// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported componentManager, notificationDaemon, windowAttentionHandler, ctrlAltTabManager, padOsdService, osdWindowManager, osdMonitorLabeler, shellMountOpDBusService, shellDBusService, shellAccessDialogDBusService, shellAudioSelectionDBusService, screenSaverDBus, uiGroup, magnifier, xdndHandler, keyboard, kbdA11yDialog, introspectService, start, pushModal, popModal, activateWindow, moveWindowToMonitorAndWorkspace, createLookingGlass, initializeDeferredWork, getThemeStylesheet, setThemeStylesheet, screenshotUI */ const { Clutter, Gio, GLib, GObject, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const AccessDialog = imports.ui.accessDialog; const AudioDeviceSelection = imports.ui.audioDeviceSelection; const Components = imports.ui.components; const CtrlAltTab = imports.ui.ctrlAltTab; const EndSessionDialog = imports.ui.endSessionDialog; const ExtensionSystem = imports.ui.extensionSystem; const ExtensionDownloader = imports.ui.extensionDownloader; const InputMethod = imports.misc.inputMethod; const Introspect = imports.misc.introspect; const Keyboard = imports.ui.keyboard; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const ModalDialog = imports.ui.modalDialog; const OsdWindow = imports.ui.osdWindow; const OsdMonitorLabeler = imports.ui.osdMonitorLabeler; const Overview = imports.ui.overview; const PadOsd = imports.ui.padOsd; const Panel = imports.ui.panel; const Params = imports.misc.params; const RunDialog = imports.ui.runDialog; const WelcomeDialog = imports.ui.welcomeDialog; const Layout = imports.ui.layout; const LoginManager = imports.misc.loginManager; const LookingGlass = imports.ui.lookingGlass; const NotificationDaemon = imports.ui.notificationDaemon; const WindowAttentionHandler = imports.ui.windowAttentionHandler; const Screenshot = imports.ui.screenshot; const ScreenShield = imports.ui.screenShield; const Scripting = imports.ui.scripting; const SessionMode = imports.ui.sessionMode; const ShellDBus = imports.ui.shellDBus; const ShellMountOperation = imports.ui.shellMountOperation; const WindowManager = imports.ui.windowManager; const Magnifier = imports.ui.magnifier; const XdndHandler = imports.ui.xdndHandler; const KbdA11yDialog = imports.ui.kbdA11yDialog; const LocatePointer = imports.ui.locatePointer; const PointerA11yTimeout = imports.ui.pointerA11yTimeout; const ParentalControlsManager = imports.misc.parentalControlsManager; const Config = imports.misc.config; const Util = imports.misc.util; const WELCOME_DIALOG_LAST_SHOWN_VERSION = 'welcome-dialog-last-shown-version'; // Make sure to mention the point release, otherwise it will show every time // until this version is current const WELCOME_DIALOG_LAST_TOUR_CHANGE = '40.beta'; const LOG_DOMAIN = 'GNOME Shell'; const GNOMESHELL_STARTED_MESSAGE_ID = 'f3ea493c22934e26811cd62abe8e203a'; var componentManager = null; var extensionManager = null; var panel = null; var overview = null; var runDialog = null; var lookingGlass = null; var welcomeDialog = null; var wm = null; var messageTray = null; var screenShield = null; var notificationDaemon = null; var windowAttentionHandler = null; var ctrlAltTabManager = null; var padOsdService = null; var osdWindowManager = null; var osdMonitorLabeler = null; var sessionMode = null; var screenshotUI = null; var shellAccessDialogDBusService = null; var shellAudioSelectionDBusService = null; var shellDBusService = null; var shellMountOpDBusService = null; var screenSaverDBus = null; var modalCount = 0; var actionMode = Shell.ActionMode.NONE; var modalActorFocusStack = []; var uiGroup = null; var magnifier = null; var xdndHandler = null; var keyboard = null; var layoutManager = null; var kbdA11yDialog = null; var inputMethod = null; var introspectService = null; var locatePointer = null; let _startDate; let _defaultCssStylesheet = null; let _cssStylesheet = null; let _themeResource = null; let _oskResource = null; let _iconResource = null; Gio._promisify(Gio.File.prototype, 'delete_async'); Gio._promisify(Gio.File.prototype, 'touch_async'); let _remoteAccessInhibited = false; function _sessionUpdated() { if (sessionMode.isPrimary) _loadDefaultStylesheet(); wm.allowKeybinding('overlay-key', Shell.ActionMode.NORMAL | Shell.ActionMode.OVERVIEW); wm.allowKeybinding('locate-pointer-key', Shell.ActionMode.ALL); wm.setCustomKeybindingHandler('panel-run-dialog', Shell.ActionMode.NORMAL | Shell.ActionMode.OVERVIEW, sessionMode.hasRunDialog ? openRunDialog : null); if (!sessionMode.hasRunDialog) { if (runDialog) runDialog.close(); if (lookingGlass) lookingGlass.close(); if (welcomeDialog) welcomeDialog.close(); } let remoteAccessController = global.backend.get_remote_access_controller(); if (remoteAccessController && !global.backend.is_headless()) { if (sessionMode.allowScreencast && _remoteAccessInhibited) { remoteAccessController.uninhibit_remote_access(); _remoteAccessInhibited = false; } else if (!sessionMode.allowScreencast && !_remoteAccessInhibited) { remoteAccessController.inhibit_remote_access(); _remoteAccessInhibited = true; } } } /** * @param {any...} args a list of values to log */ function _loggingFunc(...args) { let fields = { 'MESSAGE': args.join(', ') }; let domain = 'GNOME Shell'; // If the caller is an extension, add it as metadata let extension = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); if (extension != null) { domain = extension.metadata.name; fields['GNOME_SHELL_EXTENSION_UUID'] = extension.uuid; fields['GNOME_SHELL_EXTENSION_NAME'] = extension.metadata.name; } GLib.log_structured(domain, GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_MESSAGE, fields); } function start() { globalThis.log = _loggingFunc; // These are here so we don't break compatibility. global.logError = globalThis.log; global.log = globalThis.log; // Chain up async errors reported from C global.connect('notify-error', (global, msg, detail) => { notifyError(msg, detail); }); let currentDesktop = GLib.getenv('XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'); if (!currentDesktop || !currentDesktop.split(':').includes('GNOME')) Gio.DesktopAppInfo.set_desktop_env('GNOME'); sessionMode = new SessionMode.SessionMode(); sessionMode.connect('updated', _sessionUpdated); St.Settings.get().connect('notify::high-contrast', _loadDefaultStylesheet); // Initialize ParentalControlsManager before the UI ParentalControlsManager.getDefault(); _initializeUI(); shellAccessDialogDBusService = new AccessDialog.AccessDialogDBus(); shellAudioSelectionDBusService = new AudioDeviceSelection.AudioDeviceSelectionDBus(); shellDBusService = new ShellDBus.GnomeShell(); shellMountOpDBusService = new ShellMountOperation.GnomeShellMountOpHandler(); const watchId = Gio.DBus.session.watch_name('org.gnome.Shell.Notifications', Gio.BusNameWatcherFlags.AUTO_START, bus => bus.unwatch_name(watchId), bus => bus.unwatch_name(watchId)); _sessionUpdated(); } function _initializeUI() { // Ensure ShellWindowTracker and ShellAppUsage are initialized; this will // also initialize ShellAppSystem first. ShellAppSystem // needs to load all the .desktop files, and ShellWindowTracker // will use those to associate with windows. Right now // the Monitor doesn't listen for installed app changes // and recalculate application associations, so to avoid // races for now we initialize it here. It's better to // be predictable anyways. Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); Shell.AppUsage.get_default(); reloadThemeResource(); _loadIcons(); _loadOskLayouts(); _loadDefaultStylesheet(); new AnimationsSettings(); // Setup the stage hierarchy early layoutManager = new Layout.LayoutManager(); // Various parts of the codebase still refer to Main.uiGroup // instead of using the layoutManager. This keeps that code // working until it's updated. uiGroup = layoutManager.uiGroup; padOsdService = new PadOsd.PadOsdService(); xdndHandler = new XdndHandler.XdndHandler(); ctrlAltTabManager = new CtrlAltTab.CtrlAltTabManager(); osdWindowManager = new OsdWindow.OsdWindowManager(); osdMonitorLabeler = new OsdMonitorLabeler.OsdMonitorLabeler(); overview = new Overview.Overview(); kbdA11yDialog = new KbdA11yDialog.KbdA11yDialog(); wm = new WindowManager.WindowManager(); magnifier = new Magnifier.Magnifier(); locatePointer = new LocatePointer.LocatePointer(); if (LoginManager.canLock()) screenShield = new ScreenShield.ScreenShield(); inputMethod = new InputMethod.InputMethod(); Clutter.get_default_backend().set_input_method(inputMethod); screenshotUI = new Screenshot.ScreenshotUI(); messageTray = new MessageTray.MessageTray(); panel = new Panel.Panel(); keyboard = new Keyboard.KeyboardManager(); notificationDaemon = new NotificationDaemon.NotificationDaemon(); windowAttentionHandler = new WindowAttentionHandler.WindowAttentionHandler(); componentManager = new Components.ComponentManager(); introspectService = new Introspect.IntrospectService(); layoutManager.init(); overview.init(); new PointerA11yTimeout.PointerA11yTimeout(); global.connect('locate-pointer', () => { locatePointer.show(); }); global.display.connect('show-restart-message', (display, message) => { showRestartMessage(message); return true; }); global.display.connect('restart', () => { global.reexec_self(); return true; }); global.display.connect('gl-video-memory-purged', loadTheme); global.context.connect('notify::unsafe-mode', () => { if (!global.context.unsafe_mode) return; // we're safe if (lookingGlass?.isOpen) return; // assume user action const source = new MessageTray.SystemNotificationSource(); messageTray.add(source); const notification = new MessageTray.Notification(source, _('System was put in unsafe mode'), _('Apps now have unrestricted access')); notification.addAction(_('Undo'), () => (global.context.unsafe_mode = false)); notification.setTransient(true); source.showNotification(notification); }); // Provide the bus object for gnome-session to // initiate logouts. EndSessionDialog.init(); // We're ready for the session manager to move to the next phase GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, () => { Shell.util_sd_notify(); global.context.notify_ready(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); _startDate = new Date(); ExtensionDownloader.init(); extensionManager = new ExtensionSystem.ExtensionManager(); extensionManager.init(); if (sessionMode.isGreeter && screenShield) { layoutManager.connect('startup-prepared', () => { screenShield.showDialog(); }); } let perfModule; const perfModuleName = GLib.getenv('SHELL_PERF_MODULE'); if (perfModuleName) { perfModule = eval(`imports.perf.${perfModuleName};`); if (perfModule.init) perfModule.init(); } layoutManager.connect('startup-complete', () => { if (actionMode == Shell.ActionMode.NONE) actionMode = Shell.ActionMode.NORMAL; if (screenShield) screenShield.lockIfWasLocked(); if (sessionMode.currentMode != 'gdm' && sessionMode.currentMode != 'initial-setup') { GLib.log_structured(LOG_DOMAIN, GLib.LogLevelFlags.LEVEL_MESSAGE, { 'MESSAGE': `GNOME Shell started at ${_startDate}`, 'MESSAGE_ID': GNOMESHELL_STARTED_MESSAGE_ID, }); } if (!perfModule) { let credentials = new Gio.Credentials(); if (credentials.get_unix_user() === 0) { notify( _('Logged in as a privileged user'), _('Running a session as a privileged user should be avoided for security reasons. If possible, you should log in as a normal user.')); } else if (sessionMode.showWelcomeDialog) { _handleShowWelcomeScreen(); } } if (sessionMode.currentMode !== 'gdm' && sessionMode.currentMode !== 'initial-setup') _handleLockScreenWarning(); LoginManager.registerSessionWithGDM(); if (perfModule) { let perfOutput = GLib.getenv("SHELL_PERF_OUTPUT"); Scripting.runPerfScript(perfModule, perfOutput); } }); } function _handleShowWelcomeScreen() { const lastShownVersion = global.settings.get_string(WELCOME_DIALOG_LAST_SHOWN_VERSION); if (Util.GNOMEversionCompare(WELCOME_DIALOG_LAST_TOUR_CHANGE, lastShownVersion) > 0) { openWelcomeDialog(); global.settings.set_string(WELCOME_DIALOG_LAST_SHOWN_VERSION, Config.PACKAGE_VERSION); } } async function _handleLockScreenWarning() { const path = `${global.userdatadir}/lock-warning-shown`; const file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path); const hasLockScreen = screenShield !