import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter'; import Gio from 'gi://Gio'; import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Pango from 'gi://Pango'; import Shell from 'gi://Shell'; import St from 'gi://St'; import * as CheckBox from './checkBox.js'; import * as Dialog from './dialog.js'; import * as ModalDialog from './modalDialog.js'; import {loadInterfaceXML} from '../misc/fileUtils.js'; const RequestIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request'); const AccessIface = loadInterfaceXML('org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Access'); /** @enum {number} */ const DialogResponse = { OK: 0, CANCEL: 1, CLOSED: 2, }; const AccessDialog = GObject.registerClass( class AccessDialog extends ModalDialog.ModalDialog { _init(invocation, handle, title, description, body, options) { super._init({styleClass: 'access-dialog'}); this._invocation = invocation; this._handle = handle; this._requestExported = false; this._request = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(RequestIface, this); for (let option in options) options[option] = options[option].deepUnpack(); this._buildLayout(title, description, body, options); } _buildLayout(title, description, body, options) { // No support for non-modal system dialogs, so ignore the option // let modal = options['modal'] || true; let denyLabel = options['deny_label'] || _('Deny'); let grantLabel = options['grant_label'] || _('Allow'); let choices = options['choices'] || []; let content = new Dialog.MessageDialogContent({title, description}); this.contentLayout.add_actor(content); this._choices = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) { let [id, name, opts, selected] = choices[i]; if (opts.length > 0) continue; // radio buttons, not implemented let check = new CheckBox.CheckBox(); check.getLabelActor().text = name; check.checked = selected === 'true'; content.add_child(check); this._choices.set(id, check); } if (body) { let bodyLabel = new St.Label({ text: body, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); bodyLabel.clutter_text.ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE; bodyLabel.clutter_text.line_wrap = true; content.add_child(bodyLabel); } this.addButton({ label: denyLabel, action: () => this._sendResponse(DialogResponse.CANCEL), key: Clutter.KEY_Escape, }); this.addButton({ label: grantLabel, action: () => this._sendResponse(DialogResponse.OK), }); } open() { if (! return false; let connection = this._invocation.get_connection(); this._requestExported = this._request.export(connection, this._handle); return true; } CloseAsync(invocation, _params) { if (this._invocation.get_sender() != invocation.get_sender()) { invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.ACCESS_DENIED, ''); return; } this._sendResponse(DialogResponse.CLOSED); } _sendResponse(response) { if (this._requestExported) this._request.unexport(); this._requestExported = false; let results = {}; if (response == DialogResponse.OK) { for (let [id, check] of this._choices) { let checked = check.checked ? 'true' : 'false'; results[id] = new GLib.Variant('s', checked); } } // Delay actual response until the end of the close animation (if any) this.connect('closed', () => { this._invocation.return_value(new GLib.Variant('(ua{sv})', [response, results])); }); this.close(); } }); export class AccessDialogDBus { constructor() { this._accessDialog = null; this._windowTracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); this._dbusImpl = Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(AccessIface, this); this._dbusImpl.export(Gio.DBus.session, '/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop'); Gio.DBus.session.own_name('org.gnome.Shell.Portal', Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE, null, null); } AccessDialogAsync(params, invocation) { if (this._accessDialog) { invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.LIMITS_EXCEEDED, 'Already showing a system access dialog'); return; } let [handle, appId, parentWindow_, title, description, body, options] = params; // We probably want to use parentWindow and global.display.focus_window // for this check in the future if (appId && `${appId}.desktop` !== { invocation.return_error_literal(Gio.DBusError, Gio.DBusError.ACCESS_DENIED, 'Only the focused app is allowed to show a system access dialog'); return; } let dialog = new AccessDialog( invocation, handle, title, description, body, options);; dialog.connect('closed', () => (this._accessDialog = null)); this._accessDialog = dialog; } }