// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported KeyboardManager */ const { Clutter, Gio, GLib, GObject, Graphene, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const Signals = imports.signals; const EdgeDragAction = imports.ui.edgeDragAction; const InputSourceManager = imports.ui.status.keyboard; const IBusManager = imports.misc.ibusManager; const BoxPointer = imports.ui.boxpointer; const Main = imports.ui.main; const PageIndicators = imports.ui.pageIndicators; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; var KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME = 150; var KEYBOARD_REST_TIME = KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME * 2; var KEY_LONG_PRESS_TIME = 250; var PANEL_SWITCH_ANIMATION_TIME = 500; var PANEL_SWITCH_RELATIVE_DISTANCE = 1 / 3; /* A third of the actor width */ const A11Y_APPLICATIONS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications'; const SHOW_KEYBOARD = 'screen-keyboard-enabled'; /* KeyContainer puts keys in a grid where a 1:1 key takes this size */ const KEY_SIZE = 2; const defaultKeysPre = [ [[], [], [{ width: 1.5, level: 1, extraClassName: 'shift-key-lowercase', icon: 'keyboard-shift-filled-symbolic' }], [{ label: '?123', width: 1.5, level: 2 }]], [[], [], [{ width: 1.5, level: 0, extraClassName: 'shift-key-uppercase', icon: 'keyboard-shift-filled-symbolic' }], [{ label: '?123', width: 1.5, level: 2 }]], [[], [], [{ label: '=/<', width: 1.5, level: 3 }], [{ label: 'ABC', width: 1.5, level: 0 }]], [[], [], [{ label: '?123', width: 1.5, level: 2 }], [{ label: 'ABC', width: 1.5, level: 0 }]], ]; const defaultKeysPost = [ [[{ width: 1.5, keyval: Clutter.KEY_BackSpace, icon: 'edit-clear-symbolic' }], [{ width: 2, keyval: Clutter.KEY_Return, extraClassName: 'enter-key', icon: 'keyboard-enter-symbolic' }], [{ width: 3, level: 1, right: true, extraClassName: 'shift-key-lowercase', icon: 'keyboard-shift-filled-symbolic' }], [{ action: 'emoji', icon: 'face-smile-symbolic' }, { action: 'languageMenu', extraClassName: 'layout-key', icon: 'keyboard-layout-filled-symbolic' }, { action: 'hide', extraClassName: 'hide-key', icon: 'go-down-symbolic' }]], [[{ width: 1.5, keyval: Clutter.KEY_BackSpace, icon: 'edit-clear-symbolic' }], [{ width: 2, keyval: Clutter.KEY_Return, extraClassName: 'enter-key', icon: 'keyboard-enter-symbolic' }], [{ width: 3, level: 0, right: true, extraClassName: 'shift-key-uppercase', icon: 'keyboard-shift-filled-symbolic' }], [{ action: 'emoji', icon: 'face-smile-symbolic' }, { action: 'languageMenu', extraClassName: 'layout-key', icon: 'keyboard-layout-filled-symbolic' }, { action: 'hide', extraClassName: 'hide-key', icon: 'go-down-symbolic' }]], [[{ width: 1.5, keyval: Clutter.KEY_BackSpace, icon: 'edit-clear-symbolic' }], [{ width: 2, keyval: Clutter.KEY_Return, extraClassName: 'enter-key', icon: 'keyboard-enter-symbolic' }], [{ label: '=/<', width: 3, level: 3, right: true }], [{ action: 'emoji', icon: 'face-smile-symbolic' }, { action: 'languageMenu', extraClassName: 'layout-key', icon: 'keyboard-layout-filled-symbolic' }, { action: 'hide', extraClassName: 'hide-key', icon: 'go-down-symbolic' }]], [[{ width: 1.5, keyval: Clutter.KEY_BackSpace, icon: 'edit-clear-symbolic' }], [{ width: 2, keyval: Clutter.KEY_Return, extraClassName: 'enter-key', icon: 'keyboard-enter-symbolic' }], [{ label: '?123', width: 3, level: 2, right: true }], [{ action: 'emoji', icon: 'face-smile-symbolic' }, { action: 'languageMenu', extraClassName: 'layout-key', icon: 'keyboard-layout-filled-symbolic' }, { action: 'hide', extraClassName: 'hide-key', icon: 'go-down-symbolic' }]], ]; var AspectContainer = GObject.registerClass( class AspectContainer extends St.Widget { _init(params) { super._init(params); this._ratio = 1; } setRatio(relWidth, relHeight) { this._ratio = relWidth / relHeight; this.queue_relayout(); } vfunc_get_preferred_width(forHeight) { let [min, nat] = super.vfunc_get_preferred_width(forHeight); if (forHeight > 0) nat = forHeight * this._ratio; return [min, nat]; } vfunc_get_preferred_height(forWidth) { let [min, nat] = super.vfunc_get_preferred_height(forWidth); if (forWidth > 0) nat = forWidth / this._ratio; return [min, nat]; } vfunc_allocate(box) { if (box.get_width() > 0 && box.get_height() > 0) { let sizeRatio = box.get_width() / box.get_height(); if (sizeRatio >= this._ratio) { /* Restrict horizontally */ let width = box.get_height() * this._ratio; let diff = box.get_width() - width; box.x1 += Math.floor(diff / 2); box.x2 -= Math.ceil(diff / 2); } else { /* Restrict vertically, align to bottom */ let height = box.get_width() / this._ratio; box.y1 = box.y2 - Math.floor(height); } } super.vfunc_allocate(box); } }); var KeyContainer = GObject.registerClass( class KeyContainer extends St.Widget { _init() { let gridLayout = new Clutter.GridLayout({ orientation: Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, column_homogeneous: true, row_homogeneous: true }); super._init({ layout_manager: gridLayout, x_expand: true, y_expand: true, }); this._gridLayout = gridLayout; this._currentRow = 0; this._currentCol = 0; this._maxCols = 0; this._currentRow = null; this._rows = []; } appendRow() { this._currentRow++; this._currentCol = 0; let row = { keys: [], width: 0, }; this._rows.push(row); } appendKey(key, width = 1, height = 1) { let keyInfo = { key, left: this._currentCol, top: this._currentRow, width, height, }; let row = this._rows[this._rows.length - 1]; row.keys.push(keyInfo); row.width += width; this._currentCol += width; this._maxCols = Math.max(this._currentCol, this._maxCols); } layoutButtons(container) { let nCol = 0, nRow = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this._rows.length; i++) { let row = this._rows[i]; /* When starting a new row, see if we need some padding */ if (nCol == 0) { let diff = this._maxCols - row.width; if (diff >= 1) nCol = diff * KEY_SIZE / 2; else nCol = diff * KEY_SIZE; } for (let j = 0; j < row.keys.length; j++) { let keyInfo = row.keys[j]; let width = keyInfo.width * KEY_SIZE; let height = keyInfo.height * KEY_SIZE; this._gridLayout.attach(keyInfo.key, nCol, nRow, width, height); nCol += width; } nRow += KEY_SIZE; nCol = 0; } if (container) container.setRatio(this._maxCols, this._rows.length); } }); var Suggestions = GObject.registerClass( class Suggestions extends St.BoxLayout { _init() { super._init({ style_class: 'word-suggestions', vertical: false, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this.show(); } add(word, callback) { let button = new St.Button({ label: word }); button.connect('clicked', callback); this.add_child(button); } clear() { this.remove_all_children(); } }); var LanguageSelectionPopup = class extends PopupMenu.PopupMenu { constructor(actor) { super(actor, 0.5, St.Side.BOTTOM); let inputSourceManager = InputSourceManager.getInputSourceManager(); let inputSources = inputSourceManager.inputSources; let item; for (let i in inputSources) { let is = inputSources[i]; item = this.addAction(is.displayName, () => { inputSourceManager.activateInputSource(is, true); }); item.can_focus = false; } this.addMenuItem(new PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); item = this.addSettingsAction(_("Region & Language Settings"), 'gnome-region-panel.desktop'); item.can_focus = false; this._capturedEventId = 0; this._unmapId = actor.connect('notify::mapped', () => { if (!actor.is_mapped()) this.close(true); }); } _onCapturedEvent(actor, event) { if (event.get_source() == this.actor || this.actor.contains(event.get_source())) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (event.type() == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE || event.type() == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_END) this.close(true); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } open(animate) { super.open(animate); this._capturedEventId = global.stage.connect('captured-event', this._onCapturedEvent.bind(this)); } close(animate) { super.close(animate); if (this._capturedEventId != 0) { global.stage.disconnect(this._capturedEventId); this._capturedEventId = 0; } } destroy() { if (this._capturedEventId != 0) global.stage.disconnect(this._capturedEventId); if (this._unmapId != 0) this.sourceActor.disconnect(this._unmapId); super.destroy(); } }; var Key = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'activated': {}, 'long-press': {}, 'pressed': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_UINT, GObject.TYPE_STRING] }, 'released': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_UINT, GObject.TYPE_STRING] }, }, }, class Key extends St.BoxLayout { _init(key, extendedKeys, icon = null) { super._init({ style_class: 'key-container' }); this.key = key || ""; this.keyButton = this._makeKey(this.key, icon); /* Add the key in a container, so keys can be padded without losing * logical proportions between those. */ this.add_child(this.keyButton); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); this._extendedKeys = extendedKeys; this._extendedKeyboard = null; this._pressTimeoutId = 0; this._capturedPress = false; this._capturedEventId = 0; this._unmapId = 0; } _onDestroy() { if (this._boxPointer) { this._boxPointer.destroy(); this._boxPointer = null; } this.cancel(); } _ensureExtendedKeysPopup() { if (this._extendedKeys.length === 0) return; if (this._boxPointer) return; this._boxPointer = new BoxPointer.BoxPointer(St.Side.BOTTOM); this._boxPointer.hide(); Main.layoutManager.addTopChrome(this._boxPointer); this._boxPointer.setPosition(this.keyButton, 0.5); // Adds style to existing keyboard style to avoid repetition this._boxPointer.add_style_class_name('keyboard-subkeys'); this._getExtendedKeys(); this.keyButton._extendedKeys = this._extendedKeyboard; } _getKeyval(key) { let unicode = key.length ? key.charCodeAt(0) : undefined; return Clutter.unicode_to_keysym(unicode); } _press(key) { this.emit('activated'); if (this._extendedKeys.length === 0) this.emit('pressed', this._getKeyval(key), key); if (key == this.key) { this._pressTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, KEY_LONG_PRESS_TIME, () => { this._pressTimeoutId = 0; this.emit('long-press'); if (this._extendedKeys.length > 0) { this._touchPressSlot = null; this._ensureExtendedKeysPopup(); this.keyButton.set_hover(false); this.keyButton.fake_release(); this._showSubkeys(); } return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); } } _release(key) { if (this._pressTimeoutId != 0) { GLib.source_remove(this._pressTimeoutId); this._pressTimeoutId = 0; } if (this._extendedKeys.length > 0) this.emit('pressed', this._getKeyval(key), key); this.emit('released', this._getKeyval(key), key); this._hideSubkeys(); } cancel() { if (this._pressTimeoutId != 0) { GLib.source_remove(this._pressTimeoutId); this._pressTimeoutId = 0; } this._touchPressSlot = null; this.keyButton.set_hover(false); this.keyButton.fake_release(); } _onCapturedEvent(actor, event) { let type = event.type(); let press = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS || type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN; let release = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE || type == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_END; if (event.get_source() == this._boxPointer.bin || this._boxPointer.bin.contains(event.get_source())) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; if (press) this._capturedPress = true; else if (release && this._capturedPress) this._hideSubkeys(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; } _showSubkeys() { this._boxPointer.open(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.FULL); this._capturedEventId = global.stage.connect('captured-event', this._onCapturedEvent.bind(this)); this._unmapId = this.keyButton.connect('notify::mapped', () => { if (!this.keyButton.is_mapped()) this._hideSubkeys(); }); } _hideSubkeys() { if (this._boxPointer) this._boxPointer.close(BoxPointer.PopupAnimation.FULL); if (this._capturedEventId) { global.stage.disconnect(this._capturedEventId); this._capturedEventId = 0; } if (this._unmapId) { this.keyButton.disconnect(this._unmapId); this._unmapId = 0; } this._capturedPress = false; } _makeKey(key, icon) { let button = new St.Button({ style_class: 'keyboard-key', x_expand: true, }); if (icon) { let child = new St.Icon({ icon_name: icon }); button.set_child(child); this._icon = child; } else { let label = GLib.markup_escape_text(key, -1); button.set_label(label); } button.keyWidth = 1; button.connect('button-press-event', () => { this._press(key); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }); button.connect('button-release-event', () => { this._release(key); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }); button.connect('touch-event', (actor, event) => { // We only handle touch events here on wayland. On X11 // we do get emulated pointer events, which already works // for single-touch cases. Besides, the X11 passive touch grab // set up by Mutter will make us see first the touch events // and later the pointer events, so it will look like two // unrelated series of events, we want to avoid double handling // in these cases. if (!Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; const slot = event.get_event_sequence().get_slot(); if (!this._touchPressSlot && event.type() == Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN) { this._touchPressSlot = slot; this._press(key); } else if (event.type() === Clutter.EventType.TOUCH_END) { if (!this._touchPressSlot || this._touchPressSlot === slot) this._release(key); if (this._touchPressSlot === slot) this._touchPressSlot = null; } return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; }); return button; } _getExtendedKeys() { this._extendedKeyboard = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'key-container', vertical: false, }); for (let i = 0; i < this._extendedKeys.length; ++i) { let extendedKey = this._extendedKeys[i]; let key = this._makeKey(extendedKey); key.extendedKey = extendedKey; this._extendedKeyboard.add(key); key.set_size(...this.keyButton.allocation.get_size()); this.keyButton.connect('notify::allocation', () => key.set_size(...this.keyButton.allocation.get_size())); } this._boxPointer.bin.add_actor(this._extendedKeyboard); } get subkeys() { return this._boxPointer; } setWidth(width) { this.keyButton.keyWidth = width; } setLatched(latched) { if (!this._icon) return; if (latched) { this.keyButton.add_style_pseudo_class('latched'); this._icon.icon_name = 'keyboard-caps-lock-filled-symbolic'; } else { this.keyButton.remove_style_pseudo_class('latched'); this._icon.icon_name = 'keyboard-shift-filled-symbolic'; } } }); var KeyboardModel = class { constructor(groupName) { let names = [groupName]; if (groupName.includes('+')) names.push(groupName.replace(/\+.