// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const Gio = imports.gi.Gio; const GLib = imports.gi.GLib; const Lang = imports.lang; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Meta = imports.gi.Meta; const Shell = imports.gi.Shell; const Signals = imports.signals; const St = imports.gi.St; const Background = imports.ui.background; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Tweener = imports.ui.tweener; const WindowManager = imports.ui.windowManager; const Workspace = imports.ui.workspace; const WorkspacesView = imports.ui.workspacesView; // The maximum size of a thumbnail is 1/8 the width and height of the screen let MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE = 1/8.; const RESCALE_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.2; const SLIDE_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.2; // When we create workspaces by dragging, we add a "cut" into the top and // bottom of each workspace so that the user doesn't have to hit the // placeholder exactly. const WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE = 10; const WORKSPACE_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 100; const OVERRIDE_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.shell.overrides'; /* A layout manager that requests size only for primary_actor, but then allocates all using a fixed layout */ const PrimaryActorLayout = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'PrimaryActorLayout', Extends: Clutter.FixedLayout, _init: function(primaryActor) { this.parent(); this.primaryActor = primaryActor; }, vfunc_get_preferred_width: function(forHeight) { return this.primaryActor.get_preferred_width(forHeight); }, vfunc_get_preferred_height: function(forWidth) { return this.primaryActor.get_preferred_height(forWidth); }, }); const WindowClone = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WindowClone', _init : function(realWindow) { this.clone = new Clutter.Clone({ source: realWindow }); /* Can't use a Shell.GenericContainer because of DND and reparenting... */ this.actor = new Clutter.Actor({ layout_manager: new PrimaryActorLayout(this.clone), reactive: true }); this.actor._delegate = this; this.actor.add_child(this.clone); this.realWindow = realWindow; this.metaWindow = realWindow.meta_window; this.clone._updateId = this.metaWindow.connect('position-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onPositionChanged)); this.clone._destroyId = this.realWindow.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { // First destroy the clone and then destroy everything // This will ensure that we never see it in the _disconnectSignals loop this.clone.destroy(); this.destroy(); })); this._onPositionChanged(); this.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonRelease)); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); this._draggable = DND.makeDraggable(this.actor, { restoreOnSuccess: true, dragActorMaxSize: Workspace.WINDOW_DND_SIZE, dragActorOpacity: Workspace.DRAGGING_WINDOW_OPACITY }); this._draggable.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragBegin)); this._draggable.connect('drag-cancelled', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragCancelled)); this._draggable.connect('drag-end', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragEnd)); this.inDrag = false; let iter = Lang.bind(this, function(win) { let actor = win.get_compositor_private(); if (!actor) return false; if (!win.is_attached_dialog()) return false; this._doAddAttachedDialog(win, actor); win.foreach_transient(iter); return true; }); this.metaWindow.foreach_transient(iter); }, // Find the actor just below us, respecting reparenting done // by DND code getActualStackAbove: function() { if (this._stackAbove == null) return null; if (this.inDrag) { if (this._stackAbove._delegate) return this._stackAbove._delegate.getActualStackAbove(); else return null; } else { return this._stackAbove; } }, setStackAbove: function (actor) { this._stackAbove = actor; // Don't apply the new stacking now, it will be applied // when dragging ends and window are stacked again if (actor.inDrag) return; let actualAbove = this.getActualStackAbove(); if (actualAbove == null) this.actor.lower_bottom(); else this.actor.raise(actualAbove); }, destroy: function () { this.actor.destroy(); }, addAttachedDialog: function(win) { this._doAddAttachedDialog(win, win.get_compositor_private()); }, _doAddAttachedDialog: function(metaDialog, realDialog) { let clone = new Clutter.Clone({ source: realDialog }); this._updateDialogPosition(realDialog, clone); clone._updateId = metaDialog.connect('position-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._updateDialogPosition, clone)); clone._destroyId = realDialog.