position || 0; let boxes = { left: this._leftBox, center: this._centerBox, right: this._rightBox }; let boxContainer = boxes[box] || this._rightBox; this.statusArea[role] = indicator; this._addToPanelBox(role, indicator, position, boxContainer); return indicator; } _addStyleClassName(className) { this.add_style_class_name(className); this._rightCorner.actor.add_style_class_name(className); this._leftCorner.actor.add_style_class_name(className); } _removeStyleClassName(className) { this.remove_style_class_name(className); this._rightCorner.actor.remove_style_class_name(className); this._leftCorner.actor.remove_style_class_name(className); } _onMenuSet(indicator) { if (!indicator.menu || indicator.menu._openChangedId) return; indicator.menu._openChangedId = indicator.menu.connect('open-state-changed', (menu, isOpen) => { let boxAlignment; if (this._leftBox.contains(indicator.container)) boxAlignment = Clutter.ActorAlign.START; else if (this._centerBox.contains(indicator.container)) boxAlignment = Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER; else if (this._rightBox.contains(indicator.container)) boxAlignment = Clutter.ActorAlign.END; if (boxAlignment == Main.messageTray.bannerAlignment) Main.messageTray.bannerBlocked = isOpen; }); } _getDraggableWindowForPosition(stageX) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let workspace = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace(); let allWindowsByStacking = global.display.sort_windows_by_stacking( workspace.list_windows() ).reverse(); return allWindowsByStacking.find(metaWindow => { let rect = metaWindow.get_frame_rect(); return metaWindow.is_on_primary_monitor() && metaWindow.showing_on_its_workspace() && metaWindow.get_window_type() != Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP && metaWindow.maximized_vertically && stageX > rect.x && stageX < rect.x + rect.width; }); } });