// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import Atk from 'gi://Atk'; import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import GDesktopEnums from 'gi://GDesktopEnums'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Meta from 'gi://Meta'; import Pango from 'gi://Pango'; import Rsvg from 'gi://Rsvg'; import St from 'gi://St'; import * as Signals from '../misc/signals.js'; import * as Main from './main.js'; import * as PopupMenu from './popupMenu.js'; import * as Layout from './layout.js'; import {loadInterfaceXML} from '../misc/fileUtils.js'; const ACTIVE_COLOR = '#729fcf'; const LTR = 0; const RTL = 1; const PadChooser = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: {'pad-selected': {param_types: [Clutter.InputDevice.$gtype]}}, }, class PadChooser extends St.Button { _init(device, groupDevices) { super._init({ style_class: 'pad-chooser-button', toggle_mode: true, }); this.currentDevice = device; this._padChooserMenu = null; let arrow = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'popup-menu-arrow', icon_name: 'pan-down-symbolic', accessible_role: Atk.Role.ARROW, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this.set_child(arrow); this._ensureMenu(groupDevices); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); } vfunc_clicked() { if (this.get_checked()) { if (this._padChooserMenu != null) this._padChooserMenu.open(true); else this.set_checked(false); } else { this._padChooserMenu.close(true); } } _ensureMenu(devices) { this._padChooserMenu = new PopupMenu.PopupMenu(this, 0.5, St.Side.TOP); this._padChooserMenu.connect('menu-closed', () => { this.set_checked(false); }); this._padChooserMenu.actor.hide(); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this._padChooserMenu.actor); this._menuManager = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuManager(this); this._menuManager.addMenu(this._padChooserMenu); for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { let device = devices[i]; if (device == this.currentDevice) continue; this._padChooserMenu.addAction(device.get_device_name(), () => { this.emit('pad-selected', device); }); } } _onDestroy() { this._padChooserMenu.destroy(); } update(devices) { if (this._padChooserMenu) this._padChooserMenu.actor.destroy(); this.set_checked(false); this._ensureMenu(devices); } }); const KeybindingEntry = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: {'keybinding-edited': {param_types: [GObject.TYPE_STRING]}}, }, class KeybindingEntry extends St.Entry { _init() { super._init({hint_text: _('New shortcut…'), style: 'width: 10em'}); } vfunc_captured_event(event) { if (event.type() != Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; const str = Meta.accelerator_name( event.get_state(), event.get_key_symbol()); this.set_text(str); this.emit('keybinding-edited', str); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } }); const ActionComboBox = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: {'action-selected': {param_types: [GObject.TYPE_INT]}}, }, class ActionComboBox extends St.Button { _init() { super._init({style_class: 'button'}); this.set_toggle_mode(true); const boxLayout = new Clutter.BoxLayout({ orientation: Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: 6, }); let box = new St.Widget({layout_manager: boxLayout}); this.set_child(box); this._label = new St.Label({style_class: 'combo-box-label'}); box.add_child(this._label); const arrow = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'popup-menu-arrow', icon_name: 'pan-down-symbolic', accessible_role: Atk.Role.ARROW, y_expand: true, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); box.add_child(arrow); this._editMenu = new PopupMenu.PopupMenu(this, 0, St.Side.TOP); this._editMenu.connect('menu-closed', () => { this.set_checked(false); }); this._editMenu.actor.hide(); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this._editMenu.actor); this._editMenuManager = new PopupMenu.PopupMenuManager(this); this._editMenuManager.addMenu(this._editMenu); this._actionLabels = new Map(); this._actionLabels.set(GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.NONE, _('App defined')); this._actionLabels.set(GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.HELP, _('Show on-screen help')); this._actionLabels.set(GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.SWITCH_MONITOR, _('Switch