== null; if (hasLockScreen) { try { await file.delete_async(0, null); } catch (e) { if (!e.matches(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.NOT_FOUND)) logError(e); } } else { try { if (!await file.touch_async()) return; } catch (e) { logError(e); } notify( _('Screen Lock disabled'), _('Screen Locking requires the GNOME display manager.')); } } function _getStylesheet(name) { let stylesheet; stylesheet = Gio.File.new_for_uri(`resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/${name}`); if (stylesheet.query_exists(null)) return stylesheet; let dataDirs = GLib.get_system_data_dirs(); for (let i = 0; i < dataDirs.length; i++) { let path = GLib.build_filenamev([dataDirs[i], 'gnome-shell', 'theme', name]); stylesheet = Gio.file_new_for_path(path); if (stylesheet.query_exists(null)) return stylesheet; } stylesheet = Gio.File.new_for_path(`${global.datadir}/theme/${name}`); if (stylesheet.query_exists(null)) return stylesheet; return null; } function _getDefaultStylesheet() { let stylesheet = null; let name = sessionMode.stylesheetName; // Look for a high-contrast variant first if (St.Settings.get().high_contrast) stylesheet = _getStylesheet(name.replace('.css', '-high-contrast.css')); if (stylesheet == null) stylesheet = _getStylesheet(sessionMode.stylesheetName); return stylesheet; } function _loadDefaultStylesheet() { let stylesheet = _getDefaultStylesheet(); if (_defaultCssStylesheet && _defaultCssStylesheet.equal(stylesheet)) return; _defaultCssStylesheet = stylesheet; loadTheme(); } /** * getThemeStylesheet: * * Get the theme CSS file that the shell will load * * @returns {?Gio.File}: A #GFile that contains the theme CSS, * null if using the default */ function getThemeStylesheet() { return _cssStylesheet; } /** * setThemeStylesheet: * @param {string=} cssStylesheet: A file path that contains the theme CSS, * set it to null to use the default * * Set the theme CSS file that the shell will load */ function setThemeStylesheet(cssStylesheet) { _cssStylesheet = cssStylesheet ? Gio.File.new_for_path(cssStylesheet) : null; } function reloadThemeResource() { if (_themeResource) _themeResource._unregister(); _themeResource = Gio.Resource.load( `${global.datadir}/${sessionMode.themeResourceName}`); _themeResource._register(); } /** @private */ function _loadIcons() { _iconResource = Gio.Resource.load(`${global.datadir}/gnome-shell-icons.gresource`); _iconResource._register(); } function _loadOskLayouts() { _oskResource = Gio.Resource.load(`${global.datadir}/gnome-shell-osk-layouts.gresource`); _oskResource._register(); } /** * loadTheme: * * Reloads the theme CSS file */ function loadTheme() { let themeContext = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); let previousTheme = themeContext.get_theme(); let theme = new St.Theme({ application_stylesheet: _cssStylesheet, default_stylesheet: _defaultCssStylesheet, }); if (theme.default_stylesheet == null) throw new Error(`No valid stylesheet found for '${sessionMode.stylesheetName}'`); if (previousTheme) { let customStylesheets = previousTheme.get_custom_stylesheets(); for (let i = 0; i < customStylesheets.length; i++) theme.load_stylesheet(customStylesheets[i]); } themeContext.set_theme(theme); } /** * notify: * @param {string} msg: A message * @param {string} details: Additional information */ function notify(msg, details) { let source = new MessageTray.SystemNotificationSource(); messageTray.add(source); let notification = new MessageTray.Notification(source, msg, details); notification.setTransient(true); source.showNotification(notification); } /** * notifyError: * @param {string} msg: An error message * @param {string} details: Additional information * * See shell_global_notify_problem(). */ function notifyError(msg, details) { // Also print to stderr so it's logged somewhere if (details) console.warn(`error: ${msg}: ${details}`); else console.warn(`error: ${msg}`); notify(msg, details); } /** * _findModal: * * @param {Clutter.Grab} grab - grab * * Private function. * */ function _findModal(grab) { for (let i = 0; i < modalActorFocusStack.length; i++) { if (modalActorFocusStack[i].grab === grab) return i; } return -1; } /** * pushModal: * @param {Clutter.Actor} actor: actor which will be given keyboard focus * @param {Object=} params: optional parameters * * Ensure we are in a mode where all keyboard and mouse input goes to * the stage, and focus @actor. Multiple calls to this function act in * a stacking fashion; the effect will be undone when an equal number * of popModal() invocations have been made. * * Next, record the current Clutter keyboard focus on a stack. If the * modal stack returns to this actor, reset the focus to the actor * which was focused at the time pushModal() was invoked. * * @params may be used to provide the following parameters: * - timestamp: used to associate the call with a specific user initiated * event. If not provided then the value of * global.get_current_time() is assumed. * * - options: Meta.ModalOptions flags to indicate that the pointer is * already grabbed * * - actionMode: used to set the current Shell.ActionMode to filter * global keybindings; the default of NONE will filter * out all keybindings * * @returns {Clutter.Grab}: the grab handle created */ function pushModal(actor, params) { params = Params.parse(params, { timestamp: global.get_current_time(), options: 0, actionMode: Shell.ActionMode.NONE, }); let grab = global.stage.grab(actor); if (modalCount === 0) Meta.disable_unredirect_for_display(global.display); modalCount += 1; let actorDestroyId = actor.connect('destroy', () => { let index = _findModal(grab); if (index >= 0) popModal(grab); }); let prevFocus = global.stage.get_key_focus(); let prevFocusDestroyId; if (prevFocus != null) { prevFocusDestroyId = prevFocus.connect('destroy', () => { const index = modalActorFocusStack.findIndex( record => record.prevFocus === prevFocus); if (index >= 0) modalActorFocusStack[index].prevFocus = null; }); } modalActorFocusStack.push({ actor, grab, destroyId: actorDestroyId, prevFocus, prevFocusDestroyId, actionMode, }); actionMode = params.actionMode; global.stage.set_key_focus(actor); return grab; } /** * popModal: * @param {Clutter.Grab} grab - the grab given by pushModal() * @param {number=} timestamp - optional timestamp * * Reverse the effect of pushModal(). If this invocation is undoing * the topmost invocation, then the focus will be restored to the * previous focus at the time when pushModal() was invoked. * * @timestamp is optionally used to associate the call with a specific user * initiated event. If not provided then the value of * global.get_current_time() is assumed. */ function popModal(grab, timestamp) { if (timestamp == undefined) timestamp = global.get_current_time(); let focusIndex = _findModal(grab); if (focusIndex < 0) { global.stage.set_key_focus(null); actionMode = Shell.ActionMode.NORMAL; throw new Error('incorrect pop'); } modalCount -= 1; let record = modalActorFocusStack[focusIndex]; record.actor.disconnect(record.destroyId); record.grab.dismiss(); if (focusIndex == modalActorFocusStack.length - 1) { if (record.prevFocus) record.prevFocus.disconnect(record.prevFocusDestroyId); actionMode = record.actionMode; global.stage.set_key_focus(record.prevFocus); } else { // If we have: // global.stage.set_focus(a); // Main.pushModal(b); // Main.pushModal(c); // Main.pushModal(d); // // then we have the stack: // [{ prevFocus: a, actor: b }, // { prevFocus: b, actor: c }, // { prevFocus: c, actor: d }] // // When actor c is destroyed/popped, if we only simply remove the // record, then the focus stack will be [a, c], rather than the correct // [a, b]. Shift the focus stack up before removing the record to ensure // that we get the correct result. let t = modalActorFocusStack[modalActorFocusStack.length - 1]; if (t.prevFocus) t.prevFocus.disconnect(t.prevFocusDestroyId); // Remove from the middle, shift the focus chain up for (let i = modalActorFocusStack.length - 1; i > focusIndex; i--) { modalActorFocusStack[i].prevFocus = modalActorFocusStack[i - 