# Turkish translation of gnome-shell
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2011 the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-shell package.
# Baris Cicek <baris@teamforce.name.tr>, 2009.
# ercin <ercin@linux.org.tr>, 2011.
# Osman Karagöz <osmank3@gmail.com>, 2013.
# Muhammet Kara <muhammetk@gmail.com>, 2011, 2012, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-shell\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-07 06:22+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-07 08:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Muhammet Kara <muhammetk@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Türkçe <gnome-turk@gnome.org>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:1
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistem"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Show the message tray"
msgstr "Mesaj tepsisini göster"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Focus the active notification"
msgstr "Etkin bildirime odaklan"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Show the overview"
msgstr "Genel görünümü göster"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Show all applications"
msgstr "Tüm uygulamaları göster"

#: ../data/50-gnome-shell-system.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Open the application menu"
msgstr "Uygulama menüsünü aç"

#: ../data/gnome-shell.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "GNOME Shell"
msgstr "GNOME Kabuğu"

#: ../data/gnome-shell.desktop.in.in.h:2
#: ../data/gnome-shell-wayland.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Window management and application launching"
msgstr "Pencere yönetimi ve uygulama başlatma"

#: ../data/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "GNOME Shell Extension Preferences"
msgstr "GNOME Kabuğu Eklenti Tercihleri"

#: ../data/gnome-shell-extension-prefs.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Configure GNOME Shell Extensions"
msgstr "GNOME Kabuğu Eklentilerini Ayarla"

#: ../data/gnome-shell-wayland.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "GNOME Shell (wayland compositor)"
msgstr "GNOME Kabuğu (wayland bestecisi)"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:1
msgid "Enable internal tools useful for developers and testers from Alt-F2"
msgstr ""
"Geliştirici ve deneme yapanlar için Alt-F2' den ulaşılan araçları etkinleştir"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Allows access to internal debugging and monitoring tools using the Alt-F2 "
msgstr ""
"Alt-F2 kutucuğu ile bütünleşik hata ayıklama ve izleme uygulamalarına erişim "

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:3
msgid "Uuids of extensions to enable"
msgstr "Etkinleştirilecek uzantıların Uuid'si"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:4
msgid ""
"GNOME Shell extensions have a uuid property; this key lists extensions which "
"should be loaded. Any extension that wants to be loaded needs to be in this "
"list. You can also manipulate this list with the EnableExtension and "
"DisableExtension DBus methods on org.gnome.Shell."
msgstr ""
"GNOME Kabuğu eklentilerinde uuid adlı bir özellik bulunur; bu anahtar, "
"yüklenmesi gereken eklentileri listeler. Yüklenmesi istenen her tür "
"eklentinin bu listede olması gerekir. Ayrıca bu listeyi, org.gnome.Shell "
"üzerindeki EnableExtension ve DisableExtension DBus yöntemleri ile de "