monitor')); this._actionLabels.set(GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.KEYBINDING, _('Assign keystroke')); this._buttonItems = []; for (let [action, label] of this._actionLabels.entries()) { let selectedAction = action; let item = this._editMenu.addAction(label, () => { this._onActionSelected(selectedAction); }); /* These actions only apply to pad buttons */ if (selectedAction == GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.HELP || selectedAction == GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.SWITCH_MONITOR) this._buttonItems.push(item); } this.setAction(GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.NONE); } _onActionSelected(action) { this.setAction(action); this.popdown(); this.emit('action-selected', action); } setAction(action) { this._label.set_text(this._actionLabels.get(action)); } popup() { this._editMenu.open(true); } popdown() { this._editMenu.close(true); } vfunc_clicked() { if (this.get_checked()) this.popup(); else this.popdown(); } setButtonActionsActive(active) { this._buttonItems.forEach(item => item.setSensitive(active)); } }); const ActionEditor = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: {'done': {}}, }, class ActionEditor extends St.Widget { _init() { const boxLayout = new Clutter.BoxLayout({ orientation: Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing: 12, }); super._init({layout_manager: boxLayout}); this._actionComboBox = new ActionComboBox(); this._actionComboBox.connect('action-selected', this._onActionSelected.bind(this)); this.add_actor(this._actionComboBox); this._keybindingEdit = new KeybindingEntry(); this._keybindingEdit.connect('keybinding-edited', this._onKeybindingEdited.bind(this)); this.add_actor(this._keybindingEdit); this._doneButton = new St.Button({ label: _('Done'), style_class: 'button', x_expand: false, }); this._doneButton.connect('clicked', this._onEditingDone.bind(this)); this.add_actor(this._doneButton); } _updateKeybindingEntryState() { if (this._currentAction == GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.KEYBINDING) { this._keybindingEdit.set_text(this._currentKeybinding); this._keybindingEdit.show(); this._keybindingEdit.grab_key_focus(); } else { this._keybindingEdit.hide(); } } setSettings(settings, action) { this._buttonSettings = settings; this._currentAction = this._buttonSettings.get_enum('action'); this._currentKeybinding = this._buttonSettings.get_string('keybinding'); this._actionComboBox.setAction(this._currentAction); this._updateKeybindingEntryState(); let isButton = action === null; this._actionComboBox.setButtonActionsActive(isButton); } close() { this._actionComboBox.popdown(); this.hide(); } _onKeybindingEdited(entry, keybinding) { this._currentKeybinding = keybinding; } _onActionSelected(menu, action) { this._currentAction = action; this._updateKeybindingEntryState(); } _storeSettings() { if (!this._buttonSettings) return; let keybinding = null; if (this._currentAction == GDesktopEnums.PadButtonAction.KEYBINDING) keybinding = this._currentKeybinding; this._buttonSettings.set_enum('action', this._currentAction); if (keybinding) this._buttonSettings.set_string('keybinding', keybinding); else this._buttonSettings.reset('keybinding'); } _onEditingDone() { this._storeSettings(); this.close(); this.emit('done'); } }); const PadDiagram = GObject.registerClass({ Properties: { 'left-handed': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('left-handed', 'left-handed', 'Left handed', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY, false), 'image': GObject.ParamSpec.string('image', 'image', 'Image', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY, null), 'editor-actor': GObject.ParamSpec.object('editor-actor', 'editor-actor', 'Editor actor', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY, Clutter.Actor.