// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Signals = imports.signals; const Lang = imports.lang; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const St = imports.gi.St; const AppDisplay = imports.ui.appDisplay; const Main = imports.ui.main; const OverviewControls = imports.ui.overviewControls; const Params = imports.misc.params; const Search = imports.ui.search; const ShellEntry = imports.ui.shellEntry; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const WorkspacesView = imports.ui.workspacesView; const EdgeDragAction = imports.ui.edgeDragAction; const IconGrid = imports.ui.iconGrid; const SHELL_KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.shell.keybindings'; const ViewPage = { WINDOWS: 1, APPS: 2, SEARCH: 3 }; const FocusTrap = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'FocusTrap', Extends: St.Widget, vfunc_navigate_focus: function(from, direction) { if (direction == Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD || direction == Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_BACKWARD) return this.parent(from, direction); return false; } }); function getTermsForSearchString(searchString) { searchString = searchString.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); if (searchString == '') return []; let terms = searchString.split(/\s+/); return terms; } const ShowOverviewAction = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ShowOverviewAction', Extends: Clutter.GestureAction, _init : function() { this.parent(); this.set_n_touch_points(3); global.display.connect('grab-op-begin', Lang.bind(this, function() { this.cancel(); })); }, vfunc_gesture_prepare : function(action, actor) { return Main.keybindingMode == Shell.KeyBindingMode.NORMAL && this.get_n_current_points() == this.get_n_touch_points(); }, _getBoundingRect : function(motion) { let minX, minY, maxX, maxY; for (let i = 0; i < this.get_n_current_points(); i++) { let x, y; if (motion == true) { [x, y] = this.get_motion_coords(i); } else { [x, y] = this.get_press_coords(i); } if (i == 0) { minX = maxX = x; minY = maxY = y; } else { minX = Math.min(minX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); } } return new Meta.Rectangle({ x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }); }, vfunc_gesture_begin : function(action, actor) { this._initialRect = this._getBoundingRect(false); return true; }, vfunc_gesture_end : function(action, actor) { let rect = this._getBoundingRect(true); let oldArea = this._initialRect.width * this._initialRect.height; let newArea = rect.width * rect.height; let areaDiff = newArea / oldArea; this.emit('activated', areaDiff); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(ShowOverviewAction.prototype); const ViewSelector = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ViewSelector', _init : function(searchEntry, showAppsButton) { this.actor = new Shell.Stack({ name: 'viewSelector' }); this._showAppsButton = showAppsButton; this._showAppsButton.connect('notify::checked', Lang.bind(this, this._onShowAppsButtonToggled)); this._activePage = null; this._searchActive = false; this._entry = searchEntry; ShellEntry.addContextMenu(this._entry); this._text = this._entry.clutter_text; this._text.connect('text-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onTextChanged)); this._text.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onKeyPress)); this._text.connect('key-focus-in', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._searchResults.highlightDefault(true); })); this._text.connect('key-focus-out', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._searchResults.highlightDefault(false); })); this._entry.connect('notify::mapped', Lang.bind(this, this._onMapped)); global.stage.connect('notify::key-focus', Lang.bind(this, this._onStageKeyFocusChanged)); this._entry.set_primary_icon(new St.Icon({ style_class: 'search-entry-icon', icon_name: 'edit-find-symbolic' })); this._clearIcon = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'search-entry-icon', icon_name: 'edit-clear-symbolic' }); this._iconClickedId = 0; this._capturedEventId = 0; this._workspacesDisplay = new WorkspacesView.WorkspacesDisplay(); this._workspacesPage = this._addPage(this._workspacesDisplay.actor, _("Windows"), 'emblem-documents-symbolic'); this.appDisplay = new AppDisplay.AppDisplay(); this._appsPage = this._addPage(this.appDisplay.actor, _("Applications"), 'view-grid-symbolic'); this._searchResults = new Search.SearchResults(); this._searchPage = this._addPage(this._searchResults.actor, _("Search"), 'edit-find-symbolic', { a11yFocus: this._entry }); // Since the entry isn't inside the results container we install this // dummy widget as the last results container child so that we can // include the entry in the keynav tab path this._focusTrap = new FocusTrap({ can_focus: true }); this._focusTrap.connect('key-focus-in', Lang.bind(this, function() { this._entry.grab_key_focus(); })); this._searchResults.actor.add_actor(this._focusTrap); global.focus_manager.add_group(this._searchResults.actor); this._stageKeyPressId = 0; Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, function () { this._stageKeyPressId = global.stage.connect('key-press-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onStageKeyPress)); })); Main.overview.connect('hiding', Lang.bind(this, function () { if (this._stageKeyPressId != 0) { global.stage.disconnect(this._stageKeyPressId); this._stageKeyPressId = 