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:5
msgid "List of desktop file IDs for favorite applications"
msgstr "Sık kullanılan uygulamalar için masa üstü dosyalarının ID listesi"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:6
msgid ""
"The applications corresponding to these identifiers will be displayed in the "
"favorites area."
msgstr ""
"Bu tanımlayıcıya sahip uygulamalar sık kullanılanlar bölümünde gösterilecek."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:7
msgid "List of categories that should be displayed as folders"
msgstr "Klasör olarak görüntülenecek kategorilerin listesi"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:8
msgid ""
"Each category name in this list will be represented as folder in the "
"application view, rather than being displayed inline in the main view."
msgstr ""
"Bu listedeki her bir kategori adı, genel görünümde satıriçi olarak "
"gösterilmek yerine, uygulama görünümünde klasör olarak temsil edilecektir."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:9
msgid "History for command (Alt-F2) dialog"
msgstr "Komut kutucuğu (Alt-F2) geçmişi"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:10
msgid "History for the looking glass dialog"
msgstr "Ayna iletişim penceresinin geçmişi"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:11
msgid "Always show the 'Log out' menuitem in the user menu."
msgstr "Kullanıcı menüsünde \"Oturumu Kapat\" menü ögesini daima göster."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:12
msgid ""
"This key overrides the automatic hiding of the 'Log out' menuitem in single-"
"user, single-session situations."
msgstr ""
"Bu ayar tek kullanıcı oturum açtığında \"Oturumu Kapat\" menü ögesinin "
"gizlenmesini önler."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:13
msgid ""
"Whether to remember password for mounting encrypted or remote filesystems"
msgstr ""
"Şifreli ya da uzak dosya sistemlerini bağlamak için parolanın hatırlanması"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:14
msgid ""
"The shell will request a password when an encrypted device or a remote "
"filesystem is mounted. If the password can be saved for future use a "
"'Remember Password' checkbox will be present. This key sets the default "
"state of the checkbox."
msgstr ""
"Kabuk, şifreli bir cihaz ya da uzak dosya sistemi bağlandığında parola "
"isteyecek. Eğer parola gelecekte kullanılmak üzere kaydedilebiliyorsa, "
"'Parolayı Hatırla' onay kutusu sunulacak. Bu anahtar, onay kutusunun "
"öntanımlı durumunu belirler."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:15
msgid "Show the week date in the calendar"
msgstr "Hafta tarihini takvimde göster"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:16
msgid "If true, display the ISO week date in the calendar."
msgstr "Doğru ise ISO hafta tarihini takvimde göster."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:17
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu"
msgstr "Uygulama menüsünü açmak için klavye kısayolu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:18
msgid "Keybinding to open the application menu."
msgstr "Uygulama menüsünü açmak için klavye kısayolu."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:19
msgid "Keybinding to open the \"Show Applications\" view"
msgstr "\"Uygulamaları Göster\" görünümünü açmak için klavye kısayolu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:20
msgid ""
"Keybinding to open the \"Show Applications\" view of the Activities Overview."
msgstr ""
"Etkinlikler Genel Görünümünün \"Uygulamaları Göster\" görünümünü açmak için "
"klavye kısayolu."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:21
msgid "Keybinding to open the overview"
msgstr "Genel görünümü açmak için klavye kısayolu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:22
msgid "Keybinding to open the Activities Overview."
msgstr "Etkinlikler Genel Görünümünü açmak için klavye kısayolu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:23
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the message tray"
msgstr "Mesaj tepsisinin görünürlüğünü değiştirmek için klavye kısayolu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:24
msgid "Keybinding to toggle the visibility of the message tray."
msgstr "Mesaj tepsisinin görünürlüğünü değiştirmek için klavye kısayolu."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:25
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification"
msgstr "Etkin bildirime odaklanmak için klavye kısayolu"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:26
msgid "Keybinding to focus the active notification."
msgstr "Etkin bildirime odaklanmak için klavye kısayolu."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:27
msgid "Which keyboard to use"
msgstr "Hangi klavyenin kullanılacağı"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:28
msgid "The type of keyboard to use."
msgstr "Kullanılacak klavye türü."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:29
msgid "The application icon mode."
msgstr "Uygulama simge kipi."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:30
msgid ""
"Configures how the windows are shown in the switcher. Valid possibilities "
"are 'thumbnail-only' (shows a thumbnail of the window), 'app-icon-"
"only' (shows only the application icon) or 'both'."
msgstr ""
"Pencerelerin değiştiricideki gösterim şeklini yapılandırır. Uygun "
"olasılıklar; 'thumbnail-only' (pencerenin küçük bir resmini gösterir), 'app-"
"icon-only' (sadece uygulama simgesini gösterir) ya da 'both' (her ikisi) "

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:31
msgid "Attach modal dialog to the parent window"
msgstr "Yardımcı iletişim penceresini üst pencereye iliştir"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:32
msgid ""
"This key overrides the key in org.gnome.mutter when running GNOME Shell."
msgstr ""
"Bu anahtar, GNOME Shell çalışırken org.gnome.mutter içindeki anahtarı "
"geçersiz kılar."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:33
msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
msgstr "Düğmelerin başlık çubuğundaki düzeni"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:34
msgid ""
"This key overrides the key in org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences when running "
"GNOME Shell."
msgstr ""
"Bu anahtar, GNOME Shell çalışırken org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences içindeki "
"anahtarı geçersiz kılar."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:35
msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
msgstr ""
"Pencereler ekran kenarlarında bırakıldığında kenar döşemeyi etkinleştir."

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:36
msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
msgstr "Çalışma alanları dinamik olarak yönetilir"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:37
msgid "Workspaces only on primary monitor"
msgstr "Çalışma alanları sadece birincil ekranda"

#: ../data/org.gnome.shell.gschema.xml.in.in.h:38
msgid "Delay focus changes in mouse mode until the pointer stops moving"
msgstr ""
"Fare kipinde odak değişikliklerini işaretçi hareketi durana kadar beklet"

#: ../js/extensionPrefs/main.js:189
msgid "Select an extension to configure using the combobox above."
msgstr "Ayarlamak için yukarıdaki açılan kutudan bir eklenti seçin."

#: ../js/gdm/authPrompt.js:146 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:136
#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:161 ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:351
#: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:195 ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:399
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:221 ../js/ui/status/network.js:739
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "İptal"

#: ../js/gdm/authPrompt.js:168 ../js/gdm/authPrompt.js:216
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Sonraki"

#: ../js/gdm/authPrompt.js:212 ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:403
#: ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:59
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Kilit Aç"

#: ../js/gdm/authPrompt.js:214
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Giriş"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:294
msgid "Choose Session"
msgstr "Oturum Seçin"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:454
msgid "Not listed?"
msgstr "Listede yok mu?"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:622
msgid "(e.g., user or %s)"
msgstr "(örneğin, kullanıcı veya %s)"

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:627 ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:259
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:277
msgid "Username: "
msgstr "Kullanıcı Adı: "

#: ../js/gdm/loginDialog.js:891
msgid "Login Window"
msgstr "Oturum Açma Penceresi"

#: ../js/gdm/util.js:321
msgid "Authentication error"
msgstr "Kimlik doğrulama hatası"

#: ../js/gdm/util.js:451
msgid "(or swipe finger)"
msgstr "(ya da parmak izi okutun)"

#: ../js/misc/util.js:115
msgid "Command not found"
msgstr "Komut bulunamadı"

#: ../js/misc/util.js:148
msgid "Could not parse command:"
msgstr "Komut işlenemedi:"

#: ../js/misc/util.js:156
msgid "Execution of '%s' failed:"
msgstr "'%s' çalıştırılması başarısız:"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:596
msgid "Frequently used applications will appear here"
msgstr "Sık kullanılan uygulamalar burada yer alacak"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:712
msgid "Frequent"
msgstr "Sık sık"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:719
msgid "All"
msgstr "Hepsi"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:1523
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Yeni Pencere"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:1526 ../js/ui/dash.js:284
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "Sık Kullanılanlardan Çıkar"

#: ../js/ui/appDisplay.js:1527
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "Sık Kullanılanlara Ekle"

#: ../js/ui/appFavorites.js:87
msgid "%s has been added to your favorites."
msgstr "%s sık kullanılanlarınıza eklendi."

#: ../js/ui/appFavorites.js:121
msgid "%s has been removed from your favorites."
msgstr "%s sık kullanılanlarınızdan çıkarıldı."

#: ../js/ui/backgroundMenu.js:19 ../js/ui/panel.js:806
#: ../js/ui/status/system.js:334
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ayarlar"

#: ../js/ui/backgroundMenu.js:21
msgid "Change Background…"
msgstr "Arkaplanı Değiştir…"

#. Translators: Shown in calendar event list for all day events
#. * Keep it short, best if you can use less then 10 characters
#. */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:62
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "All Day"
msgstr "Tüm Gün"

#. Translators: Shown in calendar event list, if 24h format,
#. \u2236 is a ratio character, similar to : */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:68
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "%H∶%M"
msgstr "%H∶%M"

#. Translators: Shown in calendar event list, if 12h format,
#. \u2236 is a ratio character, similar to : and \u2009 is
#. a thin space */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:77
msgctxt "event list time"
msgid "%l∶%M %p"
msgstr "%l∶%M %p"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Sunday.
#. *
#. * NOTE: These grid abbreviations are always shown together
#. * and in order, e.g. "S M T W T F S".
#. */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:108
msgctxt "grid sunday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "P"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Monday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:110
msgctxt "grid monday"
msgid "M"
msgstr "P"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Tuesday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:112
msgctxt "grid tuesday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "S"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Wednesday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:114
msgctxt "grid wednesday"
msgid "W"
msgstr "Ç"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Thursday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:116
msgctxt "grid thursday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "P"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Friday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:118
msgctxt "grid friday"
msgid "F"
msgstr "C"

#. Translators: Calendar grid abbreviation for Saturday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:120
msgctxt "grid saturday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "C"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Sunday.
#. *
#. * NOTE: These list abbreviations are normally not shown together
#. * so they need to be unique (e.g. Tuesday and Thursday cannot
#. * both be 'T').
#. */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:133
msgctxt "list sunday"
msgid "Su"
msgstr "Pa"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Monday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:135
msgctxt "list monday"
msgid "M"
msgstr "Pz"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Tuesday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:137
msgctxt "list tuesday"
msgid "T"
msgstr "S"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Wednesday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:139
msgctxt "list wednesday"
msgid "W"
msgstr "Ç"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Thursday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:141
msgctxt "list thursday"
msgid "Th"
msgstr "Pe"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Friday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:143
msgctxt "list friday"
msgid "F"
msgstr "C"

#. Translators: Event list abbreviation for Saturday */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:145
msgctxt "list saturday"
msgid "S"
msgstr "Ct"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:389
msgid "calendar:MY"
msgstr "takvim:AY"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:447
msgid "Previous month"
msgstr "Önceki ay"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:457
msgid "Next month"
msgstr "Gelecek ay"

#. Translators: Text to show if there are no events */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:753
msgid "Nothing Scheduled"
msgstr "Planınız Boş"

#. Translators: Shown on calendar heading when selected day occurs on current year */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:771
msgctxt "calendar heading"
msgid "%A, %B %d"
msgstr "%A, %B %d"

#. Translators: Shown on calendar heading when selected day occurs on different year */
#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:774
msgctxt "calendar heading"
msgid "%A, %B %d, %Y"
msgstr "%A, %B %d, %Y"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:785
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Bugün"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:789
msgid "Tomorrow"
msgstr "Yarın"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:800
msgid "This week"
msgstr "Bu hafta"

#: ../js/ui/calendar.js:808
msgid "Next week"
msgstr "Gelecek hafta"

#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:90
msgid "External drive connected"
msgstr "Harici sürücü bağlandı"

#: ../js/ui/components/automountManager.js:101
msgid "External drive disconnected"
msgstr "Harici sürücü ayrıldı"

#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:294
msgid "Removable Devices"
msgstr "Çıkarılabilir Aygıtlar"

#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:594
msgid "Open with %s"
msgstr "%s ile Aç"