$gtype), }, }, class PadDiagram extends St.DrawingArea { _init(params) { let file = Gio.File.new_for_uri('resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/pad-osd.css'); let [success_, css] = file.load_contents(null); this._curEdited = null; this._css = new TextDecoder().decode(css); this._labels = []; this._activeButtons = []; super._init(params); } get image() { return this._imagePath; } set image(imagePath) { let originalHandle = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_file(imagePath); let dimensions = originalHandle.get_dimensions(); this._imageWidth = dimensions.width; this._imageHeight = dimensions.height; this._imagePath = imagePath; this._handle = this._composeStyledDiagram(); this._initLabels(); } get editorActor() { return this._editorActor; } set editorActor(actor) { actor.hide(); this._editorActor = actor; this.add_actor(actor); } _initLabels() { let i = 0; for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (!this._addLabel(null, i)) break; } for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (!this._addLabel(Meta.PadFeatureType.RING, i, Meta.PadDirection.CW) || !this._addLabel(Meta.PadFeatureType.RING, i, Meta.PadDirection.CCW)) break; } for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (!this._addLabel(Meta.PadFeatureType.STRIP, i, Meta.PadDirection.UP) || !this._addLabel(Meta.PadFeatureType.STRIP, i, Meta.PadDirection.DOWN)) break; } } _wrappingSvgHeader() { return '' + ' ` + '', ''.format(this._imagePath), ''); } _cssString() { let css = this._css; for (let i = 0; i < this._activeButtons.length; i++) { let ch = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt() + this._activeButtons[i]); css += `.${ch}.Leader { stroke: ${ACTIVE_COLOR} !important; }`; css += `.${ch}.Button { stroke: ${ACTIVE_COLOR} !important; fill: ${ACTIVE_COLOR} !important; }`; } return css; } _composeStyledDiagram() { let svgData = ''; if (!GLib.file_test(this._imagePath, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) return null; svgData += this._wrappingSvgHeader(); svgData += this._cssString(); svgData += this._wrappingSvgFooter(); let istream = new Gio.MemoryInputStream(); istream.add_bytes(new GLib.Bytes(svgData)); return Rsvg.Handle.new_from_stream_sync(istream, Gio.File.new_for_path(this._imagePath), 0, null); } _updateDiagramScale() { [this._actorWidth, this._actorHeight] = this.get_size(); let dimensions = this._handle.get_dimensions(); let scaleX = this._actorWidth / dimensions.width; let scaleY = this._actorHeight / dimensions.height; this._scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); } _allocateChild(child, x, y, direction) { let [, natHeight] = child.get_preferred_height(-1); let [, natWidth] = child.get_preferred_width(natHeight); let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); // I miss Cairo.Matrix let dimensions = this._handle.get_dimensions(); x = x * this._scale + this._actorWidth / 2 - dimensions.width / 2 * this._scale; y = y * this._scale + this._actorHeight / 2 - dimensions.height / 2 * this._scale; if (direction == LTR) { childBox.x1 = x; childBox.x2 = x + natWidth; } else { childBox.x1 = x - natWidth; childBox.x2 = x; } childBox.y1 = y - natHeight / 2; childBox.y2 = y + natHeight / 2; child.allocate(childBox); } vfunc_allocate(box) { super.vfunc_allocate(box); if (this._handle === null) return; this._updateDiagramScale(); for (let i = 0; i < this._labels.length; i++) { const {label, x, y, arrangement} = this._labels[i]; this._allocateChild(label, x, y, arrangement); } if (this._editorActor && this._curEdited) { const {x, y, arrangement} = this._curEdited; this._allocateChild(this._editorActor, x, y, arrangement); } } vfunc_repaint() { if (this._handle == null) return; if (this._scale == null) this._updateDiagramScale(); let [width, height] = this.get_surface_size(); let dimensions = this._handle.get_dimensions(); let cr = this.get_context(); cr.save(); cr.translate(width / 2, height / 2); cr.scale(this._scale, this._scale); if (this.leftHanded) cr.rotate(Math.PI); cr.translate(-dimensions.width / 2, -dimensions.height / 2); this._handle.render_cairo(cr); cr.restore(); cr.$dispose(); } _getItemLabelCoords(labelName, leaderName) { if (this._handle == null) return [false]; const [labelFound, labelPos] = this._handle.get_position_sub(`#${labelName}`); const [, labelSize] = this._handle.get_dimensions_sub(`#${labelName}`); if (!labelFound) return [false]; const [leaderFound, leaderPos] = this._handle.get_position_sub(`#${leaderName}`); const [, leaderSize] = this._handle.get_dimensions_sub(`#${leaderName}`); if (!leaderFound) return [false]; let direction; if (labelPos.x > leaderPos.x + leaderSize.width) direction = LTR; else direction = RTL; let pos = {x: labelPos.x, y: labelPos.y + labelSize.height}; if (this.leftHanded) { direction = 1 - direction; pos.x = this._imageWidth - pos.x; pos.y = this._imageHeight - pos.y; } return [true, pos.x, pos.y, direction]; } _getButtonLabels(button) { let ch = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt() + button); const labelName = `Label${ch}`; const leaderName = `Leader${ch}`; return [labelName, leaderName]; } _getRingLabels(number, dir) { let numStr = number > 0 ? (number + 1).toString() : ''; let dirStr = dir === Meta.PadDirection.CW ? 