theme: use light theme for popovers
Make shell mimic Adwaita gtk. FIXME: - switches - buttons - modal dialogs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
$variant: 'light';
@import "gnome-shell-sass/_high-contrast-colors"; //use gtk colors
@import "gnome-shell-sass/_drawing";
@import "gnome-shell-sass/_common";
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ $selected_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #3584e4, darken(#3584e4, 20%));
$selected_borders_color: if($variant== 'light', darken($selected_bg_color, 15%), darken($selected_bg_color, 30%));
$borders_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($bg_color, 18%), darken($bg_color, 10%));
$borders_edge: if($variant == 'light', transparentize(white, 0.2), transparentize($fg_color, 0.93));
$alt_borders_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($bg_color, 24%), darken($bg_color, 18%));
$link_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($selected_bg_color, 10%), lighten($selected_bg_color, 20%));
$link_visited_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($selected_bg_color, 20%), lighten($selected_bg_color, 10%));
$top_hilight: $borders_edge;
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ $osd_fg_color: #eeeeec;
$osd_bg_color: #2e3436;
$osd_borders_color: transparentize(black, 0.3);
$osd_outer_borders_color: transparentize(white, 0.9);
$shadow_color: transparentize(black, 0.9);
$tooltip_borders_color: $osd_outer_borders_color;
@ -1012,8 +1012,11 @@ StScrollBar {
.message-list-clear-button.button {
background-color: transparent;
&:hover,&:focus { background-color: lighten($bg_color,5%); }
@include button(normal);
&:insensitive { @include button(insensitive); }
&:hover { @include button(hover); }
&:focus { @include button(focus); }
&:active { @include button(active); }
margin: 1.5em 1.5em 0;
@ -1537,12 +1540,12 @@ StScrollBar {
width: 34em;
margin: 5px;
border-radius: 6px;
color: $_bubble_fg_color;
background-color: $_bubble_bg_color;
color: $fg_color;
background-color: $bg_color;
border: 1px solid $borders_color;
//box-shadow: 0 1px 4px black;
&:hover { background-color: $_bubble_bg_color; }
&:focus { background-color: $_bubble_bg_color; }
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px black;
//&:hover { background-color: $bg_color; }
//&:focus { background-color: $bg_color; }
.notification-icon { padding: 5px; }
.notification-content { padding: 5px; spacing: 5px; }
@ -1557,7 +1560,6 @@ StScrollBar {
background-color: darken($_bubble_bg_color,5%);
&:first-child { border-radius: 0 0 0 6px; }
&:last-child { border-radius: 0 0 6px 0; }
&:hover, &focus { background-color: darken($_bubble_bg_color,2%); }
.summary-source-counter {
@ -111,7 +111,59 @@
@mixin button($t, $c:$osd_bg_color, $tc:$fg_color, $edge: $borders_edge) {
@function _border_color($c, $darker: false) {
@if $darker == true { @return darken($c, 20%); }
@else { @return darken($c, 10%); }
@function _text_shadow_color ($tc: $fg_color, $bg: $bg_color) {
// calculate the color of text shadows
// $tc is the text color
// $bg is the background color
$_lbg: lightness($bg)/100%;
@if lightness($tc)<50% { @return transparentize(white, 1-$_lbg/($_lbg*1.3)); }
@else { @return transparentize(black, $_lbg*0.8); }
@function _button_hilight_color($c) {
// calculate the right top hilight color for buttons
// $c: base color;
@if lightness($c)>95% { @return white; }
@else if lightness($c)>90% { @return transparentize(white, 0.2); }
@else if lightness($c)>80% { @return transparentize(white, 0.5); }
@else if lightness($c)>50% { @return transparentize(white, 0.8); }
@else if lightness($c)>40% { @return transparentize(white, 0.9); }
@else { @return transparentize(white, 0.98); }
@mixin _button_text_shadow ($tc:$fg_color, $bg:$bg_color) {
// helper function for the text emboss effect
// $tc is the optional text color, not the shadow color
// TODO: this functions needs a way to deal with special cases
$_shadow: _text_shadow_color($tc, $bg);
@if lightness($tc)<50% {
text-shadow: 0 1px $_shadow;
-gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px $_shadow;
@else {
text-shadow: 0 -1px $_shadow;
-gtk-icon-shadow: 0 -1px $_shadow;
@mixin button($t, $c:$bg_color, $tc:$fg_color, $edge: none) {
// Button drawing function
@ -126,96 +178,222 @@
// backdrop, backdrop-active, backdrop-insensitive, backdrop-insensitive-active,
// osd, osd-hover, osd-active, osd-insensitive, osd-backdrop, undecorated
// This mixin sets the $button_fill global variable which containts the button background-image
$_hilight_color: _button_hilight_color($c);