#: ../js/ui/components/autorunManager.js:620
msgid "Eject"
msgstr "Çıkart"

#: ../js/ui/components/keyring.js:89 ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:280
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"

#: ../js/ui/components/keyring.js:108
msgid "Type again:"
msgstr "Terkar yazın:"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:131 ../js/ui/status/network.js:132
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:295 ../js/ui/status/network.js:742
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Bağlan"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:222
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:234
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:261
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:281
#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:291
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "Parola: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:227
msgid "Key: "
msgstr "Anahtar: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:265
msgid "Identity: "
msgstr "Kimlik: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:267
msgid "Private key password: "
msgstr "Özel anahtar parolası: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:279
msgid "Service: "
msgstr "Hizmet: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:308
msgid "Authentication required by wireless network"
msgstr "Kablosuz ağ için kimlik doğrulama gerekiyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:309
msgid ""
"Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network "
msgstr ""
"'%s' kablosuz ağına erişmek için parolalar veya şifreleme anahtarları "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:313
msgid "Wired 802.1X authentication"
msgstr "Kablolu 802.1X kimlik doğrulaması"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:315
msgid "Network name: "
msgstr "Ağ adı: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:320
msgid "DSL authentication"
msgstr "DSL kimlik doğrulama"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:327
msgid "PIN code required"
msgstr "PIN kodu gerekli"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:328
msgid "PIN code is needed for the mobile broadband device"
msgstr "Mobil geniş bant aygıtı için PIN kodu gerekli"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:329
msgid "PIN: "
msgstr "PIN: "

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:335
msgid "Mobile broadband network password"
msgstr "Mobil geniş bant ağ parolası"

#: ../js/ui/components/networkAgent.js:336
msgid "A password is required to connect to '%s'."
msgstr "'%s'e bağlanmak için parola gerekli."

#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:54
msgid "Authentication Required"
msgstr "Kimlik Doğrulaması Gerekli"

#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:92
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Yönetici"

#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:170
msgid "Authenticate"
msgstr "Doğrula"

#. Translators: "that didn't work" refers to the fact that the
#. * requested authentication was not gained; this can happen
#. * because of an authentication error (like invalid password),
#. * for instance. */
#: ../js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js:266 ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:383
msgid "Sorry, that didn't work. Please try again."
msgstr "Üzgünüm ama işe yaramadı. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:237
msgid "Invitation"
msgstr "Davet"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:297
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Çağrı"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:313
msgid "File Transfer"
msgstr "Dosya Aktarımı"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:417
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Sohbet"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:479
msgid "Unmute"
msgstr "Sesi Aç"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:479
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Sesi Kapat"

#. Translators: this is the word "Yesterday" followed by a time string. i.e. "Yesterday, 14:30"*/
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:941
msgid "<b>Yesterday</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
msgstr "<b>Dün</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the week day name followed by a time string. i.e. "Monday, 14:30*/
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:947
msgid "<b>%A</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
msgstr "<b>%A</b>,<b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the month name and day number followed by a time string. i.e. "May 25, 14:30"*/
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:952
msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"
msgstr "<b>%d</b> <b>%B</b>, <b>%H:%M</b>"

#. Translators: this is the month name, day number, year number followed by a time string. i.e. "May 25 2012, 14:30"*/
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:956
msgid "<b>%B</b> <b>%d</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "
msgstr "<b>%d</b> <b>%B</b> <b>%Y</b>, <b>%H:%M</b> "

#. Translators: this is the other person changing their old IM name to their new
#. IM name. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:985
msgid "%s is now known as %s"
msgstr "%s, şimdi %s olarak biliniyor"

#. translators: argument is a room name like
#. * room@jabber.org for example. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1088
msgid "Invitation to %s"
msgstr "%s'e Davet"

#. translators: first argument is the name of a contact and the second
#. * one the name of a room. "Alice is inviting you to join room@jabber.org
#. * for example. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1096
msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s"
msgstr "%s, sizi %s'e katılmanız için davet ediyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1098
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1139
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1179
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1242
msgid "Decline"
msgstr "Reddet"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1099
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1180
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1243
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Kabul Et"

#. translators: argument is a contact name like Alice for example. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1129
msgid "Video call from %s"
msgstr "%s'den görüntülü arama"

#. translators: argument is a contact name like Alice for example. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1132
msgid "Call from %s"
msgstr "%s'den çağrı"

#. translators: this is a button label (verb), not a noun */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1141
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Cevapla"

#. To translators: The first parameter is
#. * the contact's alias and the second one is the
#. * file name. The string will be something
#. * like: "Alice is sending you test.ogg"
#. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1173
msgid "%s is sending you %s"
msgstr "%s, size %s dosyasını gönderiyor"

