#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -z "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME" ]; then echo Cannot review non-merge request exit 1 fi git fetch $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL.git $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME branch_point=$(git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD) commits=$(git log --format='format:%H' $branch_point..$CI_COMMIT_SHA) if [ -z "$commits" ]; then echo Commit range empty exit 1 fi JUNIT_REPORT_TESTS_FILE=$(mktemp) function append_failed_test_case() { test_name="$1" commit="$2" test_message="$3" commit_short=${commit:0:8} echo "" >> $JUNIT_REPORT_TESTS_FILE echo &>2 "Commit check failed: $commit_short: $test_message" } function append_passed_test_case() { test_name="$1" commit="$2" commit_short=${commit:0:8} echo "" >> $JUNIT_REPORT_TESTS_FILE } function generate_junit_report() { junit_report_file="$1" num_tests=$(cat "$JUNIT_REPORT_TESTS_FILE" | wc -l) num_failures=$(grep '' "$JUNIT_REPORT_TESTS_FILE" | wc -l ) echo Generating JUnit report \"$(pwd)/$junit_report_file\" with $num_tests tests and $num_failures failures. cat > $junit_report_file << __EOF__ $(< $JUNIT_REPORT_TESTS_FILE) __EOF__ } function commit_message_has_mr_url() { commit=$1 commit_message=$(git show -s --format='format:%b' $commit) echo "$commit_message" | grep -qe "^$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_URL\/\(-\/\)\?merge_requests\/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID$" return $? } for commit in $commits; do if commit_message_has_mr_url $commit; then append_failed_test_case superfluous_url $commit \ "Commit message must not contain a link to its own merge request" else append_passed_test_case superfluous_url $commit fi done generate_junit_report commit-message-junit-report.xml ! grep -q '