$_button_edge: if($edge == none, none, _widget_edge($edge));
$_blank_edge: if($edge == none, none, _widget_edge(transparentize($edge,1)));
$_button_shadow: 0 1px 2px transparentize($shadow_color, 0.03);
@if $t==normal {
// normal button
$_bg: if($c!=$osd_bg_color, transparentize($c, 0.5),
color: $osd_fg_color;
background-color: $_bg;
border-color: $osd_borders_color;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px lighten($osd_bg_color,10%);
text-shadow: 0 1px black;
icon-shadow: 0 1px black;
@if $t==focus {
// focused button
$_bg: if($c!=$osd_bg_color, transparentize($c, 0.3),
color: $osd_fg_color;
text-shadow: 0 1px black;
icon-shadow: 0 1px black;
box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1px $selected_bg_color;
color: $tc;
outline-color: transparentize($tc, 0.7);
border-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
border-bottom-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c, true), $alt_borders_color);
$button_fill: if($variant == 'light', linear-gradient(to top, darken($c, 4%) 2px, $c),
linear-gradient(to top, darken($c,1%) 2px, $c)) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
@include _button_text_shadow($tc, $c);
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px $_hilight_color, $_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
@else if $t==hover {
// active osd button
// hovered button
$_bg: if($c!=$osd_bg_color, transparentize($c, 0.3),
color: white;
border-color: $osd_borders_color;
background-color: $_bg;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px lighten($osd_bg_color,20%);
text-shadow: 0 1px black;
icon-shadow: 0 1px black;
color: $tc;
outline-color: transparentize($tc, 0.7);
border-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
border-bottom-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c, true), $alt_borders_color);
@if $variant == 'light' {
$button_fill: linear-gradient(to top, $c, lighten($c, 1%) 1px) !global;
@include _button_text_shadow($tc, lighten($c, 6%));
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px _button_hilight_color(lighten($c, 6%)), $_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
@else {
$button_fill: linear-gradient(to top, darken($c,1%), lighten($c, 1%) 1px) !global;
@include _button_text_shadow($tc,lighten($c, 6%));
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px _button_hilight_color(darken($c, 2%)), $_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
background-image: $button_fill;
@if $t==normal-alt {
// normal button alternative look
color: $tc;
outline-color: transparentize($tc, 0.7);
border-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c, true), $alt_borders_color);
@include _button_text_shadow($tc, $c);
@if $variant == 'light' {
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($c, 5%) 20%, $c 90%);
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px _button_hilight_color(lighten($c, 6%)),
$_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
@else {
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, darken($c, 3%) 20%, darken($c, 6%) 90%);
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px $_hilight_color,
$_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
@else if $t==hover-alt {
// hovered button alternative look
color: $tc;
outline-color: transparentize($tc, 0.7);
border-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c, true), $alt_borders_color);
@if $variant == 'light' {
$button_fill: linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($c, 9%) 10%, lighten($c, 4%) 90%) !global;
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px _button_hilight_color(lighten($c, 6%)),
$_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
@else {
$button_fill: linear-gradient(to bottom, $c 20%, darken($c, 4%) 90%) !global;
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px $_hilight_color,
$_button_edge, $_button_shadow);
background-image: $button_fill;
@else if $t==active {
// pushed button
color: $tc;
outline-color: transparentize($tc, 0.7);
border-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
$button_fill: if($variant == 'light', image(darken($c, 14%)), image(darken($c, 9%))) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px transparentize($_hilight_color, 1), $_button_edge);
text-shadow: none;
-gtk-icon-shadow: none;
@else if $t==insensitive {
// insensitive button
$_bg: if($c != $bg_color, mix($c, $base_color, 85%), $insensitive_bg_color);
label, & { color: if($tc != $fg_color, mix($tc, $_bg, 50%), $insensitive_fg_color); }
border-color: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c), $insensitive_borders_color);