#. To translators: The parameter is the contact's alias */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1208
msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online"
msgstr "%s, ne zaman çevrimiçi olduğunuzu görmek için izin istiyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1300
msgid "Network error"
msgstr "Ağ hatası"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1302
msgid "Authentication failed"
msgstr "Kimlik doğrulama başarısız"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1304
msgid "Encryption error"
msgstr "Şifreleme hatası"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1306
msgid "Certificate not provided"
msgstr "Sertifika sağlanmamış"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1308
msgid "Certificate untrusted"
msgstr "Sertifika güvenilmez"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1310
msgid "Certificate expired"
msgstr "Sertifikanın süresi dolmuş"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1312
msgid "Certificate not activated"
msgstr "Sertifika etkinleştirilmemiş"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1314
msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch"
msgstr "Sertifikanın makine adı uyuşmuyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1316
msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch"
msgstr "Sertifikanın parmak izi uyuşmuyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1318
msgid "Certificate self-signed"
msgstr "Sertifika kendinden-imzalı"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1320
msgid "Status is set to offline"
msgstr "Durum çevrimdışına ayarlı"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1322
msgid "Encryption is not available"
msgstr "Şifreleme kullanılabilir değil"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1324
msgid "Certificate is invalid"
msgstr "Sertifika geçersiz"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1326
msgid "Connection has been refused"
msgstr "Bağlantı reddedildi"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1328
msgid "Connection can't be established"
msgstr "Bağlantı kurulamıyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1330
msgid "Connection has been lost"
msgstr "Bağlantı koptu"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1332
msgid "This account is already connected to the server"
msgstr "Bu hesap zaten sunucuya bağlı"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1334
msgid ""
"Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource"
msgstr "Bağlantı, aynı kaynağı kullanan yeni bir bağlantı ile değiştirildi"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1336
msgid "The account already exists on the server"
msgstr "Sunucuda böyle bir hesap zaten var"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1338
msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection"
msgstr "Sunucu, şu anda bağlantıyı işleyemeyecek kadar meşgul"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1340
msgid "Certificate has been revoked"
msgstr "Sertifika hükümsüz kılınmış"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1342
msgid ""
"Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak"
msgstr ""
"Sertifika güvensiz bir şifreleme algoritması kullanıyor ya da kriptografik "
"olarak zayıf"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1344
msgid ""
"The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate "
"chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library"
msgstr ""
"Sunucu sertifikasının uzunluğu ya da sunucu sertifikası zincirinin "
"derinliği, şifreleme kütüphanesi tarafından koyulan sınırları aşıyor"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1346
msgid "Internal error"
msgstr "İç hata"

#. translators: argument is the account name, like
#. * name@jabber.org for example. */
#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1356
msgid "Unable to connect to %s"
msgstr "%s bağlantısı sağlanamadı"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1361
msgid "View account"
msgstr "Hesabı göster"

#: ../js/ui/components/telepathyClient.js:1400
msgid "Unknown reason"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen sebep"

#: ../js/ui/ctrlAltTab.js:29 ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:100
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Pencereler"

#: ../js/ui/dash.js:248 ../js/ui/dash.js:286
msgid "Show Applications"
msgstr "Uygulamaları Göster"

#: ../js/ui/dash.js:442
msgid "Dash"
msgstr "Konsol"

#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:86
msgid "Open Calendar"
msgstr "Takvimi Aç"

#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:90
msgid "Open Clocks"
msgstr "Saati Aç"

#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:97
msgid "Date & Time Settings"
msgstr "Tarih ve Saat Ayarları"

#. Translators: This is the date format to use when the calendar popup is
#. * shown - it is shown just below the time in the shell (e.g. "Tue 9:29 AM").
#. */
#: ../js/ui/dateMenu.js:202
msgid "%A %B %e, %Y"
msgstr "%A %B %e, %Y"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:62
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Log Out %s"
msgstr "%s Oturumunu Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:63
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Oturumu Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:65
msgid "%s will be logged out automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "%s will be logged out automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "%s oturumu %d saniye içinde kendiliğinden kapatılacak."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:70
msgid "You will be logged out automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "You will be logged out automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "%d saniye içinde oturumunuz kendiliğinden kapatılacak."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:75
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Çıkış"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:81
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Bilgisayarı Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:83
msgid "The system will power off automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "The system will power off automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Sistem %d saniye içinde kendiliğinden kapanacak."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:88 ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:104
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Yeniden Başlat"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:90
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:97
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Bilgisayarı Yeniden Başlat"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:99
msgid "The system will restart automatically in %d second."
msgid_plural "The system will restart automatically in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] "Sistem %d saniye içinde kendiliğinden yeniden başlayacak."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:112
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Restart & Install Updates"
msgstr "Yeniden Başlat ve Güncelleştirmeleri Kur"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:114
msgid "The system will automatically restart and install updates in %d second."
msgid_plural ""
"The system will automatically restart and install updates in %d seconds."
msgstr[0] ""
"Sistem %d saniye içinde kendiliğinden yeniden başlayacak ve "
"güncelleştirmeleri kuracak."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:119
msgctxt "button"
msgid "Restart & Install"
msgstr "Yeniden Başlat ve Kur"

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:271
msgid "Some applications are busy or have unsaved work."
msgstr "Bazı uygulamalar meşgul ya da kaydedilmemiş verilere sahip."