*/, '')); names.push('us'); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { try { this._model = this._loadModel(names[i]); break; } catch (e) { } } } _loadModel(groupName) { let file = Gio.File.new_for_uri('resource:///org/gnome/shell/osk-layouts/%s.json'.format(groupName)); let [success_, contents] = file.load_contents(null); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); return JSON.parse(decoder.decode(contents)); } getLevels() { return this._model.levels; } getKeysForLevel(levelName) { return this._model.levels.find(level => level == levelName); } }; var FocusTracker = class { constructor() { this._rect = null; this._notifyFocusId = global.display.connect('notify::focus-window', () => { this._setCurrentWindow(global.display.focus_window); this.emit('window-changed', this._currentWindow); }); this._setCurrentWindow(global.display.focus_window); this._grabOpBeginId = global.display.connect('grab-op-begin', (display, window, op) => { if (window == this._currentWindow && (op == Meta.GrabOp.MOVING || op == Meta.GrabOp.KEYBOARD_MOVING)) this.emit('window-grabbed'); }); /* Valid for wayland clients */ this._cursorLocationChangedId = Main.inputMethod.connect('cursor-location-changed', (o, rect) => { this._setCurrentRect(rect); }); this._ibusManager = IBusManager.getIBusManager(); this._setCursorLocationId = this._ibusManager.connect('set-cursor-location', (manager, rect) => { /* Valid for X11 clients only */ if (Main.inputMethod.currentFocus) return; const grapheneRect = new Graphene.Rect(); grapheneRect.init(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); this._setCurrentRect(grapheneRect); }); this._focusInId = this._ibusManager.connect('focus-in', () => { this.emit('focus-changed', true); }); this._focusOutId = this._ibusManager.connect('focus-out', () => { this.emit('focus-changed', false); }); } destroy() { if (this._currentWindow) { this._currentWindow.disconnect(this._currentWindowPositionChangedId); delete this._currentWindowPositionChangedId; } global.display.disconnect(this._notifyFocusId); global.display.disconnect(this._grabOpBeginId); Main.inputMethod.disconnect(this._cursorLocationChangedId); this._ibusManager.disconnect(this._setCursorLocationId); this._ibusManager.disconnect(this._focusInId); this._ibusManager.disconnect(this._focusOutId); } get currentWindow() { return this._currentWindow; } _setCurrentWindow(window) { if (this._currentWindow) { this._currentWindow.disconnect(this._currentWindowPositionChangedId); delete this._currentWindowPositionChangedId; } this._currentWindow = window; if (this._currentWindow) { this._currentWindowPositionChangedId = this._currentWindow.connect('position-changed', () => this.emit('window-moved')); } } _setCurrentRect(rect) { // Some clients give us 0-sized rects, in that case set size to 1 if (rect.size.width <= 0) rect.size.width = 1; if (rect.size.height <= 0) rect.size.height = 1; if (this._currentWindow) { const frameRect = this._currentWindow.get_frame_rect(); const grapheneFrameRect = new Graphene.Rect(); grapheneFrameRect.init(frameRect.x, frameRect.y, frameRect.width, frameRect.height); const rectInsideFrameRect = grapheneFrameRect.intersection(rect)[0]; if (!rectInsideFrameRect) return; } if (this._rect && this._rect.equal(rect)) return; this._rect = rect; this.emit('position-changed'); } getCurrentRect() { const rect = { x: this._rect.origin.x, y: this._rect.origin.y, width: this._rect.size.width, height: this._rect.size.height, }; return rect; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(FocusTracker.prototype); var EmojiPager = GObject.registerClass({ Properties: { 'delta': GObject.ParamSpec.int( 'delta', 'delta', 'delta', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, GLib.MININT32, GLib.MAXINT32, 0), }, Signals: { 'emoji': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_STRING] }, 'page-changed': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_INT, GObject.TYPE_INT, GObject.TYPE_INT], }, }, }, class EmojiPager extends St.Widget { _init(sections, nCols, nRows) { super._init({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), reactive: true, clip_to_allocation: true, y_expand: true, }); this._sections = sections; this._nCols = nCols; this._nRows = nRows; this._pages = []; this._panel = null; this._curPage = null; this._followingPage = null; this._followingPanel = null; this._currentKey = null; this._delta = 0; this._width = null; this._initPagingInfo(); let panAction = new Clutter.PanAction({ interpolate: false }); panAction.connect('pan', this._onPan.bind(this)); panAction.connect('gesture-begin', this._onPanBegin.bind(this)); panAction.connect('gesture-cancel', this._onPanCancel.bind(this)); panAction.connect('gesture-end', this._onPanEnd.bind(this)); this._panAction = panAction; this.add_action(panAction); } get delta() { return this._delta; } set delta(value) { if (value > this._width) value = this._width; else if (value < -this._width) value = -this._width; if (this._delta == value) return; this._delta = value; this.notify('delta'); if (value == 0) return; let relValue = Math.abs(value / this._width); let followingPage = this.getFollowingPage(); if (this._followingPage != followingPage) { if (this._followingPanel) { this._followingPanel.destroy(); this._followingPanel = null; } if (followingPage != null) { this._followingPanel = this._generatePanel(followingPage); this._followingPanel.set_pivot_point(0.5, 0.5); this.add_child(this._followingPanel); this.set_child_below_sibling(this._followingPanel, this._panel); } this._followingPage = followingPage; } this._panel.translation_x = value; this._panel.opacity = 255 * (1 - Math.pow(relValue, 3)); if (this._followingPanel) { this._followingPanel.scale_x = 0.8 + (0.2 * relValue); this._followingPanel.scale_y = 0.8 + (0.2 * relValue); this._followingPanel.opacity = 255 * relValue; } } _prevPage(nPage) { return (nPage + this._pages.length - 1) % this._pages.length; } _nextPage(nPage) { return (nPage + 1) % this._pages.length; } getFollowingPage() { if (this.delta == 0) return null; if ((this.delta < 0 && global.stage.text_direction == Clutter.TextDirection.LTR) || (this.delta > 0 && global.stage.text_direction == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL)) return this._nextPage(this._curPage); else return this._prevPage(this._curPage); } _onPan(action) { let [dist_, dx, dy_] = action.get_motion_delta(0); this.delta += dx; if (this._currentKey != null) { this._currentKey.cancel(); this._currentKey = null; } return false; } _onPanBegin() { this._width = this.width; return true; } _onPanEnd() { if (Math.abs(this._delta) < this.width * PANEL_SWITCH_RELATIVE_DISTANCE) { this._onPanCancel(); } else { let value; if (this._delta > 0) value = this._width; else if (this._delta < 0) value = -this._width; let relDelta = Math.abs(this._delta - value) / this._width; let time = PANEL_SWITCH_ANIMATION_TIME * Math.abs(relDelta); this.remove_all_transitions(); this.ease_property('delta', value, { duration: time, onComplete: () => { this.setCurrentPage(this.getFollowingPage()); }, }); } } _onPanCancel() { let relDelta = Math.abs(this._delta) / this.width; let time = PANEL_SWITCH_ANIMATION_TIME * Math.abs(relDelta); this.remove_all_transitions(); this.ease_property('delta', 0, { duration: time, }); } _initPagingInfo() { for (let i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) { let section = this._sections[i]; let itemsPerPage = this._nCols * this._nRows; let nPages = Math.ceil(section.keys.length / itemsPerPage); let page = -1; let pageKeys; for (let j = 0; j < section.keys.length; j++) { if (j % itemsPerPage == 0) { page++; pageKeys = []; this._pages.push({ pageKeys, nPages, page, section: this._sections[i] }); } pageKeys.push(section.keys[j]); } } } _lookupSection(section, nPage) { for (let i = 0; i < this._pages.length; i++) { let page = this._pages[i]; if (page.section == section && page.page == nPage) return i; } return -1; } _generatePanel(nPage) { let gridLayout = new Clutter.GridLayout({ orientation: Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, column_homogeneous: true, row_homogeneous: true }); let panel = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: gridLayout, style_class: 'emoji-page', x_expand: true, y_expand: true }); /* Set an expander actor so all proportions are right despite the panel * not having all rows/cols filled in. */ let expander = new Clutter.Actor(); gridLayout.attach(expander, 0, 0, this._nCols, this._nRows); let page = this._pages[nPage]; let col = 0; let row = 0; for (let i = 0; i < page.pageKeys.length; i++) { let modelKey = page.pageKeys[i]; let key = new Key(modelKey.label, modelKey.variants); key.keyButton.set_button_mask(0); key.connect('activated', () => { this._currentKey = key; }); key.connect('long-press', () => { this._panAction.cancel(); }); key.connect('released', (actor, keyval, str) => { if (this._currentKey != key) return; this._currentKey = null; this.emit('emoji', str); }); gridLayout.attach(key, col, row, 1, 1); col++; if (col >= this._nCols) { col = 0; row++; } } return panel; } setCurrentPage(nPage) { if (this._curPage == nPage) return; this._curPage = nPage; if (this._panel) { this._panel.destroy(); this._panel = null; } /* Reuse followingPage if possible */ if (nPage == this._followingPage) { this._panel = this._followingPanel; this._followingPanel = null; } if (this._followingPanel) this._followingPanel.destroy(); this._followingPanel = null; this._followingPage = null; this._delta = 0; if (!this._panel) { this._panel = this._generatePanel(nPage); this.add_child(this._panel); } let page = this._pages[nPage]; this.emit('page-changed', page.section.label, page.page, page.nPages); } setCurrentSection(section, nPage) { for (let i = 0; i < this._pages.length; i++) { let page = this._pages[i]; if (page.section == section && page.page == nPage) { this.setCurrentPage(i); break; } } } }); var EmojiSelection = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'emoji-selected': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_STRING] }, 'close-request': {}, 'toggle': {}, }, }, class EmojiSelection extends St.BoxLayout { _init() { super._init({ style_class: 'emoji-panel', x_expand: true, y_expand: true, vertical: true, }); this._sections = [ { first: 'grinning face', label: 'đī¸' }, { first: 'selfie', label: 'đī¸' }, { first: 'monkey face', label: 'đˇī¸' }, { first: 'grapes', label: 'đ´ī¸' }, { first: 'globe showing Europe-Africa', label: 'âī¸' }, { first: 'jack-o-lantern', label: 'đī¸' }, { first: 'muted speaker', label: 'đī¸' }, { first: 'ATM sign', label: 'â¤ī¸' }, { first: 'chequered flag', label: 'đŠī¸' }, ]; this._populateSections(); this._emojiPager = new EmojiPager(this._sections, 11, 3); this._emojiPager.connect('page-changed', (pager, sectionLabel, page, nPages) => { this._onPageChanged(sectionLabel, page, nPages); }); this._emojiPager.connect('emoji', (pager, str) => { this.emit('emoji-selected', str); }); this.add_child(this._emojiPager); this._pageIndicator = new PageIndicators.PageIndicators( Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL); this.add_child(this._pageIndicator); this._pageIndicator.setReactive(false); this._emojiPager.connect('notify::delta', () => { this._updateIndicatorPosition(); }); let bottomRow = this._createBottomRow(); this.add_child(bottomRow); this._curPage = 0; } vfunc_map() { this._emojiPager.setCurrentPage(0); super.vfunc_map(); } _onPageChanged(sectionLabel, page, nPages) { this._curPage = page; this._pageIndicator.setNPages(nPages); this._updateIndicatorPosition(); for (let i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) { let sect = this._sections[i]; sect.button.setLatched(sectionLabel == sect.label); } } _updateIndicatorPosition() { this._pageIndicator.setCurrentPosition(this._curPage - this._emojiPager.delta / this._emojiPager.width); } _findSection(emoji) { for (let i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) { if (this._sections[i].first == emoji) return this._sections[i]; } return null; } _populateSections() { let file = Gio.File.new_for_uri('resource:///org/gnome/shell/osk-layouts/emoji.json'); let [success_, contents] = file.load_contents(null); let emoji = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(contents)); let variants = []; let currentKey = 0; let currentSection = null; for (let i = 0; i < emoji.length; i++) { /* Group variants of a same emoji so they appear on the key popover */ if (emoji[i].name.startsWith(emoji[currentKey].name)) { variants.push(emoji[i].char); if (i < emoji.length - 1) continue; } let newSection = this._findSection(emoji[currentKey].name); if (newSection != null) { currentSection = newSection; currentSection.keys = []; } /* Create the key */ let label = emoji[currentKey].char + String.fromCharCode(0xFE0F); currentSection.keys.push({ label, variants }); currentKey = i; variants = []; } } _createBottomRow() { let row = new KeyContainer(); let key; row.appendRow(); key = new Key('ABC', []); key.keyButton.add_style_class_name('default-key'); key.connect('released', () => this.emit('toggle')); row.appendKey(key, 1.5); for (let i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) { let