/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* * st-button.c: Plain button actor * * Copyright 2007 OpenedHand * Copyright 2008, 2009 Intel Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Written by: Emmanuele Bassi * Thomas Wood * */ /** * SECTION:st-button * @short_description: Button widget * * A button widget with support for either a text label or icon, toggle mode * and transitions effects between states. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "st-button.h" #include "st-marshal.h" #include "st-texture-frame.h" #include "st-texture-cache.h" #include "st-private.h" enum { PROP_0, PROP_LABEL, PROP_TOGGLE, PROP_ACTIVE, PROP_TRANSITION }; enum { CLICKED, LAST_SIGNAL }; #define ST_BUTTON_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((obj), ST_TYPE_BUTTON, StButtonPrivate)) struct _StButtonPrivate { gchar *text; ClutterActor *old_bg; gboolean old_bg_parented; /* TRUE if we have adopted old_bg */ guint8 old_opacity; guint is_pressed : 1; guint is_hover : 1; guint is_checked : 1; guint is_toggle : 1; gint transition_duration; ClutterAnimation *animation; gint spacing; }; static guint button_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0, }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (StButton, st_button, ST_TYPE_BIN); static void st_button_update_label_style (StButton *button) { ClutterActor *label; StThemeNode *theme_node; ClutterColor color; const PangoFontDescription *font; gchar *font_string = NULL; label = st_bin_get_child ((StBin*) button); /* check the child is really a label */ if (!CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (label)) return; theme_node = st_widget_get_theme_node (ST_WIDGET (button)); st_theme_node_get_foreground_color (theme_node, &color); clutter_text_set_color (CLUTTER_TEXT (label), &color); font = st_theme_node_get_font (theme_node); font_string = pango_font_description_to_string (font); clutter_text_set_font_name (CLUTTER_TEXT (label), font_string); g_free (font_string); } static void st_button_dispose_old_bg (StButton *button) { StButtonPrivate *priv = button->priv; if (priv->old_bg) { if (priv->old_bg_parented) { clutter_actor_unparent (priv->old_bg); priv->old_bg_parented = FALSE; } g_object_unref (priv->old_bg); priv->old_bg = NULL; } } static void st_animation_completed (ClutterAnimation *animation, StButton *button) { st_button_dispose_old_bg (button); } static void st_button_style_changed (StWidget *widget) { StButton *button = ST_BUTTON (widget); StButtonPrivate *priv = button->priv; StButtonClass *button_class = ST_BUTTON_GET_CLASS (button); StThemeNode *theme_node = st_widget_get_theme_node (ST_WIDGET (button)); ClutterActor *bg_image; double spacing; st_button_dispose_old_bg (button); bg_image = st_widget_get_border_image ((StWidget*) button); if (bg_image) button->priv->old_bg = g_object_ref (bg_image); ST_WIDGET_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->style_changed (widget); spacing = 6; st_theme_node_get_length (theme_node, "border-spacing", FALSE, &spacing); priv->spacing = round (spacing); /* update the label styling */ st_button_update_label_style (button); /* run a transition if applicable */ if (button_class->transition) { button_class->transition (button, priv->old_bg); } else { if (priv->old_bg && (!st_widget_get_style_pseudo_class (widget))) { ClutterAnimation *animation; if (!clutter_actor_get_parent (priv->old_bg)) { clutter_actor_set_parent (priv->old_bg, (ClutterActor*) widget); priv->old_bg_parented = TRUE; } if (priv->transition_duration > 0) { animation = clutter_actor_animate (priv->old_bg, CLUTTER_LINEAR, priv->transition_duration, "opacity", 0, NULL); g_signal_connect (animation, "completed", G_CALLBACK (st_animation_completed), button); } else { st_button_dispose_old_bg (button); } } } } static void st_button_real_pressed (StButton *button) { st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "active"); } static void st_button_real_released (StButton *button) { StButtonPrivate *priv = button->priv; if (priv->is_checked) st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "checked"); else if (!priv->is_hover) st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, NULL); else st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "hover"); } static gboolean st_button_button_press (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterButtonEvent *event) { st_widget_hide_tooltip (ST_WIDGET (actor)); if (event->button == 1) { StButton *button = ST_BUTTON (actor); StButtonClass *klass = ST_BUTTON_GET_CLASS (button); button->priv->is_pressed = TRUE; clutter_grab_pointer (actor); if (klass->pressed) klass->pressed (button); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean st_button_button_release (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterButtonEvent *event) { if (event->button == 1) { StButton *button = ST_BUTTON (actor); StButtonClass *klass = ST_BUTTON_GET_CLASS (button); if (!button->priv->is_pressed) return FALSE; clutter_ungrab_pointer (); if (button->priv->is_toggle) { st_button_set_checked (button, !button->priv->is_checked); } button->priv->is_pressed = FALSE; if (klass->released) klass->released (button); g_signal_emit (button, button_signals[CLICKED], 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean st_button_enter (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterCrossingEvent *event) { StButton *button = ST_BUTTON (actor); if (!button->priv->is_checked) st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "hover"); button->priv->is_hover = 1; return CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->enter_event (actor, event); } static gboolean st_button_leave (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterCrossingEvent *event) { StButton *button = ST_BUTTON (actor); button->priv->is_hover = 0; if (button->priv->is_pressed) { StButtonClass *klass = ST_BUTTON_GET_CLASS (button); clutter_ungrab_pointer (); button->priv->is_pressed = FALSE; if (klass->released) klass->released (button); } if (button->priv->is_checked) st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "checked"); else st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, NULL); return CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->leave_event (actor, event); } static void st_button_set_property (GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { StButton *button = ST_BUTTON (gobject); StButtonPrivate *priv = ST_BUTTON (gobject)->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_LABEL: st_button_set_label (button, g_value_get_string (value)); break; case PROP_TOGGLE: st_button_set_toggle_mode (button, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_ACTIVE: st_button_set_checked (button, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_TRANSITION: priv->transition_duration = g_value_get_int (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void st_button_get_property (GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { StButtonPrivate *priv = ST_BUTTON (gobject)->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_LABEL: g_value_set_string (value, priv->text); break; case PROP_TOGGLE: g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->is_toggle); break; case PROP_ACTIVE: g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->is_checked); break; case PROP_TRANSITION: g_value_set_int (value, priv->transition_duration); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void st_button_finalize (GObject *gobject) { StButtonPrivate *priv = ST_BUTTON (gobject)->priv; g_free (priv->text); G_OBJECT_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->finalize (gobject); } static void st_button_dispose (GObject *gobject) { st_button_dispose_old_bg (ST_BUTTON (gobject)); G_OBJECT_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->dispose (gobject); } static void st_button_map (ClutterActor *self) { StButtonPrivate *priv = ST_BUTTON (self)->priv; CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->map (self); if (priv->old_bg && priv->old_bg_parented) clutter_actor_map (priv->old_bg); } static void st_button_unmap (ClutterActor *self) { StButtonPrivate *priv = ST_BUTTON (self)->priv; CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->unmap (self); if (priv->old_bg && priv->old_bg_parented) clutter_actor_unmap (priv->old_bg); } static void st_button_draw_background (StWidget *widget, ClutterActor *background, const ClutterColor *color) { StButtonPrivate *priv; ST_WIDGET_CLASS (st_button_parent_class)->draw_background (widget, background, color); priv = ST_BUTTON (widget)->priv; if (priv->old_bg && priv->old_bg_parented) clutter_actor_paint (priv->old_bg); } static void st_button_class_init (StButtonClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); ClutterActorClass *actor_class = CLUTTER_ACTOR_CLASS (klass); StWidgetClass *widget_class = ST_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); GParamSpec *pspec; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (StButtonPrivate)); klass->pressed = st_button_real_pressed; klass->released = st_button_real_released; gobject_class->set_property = st_button_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = st_button_get_property; gobject_class->dispose = st_button_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = st_button_finalize; actor_class->button_press_event = st_button_button_press; actor_class->button_release_event = st_button_button_release; actor_class->enter_event = st_button_enter; actor_class->leave_event = st_button_leave; actor_class->map = st_button_map; actor_class->unmap = st_button_unmap; widget_class->draw_background = st_button_draw_background; widget_class->style_changed = st_button_style_changed; pspec = g_param_spec_string ("label", "Label", "Label of the button", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_LABEL, pspec); pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("toggle-mode", "Toggle Mode", "Enable or disable toggling", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_TOGGLE, pspec); pspec = g_param_spec_boolean ("checked", "Checked", "Indicates if a toggle button is \"on\"" " or \"off\"", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_ACTIVE, pspec); pspec = g_param_spec_int ("transition-duration", "Transition Duration", "Duration of the state transition effect", 0, G_MAXINT, 120, G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_TRANSITION, pspec); /** * StButton::clicked: * @button: the object that received the signal * * Emitted when the user activates the button, either with a mouse press and * release or with the keyboard. */ button_signals[CLICKED] = g_signal_new ("clicked", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (StButtonClass, clicked), NULL, NULL, _st_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); } static void st_button_init (StButton *button) { button->priv = ST_BUTTON_GET_PRIVATE (button); button->priv->transition_duration = 120; button->priv->spacing = 6; clutter_actor_set_reactive ((ClutterActor *) button, TRUE); } /** * st_button_new: * * Create a new button * * Returns: a new #StButton */ StWidget * st_button_new (void) { return g_object_new (ST_TYPE_BUTTON, NULL); } /** * st_button_new_with_label: * @text: text to set the label to * * Create a new #StButton with the specified label * * Returns: a new #StButton */ StWidget * st_button_new_with_label (const gchar *text) { return g_object_new (ST_TYPE_BUTTON, "label", text, NULL); } /** * st_button_get_label: * @button: a #StButton * * Get the text displayed on the button * * Returns: the text for the button. This must not be freed by the application */ G_CONST_RETURN gchar * st_button_get_label (StButton *button) { g_return_val_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button), NULL); return button->priv->text; } /** * st_button_set_label: * @button: a #Stbutton * @text: text to set the label to * * Sets the text displayed on the button */ void st_button_set_label (StButton *button, const gchar *text) { StButtonPrivate *priv; ClutterActor *label; g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button)); priv = button->priv; g_free (priv->text); if (text) priv->text = g_strdup (text); else priv->text = g_strdup (""); label = st_bin_get_child ((StBin*) button); if (label && CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (label)) { clutter_text_set_text (CLUTTER_TEXT (label), priv->text); } else { label = g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_TEXT, "text", priv->text, "line-alignment", PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, "use-markup", TRUE, NULL); st_bin_set_child ((StBin*) button, label); } /* Fake a style change so that we reset the style properties on the label */ st_widget_style_changed (ST_WIDGET (button)); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "label"); } /** * st_button_get_toggle_mode: * @button: a #StButton * * Get the toggle mode status of the button. * * Returns: #TRUE if toggle mode is set, otherwise #FALSE */ gboolean st_button_get_toggle_mode (StButton *button) { g_return_val_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button), FALSE); return button->priv->is_toggle; } /** * st_button_set_toggle_mode: * @button: a #Stbutton * @toggle: #TRUE or #FALSE * * Enables or disables toggle mode for the button. In toggle mode, the active * state will be "toggled" when the user clicks the button. */ void st_button_set_toggle_mode (StButton *button, gboolean toggle) { g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button)); button->priv->is_toggle = toggle; g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "toggle-mode"); } /** * st_button_get_checked: * @button: a #StButton * * Get the state of the button that is in toggle mode. * * Returns: #TRUE if the button is checked, or #FALSE if not */ gboolean st_button_get_checked (StButton *button) { g_return_val_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button), FALSE); return button->priv->is_checked; } /** * st_button_set_checked: * @button: a #Stbutton * @checked: #TRUE or #FALSE * * Sets the pressed state of the button. This is only really useful if the * button has #toggle-mode mode set to #TRUE. */ void st_button_set_checked (StButton *button, gboolean checked) { g_return_if_fail (ST_IS_BUTTON (button)); if (button->priv->is_checked != checked) { button->priv->is_checked = checked; if (checked) st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "checked"); else if (button->priv->is_hover) st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, "hover"); else st_widget_set_style_pseudo_class ((StWidget*) button, NULL); } g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "checked"); }