'CW' : 'CCW'; const labelName = `LabelRing${numStr}${dirStr}`; const leaderName = `LeaderRing${numStr}${dirStr}`; return [labelName, leaderName]; } _getStripLabels(number, dir) { let numStr = number > 0 ? (number + 1).toString() : ''; let dirStr = dir === Meta.PadDirection.UP ? 'Up' : 'Down'; const labelName = `LabelStrip${numStr}${dirStr}`; const leaderName = `LeaderStrip${numStr}${dirStr}`; return [labelName, leaderName]; } _getLabelCoords(action, idx, dir) { if (action === Meta.PadFeatureType.RING) return this._getItemLabelCoords(...this._getRingLabels(idx, dir)); else if (action === Meta.PadFeatureType.STRIP) return this._getItemLabelCoords(...this._getStripLabels(idx, dir)); else return this._getItemLabelCoords(...this._getButtonLabels(idx)); } _invalidateSvg() { if (this._handle == null) return; this._handle = this._composeStyledDiagram(); this.queue_repaint(); } activateButton(button) { this._activeButtons.push(button); this._invalidateSvg(); } deactivateButton(button) { for (let i = 0; i < this._activeButtons.length; i++) { if (this._activeButtons[i] == button) this._activeButtons.splice(i, 1); } this._invalidateSvg(); } _addLabel(action, idx, dir) { let [found, x, y, arrangement] = this._getLabelCoords(action, idx, dir); if (!found) return false; let label = new St.Label(); this._labels.push({label, action, idx, dir, x, y, arrangement}); this.add_actor(label); return true; } updateLabels(getText) { for (let i = 0; i < this._labels.length; i++) { const {label, action, idx, dir} = this._labels[i]; let str = getText(action, idx, dir); label.set_text(str); } this.queue_relayout(); } _applyLabel(label, action, idx, dir, str) { if (str !== null) label.set_text(str); label.show(); } stopEdition(str) { this._editorActor.hide(); if (this._curEdited) { const {label, action, idx, dir} = this._curEdited; this._applyLabel(label, action, idx, dir, str); this._curEdited = null; } this.queue_relayout(); } startEdition(action, idx, dir) { let editedLabel; if (this._curEdited) return; for (let i = 0; i < this._labels.length; i++) { if (action == this._labels[i].action && idx == this._labels[i].idx && dir == this._labels[i].dir) { this._curEdited = this._labels[i]; editedLabel = this._curEdited.label; break; } } if (this._curEdited == null) return; this._editorActor.show(); editedLabel.hide(); this.queue_relayout(); } }); export const PadOsd = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'pad-selected': {param_types: [Clutter.InputDevice.$gtype]}, 'closed': {}, }, }, class PadOsd extends St.BoxLayout { _init(padDevice, settings, imagePath, editionMode, monitorIndex) { super._init({ style_class: 'pad-osd-window', vertical: true, x_expand: true, y_expand: true, reactive: true, }); this.padDevice = padDevice; this._groupPads = [padDevice]; this._settings = settings; this._imagePath = imagePath; this._editionMode = editionMode; this._padChooser = null; let seat = Clutter.get_default_backend().get_default_seat(); seat.connectObject( 'device-added', (_seat, device) => { if (device.get_device_type() === Clutter.InputDeviceType.PAD_DEVICE && this.padDevice.is_grouped(device)) { this._groupPads.push(device); this._updatePadChooser(); } }, 'device-removed', (_seat, device) => { // If the device is being removed, destroy the padOsd. if (device === this.padDevice) { this.destroy(); } else if (this._groupPads.includes(device)) { // Or update the pad chooser if the device belongs to // the same group. this._groupPads.splice(this._groupPads.indexOf(device), 1); this._updatePadChooser(); } }, this); seat.list_devices().forEach(device => { if (device != this.padDevice && device.get_device_type() == Clutter.InputDeviceType.PAD_DEVICE && this.padDevice.is_grouped(device)) this._groupPads.push(device); }); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); Main.uiGroup.add_actor(this); this._monitorIndex = monitorIndex; let constraint = new Layout.MonitorConstraint({index: monitorIndex}); this.add_constraint(constraint); this._titleBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'pad-osd-title-box', vertical: false, x_expand: false, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this.add_actor(this._titleBox); const labelBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'pad-osd-title-menu-box', vertical: true, }); this._titleBox.add_actor(labelBox); this._titleLabel = new St.Label({ style: 'font-side: larger; font-weight: bold;', x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this._titleLabel.clutter_text.