// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported GrabHelper */ const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const St = imports.gi.St; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Params = imports.misc.params; // GrabHelper: // @owner: the actor that owns the GrabHelper // @params: optional parameters to pass to Main.pushModal() // // Creates a new GrabHelper object, for dealing with keyboard and pointer grabs // associated with a set of actors. // // Note that the grab can be automatically dropped at any time by the user, and // your code just needs to deal with it; you shouldn't adjust behavior directly // after you call ungrab(), but instead pass an 'onUngrab' callback when you // call grab(). var GrabHelper = class GrabHelper { constructor(owner, params) { if (!(owner instanceof Clutter.Actor)) throw new Error('GrabHelper owner must be a Clutter.Actor'); this._owner = owner; this._modalParams = params; this._grabStack = []; this._ignoreUntilRelease = false; this._modalCount = 0; } _isWithinGrabbedActor(actor) { let currentActor = this.currentGrab.actor; while (actor) { if (actor == currentActor) return true; actor = actor.get_parent(); } return false; } get currentGrab() { return this._grabStack[this._grabStack.length - 1] || {}; } get grabbed() { return this._grabStack.length > 0; } get grabStack() { return this._grabStack; } _findStackIndex(actor) { if (!actor) return -1; for (let i = 0; i < this._grabStack.length; i++) { if (this._grabStack[i].actor === actor) return i; } return -1; } _actorInGrabStack(actor) { while (actor) { let idx = this._findStackIndex(actor); if (idx >= 0) return idx; actor = actor.get_parent(); } return -1; } isActorGrabbed(actor) { return this._findStackIndex(actor) >= 0; } // grab: // @params: A bunch of parameters, see below // // The general effect of a "grab" is to ensure that the passed in actor // and all actors inside the grab get exclusive control of the mouse and // keyboard, with the grab automatically being dropped if the user tries // to dismiss it. The actor is passed in through @params.actor. // // grab() can be called multiple times, with the scope of the grab being // changed to a different actor every time. A nested grab does not have // to have its grabbed actor inside the parent grab actors. // // Grabs can be automatically dropped if the user tries to dismiss it // in one of two ways: the user clicking outside the currently grabbed // actor, or the user typing the Escape key. // // If the user clicks outside the grabbed actors, and the clicked on // actor is part of a previous grab in the stack, grabs will be popped // until that grab is active. However, the click event will not be // replayed to the actor. // // If the user types the Escape key, one grab from the grab stack will // be popped. // // When a grab is popped by user interacting as described above, if you // pass a callback as @params.onUngrab, it will be called with %true. // // If @params.focus is not null, we'll set the key focus directly // to that actor instead of navigating in @params.actor. This is for // use cases like menus, where we want to grab the menu actor, but keep // focus on the clicked on menu item. grab(params) { params = Params.parse(params, { actor: null, focus: null, onUngrab: null, }); let focus = global.stage.key_focus; let hadFocus = focus && this._isWithinGrabbedActor(focus); let newFocus = params.actor; if (this.isActorGrabbed(params.actor)) return true; params.savedFocus = focus; if (!this._takeModalGrab()) return false; this._grabStack.push(params); if (params.focus) { params.focus.grab_key_focus(); } else if (newFocus && hadFocus) { if (!newFocus.navigate_focus(null, St.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false)) newFocus.grab_key_focus(); } return true; } grabAsync(params) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { params.onUngrab = resolve; if (!this.grab(params)) reject(new Error('Grab failed')); }); } _takeModalGrab() { let firstGrab = this._modalCount == 0; if (firstGrab) { let grab = Main.pushModal(this._owner, this._modalParams); if (grab.get_seat_state() !== Clutter.GrabState.ALL) { Main.popModal(grab); return false; } this._grab = grab; this._capturedEventId = this._owner.connect('captured-event', (actor, event) => { return this.onCapturedEvent(event); }); } this._modalCount++; return true; } _releaseModalGrab() { this._modalCount--; if (this._modalCount > 0) return; this._owner.disconnect(this._capturedEventId); this._ignoreUntilRelease = false; Main.popModal(this._grab); this._grab = null; } // ignoreRelease: // // Make sure that the next button release event evaluated by the // capture event handler returns false. This is designed for things // like the ComboBoxMenu that go away on press, but need to eat // the next release event. ignoreRelease() { this._ignoreUntilRelease = true; } // ungrab: // @params: The parameters for the grab; see below. // // Pops @params.actor from the grab stack, potentially dropping // the grab. If the actor is not on the grab stack, this call is // ignored with no ill effects. // // If the actor is not at the top of the grab stack, grabs are // popped until the grabbed actor is at the top of the grab stack. // The onUngrab callback for every grab is called for every popped // grab with the parameter %false. ungrab(params) { params = Params.parse(params, { actor: this.currentGrab.actor, isUser: false, }); let grabStackIndex = this._findStackIndex(params.actor); if (grabStackIndex < 0) return; let focus = global.stage.key_focus; let hadFocus = focus && this._isWithinGrabbedActor(focus); let poppedGrabs = this._grabStack.slice(grabStackIndex); // "Pop" all newly ungrabbed actors off the grab stack // by truncating the array. this._grabStack.length = grabStackIndex; for (let i = poppedGrabs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let poppedGrab = poppedGrabs[i]; if (poppedGrab.onUngrab) poppedGrab.onUngrab(params.isUser); this._releaseModalGrab(); } if (hadFocus) { let poppedGrab = poppedGrabs[0]; if (poppedGrab.savedFocus) poppedGrab.savedFocus.grab_key_focus(); } } onCapturedEvent(event) { let type = event.type(); if (type == Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS && event.get_key_symbol() == Clutter.KEY_Escape) { this.ungrab({ isUser: true }); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } let motion = type == Clutter.EventType.MOTION; let press = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS; let release = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE; let button = press || release; let touchUpdate = type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_UPDATE; let touchBegin = type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN; let touchEnd = type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_END; let touch = touchUpdate || touchBegin || touchEnd; if (touch && !global.display.is_pointer_emulating_sequence(event.get_event_sequence())) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (this._ignoreUntilRelease && (motion || release || touch)) { if (release || touchEnd) this._ignoreUntilRelease = false; return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } const targetActor = global.stage.get_event_actor(event); if (type === Clutter.EventType.ENTER || type === Clutter.EventType.LEAVE || this.currentGrab.actor.contains(targetActor)) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (Main.keyboard.maybeHandleEvent(event)) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (button || touchBegin) { // If we have a press event, ignore the next // motion/release events. if (press || touchBegin) this._ignoreUntilRelease = true; let i = this._actorInGrabStack(targetActor) + 1; this.ungrab({ actor: this._grabStack[i].actor, isUser: true }); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } };