// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* exported Overview */ const { Clutter, GLib, GObject, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const Signals = imports.signals; // Time for initial animation going into Overview mode; // this is defined here to make it available in imports. var ANIMATION_TIME = 250; const Background = imports.ui.background; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const LayoutManager = imports.ui.layout; const Lightbox = imports.ui.lightbox; const Main = imports.ui.main; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const OverviewControls = imports.ui.overviewControls; const Params = imports.misc.params; const WorkspaceThumbnail = imports.ui.workspaceThumbnail; // Must be less than ANIMATION_TIME, since we switch to // or from the overview completely after ANIMATION_TIME, // and don't want the shading animation to get cut off var SHADE_ANIMATION_TIME = 200; var DND_WINDOW_SWITCH_TIMEOUT = 750; var OVERVIEW_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT = 0.5; var ShellInfo = class { constructor() { this._source = null; this._undoCallback = null; } _onUndoClicked() { if (this._undoCallback) this._undoCallback(); this._undoCallback = null; if (this._source) this._source.destroy(); } setMessage(text, options) { options = Params.parse(options, { undoCallback: null, forFeedback: false, }); let undoCallback = options.undoCallback; let forFeedback = options.forFeedback; if (this._source == null) { this._source = new MessageTray.SystemNotificationSource(); this._source.connect('destroy', () => { this._source = null; }); Main.messageTray.add(this._source); } let notification = null; if (this._source.notifications.length == 0) { notification = new MessageTray.Notification(this._source, text, null); notification.setTransient(true); notification.setForFeedback(forFeedback); } else { notification = this._source.notifications[0]; notification.update(text, null, { clear: true }); } this._undoCallback = undoCallback; if (undoCallback) notification.addAction(_("Undo"), this._onUndoClicked.bind(this)); this._source.showNotification(notification); } }; var OverviewActor = GObject.registerClass( class OverviewActor extends St.BoxLayout { _init() { super._init({ name: 'overview', /* Translators: This is the main view to select activities. See also note for "Activities" string. */ accessible_name: _("Overview"), vertical: true, }); this.add_constraint(new LayoutManager.MonitorConstraint({ primary: true })); // Add a clone of the panel to the overview so spacing and such is // automatic let panelGhost = new St.Bin({ child: new Clutter.Clone({ source: Main.panel }), reactive: false, opacity: 0, }); this.add_actor(panelGhost); this._searchEntry = new St.Entry({ style_class: 'search-entry', /* Translators: this is the text displayed in the search entry when no search is active; it should not exceed ~30 characters. */ hint_text: _('Type to search'), track_hover: true, can_focus: true, }); this._searchEntry.set_offscreen_redirect(Clutter.OffscreenRedirect.ALWAYS); let searchEntryBin = new St.Bin({ child: this._searchEntry, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); this.add_actor(searchEntryBin); this._controls = new OverviewControls.ControlsManager(this._searchEntry); // Add our same-line elements after the search entry this.add_child(this._controls); } get dash() { return this._controls.dash; } get searchEntry() { return this._searchEntry; } get viewSelector() { return this._controls.viewSelector; } }); var Overview = class { constructor() { this._initCalled = false; this._visible = false; Main.sessionMode.connect('updated', this._sessionUpdated.bind(this)); this._sessionUpdated(); } get dash() { return this._overview.dash; } get dashIconSize() { logError(new Error('Usage of Overview.