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, function() { clone.destroy(); })); this.actor.add_child(clone); }, _updateDialogPosition: function(realDialog, cloneDialog) { let metaDialog = realDialog.meta_window; let dialogRect = metaDialog.get_outer_rect(); let rect = this.metaWindow.get_outer_rect(); cloneDialog.set_position(dialogRect.x - rect.x, dialogRect.y - rect.y); }, _onPositionChanged: function() { let rect = this.metaWindow.get_outer_rect(); this.actor.set_position(this.realWindow.x, this.realWindow.y); }, _disconnectSignals: function() { this.actor.get_children().forEach(function(child) { let realWindow = child.source; realWindow.meta_window.disconnect(child._updateId); realWindow.disconnect(child._destroyId); }); }, _onDestroy: function() { this._disconnectSignals(); this.actor._delegate = null; if (this.inDrag) { this.emit('drag-end'); this.inDrag = false; } this.disconnectAll(); }, _onButtonRelease : function (actor, event) { this.emit('selected', event.get_time()); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _onDragBegin : function (draggable, time) { this.inDrag = true; this.emit('drag-begin'); }, _onDragCancelled : function (draggable, time) { this.emit('drag-cancelled'); }, _onDragEnd : function (draggable, time, snapback) { this.inDrag = false; // We may not have a parent if DnD completed successfully, in // which case our clone will shortly be destroyed and replaced // with a new one on the target workspace. if (this.actor.get_parent() != null) { if (this._stackAbove == null) this.actor.lower_bottom(); else this.actor.raise(this._stackAbove); } this.emit('drag-end'); } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(WindowClone.prototype); const ThumbnailState = { NEW : 0, ANIMATING_IN : 1, NORMAL: 2, REMOVING : 3, ANIMATING_OUT : 4, ANIMATED_OUT : 5, COLLAPSING : 6, DESTROYED : 7 }; /** * @metaWorkspace: a #Meta.Workspace */ const WorkspaceThumbnail = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WorkspaceThumbnail', _init : function(metaWorkspace) { this.metaWorkspace = metaWorkspace; this.monitorIndex = Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex; this._removed = false; this.actor = new St.Widget({ clip_to_allocation: true, style_class: 'workspace-thumbnail' }); this.actor._delegate = this; this._contents = new Clutter.Actor(); this.actor.add_child(this._contents); this.actor.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this, this._onDestroy)); this._createBackground(); let monitor = Main.layoutManager.primaryMonitor; this.setPorthole(monitor.x, monitor.y, monitor.width, monitor.height); let windows = global.get_window_actors().filter(Lang.bind(this, function(actor) { let win = actor.meta_window; return win.located_on_workspace(metaWorkspace); })); // Create clones for windows that should be visible in the Overview this._windows = []; this._allWindows = []; this._minimizedChangedIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { let minimizedChangedId = windows[i].meta_window.connect('notify::minimized', Lang.bind(this, this._updateMinimized)); this._allWindows.push(windows[i].meta_window); this._minimizedChangedIds.push(minimizedChangedId); if (this._isMyWindow(windows[i]) && this._isOverviewWindow(windows[i])) { this._addWindowClone(windows[i]); } } // Track window changes this._windowAddedId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('window-added', Lang.bind(this, this._windowAdded)); this._windowRemovedId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('window-removed', Lang.bind(this, this._windowRemoved)); this._windowEnteredMonitorId = global.screen.connect('window-entered-monitor', Lang.bind(this, this._windowEnteredMonitor)); this._windowLeftMonitorId = global.screen.connect('window-left-monitor', Lang.bind(this, this._windowLeftMonitor)); this.state = ThumbnailState.NORMAL; this._slidePosition = 0; // Fully slid in this._collapseFraction = 0; // Not collapsed }, _createBackground: function() { this._bgManager = new Background.BackgroundManager({ monitorIndex: Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex, container: this._contents, vignette: false }); }, setPorthole: function(x, y, width, height) { this._portholeX = x; this._portholeY = y; this.actor.set_size(width, height); this._contents.set_position(-x, -y); }, _lookupIndex: function (metaWindow) { for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { if (this._windows[i].metaWindow == metaWindow) { return i; } } return -1; }, syncStacking: function(stackIndices) { this._windows.sort(function (a, b) { return stackIndices[a.metaWindow.get_stable_sequence()] - stackIndices[b.metaWindow.get_stable_sequence()]; }); for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) { let clone = this._windows[i]; let metaWindow = clone.metaWindow; if (i == 0) { clone.setStackAbove(this._bgManager.background.actor); } else { let previousClone = this._windows[i - 1]; clone.setStackAbove(previousClone.actor); } } }, set