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE); this._titleLabel.clutter_text.set_text(padDevice.get_device_name()); labelBox.add_actor(this._titleLabel); this._tipLabel = new St.Label({x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER}); labelBox.add_actor(this._tipLabel); this._updatePadChooser(); this._actionEditor = new ActionEditor(); this._actionEditor.connect('done', this._endActionEdition.bind(this)); this._padDiagram = new PadDiagram({ image: this._imagePath, left_handed: settings.get_boolean('left-handed'), editor_actor: this._actionEditor, x_expand: true, y_expand: true, }); this.add_actor(this._padDiagram); this._updateActionLabels(); const buttonBox = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), x_expand: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this.add_actor(buttonBox); this._editButton = new St.Button({ label: _('Edit…'), style_class: 'button', can_focus: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this._editButton.connect('clicked', () => { this.setEditionMode(true); }); buttonBox.add_actor(this._editButton); this._syncEditionMode(); this._grab = Main.pushModal(this); } _updatePadChooser() { if (this._groupPads.length > 1) { if (this._padChooser == null) { this._padChooser = new PadChooser(this.padDevice, this._groupPads); this._padChooser.connect('pad-selected', (chooser, pad) => { this._requestForOtherPad(pad); }); this._titleBox.add_child(this._padChooser); } else { this._padChooser.update(this._groupPads); } } else if (this._padChooser != null) { this._padChooser.destroy(); this._padChooser = null; } } _requestForOtherPad(pad) { if (pad == this.padDevice || !this._groupPads.includes(pad)) return; let editionMode = this._editionMode; this.destroy(); global.display.request_pad_osd(pad, editionMode); } _getActionText(type, number, dir) { let str; if (type === Meta.PadFeatureType.RING || type === Meta.PadFeatureType.STRIP) str = global.display.get_pad_feature_label(this.padDevice, type, dir, number); else str = global.display.get_pad_button_label(this.padDevice, number); return str ?? _('None'); } _updateActionLabels() { this._padDiagram.updateLabels(this._getActionText.bind(this)); } vfunc_captured_event(event) { let isModeSwitch = (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.PAD_BUTTON_PRESS || event.type() == Clutter.EventType.PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE) && this.padDevice.get_mode_switch_button_group(event.get_button()) >= 0; if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.PAD_BUTTON_PRESS && event.get_source_device() == this.padDevice) { this._padDiagram.activateButton(event.get_button()); /* Buttons that switch between modes cannot be edited */ if (this._editionMode && !isModeSwitch) this._startButtonActionEdition(event.get_button()); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE && event.get_source_device() == this.padDevice) { this._padDiagram.deactivateButton(event.get_button()); if (isModeSwitch) { this._endActionEdition(); this._updateActionLabels(); } return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.KEY_PRESS && (!this._editionMode || event.get_key_symbol() === Clutter.KEY_Escape)) { if (this._editedAction != null) this._endActionEdition(); else this.destroy(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (event.get_source_device() == this.padDevice && event.type() == Clutter.EventType.PAD_STRIP) { if (this._editionMode) { let [retval_, number, mode] = event.get_pad_event_details(); this._startStripActionEdition(number, Meta.PadDirection.UP, mode); } } else if (event.get_source_device() == this.padDevice && event.type() == Clutter.EventType.PAD_RING) { if (this._editionMode) { let [retval_, number, mode] = event.get_pad_event_details(); this._startRingActionEdition(number, Meta.PadDirection.CCW, mode); } } // If the event comes from another pad in the same group, // show the OSD for it. if (this._groupPads.includes(event.get_source_device())) { this._requestForOtherPad(event.get_source_device()); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } _syncEditionMode() { this._editButton.set_reactive(!this._editionMode); this._editButton.save_easing_state(); this._editButton.set_easing_duration(200); this._editButton.set_opacity(this._editionMode ? 