0; } })); Main.overview.connect('shown', Lang.bind(this, function() { // If we were animating from the desktop view to the // apps page the workspace page was visible, allowing // the windows to animate, but now we no longer want to // show it given that we are now on the apps page or // search page. if (this._activePage != this._workspacesPage) { this._workspacesPage.opacity = 0; this._workspacesPage.hide(); } })); Main.wm.addKeybinding('toggle-application-view', new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: SHELL_KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA }), Meta.KeyBindingFlags.NONE, Shell.KeyBindingMode.NORMAL | Shell.KeyBindingMode.OVERVIEW, Lang.bind(this, this._toggleAppsPage)); Main.wm.addKeybinding('toggle-overview', new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: SHELL_KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA }), Meta.KeyBindingFlags.NONE, Shell.KeyBindingMode.NORMAL | Shell.KeyBindingMode.OVERVIEW, Lang.bind(Main.overview, Main.overview.toggle)); let side; if (Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) side = St.Side.RIGHT; else side = St.Side.LEFT; let gesture = new EdgeDragAction.EdgeDragAction(side, Shell.KeyBindingMode.NORMAL); gesture.connect('activated', Lang.bind(this, function() { if (Main.overview.visible) Main.overview.hide(); else this.showApps(); })); global.stage.add_action(gesture); gesture = new ShowOverviewAction(); gesture.connect('activated', Lang.bind(this, function(action, areaDiff) { if (areaDiff < 0.7) Main.overview.show(); })); global.stage.add_action(gesture); }, _toggleAppsPage: function() { this._showAppsButton.checked = !this._showAppsButton.checked; Main.overview.show(); }, showApps: function() { this._showAppsButton.checked = true; Main.overview.show(); }, show: function() { this.reset(); this._workspacesDisplay.show(this._showAppsButton.checked); this._activePage = null; if (this._showAppsButton.checked) this._showPage(this._appsPage); else this._showPage(this._workspacesPage); if (!this._workspacesDisplay.activeWorkspaceHasMaximizedWindows()) Main.overview.fadeOutDesktop(); }, animateFromOverview: function() { // Make sure workspace page is fully visible to allow // workspace.js do the animation of the windows this._workspacesPage.opacity = 255; this._workspacesDisplay.animateFromOverview(this._activePage != this._workspacesPage); this._showAppsButton.checked = false; if (!this._workspacesDisplay.activeWorkspaceHasMaximizedWindows()) Main.overview.fadeInDesktop(); }, setWorkspacesFullGeometry: function(geom) { this._workspacesDisplay.setWorkspacesFullGeometry(geom); }, hide: function() { this._workspacesDisplay.hide(); }, _addPage: function(actor, name, a11yIcon, params) { params = Params.parse(params, { a11yFocus: null }); let page = new St.Bin({ child: actor, x_align: St.Align.START, y_align: St.Align.START, x_fill: true, y_fill: true }); if (params.a11yFocus) Main.ctrlAltTabManager.addGroup(params.a11yFocus, name, a11yIcon); else Main.ctrlAltTabManager.addGroup(actor, name, a11yIcon, { proxy: this.actor, focusCallback: Lang.bind(this, function() { this._a11yFocusPage(page); }) });; page.hide(); this.actor.add_actor(page); return page; }, _fadePageIn: function() { Tweener.addTween(this._activePage, { opacity: 255, time: OverviewControls.SIDE_CONTROLS_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); }, _fadePageOut: function(page) { let oldPage = page; Tweener.addTween(page, { opacity: 0, time: OverviewControls.SIDE_CONTROLS_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: Lang.bind(this, function() { this._animateIn(oldPage); }) }); }, _animateIn: function(oldPage) { if (oldPage) oldPage.hide(); this.emit('page-empty'); this._activePage.show(); if (this._activePage == this._appsPage && oldPage == this._workspacesPage) { // Restore opacity, in case we animated via _fadePageOut this._activePage.opacity = 255; this.appDisplay.animate(IconGrid.AnimationDirection.IN); } else { this._fadePageIn(); } }, _animateOut: function(page) { let oldPage = page; if (page == this._appsPage && this._activePage == this._workspacesPage && !Main.overview.animationInProgress) { this.appDisplay.animate(IconGrid.AnimationDirection.OUT, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._animateIn(oldPage) })); } else { this._fadePageOut(page); } }, _showPage: function(page) { if (!Main.overview.visible) return; if (page == this._activePage) return; let oldPage = this._activePage; this._activePage = page; this.emit('page-changed'); if (oldPage) this._animateOut(oldPage) else this._animateIn(); }, _a11yFocusPage: function(page) { this._showAppsButton.checked = page == this._appsPage; page.navigate_focus(null, Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false); }, _onShowAppsButtonToggled: function() { this._showPage(this._showAppsButton.checked ? this._appsPage : this._workspacesPage); }, _onStageKeyPress: function(actor, event) { // Ignore events while anything but the overview has // pushed a modal (system modals, looking glass, ...) if (Main.modalCount > 1) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; let modifiers = event.get_state(); let symbol = event.get_key_symbol(); if (symbol == Clutter.Escape) { if (this._searchActive) this.reset(); else if (this._showAppsButton.checked) this._showAppsButton.checked = false; else Main.overview.hide(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (this._shouldTriggerSearch(symbol)) { this.startSearch(event); } else if (!this._searchActive && !global.stage.key_focus) { if (symbol == Clutter.Tab || symbol == Clutter.Down) { this._activePage.navigate_focus(null, Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD, false); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (symbol == Clutter.ISO_Left_Tab) { this._activePage.navigate_focus(null, Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_BACKWARD, false); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, _searchCancelled: function() { this._showPage(this._showAppsButton.checked ? this._appsPage : this._workspacesPage); // Leave the entry focused when it doesn't have any text; // when replacing a selected search term, Clutter emits // two 'text-changed' signals, one for deleting the previous // text and one for the new one - the second one is handled // incorrectly when we remove focus // (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636341) */ if (this._text.text != '') this.reset(); }, reset: function () { global.stage.set_key_focus(null); this._entry.text = ''; this._text.set_cursor_visible(true); this._text.set_selection(0, 0); }, _onStageKeyFocusChanged: function() { let focus = global.stage.get_key_focus(); let appearFocused = (this._entry.contains(focus) || this._searchResults.actor.contains(focus)); this._text.set_cursor_visible(appearFocused); if (appearFocused) this._entry.add_style_pseudo_class('focus'); else this._entry.remove_style_pseudo_class('focus'); }, _onMapped: function() { if (this._entry.mapped) { // Enable 'find-as-you-type' this._capturedEventId = global.stage.connect('captured-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onCapturedEvent)); this._text.set_cursor_visible(true); this._text.set_selection(0, 0); } else { // Disable 'find-as-you-type' if (this._capturedEventId > 0) global.stage.disconnect(this._capturedEventId); this._capturedEventId = 0; } }, _shouldTriggerSearch: function(symbol) { let unicode = Clutter.keysym_to_unicode(symbol); if (unicode == 0) return false; if (getTermsForSearchString(String.fromCharCode(unicode)).length > 0) return true; return symbol == Clutter.BackSpace && this._searchActive; }, startSearch: function(event) { global.stage.set_key_focus(this._text); let synthEvent = event.copy(); synthEvent.set_source(this._text); this._text.event(synthEvent, true); }, // the entry does not show the hint _isActivated: function() { return this._text.text == this._entry.get_text(); }, _onTextChanged: function (se, prop) { let terms = getTermsForSearchString(this._entry.get_text()); this._searchActive = (terms.length > 0); this._searchResults.setTerms(terms); if (this._searchActive) { this._showPage(this._searchPage); this._entry.set_secondary_icon(this._clearIcon); if (this._iconClickedId == 0) this._iconClickedId = this._entry.connect('secondary-icon-clicked', Lang.bind(this, this.reset)); } else { if (this._iconClickedId > 0) { this._entry.disconnect(this._iconClickedId); this._iconClickedId = 0; } this._entry.set_secondary_icon(null); this._searchCancelled(); } }, _onKeyPress: function(entry, event) { let symbol = event.get_key_symbol(); if (symbol == Clutter.Escape) { if (this._isActivated()) { this.reset(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } } else if (this._searchActive) { let arrowNext, nextDirection; if (entry.get_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL) { arrowNext = Clutter.Left; nextDirection = Gtk.DirectionType.LEFT; } else { arrowNext = Clutter.Right; nextDirection = Gtk.DirectionType.RIGHT; } if (symbol == Clutter.Tab) { this._searchResults.navigateFocus(Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_FORWARD); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (symbol == Clutter.ISO_Left_Tab) { this._focusTrap.can_focus = false; this._searchResults.navigateFocus(Gtk.DirectionType.TAB_BACKWARD); this._focusTrap.can_focus = true; return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (symbol == Clutter.Down) { this._searchResults.navigateFocus(Gtk.DirectionType.DOWN); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (symbol == arrowNext && this._text.position == -1) { this._searchResults.navigateFocus(nextDirection); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } else if (symbol == Clutter.Return || symbol == Clutter.KP_Enter) { this._searchResults.activateDefault(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, _onCapturedEvent: function(actor, event) { if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS) { let source = event.get_source(); if (source != this._text && this._text.text == '' && !Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.contains(source)) { // the user clicked outside after activating the entry, but // with no search term entered and no keyboard button pressed // - cancel the search this.reset(); } } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }, getActivePage: function() { if (this._activePage == this._workspacesPage) return ViewPage.WINDOWS; else if (this._activePage == this._appsPage) return ViewPage.APPS; else return ViewPage.SEARCH; }, fadeIn: function() { let actor = this._activePage; Tweener.addTween(actor, { opacity: 255, time: OverviewControls.SIDE_CONTROLS_ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: 'easeInQuad' }); }, fadeHalf: function() { let actor = this._activePage; Tweener.addTween(actor, { opacity: 128, time: OverviewControls.SIDE_CONTROLS_ANIMATION_TIME / 2, transition: 'easeOutQuad' }); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(ViewSelector.prototype);