1].prevFocus; modalActorFocusStack[i].prevFocusDestroyId = modalActorFocusStack[i - 1].prevFocusDestroyId; modalActorFocusStack[i].actionMode = modalActorFocusStack[i - 1].actionMode; } } modalActorFocusStack.splice(focusIndex, 1); if (modalCount > 0) return; layoutManager.modalEnded(); Meta.enable_unredirect_for_display(global.display); actionMode = Shell.ActionMode.NORMAL; } function createLookingGlass() { if (lookingGlass == null) lookingGlass = new LookingGlass.LookingGlass(); return lookingGlass; } function openRunDialog() { if (runDialog == null) runDialog = new RunDialog.RunDialog(); runDialog.open(); } function openWelcomeDialog() { if (welcomeDialog === null) welcomeDialog = new WelcomeDialog.WelcomeDialog(); welcomeDialog.open(); } /** * activateWindow: * @param {Meta.Window} window: the window to activate * @param {number=} time: current event time * @param {number=} workspaceNum: window's workspace number * * Activates @window, switching to its workspace first if necessary, * and switching out of the overview if it's currently active */ function activateWindow(window, time, workspaceNum) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; let activeWorkspaceNum = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); let windowWorkspaceNum = workspaceNum !== undefined ? workspaceNum : window.get_workspace().index(); if (!time) time = global.get_current_time(); if (windowWorkspaceNum != activeWorkspaceNum) { let workspace = workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(windowWorkspaceNum); workspace.activate_with_focus(window, time); } else { window.activate(time); } overview.hide(); panel.closeCalendar(); } /** * Move @window to the specified monitor and workspace. * * @param {Meta.Window} window - the window to move * @param {number} monitorIndex - the requested monitor * @param {number} workspaceIndex - the requested workspace * @param {bool} append - create workspace if it doesn't exist */ function moveWindowToMonitorAndWorkspace(window, monitorIndex, workspaceIndex, append = false) { // We need to move the window before changing the workspace, because // the move itself could cause a workspace change if the window enters // the primary monitor if (window.get_monitor() !== monitorIndex) { // Wait for the monitor change to take effect const id = global.display.connect('window-entered-monitor', (dsp, num, w) => { if (w !== window) return; window.change_workspace_by_index(workspaceIndex, append); global.display.disconnect(id); }); window.move_to_monitor(monitorIndex); } else { window.change_workspace_by_index(workspaceIndex, append); } } // TODO - replace this timeout with some system to guess when the user might // be e.g. just reading the screen and not likely to interact. var DEFERRED_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 20; var _deferredWorkData = {}; // Work scheduled for some point in the future var _deferredWorkQueue = []; // Work we need to process before the next redraw var _beforeRedrawQueue = []; // Counter to assign work ids var _deferredWorkSequence = 0; var _deferredTimeoutId = 0; function _runDeferredWork(workId) { if (!_deferredWorkData[workId]) return; let index = _deferredWorkQueue.indexOf(workId); if (index < 0) return; _deferredWorkQueue.splice(index, 1); _deferredWorkData[workId].callback(); if (_deferredWorkQueue.length == 0 && _deferredTimeoutId > 0) { GLib.source_remove(_deferredTimeoutId); _deferredTimeoutId = 0; } } function _runAllDeferredWork() { while (_deferredWorkQueue.length > 0) _runDeferredWork(_deferredWorkQueue[0]); } function _runBeforeRedrawQueue() { for (let i = 0; i < _beforeRedrawQueue.length; i++) { let workId = _beforeRedrawQueue[i]; _runDeferredWork(workId); } _beforeRedrawQueue = []; } function _queueBeforeRedraw(workId) { _beforeRedrawQueue.push(workId); if (_beforeRedrawQueue.length == 1) { const laters = global.compositor.get_laters(); laters.add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { _runBeforeRedrawQueue(); return false; }); } } /** * initializeDeferredWork: * @param {Clutter.Actor} actor: an