section = this._sections[i]; key = new Key(section.label, []); key.connect('released', () => this._emojiPager.setCurrentSection(section, 0)); row.appendKey(key); section.button = key; } key = new Key(null, [], 'go-down-symbolic'); key.keyButton.add_style_class_name('default-key'); key.keyButton.add_style_class_name('hide-key'); key.connect('released', () => { this.emit('close-request'); }); row.appendKey(key); row.layoutButtons(); let actor = new AspectContainer({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), x_expand: true, y_expand: true }); actor.add_child(row); /* Regular keyboard layouts are 11.5Ã4 grids, optimize for that * at the moment. Ideally this should be as wide as the current * keymap. */ actor.setRatio(11.5, 1); return actor; } }); var Keypad = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'keyval': { param_types: [GObject.TYPE_UINT] }, }, }, class Keypad extends AspectContainer { _init() { let keys = [ { label: '1', keyval: Clutter.KEY_1, left: 0, top: 0 }, { label: '2', keyval: Clutter.KEY_2, left: 1, top: 0 }, { label: '3', keyval: Clutter.KEY_3, left: 2, top: 0 }, { label: '4', keyval: Clutter.KEY_4, left: 0, top: 1 }, { label: '5', keyval: Clutter.KEY_5, left: 1, top: 1 }, { label: '6', keyval: Clutter.KEY_6, left: 2, top: 1 }, { label: '7', keyval: Clutter.KEY_7, left: 0, top: 2 }, { label: '8', keyval: Clutter.KEY_8, left: 1, top: 2 }, { label: '9', keyval: Clutter.KEY_9, left: 2, top: 2 }, { label: '0', keyval: Clutter.KEY_0, left: 1, top: 3 }, { keyval: Clutter.KEY_BackSpace, icon: 'edit-clear-symbolic', left: 3, top: 0 }, { keyval: Clutter.KEY_Return, extraClassName: 'enter-key', icon: 'keyboard-enter-symbolic', left: 3, top: 1, height: 2 }, ]; super._init({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), x_expand: true, y_expand: true, }); let gridLayout = new Clutter.GridLayout({ orientation: Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, column_homogeneous: true, row_homogeneous: true }); this._box = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: gridLayout, x_expand: true, y_expand: true }); this.add_child(this._box); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let cur = keys[i]; let key = new Key(cur.label || "", [], cur.icon); if (keys[i].extraClassName) key.keyButton.add_style_class_name(cur.extraClassName); let w, h; w = cur.width || 1; h = cur.height || 1; gridLayout.attach(key, cur.left, cur.top, w, h); key.connect('released', () => { this.emit('keyval', cur.keyval); }); } } }); var KeyboardManager = class KeyBoardManager { constructor() { this._keyboard = null; this._a11yApplicationsSettings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: A11Y_APPLICATIONS_SCHEMA }); this._a11yApplicationsSettings.connect('changed', this._syncEnabled.bind(this)); this._seat = Clutter.get_default_backend().get_default_seat(); this._seat.connect('notify::touch-mode', this._syncEnabled.bind(this)); this._lastDevice = null; global.backend.connect('last-device-changed', (backend, device) => { if (device.device_type === Clutter.InputDeviceType.KEYBOARD_DEVICE) return; this._lastDevice = device; this._syncEnabled(); }); const mode = Shell.ActionMode.ALL & ~Shell.ActionMode.LOCK_SCREEN; const bottomDragAction = new EdgeDragAction.EdgeDragAction(St.Side.BOTTOM, mode); bottomDragAction.connect('activated', () => { if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.gestureActivate(Main.layoutManager.bottomIndex); }); bottomDragAction.connect('progress', (_action, progress) => { if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.gestureProgress(progress); }); bottomDragAction.connect('gesture-cancel', () => { if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.gestureCancel(); }); global.stage.add_action(bottomDragAction); this._bottomDragAction = bottomDragAction; this._syncEnabled(); } _lastDeviceIsTouchscreen() { if (!this._lastDevice) return false; let deviceType = this._lastDevice.get_device_type(); return deviceType == Clutter.InputDeviceType.TOUCHSCREEN_DEVICE; } _syncEnabled() { let enableKeyboard = this._a11yApplicationsSettings.get_boolean(SHOW_KEYBOARD); let autoEnabled = this._seat.get_touch_mode() && this._lastDeviceIsTouchscreen(); let enabled = enableKeyboard || autoEnabled; if (!enabled && !this._keyboard) return; if (enabled && !this._keyboard) { this._keyboard = new Keyboard(); this._keyboard.connect('visibility-changed', () => { this._bottomDragAction.enabled = !this._keyboard.visible; }); } else if (!enabled && this._keyboard) { this._keyboard.setCursorLocation(null); this._keyboard.destroy(); this._keyboard = null; this._bottomDragAction.enabled = true; } } get keyboardActor() { return this._keyboard; } get visible() { return this._keyboard && this._keyboard.visible; } open(monitor) { Main.layoutManager.keyboardIndex = monitor; if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.open(); } close() { if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.close(); } addSuggestion(text, callback) { if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.addSuggestion(text, callback); } resetSuggestions() { if (this._keyboard) this._keyboard.resetSuggestions(); } shouldTakeEvent(event) { if (!this._keyboard) return false; let actor = event.get_source(); return Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.contains(actor) || !!actor._extendedKeys || !!actor.extendedKey; } }; var Keyboard = GObject.registerClass({ Signals: { 'visibility-changed': {}, }, }, class Keyboard extends St.BoxLayout { _init() { super._init({ name: 'keyboard', reactive: true, vertical: true }); this._focusInExtendedKeys = false; this._emojiActive = false; this._languagePopup = null; this._focusWindow = null; this._focusWindowStartY = null; this._latched = false; // current level is latched this._suggestions = null; this._emojiKeyVisible = Meta.is_wayland_compositor(); this._focusTracker = new FocusTracker(); this._connectSignal(this._focusTracker, 'position-changed', this._onFocusPositionChanged.bind(this)); this._connectSignal(this._focusTracker, 'window-grabbed', this._onFocusWindowMoving.bind(this)); this._windowMovedId = this._focusTracker.connect('window-moved', this._onFocusWindowMoving.bind(this)); // Valid only for X11 if (!Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) { this._connectSignal(this._focusTracker, 'focus-changed', (_tracker, focused) => { if (focused) this.open(Main.layoutManager.focusIndex); else this.close(); }); } this._showIdleId = 0; this._keyboardVisible = false; this._keyboardRequested = false; this._keyboardRestingId = 0; this._connectSignal(Main.layoutManager, 'monitors-changed', this._relayout.bind(this)); this._setupKeyboard(); this.connect('destroy', this._onDestroy.bind(this)); } _connectSignal(obj, signal, callback) { if (!this._connectionsIDs) this._connectionsIDs = []; let id = obj.connect(signal, callback); this._connectionsIDs.push([obj, id]); return id; } get visible() { return this._keyboardVisible && super.visible; } set visible(visible) { super.visible = visible; } _onFocusPositionChanged(focusTracker) { let rect = focusTracker.getCurrentRect(); this.setCursorLocation(focusTracker.currentWindow, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } _onDestroy() { if (this._windowMovedId) { this._focusTracker.disconnect(this._windowMovedId); delete this._windowMovedId; } if (this._focusTracker) { this._focusTracker.destroy(); delete this._focusTracker; } for (let [obj, id] of this._connectionsIDs) obj.disconnect(id); delete this._connectionsIDs; this._clearShowIdle(); this._keyboardController.destroy(); Main.layoutManager.untrackChrome(this); Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.remove_actor(this); Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.hide(); if (this._languagePopup) { this._languagePopup.destroy(); this._languagePopup = null; } } _setupKeyboard() { Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.add_actor(this); Main.layoutManager.trackChrome(this); this._keyboardController = new KeyboardController(); this._groups = {}; this._currentPage = null; this._suggestions = new Suggestions(); this.add_child(this._suggestions); this._aspectContainer = new AspectContainer({ layout_manager: new Clutter.BinLayout(), y_expand: true, }); this.add_child(this._aspectContainer); this._emojiSelection = new EmojiSelection(); this._emojiSelection.connect('toggle', this._toggleEmoji.bind(this)); this._emojiSelection.connect('close-request', () => this.close()); this._emojiSelection.connect('emoji-selected', (selection, emoji) => { this._keyboardController.commitString(emoji); }); this._aspectContainer.add_child(this._emojiSelection); this._emojiSelection.hide(); this._keypad = new Keypad(); this._connectSignal(this._keypad, 'keyval', (_keypad, keyval) => { this._keyboardController.keyvalPress(keyval); this._keyboardController.keyvalRelease(keyval); }); this._aspectContainer.add_child(this._keypad); this._keypad.hide(); this._keypadVisible = false; this._ensureKeysForGroup(this._keyboardController.getCurrentGroup()); this._setActiveLayer(0); // Keyboard models are defined in LTR, we must override // the locale setting in order to avoid flipping the // keyboard on RTL locales. this.text_direction = Clutter.TextDirection.LTR; this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'active-group', this._onGroupChanged.bind(this)); this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'groups-changed', this._onKeyboardGroupsChanged.bind(this)); this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'panel-state', this._onKeyboardStateChanged.bind(this)); this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'keypad-visible', this._onKeypadVisible.bind(this)); this._connectSignal(global.stage, 'notify::key-focus', this._onKeyFocusChanged.bind(this)); if (Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) { this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'emoji-visible', this._onEmojiKeyVisible.bind(this)); } this._relayout(); } _onKeyFocusChanged() { let focus = global.stage.key_focus; // Showing an extended key popup and clicking a key from the extended keys // will grab focus, but ignore that let extendedKeysWereFocused = this._focusInExtendedKeys; this._focusInExtendedKeys = focus && (focus._extendedKeys || focus.extendedKey); if (this._focusInExtendedKeys || extendedKeysWereFocused) return; if (!(focus instanceof Clutter.Text)) { this.close(); return; } if (!this._showIdleId) { this._showIdleId = GLib.idle_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, () => { this.open(Main.layoutManager.focusIndex); this._showIdleId = 0; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._showIdleId, '[gnome-shell] this.open'); } } _createLayersForGroup(groupName) { let keyboardModel = new KeyboardModel(groupName); let layers = {}; let levels = keyboardModel.getLevels(); for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { let currentLevel = levels[i]; /* There are keyboard maps which consist of 3 levels (no uppercase, * basically). We however make things consistent by skipping that * second level. */ let level = i >= 1 && levels.length == 3 ? i + 1 : i; let layout = new KeyContainer(); layout.shiftKeys = []; this._loadRows(currentLevel, level, levels.length, layout); layers[level] = layout; this._aspectContainer.add_child(layout); layout.layoutButtons(this._aspectContainer); layout.hide(); } return layers; } _ensureKeysForGroup(group) { if (!this._groups[group]) this._groups[group] = this._createLayersForGroup(group); } _addRowKeys(keys, layout) { for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { let key = keys[i]; let button = new Key(key.shift(), key); /* Space key gets special width, dependent on the number of surrounding keys */ if (button.key == ' ') button.setWidth(keys.length <= 3 ? 5 : 3); button.connect('pressed', (actor, keyval, str) => { if (!Main.inputMethod.currentFocus || !this._keyboardController.commitString(str, true)) { if (keyval != 0) { this._keyboardController.keyvalPress(keyval); button._keyvalPress = true; } } }); button.connect('released', (actor, keyval, _str) => { if (keyval != 0) { if (button._keyvalPress) this._keyboardController.keyvalRelease(keyval); button._keyvalPress = false; } if (!this._latched) this._setActiveLayer(0); }); layout.appendKey(button, button.keyButton.keyWidth); } } _popupLanguageMenu(keyActor) { if (this._languagePopup) this._languagePopup.destroy(); this._languagePopup = new LanguageSelectionPopup(keyActor); Main.layoutManager.addTopChrome(this._languagePopup.actor); this._languagePopup.open(true); } _loadDefaultKeys(keys, layout, numLevels, numKeys) { let extraButton; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let key = keys[i]; let keyval = key.keyval; let switchToLevel = key.level; let action = key.action; let icon = key.icon; /* Skip emoji button if necessary */ if (!this._emojiKeyVisible && action == 'emoji') continue; extraButton = new Key(key.label || '', [], icon); extraButton.keyButton.add_style_class_name('default-key'); if (key.extraClassName != null) extraButton.keyButton.add_style_class_name(key.extraClassName); if (key.width != null) extraButton.setWidth(key.width); let actor = extraButton.keyButton; extraButton.connect('pressed', () => { if (switchToLevel != null) { this._setActiveLayer(switchToLevel); // Shift only gets latched on long press this._latched = switchToLevel != 1; } else if (keyval != null) { this._keyboardController.keyvalPress(keyval); } }); extraButton.connect('released', () => { if (keyval != null) this._keyboardController.keyvalRelease(keyval); else if (action == 'hide') this.close(); else if (action == 'languageMenu') this._popupLanguageMenu(actor); else if (action == 'emoji') this._toggleEmoji(); }); if (switchToLevel == 0) { layout.shiftKeys.push(extraButton); } else if (switchToLevel == 1) { extraButton.connect('long-press', () => { this._latched = true; this._setCurrentLevelLatched(this._currentPage, this._latched); }); } /* Fixup default