\'dashIconSize\' is deprecated, ' + 'use \'dash.iconSize\' property instead')); return this.dash.iconSize; } get viewSelector() { return this._overview.viewSelector; } get animationInProgress() { return this._animationInProgress; } get visible() { return this._visible; } get visibleTarget() { return this._visibleTarget; } _createOverview() { if (this._overview) return; if (this.isDummy) return; // The main Background actors are inside global.window_group which are // hidden when displaying the overview, so we create a new // one. Instances of this class share a single CoglTexture behind the // scenes which allows us to show the background with different // rendering options without duplicating the texture data. this._backgroundGroup = new Meta.BackgroundGroup({ reactive: true }); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_child(this._backgroundGroup); this._bgManagers = []; this._desktopFade = new St.Widget(); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_child(this._desktopFade); this._activationTime = 0; this._visible = false; // animating to overview, in overview, animating out this._shown = false; // show() and not hide() this._modal = false; // have a modal grab this._animationInProgress = false; this._visibleTarget = false; // During transitions, we raise this to the top to avoid having the overview // area be reactive; it causes too many issues such as double clicks on // Dash elements, or mouseover handlers in the workspaces. this._coverPane = new Clutter.Actor({ opacity: 0, reactive: true }); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_child(this._coverPane); this._coverPane.connect('event', () => Clutter.EVENT_STOP); this._coverPane.hide(); // XDND this._dragMonitor = { dragMotion: this._onDragMotion.bind(this), }; Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.connect('scroll-event', this._onScrollEvent.bind(this)); Main.xdndHandler.connect('drag-begin', this._onDragBegin.bind(this)); Main.xdndHandler.connect('drag-end', this._onDragEnd.bind(this)); global.display.connect('restacked', this._onRestacked.bind(this)); this._windowSwitchTimeoutId = 0; this._windowSwitchTimestamp = 0; this._lastActiveWorkspaceIndex = -1; this._lastHoveredWindow = null; if (this._initCalled) this.init(); } _updateBackgrounds() { for (let i = 0; i < this._bgManagers.length; i++) this._bgManagers[i].destroy(); this._bgManagers = []; for (let i = 0; i < Main.layoutManager.monitors.length; i++) { let bgManager = new Background.BackgroundManager({ container: this._backgroundGroup, monitorIndex: i, vignette: true }); this._bgManagers.push(bgManager); } } _unshadeBackgrounds() { let backgrounds = this._backgroundGroup.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < backgrounds.length; i++) { backgrounds[i].ease_property('brightness', 1.0, { duration: SHADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); backgrounds[i].ease_property('vignette-sharpness', 0.0, { duration: SHADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); } } _shadeBackgrounds() { let backgrounds = this._backgroundGroup.get_children(); for (let i = 0; i < backgrounds.length; i++) { backgrounds[i].ease_property('brightness', Lightbox.VIGNETTE_BRIGHTNESS, { duration: SHADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); backgrounds[i].ease_property('vignette-sharpness', Lightbox.VIGNETTE_SHARPNESS, { duration: SHADE_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); } } _sessionUpdated() { const { hasOverview } = Main.sessionMode; if (!hasOverview) this.hide(); this.isDummy = !hasOverview; this._createOverview(); } // The members we construct that are implemented in JS might // want to access the overview as Main.overview to connect // signal handlers and so forth. So we create them after // construction in this init() method. init() { this._initCalled = true; if (this.isDummy) return; this._overview = new OverviewActor(); this._overview._delegate = this; Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.add_child(this._overview); this._shellInfo = new ShellInfo(); Main.layoutManager.connect('monitors-changed', this._relayout.bind(this)); this._relayout(); } addSearchProvider(provider) { this.viewSelector.addSearchProvider(provider); } removeSearchProvider(provider) { this.viewSelector.removeSearchProvider(provider); } // // options: // - undoCallback (function): the callback to be called if undo support is needed // - forFeedback (boolean): whether the message is for direct feedback of a user action // setMessage(text, options) { if (this.isDummy) return; this._shellInfo.setMessage(text, options); } _onDragBegin() { this._inXdndDrag = true; DND.addDragMonitor(this._dragMonitor); // Remember the workspace we started from let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; this._lastActiveWorkspaceIndex = workspaceManager.get_active_workspace_index(); } _onDragEnd(time) { this._inXdndDrag = false; // In case the drag was canceled while in the overview // we have to go back to where we started and hide // the overview if (this._shown) { let workspaceManager = global.workspace_manager; workspaceManager.get_workspace_by_index(this._lastActiveWorkspaceIndex).activate(time); this.hide(); } this._resetWindowSwitchTimeout(); this._lastHoveredWindow = null; DND.removeDragMonitor(this._dragMonitor); this.endItemDrag(); } _resetWindowSwitchTimeout() { if (this._windowSwitchTimeoutId != 0) { GLib.source_remove(this._windowSwitchTimeoutId); this._windowSwitchTimeoutId = 0; } } _onDragMotion(dragEvent) { let targetIsWindow = dragEvent.targetActor && dragEvent.targetActor._delegate && dragEvent.targetActor._delegate.metaWindow && !(dragEvent.targetActor._delegate instanceof WorkspaceThumbnail.WindowClone); this._windowSwitchTimestamp = global.get_current_time(); if (targetIsWindow && dragEvent.targetActor._delegate.metaWindow == this._lastHoveredWindow) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; this._lastHoveredWindow = null; this._resetWindowSwitchTimeout(); if (targetIsWindow) { this._lastHoveredWindow = dragEvent.targetActor._delegate.metaWindow; this._windowSwitchTimeoutId = GLib.timeout_add( GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, DND_WINDOW_SWITCH_TIMEOUT, () => { this._windowSwitchTimeoutId = 0; Main.activateWindow(dragEvent.targetActor._delegate.metaWindow, this._windowSwitchTimestamp); this.hide(); this._lastHoveredWindow = null; return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE; }); GLib.Source.set_name_by_id(this._windowSwitchTimeoutId, '[gnome-shell] Main.activateWindow'); } return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; } _onScrollEvent(actor, event) { this.emit('scroll-event', event); return Clutter.EVENT_PROPAGATE; } addAction(action) { if (this.isDummy) return; this._backgroundGroup.add_action(action); } _getDesktopClone() { let windows = global.get_window_actors().filter( w => w.meta_window.get_window_type() == Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP ); if (windows.length == 0) return null; let window = windows[0]; let clone = new Clutter.Clone({ source: window, x: window.x, y: window.y }); clone.source.connect('destroy', () => { clone.destroy(); }); return clone; } _relayout() { // To avoid updating the position and size of the workspaces // we just hide the overview. The positions will be updated // when it is next shown. this.hide(); this._coverPane.set_position(0, 0); this._coverPane.set_size(global.screen_width, global.screen_height); this._updateBackgrounds(); } _onRestacked() { let stack = global.get_window_actors(); let stackIndices = {}; for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { // Use the stable sequence for an integer to use as a hash key stackIndices[stack[i].get_meta_window().get_stable_sequence()] = i; } this.emit('windows-restacked', stackIndices); } beginItemDrag(_source) { this.emit('item-drag-begin'); this._inItemDrag = true; } cancelledItemDrag(_source) { this.emit('item-drag-cancelled'); } endItemDrag(_source) { if (!this._inItemDrag) return; this.emit('item-drag-end'); this._inItemDrag = false; } beginWindowDrag(window) { this.emit('window-drag-begin', window); this._inWindowDrag = true; } cancelledWindowDrag(window) { this.emit('window-drag-cancelled', window); } endWindowDrag(window) { if (!this._inWindowDrag) return; this.emit('window-drag-end', window); this._inWindowDrag = false; } focusSearch() { this.show(); this._overview.searchEntry.grab_key_focus(); } fadeInDesktop() { this._desktopFade.opacity = 0; this._desktopFade.show(); this._desktopFade.ease({ opacity: 255, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, duration: ANIMATION_TIME, }); } fadeOutDesktop() { if (!this._desktopFade.get_n_children()) { let clone = this._getDesktopClone(); if (!clone) return; this._desktopFade.add_child(clone); } this._desktopFade.opacity = 255; this._desktopFade.show(); this._desktopFade.ease({ opacity: 0, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, duration: ANIMATION_TIME, }); } // Checks if the Activities button is currently sensitive to // clicks. The first call to