#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:277
msgid "Other users are logged in."
msgstr "Diğer kullanıcılar oturum açmış"

#. Translators: Remote here refers to a remote session, like a ssh login */
#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:479
msgid "%s (remote)"
msgstr "%s (uzak)"

#. Translators: Console here refers to a tty like a VT console */
#: ../js/ui/endSessionDialog.js:482
msgid "%s (console)"
msgstr "%s (uçbirim)"

#: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:199
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Kur"

#: ../js/ui/extensionDownloader.js:204
msgid "Download and install '%s' from extensions.gnome.org?"
msgstr "extensions.gnome.org adresinden '%s' indirilip kurulsun mu?"

#: ../js/ui/keyboard.js:619
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Klavye"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:689
msgid "No extensions installed"
msgstr "Herhangi bir uzantı kurulu değil"

#. Translators: argument is an extension UUID. */
#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:743
msgid "%s has not emitted any errors."
msgstr "%s, herhangi bir hata vermedi."

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:749
msgid "Hide Errors"
msgstr "Hataları Gizle"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:753 ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:813
msgid "Show Errors"
msgstr "Hataları Göster"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:762
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Etkin"

#. Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated
#. because it's disabled by rfkill (airplane mode) */
#. translators:
#. * The device has been disabled
#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:765 ../js/ui/status/network.js:472
#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1830
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Devre dışı"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:767
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:769
msgid "Out of date"
msgstr "Güncel değil"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:771
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "İndiriliyor"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:795
msgid "View Source"
msgstr "Kaynağı Görüntüle"

#: ../js/ui/lookingGlass.js:804
msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Web Sayfası"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1347
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Aç"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1354
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Sil"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1657
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Bildirimler"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1664
msgid "Clear Messages"
msgstr "Mesajları Temizle"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1683
msgid "Notification Settings"
msgstr "Bildirim Ayarları"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1736
msgid "Tray Menu"
msgstr "Tepsi Menüsü"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1952
msgid "No Messages"
msgstr "Mesaj Yok"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:1990
msgid "Message Tray"
msgstr "Mesaj Tepsisi"

#: ../js/ui/messageTray.js:2974
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "Sistem Bilgisi"

#: ../js/ui/notificationDaemon.js:510 ../src/shell-app.c:396
msgctxt "program"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen"

#: ../js/ui/overviewControls.js:488 ../js/ui/screenShield.js:153
msgid "%d new message"
msgid_plural "%d new messages"
msgstr[0] "%d yeni mesaj"

#: ../js/ui/overview.js:82
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Geri Al"

#: ../js/ui/overview.js:127
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Genel Görünüm"

#. Translators: this is the text displayed
#. in the search entry when no search is
#. active; it should not exceed ~30
#. characters. */
#: ../js/ui/overview.js:258
msgid "Type to search…"
msgstr "Aramak için buraya yazın..."

#: ../js/ui/panel.js:516
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Kapat"

#. Translators: If there is no suitable word for "Activities"
#. in your language, you can use the word for "Overview". */
#: ../js/ui/panel.js:568
msgid "Activities"
msgstr "Etkinlikler"

#: ../js/ui/panel.js:900
msgid "Top Bar"
msgstr "Tepe Çubuğu"

#: ../js/ui/popupMenu.js:260
msgid "toggle-switch-us"
msgstr "toggle-switch-intl"

#: ../js/ui/runDialog.js:74
msgid "Enter a Command"
msgstr "Komut Girin"

#: ../js/ui/runDialog.js:110
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Kapat"

#. Translators: This is a time format for a date in
#. long format */
#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:89
msgid "%A, %B %d"
msgstr "%d %B, %A"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:155
msgid "%d new notification"
msgid_plural "%d new notifications"
msgstr[0] "%d yeni bildirim"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:478 ../js/ui/status/system.js:342
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Kilitle"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:712
msgid "GNOME needs to lock the screen"
msgstr "GNOME'un ekranı kilitlemesi gerekiyor"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:839 ../js/ui/screenShield.js:1305
msgid "Unable to lock"
msgstr "Kilitlenemedi"

#: ../js/ui/screenShield.js:840 ../js/ui/screenShield.js:1306
msgid "Lock was blocked by an application"
msgstr "Kilitleme bir uygulama tarafından engellendi"

#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:448
msgid "Searching…"
msgstr "Aranıyor…"

#: ../js/ui/searchDisplay.js:492
msgid "No results."
msgstr "Sonuç yok."