slidePosition(slidePosition) { this._slidePosition = slidePosition; this.actor.queue_relayout(); }, get slidePosition() { return this._slidePosition; }, set collapseFraction(collapseFraction) { this._collapseFraction = collapseFraction; this.actor.queue_relayout(); }, get collapseFraction() { return this._collapseFraction; }, _doRemoveWindow : function(metaWin) { let win = metaWin.get_compositor_private(); // find the position of the window in our list let index = this._lookupIndex (metaWin); if (index == -1) return; // Check if window still should be here if (win && this._isMyWindow(win) && this._isOverviewWindow(win)) return; let clone = this._windows[index]; this._windows.splice(index, 1); clone.destroy(); }, _doAddWindow : function(metaWin) { if (this._removed) return; let win = metaWin.get_compositor_private(); if (!win) { // Newly-created windows are added to a workspace before // the compositor finds out about them... let id = Mainloop.idle_add(Lang.bind(this, function () { if (!this._removed && metaWin.get_compositor_private() && metaWin.get_workspace() == this.metaWorkspace) this._doAddWindow(metaWin); return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; })); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(id, '[gnome-shell] this._doAddWindow'); return; } if (this._allWindows.indexOf(metaWin) == -1) { let minimizedChangedId = metaWin.connect('notify::minimized', Lang.bind(this, this._updateMinimized)); this._allWindows.push(metaWin); this._minimizedChangedIds.push(minimizedChangedId); } // We might have the window in our list already if it was on all workspaces and // now was moved to this workspace if (this._lookupIndex (metaWin) != -1) return; if (!this._isMyWindow(win)) return; if (this._isOverviewWindow(win)) { this._addWindowClone(win); } else if (metaWin.is_attached_dialog()) { let parent = metaWin.get_transient_for(); while (parent.is_attached_dialog()) parent = metaWin.get_transient_for(); let idx = this._lookupIndex (parent); if (idx < 0) { // parent was not created yet, it will take care // of the dialog when created return; } let clone = this._windows[idx]; clone.addAttachedDialog(metaWin); } }, _windowAdded : function(metaWorkspace, metaWin) { this._doAddWindow(metaWin); }, _windowRemoved : function(metaWorkspace, metaWin) { let index = this._allWindows.indexOf(metaWin); if (index != -1) { metaWin.disconnect(this._minimizedChangedIds[index]); this._allWindows.splice(index, 1); this._minimizedChangedIds.splice(index, 1); } this._doRemoveWindow(metaWin); }, _windowEnteredMonitor : function(metaScreen, monitorIndex, metaWin) { if (monitorIndex == this.monitorIndex) { this._doAddWindow(metaWin); } }, _windowLeftMonitor : function(metaScreen, monitorIndex, metaWin) { if (monitorIndex == this.monitorIndex) { this._doRemoveWindow(metaWin); } }, _updateMinimized: function(metaWin) { if (metaWin.minimized) this._doRemoveWindow(metaWin); else this._doAddWindow(metaWin); }, destroy : function() { if (this.actor) this.actor.destroy(); }, workspaceRemoved : function() { if (this._removed) return; this._removed = true; this.metaWorkspace.disconnect(this._windowAddedId); this.metaWorkspace.disconnect(this._windowRemovedId); global.screen.disconnect(this._windowEnteredMonitorId); global.screen.disconnect(this._windowLeftMonitorId); for (let i = 0; i < this._allWindows.length; i++) this._allWindows[i].disconnect(this._minimizedChangedIds[i]); }, _onDestroy: function(actor) { this.workspaceRemoved(); if (this._bgManager) { this._bgManager.destroy(); this._bgManager = null; } this._windows = []; this.actor = null; }, // Tests if @actor belongs to this workspace and monitor _isMyWindow : function (actor) { let win = actor.meta_window; return win.located_on_workspace(this.metaWorkspace) && (win.get_monitor() == this.monitorIndex); }, // Tests if @win should be shown in the Overview _isOverviewWindow : function (win) { return !win.get_meta_window().skip_taskbar && win.get_meta_window().showing_on_its_workspace(); }, // Create a clone of a (non-desktop) window and add it to the window list _addWindowClone : function(win) { let clone = new WindowClone(win); clone.connect('selected', Lang.bind(this, function(clone, time) { this.activate(time); })); clone.connect('drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, function() { Main.overview.beginWindowDrag(clone); })); clone.connect('drag-cancelled', Lang.bind(this, function() { Main.overview.cancelledWindowDrag(clone); })); clone.connect('drag-end', Lang.bind(this, function() { Main.overview.endWindowDrag(clone); })); this._contents.add_actor(clone.actor); if (this._windows.length == 0) clone.setStackAbove(this._bgManager.background.actor); else clone.setStackAbove(this._windows[this._windows.length - 1].actor); this._windows.push(clone); return clone; }, activate : function (time) { if (this.state > ThumbnailState.NORMAL) return; // a click on the already current workspace should go back to the main view if (this.metaWorkspace == global.screen.get_active_workspace()) Main.overview.hide(); else this.metaWorkspace.activate(time); }, // Draggable target interface used only by ThumbnailsBox handleDragOverInternal : function(source, time) { if (source == Main.xdndHandler) { this.metaWorkspace.activate(time); return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; } if (this.state > ThumbnailState.NORMAL) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; if (source.realWindow && !this._isMyWindow(source.realWindow)) return DND.DragMotionResult.MOVE_DROP; if (source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) return DND.DragMotionResult.COPY_DROP; return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, acceptDropInternal : function(source, time) { if (this.state > ThumbnailState.NORMAL) return false; if (source.realWindow) { let win = source.realWindow; if (this._isMyWindow(win)) return false; let metaWindow = win.get_meta_window(); // We need to move the window before changing the workspace, because // the move itself could cause a workspace change if the window enters // the primary monitor if (metaWindow.get_monitor() != this.monitorIndex) metaWindow.move_to_monitor(this.monitorIndex); metaWindow.change_workspace_by_index(this.metaWorkspace.index(), false); return true; } else if (source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) { source.shellWorkspaceLaunch({ workspace: this.metaWorkspace ? this.metaWorkspace.index() : -1, timestamp: time }); return true; } return false; } }); Signals.addSignalMethods(WorkspaceThumbnail.prototype); const ThumbnailsBox = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ThumbnailsBox', _init: function() { this.actor = new Shell.GenericContainer({ reactive: true, style_class: 'workspace-thumbnails', request_mode: Clutter.RequestMode.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT }); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-width', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredWidth)); this.actor.connect('get-preferred-height', Lang.bind(this, this._getPreferredHeight)); this.actor.connect('allocate', Lang.bind(this, this._allocate)); this.actor._delegate = this; let indicator = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'workspace-thumbnail-indicator' }); // We don't want the indicator to affect drag-and-drop Shell.util_set_hidden_from_pick(indicator, true); this._indicator = indicator; this.actor.add_actor(indicator); this._dropWorkspace = -1; this._dropPlaceholderPos = -1; this._dropPlaceholder = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'placeholder' }); this.actor.add_actor(this._dropPlaceholder); this._spliceIndex = -1; this._targetScale = 0; this._scale = 0; this._pendingScaleUpdate = false; this._stateUpdateQueued = false; this._animatingIndicator = false; this._indicatorY = 0; // only used when _animatingIndicator is true this._stateCounts = {}; for (let key in ThumbnailState) this._stateCounts[ThumbnailState[key]] = 0; this._thumbnails = []; this.actor.connect('button-press-event', function() { return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }); this.actor.connect('button-release-event', Lang.bind(this, this._onButtonRelease)); Main.overview.connect('showing', Lang.bind(this, this._createThumbnails)); Main.overview.connect('hidden', Lang.bind(this, this._destroyThumbnails)); Main.overview.connect('item-drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragBegin)); Main.overview.connect('item-drag-end', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragEnd)); Main.overview.connect('item-drag-cancelled', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragCancelled)); Main.overview.connect('window-drag-begin', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragBegin)); Main.overview.connect('window-drag-end', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragEnd)); Main.overview.connect('window-drag-cancelled', Lang.bind(this, this._onDragCancelled)); this._settings = new Gio.Settings({ schema_id: OVERRIDE_SCHEMA }); this._settings.connect('changed::dynamic-workspaces', Lang.bind(this, this._updateSwitcherVisibility)); }, _updateSwitcherVisibility: function() { this.actor.visible = this._settings.get_boolean('dynamic-workspaces') || global.screen.n_workspaces > 1; }, _onButtonRelease: function(actor, event) { let [stageX, stageY] = event.get_coords(); let [r, x, y] = this.actor.transform_stage_point(stageX, stageY); for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) { let thumbnail = this._thumbnails[i] let [w, h] = thumbnail.actor.get_transformed_size(); if (y >= thumbnail.actor.y && y <= thumbnail.actor.y + h) { thumbnail.activate(event.get_time()); break; } } return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }, _onDragBegin: function() { this._dragCancelled = false; this._dragMonitor = { dragMotion: Lang.bind(this, this._onDragMotion) }; DND.addDragMonitor(this._dragMonitor); }, _onDragEnd: function() { if (this._dragCancelled) return; this._endDrag(); }, _onDragCancelled: function() { this._dragCancelled = true; this._endDrag(); }, _endDrag: function() { this._clearDragPlaceholder(); DND.removeDragMonitor(this._dragMonitor); }, _onDragMotion: function(dragEvent) { if (!this.actor.contains(dragEvent.targetActor)) this._onLeave(); return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, _onLeave: function() { this._clearDragPlaceholder(); }, _clearDragPlaceholder: function() { if (this._dropPlaceholderPos == -1) return; this._dropPlaceholderPos = -1; this.actor.queue_relayout(); }, // Draggable target interface handleDragOver : function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (!source.realWindow && !source.shellWorkspaceLaunch && source != Main.xdndHandler) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; let canCreateWorkspaces = Meta.prefs_get_dynamic_workspaces(); let spacing = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_length('spacing'); this._dropWorkspace = -1; let placeholderPos = -1; let targetBase; if (this._dropPlaceholderPos == 0) targetBase = this._dropPlaceholder.y; else targetBase = this._thumbnails[0].actor.y; let targetTop = targetBase - spacing - WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; let length = this._thumbnails.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i ++) { // Allow the reorder target to have a 10px "cut" into // each side of the thumbnail, to make dragging onto the // placeholder easier let [w, h] = this._thumbnails[i].actor.get_transformed_size(); let targetBottom = targetBase + WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; let nextTargetBase = targetBase + h + spacing; let nextTargetTop = nextTargetBase - spacing - ((i == length - 1) ? 0: WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE); // Expand the target to include the placeholder, if it exists. if (i == this._dropPlaceholderPos) targetBottom += this._dropPlaceholder.get_height(); if (y > targetTop && y <= targetBottom && source != Main.xdndHandler && canCreateWorkspaces) { placeholderPos = i; break; } else if (y > targetBottom && y <= nextTargetTop) { this._dropWorkspace = i; break } targetBase = nextTargetBase; targetTop = nextTargetTop; } if (this._dropPlaceholderPos != placeholderPos) { this._dropPlaceholderPos = placeholderPos; this.actor.queue_relayout(); } if (this._dropWorkspace != -1) return this._thumbnails[this._dropWorkspace].handleDragOverInternal(source, time); else if (this._dropPlaceholderPos != -1) return source.realWindow ? DND.DragMotionResult.MOVE_DROP : DND.DragMotionResult.COPY_DROP; else return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, acceptDrop: function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (this._dropWorkspace != -1) { return this._thumbnails[this._dropWorkspace].acceptDropInternal(source, time); } else if (this._dropPlaceholderPos != -1) { if (!source.realWindow && !source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) return false; let isWindow = !!source.realWindow; // To create a new workspace, we first slide all the windows on workspaces // below us to the next workspace, leaving a blank workspace for us to recycle. let newWorkspaceIndex; [newWorkspaceIndex, this._dropPlaceholderPos] = [this._dropPlaceholderPos, -1]; // Nab all the windows below us. let windows = global.get_window_actors().filter(function(winActor) { // If the window is attached to an ancestor, we don't need/want to move it let window = winActor.meta_window; if (window.get_transient_for() != null) return false; if (isWindow) return window.get_workspace().index() >= newWorkspaceIndex && winActor != source; else return window.get_workspace().index() >= newWorkspaceIndex; }); this._spliceIndex = newWorkspaceIndex; // ... move them down one. windows.forEach(function(winActor) { let window = winActor.meta_window; window.change_workspace_by_index(window.get_workspace().index() + 1, true); }); if (isWindow) { // ... and bam, a workspace, good as new. // Move the window to our monitor first if necessary. let thumbMonitor = this._thumbnails[newWorkspaceIndex].monitorIndex; if (source.metaWindow.get_monitor() != thumbMonitor) source.metaWindow.move_to_monitor(thumbMonitor); source.metaWindow.change_workspace_by_index(newWorkspaceIndex, true); } else if (source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) { source.shellWorkspaceLaunch({ workspace: newWorkspaceIndex, timestamp: time }); // This new workspace will be automatically removed if the application fails // to open its first window within some time, as