this function within the // OVERVIEW_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT time of the hot corner being // triggered will return false. This avoids opening and closing // the overview if the user both triggered the hot corner and // clicked the Activities button. shouldToggleByCornerOrButton() { if (this._animationInProgress) return false; if (this._inItemDrag || this._inWindowDrag) return false; if (!this._activationTime || GLib.get_monotonic_time() / GLib.USEC_PER_SEC - this._activationTime > OVERVIEW_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT) return true; return false; } _syncGrab() { // We delay grab changes during animation so that when removing the // overview we don't have a problem with the release of a press/release // going to an application. if (this._animationInProgress) return true; if (this._shown) { let shouldBeModal = !this._inXdndDrag; if (shouldBeModal && !this._modal) { let actionMode = Shell.ActionMode.OVERVIEW; if (Main.pushModal(this._overview, { actionMode })) { this._modal = true; } else { this.hide(); return false; } } } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if if (this._modal) { Main.popModal(this._overview); this._modal = false; } } return true; } // show: // // Animates the overview visible and grabs mouse and keyboard input show() { if (this.isDummy) return; if (this._shown) return; this._shown = true; if (!this._syncGrab()) return; Main.layoutManager.showOverview(); this._animateVisible(); } _animateVisible() { if (this._visible || this._animationInProgress) return; this._visible = true; this._animationInProgress = true; this._visibleTarget = true; this._activationTime = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / GLib.USEC_PER_SEC; Meta.disable_unredirect_for_display(global.display); this.viewSelector.show(); this._overview.opacity = 0; this._overview.ease({ opacity: 255, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, duration: ANIMATION_TIME, onComplete: () => this._showDone(), }); this._shadeBackgrounds(); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.set_child_above_sibling( this._coverPane, null); this._coverPane.show(); this.emit('showing'); } _showDone() { this._animationInProgress = false; this._desktopFade.hide(); this._coverPane.hide(); this.emit('shown'); // Handle any calls to hide* while we were showing if (!this._shown) this._animateNotVisible(); this._syncGrab(); global.sync_pointer(); } // hide: // // Reverses the effect of show() hide() { if (this.isDummy) return; if (!this._shown) return; let event = Clutter.get_current_event(); if (event) { let type = event.type(); let button = type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS || type == Clutter.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE; let ctrl = (event.get_state() & Clutter.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0; if (button && ctrl) return; } this._shown = false; this._animateNotVisible(); this._syncGrab(); } _animateNotVisible() { if (!this._visible || this._animationInProgress) return; this._animationInProgress = true; this._visibleTarget = false; this.viewSelector.animateFromOverview(); // Make other elements fade out. this._overview.ease({ opacity: 0, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, duration: ANIMATION_TIME, onComplete: () => this._hideDone(), }); this._unshadeBackgrounds(); Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.set_child_above_sibling( this._coverPane, null); this._coverPane.show(); this.emit('hiding'); } _hideDone() { // Re-enable unredirection Meta.enable_unredirect_for_display(global.display); this.viewSelector.hide(); this._desktopFade.hide(); this._coverPane.hide(); this._visible = false; this._animationInProgress = false; this.emit('hidden'); // Handle any calls to show* while we were hiding if (this._shown) this._animateVisible(); else Main.layoutManager.hideOverview(); this._syncGrab(); } toggle() { if (this.isDummy) return; if (this._visible) this.hide(); else this.show(); } getShowAppsButton() { logError(new Error('Usage of Overview.\'getShowAppsButton\' is deprecated, ' + 'use \'dash.showAppsButton\' property instead')); return this.dash.showAppsButton; } get searchEntry() { return this._overview.searchEntry; } }; Signals.addSignalMethods(Overview.prototype);