$button_fill: image($_bg) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
text-shadow: none;
-gtk-icon-shadow: none;
// white with 0 alpha to avoid an ugly transition, since no color means
// black with 0 alpha
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px transparentize(white, 1), $_button_edge);
@else if $t==insensitive-active {
// insensitive pushed button
$_bg: if($variant == 'light', darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 8%), darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 6%));
$_bc: if($c != $bg_color, _border_color($c), $insensitive_borders_color);
label, & { color: if($c != $bg_color, mix($tc, $_bg, 60%), $insensitive_fg_color); }
border-color: $_bc;
$button_fill: image($_bg) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
// white with 0 alpha to avoid an ugly transition, since no color means
// black with 0 alpha
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px transparentize(white, 1), $_button_edge);
@else if $t==osd {
// normal osd button
$_bg: if($c != $bg_color, transparentize($c, 0.5), $osd_bg_color);
color: $osd_fg_color;
border-color: $osd_borders_color;
background-color: transparent;
$button_fill: image($_bg) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
background-clip: padding-box;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px transparentize(white, 0.9);
text-shadow: 0 1px black;
-gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black;
outline-color: transparentize($osd_fg_color, 0.7);
@else if $t==osd-hover {
// active osd button
$_bg: if($c!=$bg_color, $c, $osd_borders_color);
$_bg: if($c != $bg_color, transparentize($c, 0.3), lighten($osd_bg_color, 12%));
color: white;
border-color: $osd_borders_color;
background-color: $selected_bg_color;
// This should be none, but it's creating some issues with borders, so to
// workaround it for now, use inset wich goes through a different code path.
// see
box-shadow: inset 0 0 black;
text-shadow: none;
icon-shadow: none;
background-color: transparent;
$button_fill: image($_bg) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
background-clip: padding-box;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px transparentize(white, 0.9);
text-shadow: 0 1px black;
-gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black;
outline-color: transparentize($osd_fg_color, 0.7);
@else if $t==insensitive {
@else if $t==osd-active {
// active osd button
$_bg: if($c != $bg_color, $c, $osd_borders_color);
color: white;
border-color: $osd_borders_color;
background-color: transparent;
$button_fill: image($_bg) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
background-clip: padding-box;
box-shadow: none;
text-shadow: none;
-gtk-icon-shadow: none;
outline-color: transparentize($osd_fg_color, 0.7);
@else if $t==osd-insensitive {
// insensitive osd button
$_bg: transparentize(mix($insensitive_fg_color,$osd_bg_color,20%),0.3);
color: $insensitive_fg_color;
color: $osd_insensitive_fg_color;
border-color: $osd_borders_color;
background-color: $_bg;
background-color: transparent;
$button_fill: image($osd_insensitive_bg_color) !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
background-clip: padding-box;
box-shadow: none;
text-shadow: none;
icon-shadow: none;
-gtk-icon-shadow: none;
@else if $t==undecorated {
// reset
border-color: transparent;
background-color: transparent;
background-image: none;
$button_fill: none !global;
background-image: $button_fill;
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px transparentize(white,1),
@include _shadows(inset 0 1px transparentize(white, 1), $_blank_edge);
text-shadow: none;
icon-shadow: none;
-gtk-icon-shadow: none;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ $selected_fg_color: #ffffff;
$selected_bg_color: darken(#4a90d9,20%);
$selected_borders_color: darken($selected_bg_color, 20%);
$borders_color: darken($bg_color,12%);
$alt_borders_color: darken($bg_color,12%);
$borders_edge: transparentize($fg_color, 0.9);
$link_color: lighten($selected_bg_color,20%);
$link_visited_color: lighten($selected_bg_color,10%);
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ $osd_fg_color: #eeeeec;
$osd_bg_color: #2e3436;
$osd_borders_color: transparentize(black, 0.3);
$osd_outer_borders_color: transparentize(white, 0.9);
$shadow_color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
$tooltip_borders_color: $osd_outer_borders_color;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$variant: 'dark';
$variant: 'light';
@import "gnome-shell-sass/_colors"; //use gtk colors
@import "gnome-shell-sass/_drawing";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user