tracked by Shell.WindowTracker. // Here, we only add a very brief timeout to avoid the _immediate_ removal of the // workspace while we wait for the startup sequence to load. Main.wm.keepWorkspaceAlive(global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(newWorkspaceIndex), WORKSPACE_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME); } // Start the animation on the workspace (which is actually // an old one which just became empty) let thumbnail = this._thumbnails[newWorkspaceIndex]; this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.NEW); thumbnail.slidePosition = 1; this._queueUpdateStates(); return true; } else { return false; } }, _createThumbnails: function() { this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId = global.window_manager.connect('switch-workspace', Lang.bind(this, this._activeWorkspaceChanged)); this._nWorkspacesNotifyId = global.screen.connect('notify::n-workspaces', Lang.bind(this, this._workspacesChanged)); this._syncStackingId = Main.overview.connect('windows-restacked', Lang.bind(this, this._syncStacking)); this._targetScale = 0; this._scale = 0; this._pendingScaleUpdate = false; this._stateUpdateQueued = false; this._stateCounts = {}; for (let key in ThumbnailState) this._stateCounts[ThumbnailState[key]] = 0; this.addThumbnails(0, global.screen.n_workspaces); this._updateSwitcherVisibility(); }, _destroyThumbnails: function() { if (this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId > 0) { global.window_manager.disconnect(this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId); this._switchWorkspaceNotifyId = 0; } if (this._nWorkspacesNotifyId > 0) { global.screen.disconnect(this._nWorkspacesNotifyId); this._nWorkspacesNotifyId = 0; } if (this._syncStackingId > 0) { Main.overview.disconnect(this._syncStackingId); this._syncStackingId = 0; } for (let w = 0; w < this._thumbnails.length; w++) this._thumbnails[w].destroy(); this._thumbnails = []; this._porthole = null; }, _workspacesChanged: function() { let validThumbnails = this._thumbnails.filter(function(t) { return t.state <= ThumbnailState.NORMAL; }); let oldNumWorkspaces = validThumbnails.length; let newNumWorkspaces = global.screen.n_workspaces; let active = global.screen.get_active_workspace_index(); if (newNumWorkspaces > oldNumWorkspaces) { this.addThumbnails(oldNumWorkspaces, newNumWorkspaces - oldNumWorkspaces); } else { let removedIndex; let removedNum = oldNumWorkspaces - newNumWorkspaces; for (let w = 0; w < oldNumWorkspaces; w++) { let metaWorkspace = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(w); if (this._thumbnails[w].metaWorkspace != metaWorkspace) { removedIndex = w; break; } } this.removeThumbnails(removedIndex, removedNum); } this._updateSwitcherVisibility(); }, addThumbnails: function(start, count) { this._ensurePorthole(); for (let k = start; k < start + count; k++) { let metaWorkspace = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(k); let thumbnail = new WorkspaceThumbnail(metaWorkspace); thumbnail.setPorthole(this._porthole.x, this._porthole.y, this._porthole.width, this._porthole.height); this._thumbnails.push(thumbnail); this.actor.add_actor(thumbnail.actor); if (start > 0 && this._spliceIndex == -1) { // not the initial fill, and not splicing via DND thumbnail.state = ThumbnailState.NEW; thumbnail.slidePosition = 1; // start slid out this._haveNewThumbnails = true; } else { thumbnail.state = ThumbnailState.NORMAL; } this._stateCounts[thumbnail.state]++; } this._queueUpdateStates(); // The thumbnails indicator actually needs to be on top of the thumbnails this._indicator.raise_top(); // Clear the splice index, we got the message this._spliceIndex = -1; }, removeThumbnails: function(start, count) { let currentPos = 0; for (let k = 0; k < this._thumbnails.length; k++) { let thumbnail = this._thumbnails[k]; if (thumbnail.state > ThumbnailState.NORMAL) continue; if (currentPos >= start && currentPos < start + count) { thumbnail.workspaceRemoved(); this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.REMOVING); } currentPos++; } this._queueUpdateStates(); }, _syncStacking: function(overview, stackIndices) { for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) this._thumbnails[i].syncStacking(stackIndices); }, set scale(scale) { this._scale = scale; this.actor.queue_relayout(); }, get scale() { return this._scale; }, set indicatorY(indicatorY) { this._indicatorY = indicatorY; this.actor.queue_relayout(); }, get indicatorY() { return this._indicatorY; }, _setThumbnailState: function(thumbnail, state) { this._stateCounts[thumbnail.state]--; thumbnail.state = state; this._stateCounts[thumbnail.state]++; }, _iterateStateThumbnails: function(state, callback) { if (this._stateCounts[state] == 0) return; for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) { if (this._thumbnails[i].state == state) callback.call(this, this._thumbnails[i]); } }, _tweenScale: function() { Tweener.addTween(this, { scale: this._targetScale, time: RESCALE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: this._queueUpdateStates, onCompleteScope: this }); }, _updateStates: function() { this._stateUpdateQueued = false; // If we are animating the indicator, wait if (this._animatingIndicator) return; // Then slide out any thumbnails that have been destroyed this._iterateStateThumbnails(ThumbnailState.REMOVING, function(thumbnail) { this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.ANIMATING_OUT); Tweener.addTween(thumbnail, { slidePosition: 1, time: SLIDE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'linear', onComplete: function() { this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.ANIMATED_OUT); this._queueUpdateStates(); }, onCompleteScope: this }); }); // As long as things are sliding out, don't proceed if (this._stateCounts[ThumbnailState.ANIMATING_OUT] > 0) return; // Once that's complete, we can start scaling to the new size and collapse any removed thumbnails this._iterateStateThumbnails(ThumbnailState.ANIMATED_OUT, function(thumbnail) { this.actor.set_skip_paint(thumbnail.actor, true); this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.COLLAPSING); Tweener.addTween(thumbnail, { collapseFraction: 1, time: RESCALE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { this._stateCounts[thumbnail.state]--; thumbnail.state = ThumbnailState.DESTROYED; let index = this._thumbnails.indexOf(thumbnail); this._thumbnails.splice(index, 1); thumbnail.destroy(); this._queueUpdateStates(); }, onCompleteScope: this }); }); if (this._pendingScaleUpdate) { this._tweenScale(); this._pendingScaleUpdate = false; } // Wait until that's done if (this._scale != this._targetScale || this._stateCounts[ThumbnailState.COLLAPSING] > 0) return; // And then slide in any new thumbnails this._iterateStateThumbnails(ThumbnailState.NEW, function(thumbnail) { this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.ANIMATING_IN); Tweener.addTween(thumbnail, { slidePosition: 0, time: SLIDE_ANIMATION_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { this._setThumbnailState(thumbnail, ThumbnailState.NORMAL); }, onCompleteScope: this }); }); }, _queueUpdateStates: function() { if (this._stateUpdateQueued) return; Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, this._updateStates)); this._stateUpdateQueued = true; }, _getPreferredHeight: function(actor, forWidth, alloc) { // Note that for getPreferredWidth/Height we cheat a bit and skip propagating // the size request to our children because we know how big they are and know // that the actors aren't depending on the virtual functions being called. this._ensurePorthole(); let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); let nWorkspaces = global.screen.n_workspaces; let totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; alloc.min_size = totalSpacing; alloc.natural_size = totalSpacing + nWorkspaces * this._porthole.height * MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE; }, _getPreferredWidth: function(actor, forHeight, alloc) { this._ensurePorthole(); let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let spacing = this.actor.get_theme_node().get_length('spacing'); let nWorkspaces = global.screen.n_workspaces; let totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; let avail = forHeight - totalSpacing; let scale = (avail / nWorkspaces) / this._porthole.height; scale = Math.min(scale, MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE); let width = Math.round(this._porthole.width * scale); alloc.min_size = width; alloc.natural_size = width; }, // The "porthole" is the portion of the screen that we show in the // workspaces _ensurePorthole: function() { if (!this._porthole) this._porthole = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(Main.layoutManager.primaryIndex); }, _allocate: function(actor, box, flags) { let rtl = (Clutter.get_default_text_direction () == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL); if (this._thumbnails.length == 0) // not visible return; let themeNode = this.actor.get_theme_node(); let portholeWidth = this._porthole.width; let portholeHeight = this._porthole.height; let spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); // Compute the scale we'll need once everything is updated let nWorkspaces = global.screen.n_workspaces; let totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; let avail = (box.y2 - box.y1) - totalSpacing; let newScale = (avail / nWorkspaces) / portholeHeight; newScale = Math.min(newScale, MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE); if (newScale != this._targetScale) { if (this._targetScale > 0) { // We don't do the tween immediately because we need to observe the