/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */

const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter;
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const St = imports.gi.St;
const Lang = imports.lang;
const Signals = imports.signals;
const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener;
const Main = imports.ui.main;

const Params = imports.misc.params;

// Time to scale down to maxDragActorSize
// Time to animate to original position on cancel
// Time to animate to original position on success

let eventHandlerActor = null;
let currentDraggable = null;

function _getEventHandlerActor() {
    if (!eventHandlerActor) {
        eventHandlerActor = new Clutter.Rectangle();
        eventHandlerActor.width = 0;
        eventHandlerActor.height = 0;
        // We connect to 'event' rather than 'captured-event' because the capturing phase doesn't happen
        // when you've grabbed the pointer.
                                  function(actor, event) {
                                      return currentDraggable._onEvent(actor, event);
    return eventHandlerActor;

function _Draggable(actor, params) {
    this._init(actor, params);

_Draggable.prototype = {
    _init : function(actor, params) {
        params = Params.parse(params, { manualMode: false,
                                        restoreOnSuccess: false,
                                        dragActorMaxSize: undefined,
                                        dragActorOpacity: undefined });

        this.actor = actor;
        if (!params.manualMode)
                               Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonPress));

        this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() {
        this._onEventId = null;

        this._restoreOnSuccess = params.restoreOnSuccess;
        this._dragActorMaxSize = params.dragActorMaxSize;
        this._dragActorOpacity = params.dragActorOpacity;

        this._buttonDown = false; // The mouse button has been pressed and has not yet been released.
        this._dragInProgress = false; // The drag has been started, and has not been dropped or cancelled yet.
        this._animationInProgress = false; // The drag is over and the item is in the process of animating to its original position (snapping back or reverting).

    _onButtonPress : function (actor, event) {
        if (event.get_button() != 1)
            return false;

        if (Tweener.getTweenCount(actor))
            return false;

        this._buttonDown = true;
        // special case St.Clickable: grabbing the pointer would mess up the
        // internal state, so we start the drag manually on hover change
        if (this.actor instanceof St.Clickable)
                               Lang.bind(this, this._onClickableHoverChanged));

        let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords();
        this._dragStartX = stageX;
        this._dragStartY = stageY;

        return false;

    _onClickableHoverChanged: function(button) {
        if (button.hover || !button.held)

        this.startDrag(this._dragStartX, this._dragStartY,

    _grabActor: function() {
        this._onEventId = this.actor.connect('event',
                                             Lang.bind(this, this._onEvent));

    _ungrabActor: function() {
        this._onEventId = null;

    _grabEvents: function() {

    _ungrabEvents: function() {

    _onEvent: function(actor, event) {
        // We intercept BUTTON_RELEASE event to know that the button was released in case we
        // didn't start the drag, to drop the draggable in case the drag was in progress, and
        // to complete the drag and ensure that whatever happens to be under the pointer does
        // not get triggered if the drag was cancelled with Esc.
        if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE) {
            this._buttonDown = false;
            if (this._dragInProgress) {
                return this._dragActorDropped(event);
            } else if (this._dragActor != null && !this._animationInProgress) {
                // Drag must have been cancelled with Esc.
                return true;
            } else {
                // Drag has never started.
                return false;
        // We intercept MOTION event to figure out if the drag has started and to draw
        // this._dragActor under the pointer when dragging is in progress
        } else if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.MOTION) {
            if (this._dragInProgress) {
                return this._updateDragPosition(event);
            } else if (this._dragActor == null) {
                return this._maybeStartDrag(event);
        // We intercept KEY_PRESS event so that we can process Esc key press to cancel
        // dragging and ignore all other key presses.
        } else if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS && this._dragInProgress) {
            let symbol = event.get_key_symbol();
            if (symbol == Clutter.Escape) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * startDrag:
     * @stageX: X coordinate of event
     * @stageY: Y coordinate of event
     * @time: Event timestamp
     * Directly initiate a drag and drop operation from the given actor.
     * This function is useful to call if you've specified manualMode
     * for the draggable.
    startDrag: function (stageX, stageY, time) {
        currentDraggable = this;
        this._dragInProgress = true;

        this.emit('drag-begin', time);
        if (this._onEventId)

        this._dragX = this._dragStartX = stageX;
        this._dragY = this._dragStartY = stageY;