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:27
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopyala"

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:32
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Yapıştır"

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:99
msgid "Show Text"
msgstr "Metni Göster"

#: ../js/ui/shellEntry.js:101
msgid "Hide Text"
msgstr "Metni Gizle"

#: ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:370
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parola"

#: ../js/ui/shellMountOperation.js:391
msgid "Remember Password"
msgstr "Parolayı Hatırla"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:41
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr "Erişilebilirlik"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:56
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Yakınlaştırma"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:63
msgid "Screen Reader"
msgstr "Ekran Okuyucu"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:67
msgid "Screen Keyboard"
msgstr "Ekran Klavyesi"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:71
msgid "Visual Alerts"
msgstr "Görsel Uyarılar"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:74
msgid "Sticky Keys"
msgstr "Yapışkan Tuşlar"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:77
msgid "Slow Keys"
msgstr "Yavaş Tuşlar"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:80
msgid "Bounce Keys"
msgstr "Zıplayan Tuşlar"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:83
msgid "Mouse Keys"
msgstr "Fare Tuşları"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:142
msgid "High Contrast"
msgstr "Yüksek Karşıtlık"

#: ../js/ui/status/accessibility.js:191
msgid "Large Text"
msgstr "Büyük Yazı"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:27 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:62
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:99 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:127
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:163 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:194
msgid "Bluetooth"
msgstr "Bluetooth"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:29 ../js/ui/status/network.js:132
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1099 ../js/ui/status/rfkill.js:46
msgid "Turn Off"
msgstr "Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:32
msgid "Bluetooth Settings"
msgstr "Bluetooth Ayarları"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:57
msgid "%d Connected Device"
msgid_plural "%d Connected Devices"
msgstr[0] "%d Bağlı Cihaz"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:100 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:128
msgid "Authorization request from %s"
msgstr "%s 'den yetkilendirme isteği"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:106 ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:171
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:202
msgid "Device %s wants to pair with this computer"
msgstr "%s aygıtı bu bilgisayarla eşleşmek istiyor"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:108
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "İzin ver"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:109
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Reddet"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:134
msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'"
msgstr "%s aygıtı '%s' hizmetine erişmek istiyor"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:136
msgid "Always grant access"
msgstr "Her zaman erişim izni ver"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:137
msgid "Grant this time only"
msgstr "Sadece bu seferlik izin ver"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:138
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Reddet"

#. Translators: argument is the device short name */
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:165
msgid "Pairing confirmation for %s"
msgstr "%s için eşleşme onayı"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:172
msgid ""
"Please confirm whether the Passkey '%06d' matches the one on the device."
msgstr "Lütfen '%06d' Geçiş Anahtarının, aygıttakiyle eşleştiğini doğrulayın."

#. Translators: this is the verb, not the noun */
#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:175
msgid "Matches"
msgstr "Eşleşiyor"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:176
msgid "Does not match"
msgstr "Eşleşmiyor"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:195
msgid "Pairing request for %s"
msgstr "%s için eşleşme isteği"

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:203
msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on the device."
msgstr "Lütfen cihazdaki PIN numarasını girin."

#: ../js/ui/status/bluetooth.js:220
msgid "OK"
msgstr "TAMAM"

#: ../js/ui/status/brightness.js:42
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Parlaklık"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:71
msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<bilinmeyen>"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:222 ../js/ui/status/network.js:379
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1120
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Kapalı"

#. Translators: this is for network devices that are physically present but are not
#. under NetworkManager's control (and thus cannot be used in the menu) */
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:385
msgid "unmanaged"
msgstr "yönetilmeyen"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:387
msgid "disconnecting..."
msgstr "bağlantı kesiliyor..."

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:393 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1174
msgid "connecting..."
msgstr "bağlanıyor..."

#. Translators: this is for network connections that require some kind of key or password */
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:396 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1177
msgid "authentication required"
msgstr "kimlik doğrulaması gerekli"

#. Translators: this is for devices that require some kind of firmware or kernel
#. module, which is missing */
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:404
msgid "firmware missing"
msgstr "ürün bilgisi eksik"

#. Translators: this is for a network device that cannot be activated (for example it
#. is disabled by rfkill, or it has no coverage */
#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:408
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "ulaşılamaz"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:410 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1179
msgid "connection failed"
msgstr "bağlantı başarısız"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:426 ../js/ui/status/network.js:512
msgid "Mobile Broadband Settings"
msgstr "Mobil Geniş Bant Ayarları"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:468 ../js/ui/status/network.js:1118
msgid "Hardware Disabled"
msgstr "Donanım Devre Dışı"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:707
msgid "Wi-Fi Networks"
msgstr "Kablosuz Ağlar"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:709
msgid "Select a network"
msgstr "Bir ağ seçin"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:733
msgid "No Networks"
msgstr "Ağ Yok"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1005
msgid "Select Network"
msgstr "Ağ Seç"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1011
msgid "Wi-Fi Settings"
msgstr "Kablosuz Ağ Ayarları"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1099
msgid "Turn On"
msgstr "Aç"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1122
msgid "Not Connected"
msgstr "Bağlı Değil"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1242
msgid "VPN"
msgstr "VPN"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1382
msgid "Network Manager"
msgstr "Ağ Yöneticisi"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1421
msgid "Connection failed"
msgstr "Bağlantı başarısız oldu"

#: ../js/ui/status/network.js:1422
msgid "Activation of network connection failed"
msgstr "Ağ bağlantısının etkinleştirilmesi başarısız oldu"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:46
msgid "Battery"
msgstr "Pil"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:47
msgid "Power Settings"
msgstr "Güç Ayarları"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:63
msgid "Fully Charged"
msgstr "Tam Dolu"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:69 ../js/ui/status/power.js:86
msgid "Estimating…"
msgstr "Tahmin ediliyor…"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:77
msgid "%d∶%02d Remaining (%d%%)"
msgstr "%d∶%02d Kaldı (%%%d)"