keys based on the number of levels/keys */ if (switchToLevel == 1 && numLevels == 3) { // Hide shift key if the keymap has no uppercase level if (key.right) { /* Only hide the key actor, so the container still takes space */ extraButton.keyButton.hide(); } else { extraButton.hide(); } extraButton.setWidth(1.5); } else if (key.right && numKeys > 8) { extraButton.setWidth(2); } else if (keyval == Clutter.KEY_Return && numKeys > 9) { extraButton.setWidth(1.5); } else if (!this._emojiKeyVisible && (action == 'hide' || action == 'languageMenu')) { extraButton.setWidth(1.5); } layout.appendKey(extraButton, extraButton.keyButton.keyWidth); } } _updateCurrentPageVisible() { if (this._currentPage) this._currentPage.visible = !this._emojiActive && !this._keypadVisible; } _setEmojiActive(active) { this._emojiActive = active; this._emojiSelection.visible = this._emojiActive; this._updateCurrentPageVisible(); } _toggleEmoji() { this._setEmojiActive(!this._emojiActive); } _setCurrentLevelLatched(layout, latched) { for (let i = 0; i < layout.shiftKeys.length; i++) { let key = layout.shiftKeys[i]; key.setLatched(latched); } } _getDefaultKeysForRow(row, numRows, level) { /* The first 2 rows in defaultKeysPre/Post belong together with * the first 2 rows on each keymap. On keymaps that have more than * 4 rows, the last 2 default key rows must be respectively * assigned to the 2 last keymap ones. */ if (row < 2) { return [defaultKeysPre[level][row], defaultKeysPost[level][row]]; } else if (row >= numRows - 2) { let defaultRow = row - (numRows - 2) + 2; return [defaultKeysPre[level][defaultRow], defaultKeysPost[level][defaultRow]]; } else { return [null, null]; } } _mergeRowKeys(layout, pre, row, post, numLevels) { if (pre != null) this._loadDefaultKeys(pre, layout, numLevels, row.length); this._addRowKeys(row, layout); if (post != null) this._loadDefaultKeys(post, layout, numLevels, row.length); } _loadRows(model, level, numLevels, layout) { let rows = model.rows; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { layout.appendRow(); let [pre, post] = this._getDefaultKeysForRow(i, rows.length, level); this._mergeRowKeys(layout, pre, rows[i], post, numLevels); } } _getGridSlots() { let numOfHorizSlots = 0, numOfVertSlots; let rows = this._currentPage.get_children(); numOfVertSlots = rows.length; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { let keyboardRow = rows[i]; let keys = keyboardRow.get_children(); numOfHorizSlots = Math.max(numOfHorizSlots, keys.length); } return [numOfHorizSlots, numOfVertSlots]; } _relayout() { let monitor = Main.layoutManager.keyboardMonitor; if (!monitor) return; let maxHeight = monitor.height / 3; this.width = monitor.width; if (monitor.width > monitor.height) { this.height = maxHeight; } else { /* In portrait mode, lack of horizontal space means we won't be * able to make the OSK that big while keeping size ratio, so * we allow the OSK being smaller than 1/3rd of the monitor height * there. */ const forWidth = this.get_theme_node().adjust_for_width(monitor.width); const [, natHeight] = this.get_preferred_height(forWidth); this.height = Math.min(maxHeight, natHeight); } } _onGroupChanged() { this._ensureKeysForGroup(this._keyboardController.getCurrentGroup()); this._setActiveLayer(0); } _onKeyboardGroupsChanged() { let nonGroupActors = [this._emojiSelection, this._keypad]; this._aspectContainer.get_children().filter(c => !nonGroupActors.includes(c)).forEach(c => { c.destroy(); }); this._groups = {}; this._onGroupChanged(); } _onKeypadVisible(controller, visible) { if (visible == this._keypadVisible) return; this._keypadVisible = visible; this._keypad.visible = this._keypadVisible; this._updateCurrentPageVisible(); } _onEmojiKeyVisible(controller, visible) { if (visible == this._emojiKeyVisible) return; this._emojiKeyVisible = visible; /* Rebuild keyboard widgetry to include emoji button */ this._onKeyboardGroupsChanged(); } _onKeyboardStateChanged(controller, state) { let enabled; if (state == Clutter.InputPanelState.OFF) enabled = false; else if (state == Clutter.InputPanelState.ON) enabled = true; else if (state == Clutter.InputPanelState.TOGGLE) enabled = this._keyboardVisible == false; else return; if (enabled) this.open(Main.layoutManager.focusIndex); else this.close(); } _setActiveLayer(activeLevel) { let activeGroupName = this._keyboardController.getCurrentGroup(); let layers = this._groups[activeGroupName]; let currentPage = layers[activeLevel]; if (this._currentPage == currentPage) { this._updateCurrentPageVisible(); return; } if (this._currentPage != null) { this._setCurrentLevelLatched(this._currentPage, false); this._currentPage.disconnect(this._currentPage._destroyID); this._currentPage.hide(); delete this._currentPage._destroyID; } this._currentPage = currentPage; this._currentPage._destroyID = this._currentPage.connect('destroy', () => { this._currentPage = null; }); this._updateCurrentPageVisible(); } _clearKeyboardRestTimer() { if (!this._keyboardRestingId) return; GLib.source_remove(this._keyboardRestingId); this._keyboardRestingId = 0; } open(immediate = false) { this._clearShowIdle(); this._keyboardRequested = true; if (this._keyboardVisible) { this._relayout(); return; } this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); if (immediate) { this._open(); return; } this._keyboardRestingId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, KEYBOARD_REST_TIME, () => { this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); this._open(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._keyboardRestingId, '[gnome-shell] this._clearKeyboardRestTimer'); } _open() { if (!this._keyboardRequested) return; this._relayout(); this._animateShow(); this._setEmojiActive(false); } close(immediate = false) { this._clearShowIdle(); this._keyboardRequested = false; if (!this._keyboardVisible) return; this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); if (immediate) { this._close(); return; } this._keyboardRestingId = GLib.timeout_add(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, KEYBOARD_REST_TIME, () => { this._clearKeyboardRestTimer(); this._close(); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._keyboardRestingId, '[gnome-shell] this._clearKeyboardRestTimer'); } _close() { if (this._keyboardRequested) return; this._animateHide(); this.setCursorLocation(null); } _animateShow() { if (this._focusWindow) this._animateWindow(this._focusWindow, true); Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.show(); this.ease({ translation_y: -this.height, opacity: 255, duration: KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => { this._animateShowComplete(); }, }); this._keyboardVisible = true; this.emit('visibility-changed'); } _animateShowComplete() { let keyboardBox = Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox; this._keyboardHeightNotifyId = keyboardBox.connect('notify::height', () => { this.translation_y = -this.height; }); // Toggle visibility so the keyboardBox can update its chrome region. if (!Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) { keyboardBox.hide(); keyboardBox.show(); } } _animateHide() { if (this._focusWindow) this._animateWindow(this._focusWindow, false); if (this._keyboardHeightNotifyId) { Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.disconnect(this._keyboardHeightNotifyId); this._keyboardHeightNotifyId = 0; } this.ease({ translation_y: 0, opacity: 0, duration: KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD, onComplete: () => { this._animateHideComplete(); }, }); this._keyboardVisible = false; this.emit('visibility-changed'); } _animateHideComplete() { Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.hide(); } gestureProgress(delta) { this._gestureInProgress = true; Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.show(); let progress = Math.min(delta, this.height) / this.height; this.translation_y = -this.height * progress; this.opacity = 255 * progress; const windowActor = this._focusWindow?.get_compositor_private(); if (windowActor) windowActor.y = this._focusWindowStartY - (this.height * progress); } gestureActivate() { this.open(true); this._gestureInProgress = false; } gestureCancel() { if (this._gestureInProgress) this._animateHide(); this._gestureInProgress = false; } resetSuggestions() { if (this._suggestions) this._suggestions.clear(); } addSuggestion(text, callback) { if (!this._suggestions) return; this._suggestions.add(text, callback); this._suggestions.show(); } _clearShowIdle() { if (!this._showIdleId) return; GLib.source_remove(this._showIdleId); this._showIdleId = 0; } _windowSlideAnimationComplete(window, finalY) { // Synchronize window positions again. const frameRect = window.get_frame_rect(); const bufferRect = window.get_buffer_rect(); finalY += frameRect.y - bufferRect.y; frameRect.y = finalY; this._focusTracker.disconnect(this._windowMovedId); window.move_frame(true, frameRect.x, frameRect.y); this._windowMovedId = this._focusTracker.connect('window-moved', this._onFocusWindowMoving.bind(this)); } _animateWindow(window, show) { let windowActor = window.get_compositor_private(); if (!windowActor) return; const finalY = show ? this._focusWindowStartY - Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.height : this._focusWindowStartY; windowActor.ease({ y: finalY, duration: KEYBOARD_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onStopped: () => { windowActor.y = finalY; this._windowSlideAnimationComplete(window, finalY); }, }); } _onFocusWindowMoving() { if (this._focusTracker.currentWindow === this._focusWindow) { // Don't use _setFocusWindow() here because that would move the // window while the user has grabbed it. Instead we simply "let go" // of the window. this._focusWindow = null; this._focusWindowStartY = null; } this.close(true); } _setFocusWindow(window) { if (this._focusWindow === window) return; if (this._keyboardVisible && this._focusWindow) this._animateWindow(this._focusWindow, false); const windowActor = window?.get_compositor_private(); windowActor?.remove_transition('y'); this._focusWindowStartY = windowActor ? windowActor.y : null; if (this._keyboardVisible && window) this._animateWindow(window, true); this._focusWindow = window; } setCursorLocation(window, x, y, w, h) { let monitor = Main.layoutManager.keyboardMonitor; if (window && monitor) { const keyboardHeight = Main.layoutManager.keyboardBox.height; const keyboardY1 = (monitor.y + monitor.height) - keyboardHeight; if (this._focusWindow === window) { if (y + h + keyboardHeight < keyboardY1) this._setFocusWindow(null); return; } if (y + h >= keyboardY1) this._setFocusWindow(window); else this._setFocusWindow(null); } else { this._setFocusWindow(null); } } }); var KeyboardController = class { constructor() { let seat = Clutter.get_default_backend().get_default_seat(); this._virtualDevice = seat.create_virtual_device(Clutter.InputDeviceType.KEYBOARD_DEVICE); this._inputSourceManager = InputSourceManager.getInputSourceManager(); this._sourceChangedId = this._inputSourceManager.connect('current-source-changed', this._onSourceChanged.bind(this)); this._sourcesModifiedId = this._inputSourceManager.connect('sources-changed', this._onSourcesModified.bind(this)); this._currentSource = this._inputSourceManager.currentSource; this._notifyContentPurposeId = Main.inputMethod.connect( 'notify::content-purpose', this._onContentPurposeHintsChanged.bind(this)); this._notifyContentHintsId = Main.inputMethod.connect( 'notify::content-hints', this._onContentPurposeHintsChanged.bind(this)); this._notifyInputPanelStateId = Main.inputMethod.connect( 'input-panel-state', (o, state) => this.emit('panel-state', state)); } destroy() { this._inputSourceManager.disconnect(this._sourceChangedId); this._inputSourceManager.disconnect(this._sourcesModifiedId); Main.inputMethod.disconnect(this._notifyContentPurposeId); Main.inputMethod.disconnect(this._notifyContentHintsId); Main.inputMethod.disconnect(this._notifyInputPanelStateId); // Make sure any buttons pressed by the virtual device are released // immediately instead of waiting for the next GC cycle this._virtualDevice.run_dispose(); } _onSourcesModified() { this.emit('groups-changed'); } _onSourceChanged(inputSourceManager, _oldSource) { let source = inputSourceManager.currentSource; this._currentSource = source; this.emit('active-group', source.id); } _onContentPurposeHintsChanged(method) { let purpose = method.content_purpose; let emojiVisible = false; let keypadVisible = false; if (purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.NORMAL || purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.ALPHA || purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.PASSWORD || purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.TERMINAL) emojiVisible = true; if (purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.DIGITS || purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.NUMBER || purpose == Clutter.InputContentPurpose.PHONE) keypadVisible = true; this.emit('emoji-visible', emojiVisible); this.emit('keypad-visible', keypadVisible); } getGroups() { let inputSources = this._inputSourceManager.inputSources; let groups = []; for (let i in inputSources) { let is = inputSources[i]; groups[is.index] = is.xkbId; } return groups; } getCurrentGroup() { return this._currentSource.xkbId; } commitString(string, fromKey) { if (string == null) return false; /* Let ibus methods fall through keyval emission */ if (fromKey && this._currentSource.type == InputSourceManager.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_IBUS) return false; Main.inputMethod.commit(string); return true; } keyvalPress(keyval) { this._virtualDevice.notify_keyval(Clutter.get_current_event_time() * 1000, keyval, Clutter.KeyState.PRESSED); } keyvalRelease(keyval) { this._virtualDevice.notify_keyval(Clutter.get_current_event_time() * 1000, keyval, Clutter.KeyState.RELEASED); } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(KeyboardController.prototype);