        if (this.actor._delegate && this.actor._delegate.getDragActor) {
            this._dragActor = this.actor._delegate.getDragActor(this._dragStartX, this._dragStartY);
            // Drag actor does not always have to be the same as actor. For example drag actor
            // can be an image that's part of the actor. So to perform "snap back" correctly we need
            // to know what was the drag actor source.
            if (this.actor._delegate.getDragActorSource) {
                this._dragActorSource = this.actor._delegate.getDragActorSource();
                // If the user dragged from the source, then position
                // the dragActor over it. Otherwise, center it
                // around the pointer
                let [sourceX, sourceY] = this._dragActorSource.get_transformed_position();
                let x, y;
                if (stageX > sourceX && stageX <= sourceX + this._dragActor.width &&
                    stageY > sourceY && stageY <= sourceY + this._dragActor.height) {
                    x = sourceX;
                    y = sourceY;
                } else {
                    x = stageX - this._dragActor.width / 2;
                    y = stageY - this._dragActor.height / 2;
                this._dragActor.set_position(x, y);
            } else {
                this._dragActorSource = this.actor;
            this._dragOrigParent = undefined;

            this._dragOffsetX = this._dragActor.x - this._dragStartX;
            this._dragOffsetY = this._dragActor.y - this._dragStartY;
        } else {
            this._dragActor = this.actor;
            this._dragActorSource = undefined;
            this._dragOrigParent = this.actor.get_parent();
            this._dragOrigX = this._dragActor.x;
            this._dragOrigY = this._dragActor.y;
            this._dragOrigScale = this._dragActor.scale_x;

            let [actorStageX, actorStageY] = this.actor.get_transformed_position();
            this._dragOffsetX = actorStageX - this._dragStartX;
            this._dragOffsetY = actorStageY - this._dragStartY;

            // Set the actor's scale such that it will keep the same
            // transformed size when it's reparented to the stage
            let [scaledWidth, scaledHeight] = this.actor.get_transformed_size();
            this.actor.set_scale(scaledWidth / this.actor.width,
                                 scaledHeight / this.actor.height);


        this._dragOrigOpacity = this._dragActor.opacity;
        if (this._dragActorOpacity != undefined)
            this._dragActor.opacity = this._dragActorOpacity;

        this._snapBackX = this._dragStartX + this._dragOffsetX;
        this._snapBackY = this._dragStartY + this._dragOffsetY;
        this._snapBackScale = this._dragActor.scale_x;

        if (this._dragActorMaxSize != undefined) {
            let [scaledWidth, scaledHeight] = this._dragActor.get_transformed_size();
            let currentSize = Math.max(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
            if (currentSize > this._dragActorMaxSize) {
                let scale = this._dragActorMaxSize / currentSize;
                let origScale =  this._dragActor.scale_x;
                let origDragOffsetX = this._dragOffsetX;
                let origDragOffsetY = this._dragOffsetY;

                // The position of the actor changes as we scale
                // around the drag position, but we can't just tween
                // to the final position because that tween would
                // fight with updates as the user continues dragging
                // the mouse; instead we do the position computations in
                // an onUpdate() function.
                                 { scale_x: scale * origScale,
                                   scale_y: scale * origScale,
                                   time: SCALE_ANIMATION_TIME,
                                   transition: 'easeOutQuad',
                                   onUpdate: function() {
                                       let currentScale = this._dragActor.scale_x / origScale;
                                       this._dragOffsetX = currentScale * origDragOffsetX;
                                       this._dragOffsetY = currentScale * origDragOffsetY;
                                       this._dragActor.set_position(this._dragX + this._dragOffsetX,
                                                                    this._dragY + this._dragOffsetY);
                                   onUpdateScope: this });

    _maybeStartDrag:  function(event) {
        let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords();

        // See if the user has moved the mouse enough to trigger a drag
        let threshold = Gtk.Settings.get_default().gtk_dnd_drag_threshold;
        if ((Math.abs(stageX - this._dragStartX) > threshold ||
             Math.abs(stageY - this._dragStartY) > threshold)) {
                this.startDrag(stageX, stageY, event.get_time());

        return true;

    _updateDragPosition : function (event) {
        let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords();
        this._dragX = stageX;
        this._dragY = stageY;