ordering // in queueUpdateStates - if workspaces have been removed we need to slide them // out as the first thing. this._targetScale = newScale; this._pendingScaleUpdate = true; } else { this._targetScale = this._scale = newScale; } this._queueUpdateStates(); } let thumbnailHeight = portholeHeight * this._scale; let thumbnailWidth = Math.round(portholeWidth * this._scale); let roundedHScale = thumbnailWidth / portholeWidth; let slideOffset; // X offset when thumbnail is fully slid offscreen if (rtl) slideOffset = - (thumbnailWidth + themeNode.get_padding(St.Side.LEFT)); else slideOffset = thumbnailWidth + themeNode.get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT); let indicatorY1 = this._indicatorY; let indicatorY2; // when not animating, the workspace position overrides this._indicatorY let indicatorWorkspace = !this._animatingIndicator ? global.screen.get_active_workspace() : null; let indicatorThemeNode = this._indicator.get_theme_node(); let indicatorTopFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.TOP) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.TOP); let indicatorBottomFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.BOTTOM) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.BOTTOM); let indicatorLeftFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.LEFT) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.LEFT); let indicatorRightFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.RIGHT); let y = box.y1; if (this._dropPlaceholderPos == -1) { Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._dropPlaceholder.hide(); })); } let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) { let thumbnail = this._thumbnails[i]; if (i > 0) y += spacing - Math.round(thumbnail.collapseFraction * spacing); let x1, x2; if (rtl) { x1 = box.x1 + slideOffset * thumbnail.slidePosition; x2 = x1 + thumbnailWidth; } else { x1 = box.x2 - thumbnailWidth + slideOffset * thumbnail.slidePosition; x2 = x1 + thumbnailWidth; } if (i == this._dropPlaceholderPos) { let [minHeight, placeholderHeight] = this._dropPlaceholder.get_preferred_height(-1); childBox.x1 = x1; childBox.x2 = x1 + thumbnailWidth; childBox.y1 = Math.round(y); childBox.y2 = Math.round(y + placeholderHeight); this._dropPlaceholder.allocate(childBox, flags); Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._dropPlaceholder.show(); })); y += placeholderHeight + spacing; } // We might end up with thumbnailHeight being something like 99.33 // pixels. To make this work and not end up with a gap at the bottom, // we need some thumbnails to be 99 pixels and some 100 pixels height; // we compute an actual scale separately for each thumbnail. let y1 = Math.round(y); let y2 = Math.round(y + thumbnailHeight); let roundedVScale = (y2 - y1) / portholeHeight; if (thumbnail.metaWorkspace == indicatorWorkspace) { indicatorY1 = y1; indicatorY2 = y2; } // Allocating a scaled actor is funny - x1/y1 correspond to the origin // of the actor, but x2/y2 are increased by the *unscaled* size. childBox.x1 = x1; childBox.x2 = x1 + portholeWidth; childBox.y1 = y1; childBox.y2 = y1 + portholeHeight; thumbnail.actor.set_scale(roundedHScale, roundedVScale); thumbnail.actor.allocate(childBox, flags); // We round the collapsing portion so that we don't get thumbnails resizing // during an animation due to differences in rounded, but leave the uncollapsed // portion unrounded so that non-animating we end up with the right total y += thumbnailHeight - Math.round(thumbnailHeight * thumbnail.collapseFraction); } if (rtl) { childBox.x1 = box.x1; childBox.x2 = box.x1 + thumbnailWidth; } else { childBox.x1 = box.x2 - thumbnailWidth; childBox.x2 = box.x2; } childBox.x1 -= indicatorLeftFullBorder; childBox.x2 += indicatorRightFullBorder; childBox.y1 = indicatorY1 - indicatorTopFullBorder; childBox.y2 = (indicatorY2 ? indicatorY2 : (indicatorY1 + thumbnailHeight)) + indicatorBottomFullBorder; this._indicator.allocate(childBox, flags); }, _activeWorkspaceChanged: function(wm, from, to, direction) { let thumbnail; let activeWorkspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace(); for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) { if (this._thumbnails[i].metaWorkspace == activeWorkspace) { thumbnail = this._thumbnails[i]; break; } } this._animatingIndicator = true; let indicatorThemeNode = this._indicator.get_theme_node(); let indicatorTopFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.TOP) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.TOP); this.indicatorY = this._indicator.allocation.y1 + indicatorTopFullBorder; Tweener.addTween(this, { indicatorY: thumbnail.actor.allocation.y1, time: WorkspacesView.WORKSPACE_SWITCH_TIME, transition: 'easeOutQuad', onComplete: function() { this._animatingIndicator = false; this._queueUpdateStates(); }, onCompleteScope: this }); } });