128 : 255); this._editButton.restore_easing_state(); let title; if (this._editionMode) { title = _('Press a button to configure'); this._tipLabel.set_text(_('Press Esc to exit')); } else { title = this.padDevice.get_device_name(); this._tipLabel.set_text(_('Press any key to exit')); } this._titleLabel.set_text(title); } _isEditedAction(type, number, dir) { if (!this._editedAction) return false; return this._editedAction.type == type && this._editedAction.number == number && this._editedAction.dir == dir; } _endActionEdition() { this._actionEditor.close(); if (this._editedAction != null) { const {type, number, dir, mode} = this._editedAction; const str = this._getActionText(type, number, dir); const hasNextAction = type === Meta.PadFeatureType.RING && dir === Meta.PadDirection.CCW || type === Meta.PadFeatureType.STRIP && dir === Meta.PadDirection.UP; this._padDiagram.stopEdition(str); this._editedAction = null; // Maybe follow up on next ring/strip direction if (hasNextAction) { if (type === Meta.PadFeatureType.RING) this._startRingActionEdition(number, Meta.PadDirection.CW, mode); else this._startStripActionEdition(number, Meta.PadDirection.DOWN, mode); } } this._editedActionSettings = null; } _startActionEdition(key, type, number, dir, mode) { if (this._isEditedAction(type, number, dir)) return; this._endActionEdition(); this._editedAction = {type, number, dir, mode}; const settingsPath = `${this._settings.path}${key}/`; this._editedActionSettings = Gio.Settings.new_with_path('org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.tablet.pad-button', settingsPath); this._actionEditor.setSettings(this._editedActionSettings, type); this._padDiagram.startEdition(type, number, dir); } _startButtonActionEdition(button) { let ch = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt() + button); let key = `button${ch}`; this._startActionEdition(key, null, button); } _startRingActionEdition(ring, dir, mode) { let ch = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt() + ring); const key = `ring${ch}-${dir === Meta.PadDirection.CCW ? 'ccw' : 'cw'}-mode-${mode}`; this._startActionEdition(key, Meta.PadFeatureType.RING, ring, dir, mode); } _startStripActionEdition(strip, dir, mode) { let ch = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt() + strip); const key = `strip${ch}-${dir === Meta.PadDirection.UP ? 'up' : 'down'}-mode-${mode}`; this._startActionEdition(key, Meta.PadFeatureType.STRIP, strip, dir, mode); } setEditionMode(editionMode) { if (this._editionMode == editionMode) return; this._editionMode = editionMode; this._syncEditionMode(); } _onDestroy() { Main.popModal(this._grab); this._grab = null; this._actionEditor.close(); this.emit('closed'); } }); const PadOsdIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.gnome.Shell.Wacom.PadOsd'); export class PadOsdService extends Signals.EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(PadOsdIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/gnome/Shell/Wacom'); Gio.DBus.session.own_name('org.gnome.Shell.Wacom.PadOsd', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE, null, null); } ShowAsync(params, invocation) { let [deviceNode, editionMode] = params; let seat = Clutter.get_default_backend().get_default_seat(); let devices = seat.list_devices(); let padDevice = null; devices.forEach(device => { if (deviceNode == device.get_device_node() && device.get_device_type() == Clutter.InputDeviceType.PAD_DEVICE) padDevice = device; }); if (padDevice == null) { invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.IOErrorEnum, Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED, 'Invalid params'); return; } global.display.request_pad_osd(padDevice, editionMode); invocation.return_value(null); } }