#: ../js/ui/status/power.js:82
msgid "%d∶%02d Until Full (%d%%)"
msgstr "Tamamen Dolmasına %d∶%02d Kaldı (%%%d)"

#: ../js/ui/status/rfkill.js:43
msgid "Airplane Mode"
msgstr "Uçak Kipi"

#: ../js/ui/status/rfkill.js:45
msgid "On"
msgstr "Açık"

#: ../js/ui/status/rfkill.js:49
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Ağ Ayarları"

#: ../js/ui/status/system.js:314
msgid "Switch User"
msgstr "Kullanıcı Değiştir"

#: ../js/ui/status/system.js:319
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Oturumu Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/status/system.js:338
msgid "Orientation Lock"
msgstr "Yönelim Kilidi"

#: ../js/ui/status/system.js:346
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Beklet"

#: ../js/ui/status/system.js:349
msgid "Power Off"
msgstr "Kapat"

#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:127
msgid "Volume changed"
msgstr "Ses değişti"

#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:162
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Ses"

#: ../js/ui/status/volume.js:213
msgid "Microphone"
msgstr "Mikrofon"

#: ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:67
msgid "Log in as another user"
msgstr "Başka kullanıcı olarak oturum aç"

#: ../js/ui/unlockDialog.js:84
msgid "Unlock Window"
msgstr "Kilit Açma Penceresi"

#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:104
msgid "Applications"
msgstr "Uygulamalar"

#: ../js/ui/viewSelector.js:108
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ara"

#: ../js/ui/wanda.js:77
msgid ""
"Sorry, no wisdom for you today:\n"
msgstr ""
"Üzgünüm, bugün sizin için bilgelik yok:\n"

#: ../js/ui/wanda.js:81
msgid "%s the Oracle says"
msgstr "Kahin %s der ki:"

#: ../js/ui/windowAttentionHandler.js:19
msgid "'%s' is ready"
msgstr "'%s' hazır"

#: ../js/ui/windowManager.js:56
msgid "Do you want to keep these display settings?"
msgstr "Bu görüntü ayarlarını saklamak istiyor musunuz?"

#. Translators: this and the following message should be limited in lenght,
#. to avoid ellipsizing the labels.
#. */
#: ../js/ui/windowManager.js:75
msgid "Revert Settings"
msgstr "Ayarları Eski Haline Getir"

#: ../js/ui/windowManager.js:79
msgid "Keep Changes"
msgstr "Değişiklikleri Sakla"

#: ../js/ui/windowManager.js:97
msgid "Settings changes will revert in %d second"
msgid_plural "Settings changes will revert in %d seconds"
msgstr[0] "Ayarlardaki değişiklikler %d saniye içinde eski haline döndürülecek"

#: ../src/calendar-server/evolution-calendar.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Evolution Calendar"
msgstr "Evolution Takvim"

#. translators:
#. * The number of sound outputs on a particular device
#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1837
#, c-format
msgid "%u Output"
msgid_plural "%u Outputs"
msgstr[0] "%u Çıktı"

#. translators:
#. * The number of sound inputs on a particular device
#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:1847
#, c-format
msgid "%u Input"
msgid_plural "%u Inputs"
msgstr[0] "%u Girdi"

#: ../src/gvc/gvc-mixer-control.c:2373
msgid "System Sounds"
msgstr "Sistem Sesleri"

#: ../src/main.c:353
msgid "Print version"
msgstr "Sürümü yazdır"

#: ../src/main.c:359
msgid "Mode used by GDM for login screen"
msgstr "Oturum açma ekranında GDM tarafından kullanılan kip"

#: ../src/main.c:365
msgid "Use a specific mode, e.g. \"gdm\" for login screen"
msgstr "Oturum açma için -\"gdm\" gibi- özel bir kip kullan"

#: ../src/main.c:371
msgid "List possible modes"
msgstr "Mevcut kipleri listele"

#: ../src/shell-app.c:644
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to launch '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' başlatılamadı"

#: ../src/shell-keyring-prompt.c:714
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Parolalar eşleşmiyor."

#: ../src/shell-keyring-prompt.c:722
msgid "Password cannot be blank"
msgstr "Parola boş bırakılamaz"

#: ../src/shell-polkit-authentication-agent.c:343
msgid "Authentication dialog was dismissed by the user"
msgstr "Kimlik doğrulama penceresi kullanıcı tarafından kapatıldı"

#~ msgid "There was an error loading the preferences dialog for %s:"
#~ msgstr "%s için tercihler iletişim penceresi yüklenirken hata oluştu:"

#~ msgid "Extension"
#~ msgstr "Eklenti"

#~ msgid "Show Keyboard Layout"
#~ msgstr "Klavye Düzenini Göster"

#~ msgid "UPS"
#~ msgstr "UPS"