actor * @param {callback} callback: Function to invoke to perform work * * This function sets up a callback to be invoked when either the * given actor is mapped, or after some period of time when the machine * is idle. This is useful if your actor isn't always visible on the * screen (for example, all actors in the overview), and you don't want * to consume resources updating if the actor isn't actually going to be * displaying to the user. * * Note that queueDeferredWork is called by default immediately on * initialization as well, under the assumption that new actors * will need it. * * @returns {string}: A string work identifier */ function initializeDeferredWork(actor, callback) { // Turn into a string so we can use as an object property let workId = `${++_deferredWorkSequence}`; _deferredWorkData[workId] = { actor, callback, }; actor.connect('notify::mapped', () => { if (!(actor.mapped && _deferredWorkQueue.includes(workId))) return; _queueBeforeRedraw(workId); }); actor.connect('destroy', () => { let index = _deferredWorkQueue.indexOf(workId); if (index >= 0) _deferredWorkQueue.splice(index, 1); delete _deferredWorkData[workId]; }); queueDeferredWork(workId); return workId; } /** * queueDeferredWork: * @param {string} workId: work identifier * * Ensure that the work identified by @workId will be * run on map or timeout. You should call this function * for example when data being displayed by the actor has * changed. */ function queueDeferredWork(workId) { let data = _deferredWorkData[workId]; if (!data) { let message = `Invalid work id ${workId}`; logError(new Error(message), message); return; } if (!_deferredWorkQueue.includes(workId)) _deferredWorkQueue.push(workId); if (data.actor.mapped) { _queueBeforeRedraw(workId); } else if (_deferredTimeoutId == 0) { _deferredTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, DEFERRED_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, () => { _runAllDeferredWork(); _deferredTimeoutId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(_deferredTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell] _runAllDeferredWork'); } } var RestartMessage = GObject.registerClass( class RestartMessage extends ModalDialog.ModalDialog { _init(message) { super._init({ shellReactive: true, styleClass: 'restart-message headline', shouldFadeIn: false, destroyOnClose: true, }); let label = new St.Label({ text: message, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this.contentLayout.add_child(label); this.buttonLayout.hide(); } }); function showRestartMessage(message) { let restartMessage = new RestartMessage(message); restartMessage.open(); } var AnimationsSettings = class { constructor() { this._animationsEnabled = true; this._handles = new Set(); global.connect('notify::force-animations', this._syncAnimationsEnabled.bind(this)); this._syncAnimationsEnabled(); const backend = global.backend; const remoteAccessController = backend.get_remote_access_controller(); if (remoteAccessController) { remoteAccessController.connect('new-handle', (_, handle) => this._onNewRemoteAccessHandle(handle)); } } _shouldEnableAnimations() { if (this._handles.size > 0) return false; if (global.force_animations) return true; const backend = global.backend; if (!backend.is_rendering_hardware_accelerated()) return false; if (Shell.util_has_x11_display_extension( global.display, 'VNC-EXTENSION')) return false; return true; } _syncAnimationsEnabled() { const shouldEnableAnimations = this._shouldEnableAnimations(); if (this._animationsEnabled === shouldEnableAnimations) return; this._animationsEnabled = shouldEnableAnimations; const settings = St.Settings.get(); if (shouldEnableAnimations) settings.uninhibit_animations(); else settings.inhibit_animations(); } _onRemoteAccessHandleStopped(handle) { this._handles.delete(handle); this._syncAnimationsEnabled(); } _onNewRemoteAccessHandle(handle) { if (!handle.get_disable_animations()) return; this._handles.add(handle); this._syncAnimationsEnabled(); handle.connect('stopped', this._onRemoteAccessHandleStopped.bind(this)); } };