        // If we are dragging, update the position
        if (this._dragActor) {
            this._dragActor.set_position(stageX + this._dragOffsetX,
                                         stageY + this._dragOffsetY);
            // Because we want to find out what other actor is located at the current position of this._dragActor,
            // we have to temporarily hide this._dragActor.
            let target = this._dragActor.get_stage().get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.ALL,
                                                                      stageX, stageY);
            while (target) {
                if (target._delegate && target._delegate.handleDragOver) {
                    let [targX, targY] = target.get_transformed_position();
                    // We currently loop through all parents on drag-over even if one of the children has handled it.
                    // We can check the return value of the function and break the loop if it's true if we don't want
                    // to continue checking the parents.
                    target._delegate.handleDragOver(this.actor._delegate, this._dragActor,
                                                    (stageX - targX) / target.scale_x,
                                                    (stageY - targY) / target.scale_y,
                target = target.get_parent();

        return true;

    _dragActorDropped: function(event) {
        // Find a drop target. Because we want to find out what other actor is located at
        // the current position of this._dragActor, we have to temporarily hide this._dragActor.
        let [dropX, dropY] = event.get_coords();
        let target = this._dragActor.get_stage().get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.ALL,
                                                                  dropX, dropY);
        while (target) {
            if (target._delegate && target._delegate.acceptDrop) {
                let [targX, targY] = target.get_transformed_position();
                if (target._delegate.acceptDrop(this.actor._delegate, this._dragActor,
                                                (dropX - targX) / target.scale_x,
                                                (dropY - targY) / target.scale_y,
                                                event.get_time())) {
                    // If it accepted the drop without taking the actor,
                    // handle it ourselves.
                    if (this._dragActor.get_parent() == this._dragActor.get_stage()) {
                        if (this._restoreOnSuccess) {
                            return true;
                        } else

                    this._dragInProgress = false;
                    this.emit('drag-end', event.get_time(), true);
                    return true;
            target = target.get_parent();


        return true;

    // Get position of the drag actor's source if the source is still around,
    // or return the original location if the actor itself was being dragged
    // or the source is no longer around.
    _getRestoreLocation: function() {
        let locX = this._snapBackX;
        let locY = this._snapBackY;

        if (this._dragActorSource && this._dragActorSource.visible)
            [locX, locY] = this._dragActorSource.get_transformed_position();
        return [locX, locY];

    _cancelDrag: function(eventTime) {
        this._dragInProgress = false;
        let [snapBackX, snapBackY] = this._getRestoreLocation();

        this._animationInProgress = true;
        // No target, so snap back
                         { x: snapBackX,
                           y: snapBackY,
                           scale_x: this._snapBackScale,
                           scale_y: this._snapBackScale,
                           opacity: this._dragOrigOpacity,
                           time: SNAP_BACK_ANIMATION_TIME,
                           transition: 'easeOutQuad',
                           onComplete: this._onAnimationComplete,
                           onCompleteScope: this,
                           onCompleteParams: [this._dragActor, eventTime]

    _restoreDragActor: function(eventTime) {
        this._dragInProgress = false;
        [restoreX, restoreY] = this._getRestoreLocation();

        // fade the actor back in at its original location
        this._dragActor.set_position(restoreX, restoreY);
        this._dragActor.set_scale(this._snapBackScale, this._snapBackScale);
        this._dragActor.opacity = 0;

        this._animationInProgress = true;
                         { opacity: this._dragOrigOpacity,
                           time: REVERT_ANIMATION_TIME,
                           transition: 'easeOutQuad',
                           onComplete: this._onAnimationComplete,
                           onCompleteScope: this,
                           onCompleteParams: [this._dragActor, eventTime]

    _onAnimationComplete : function (dragActor, eventTime) {
        if (this._dragOrigParent) {
            dragActor.set_scale(this._dragOrigScale, this._dragOrigScale);
            dragActor.set_position(this._dragOrigX, this._dragOrigY);
        } else {
        this.emit('drag-end', eventTime, false);

        this._animationInProgress = false;
        if (!this._buttonDown)

    _dragComplete: function() {
        this._dragActor = undefined;
        currentDraggable = null;


 * makeDraggable:
 * @actor: Source actor
 * @params: (optional) Additional parameters
 * Create an object which controls drag and drop for the given actor.
 * If %manualMode is %true in @params, do not automatically start
 * drag and drop on click
 * If %dragActorMaxSize is present in @params, the drag actor will
 * be scaled down to be no larger than that size in pixels.
 * If %dragActorOpacity is present in @params, the drag actor will
 * will be set to have that opacity during the drag.
 * Note that when the drag actor is the source actor and the drop
 * succeeds, the actor scale and opacity aren't reset; if the drop
 * target wants to reuse the actor, it's up to the drop target to
 * reset these values.
function makeDraggable(actor, params) {
    return new _Draggable(actor, params);