/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Lang = imports.lang; const Signals = imports.signals; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const SNAP_BACK_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.25; function _Draggable(actor) { this._init(actor); } _Draggable.prototype = { _init : function(actor) { this.actor = actor; this.actor.connect('button-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonPress)); }, _onButtonPress : function (actor, event) { // FIXME: we should make sure it's button 1, but we can't currently // check that from JavaScript if (Tweener.getTweenCount(actor)) return false; this._grabActor(actor); let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords(); this._dragStartX = stageX; this._dragStartY = stageY; return false; }, _grabActor : function (actor) { Clutter.grab_pointer(actor); // We intercept motion and button-release events so that when // you release after dragging, the app doesn't see that and // think you just clicked. We connect to 'event' rather than // 'captured-event' because the capturing phase doesn't happen // when you've grabbed the pointer. this._onEventId = actor.connect('event', Lang.bind(this, this._onEvent)); }, _ungrabActor : function (actor) { Clutter.ungrab_pointer(); actor.disconnect(this._onEventId); }, _onEvent : function (actor, event) { if (this._dragActor) { if (actor != this._dragActor ) return false; } else if (actor != this.actor) return false; if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE) return this._onButtonRelease(actor, event); else if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.MOTION) return this._onMotion(actor, event); else return false; }, _onMotion : function (actor, event) { let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords(); // If we haven't begun a drag, see if the user has moved the // mouse enough to trigger a drag let threshold = Gtk.Settings.get_default().gtk_dnd_drag_threshold; if (!this._dragActor && (Math.abs(stageX - this._dragStartX) > threshold || Math.abs(stageY - this._dragStartY) > threshold)) { this.emit('drag-begin', event.get_time()); if (this.actor._delegate && this.actor._delegate.getDragActor) { this._dragActor = this.actor._delegate.getDragActor(this._dragStartX, this._dragStartY); // Drag actor does not always have to be the same as actor. For example drag actor // can be an image that's part of the actor. So to perform "snap back" correctly we need // to know what was the drag actor source. if (this.actor._delegate.getDragActorSource) this._dragActorSource = this.actor._delegate.getDragActorSource(); else this._dragActorSource = this.actor; this._dragOrigParent = undefined; this._ungrabActor(actor); this._grabActor(this._dragActor); this._dragOffsetX = this._dragActor.x - this._dragStartX; this._dragOffsetY = this._dragActor.y - this._dragStartY; } else { this._dragActor = actor; this._dragActorSource = undefined; this._dragOrigParent = actor.get_parent(); this._dragOrigX = this._dragActor.x; this._dragOrigY = this._dragActor.y; this._dragOrigScale = this._dragActor.scale_x; let [actorStageX, actorStageY] = actor.get_transformed_position(); this._dragOffsetX = actorStageX - this._dragStartX; this._dragOffsetY = actorStageY - this._dragStartY; // Set the actor's scale such that it will keep the same // transformed size when it's reparented to the stage let [scaledWidth, scaledHeight] = actor.get_transformed_size(); actor.set_scale(scaledWidth / actor.width, scaledHeight / actor.height); } this._dragActor.reparent(actor.get_stage()); this._dragActor.raise_top(); } // If we are dragging, update the position if (this._dragActor) { this._dragActor.set_position(stageX + this._dragOffsetX, stageY + this._dragOffsetY); // Because we want to find out what other actor is located at the current position of this._dragActor, // we have to temporarily hide this._dragActor. this._dragActor.hide(); let target = actor.get_stage().get_actor_at_pos(stageX + this._dragOffsetX, stageY + this._dragOffsetY); this._dragActor.show(); while (target) { if (target._delegate && target._delegate.handleDragOver) { let [targX, targY] = target.get_transformed_position(); // We currently loop through all parents on drag-over even if one of the children has handled it. // We can check the return value of the function and break the loop if it's true if we don't want // to continue checking the parents. target._delegate.handleDragOver(this.actor._delegate, actor, (stageX + this._dragOffsetX + this._xOffset - targX) / target.scale_x, (stageY + this._dragOffsetY + this._yOffset - targY) / target.scale_y, event.get_time()); } target = target.get_parent(); } } return true; }, _onButtonRelease : function (actor, event) { this._ungrabActor(actor); let dragging = (actor == this._dragActor); this._dragActor = undefined; if (!dragging) return false; this.emit('drag-end', event.get_time()); // Find a drop target actor.hide(); let [dropX, dropY] = event.get_coords(); let target = actor.get_stage().get_actor_at_pos(dropX, dropY); actor.show(); while (target) { if (target._delegate && target._delegate.acceptDrop) { let [targX, targY] = target.get_transformed_position(); if (target._delegate.acceptDrop(this.actor._delegate, actor, (dropX + this._xOffset - targX) / target.scale_x, (dropY + this._yOffset - targY) / target.scale_y, event.get_time())) { // If it accepted the drop without taking the actor, // destroy it. if (actor.get_parent() == actor.get_stage()) actor.destroy(); return true; } } target = target.get_parent(); } // Snap back to the actor source if the source is still around, snap back // to the original location if the actor itself was being dragged or the // source is no longer around. let snapBackX = this._dragStartX + this._dragOffsetX; let snapBackY = this._dragStartY + this._dragOffsetY; if (this._dragActorSource && this._dragActorSource.visible) { [snapBackX, snapBackY] = this._dragActorSource.get_transformed_position(); } // No target, so snap back Tweener.addTween(actor, { x: snapBackX, y: snapBackY, time: SNAP_BACK_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: "easeOutQuad", onComplete: this._onSnapBackComplete, onCompleteScope: this, onCompleteParams: [actor] }); return true; }, _onSnapBackComplete : function (dragActor) { if (this._dragOrigParent) { dragActor.reparent(this._dragOrigParent); dragActor.set_scale(this._dragOrigScale, this._dragOrigScale); dragActor.set_position(this._dragOrigX, this._dragOrigY); } else dragActor.destroy(); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(_Draggable.prototype); function makeDraggable(actor) { return new _Draggable(actor); }