
152 lines
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# This class brings a more generic version of the UEFI combo app from refkit to meta-intel.
# It uses a combo file, containing kernel, initramfs and
# command line, presented to the BIOS as UEFI application, by prepending
# it with the efi stub obtained from systemd-boot.
# Don't add syslinux or build an ISO
PCBIOS_forcevariable = "0"
NOISO_forcevariable = "1"
# image-live.bbclass will default INITRD_LIVE to the image INITRD_IMAGE creates.
# We want behavior to be consistent whether or not "live" is in IMAGE_FSTYPES, so
# we default INITRD_LIVE to the INITRD_IMAGE as well.
INITRD_IMAGE ?= "core-image-minimal-initramfs"
INITRD_LIVE ?= " ${@ ('${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/' + d.getVar('INITRD_IMAGE', expand=True) + '-${MACHINE}.cpio.gz') if d.getVar('INITRD_IMAGE', True) else ''}"
do_uefiapp[depends] += " \
intel-microcode:do_deploy \
systemd-boot:do_deploy \
virtual/kernel:do_deploy \
# INITRD_IMAGE is added to INITRD_LIVE, which we use to create our initrd, so depend on it if it is set
do_uefiapp[depends] += "${@ '${INITRD_IMAGE}:do_image_complete' if d.getVar('INITRD_IMAGE') else ''}"
# The image does without traditional bootloader.
# In its place, instead, it uses a single UEFI executable binary, which is
# composed by:
# - an UEFI stub
# The linux kernel can generate a UEFI stub, however the one from systemd-boot can fetch
# the command line from a separate section of the EFI application, avoiding the need to
# rebuild the kernel.
# - the kernel
# - an initramfs (optional)
def create_uefiapp(d, uuid=None, app_suffix=''):
import glob, re
from subprocess import check_call
build_dir = d.getVar('B')
deploy_dir_image = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE')
image_link_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME')
cmdline = '%s/cmdline.txt' % build_dir
linux = '%s/%s' % (deploy_dir_image, d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE'))
initrd = '%s/initrd' % build_dir
stub_path = '%s/linux*.efi.stub' % deploy_dir_image
stub = glob.glob(stub_path)[0]
m = re.match(r"\S*(ia32|x64)(.efi)\S*", os.path.basename(stub))
app = "boot%s%s%s" % (, app_suffix,
executable = '%s/%s.%s' % (deploy_dir_image, image_link_name, app)
if d.getVar('INITRD_LIVE'):
with open(initrd, 'wb') as dst:
for cpio in d.getVar('INITRD_LIVE').split():
with open(cpio, 'rb') as src:
initrd_cmd = "--add-section .initrd=%s --change-section-vma .initrd=0x3000000 " % initrd
initrd_cmd = ""
root = 'root=PARTUUID=%s' % uuid if uuid else ''
with open(cmdline, 'w') as f:
f.write('%s %s' % (d.getVar('APPEND'), root))
objcopy_cmd = ("objcopy "
"--add-section .cmdline=%s --change-section-vma .cmdline=0x30000 "
"--add-section .linux=%s --change-section-vma .linux=0x40000 "
"%s %s %s") % \
(cmdline, linux, initrd_cmd, stub, executable)
check_call(objcopy_cmd, shell=True)
python create_uefiapps () {
# We must clean up anything that matches the expected output pattern, to ensure that
# the next steps do not accidentally use old files.
import glob
pattern = d.expand('${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.boot*.efi')
for old_efi in glob.glob(pattern):
uuid = d.getVar('DISK_SIGNATURE_UUID')
create_uefiapp(d, uuid=uuid)
# This is intentionally split into different parts. This way, derived
# classes or images can extend the individual parts. We can also use
# whatever language (shell script or Python) is more suitable.
python do_uefiapp() {'create_uefiapps', d)
uefiapp_deploy_at() {
for i in ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.boot*.efi; do
target=`basename $i`
target=`echo $target | sed -e 's/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.//'`
cp --preserve=timestamps -r $i $dest/$target
fakeroot do_uefiapp_deploy() {
rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot/*
mkdir -p $dest
uefiapp_deploy_at $dest
do_uefiapp_deploy[depends] += "${PN}:do_uefiapp virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot"
# This decides when/how we add our tasks to the image
python () {
image_fstypes = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True)
initramfs_fstypes = d.getVar('INITRAMFS_FSTYPES', True)
# Don't add any of these tasks to initramfs images
if initramfs_fstypes not in image_fstypes:'uefiapp', 'do_image', 'do_rootfs', d)'uefiapp_deploy', 'do_image', 'do_rootfs', d)
SIGN_AFTER ?= "do_uefiapp"
SIGN_BEFORE ?= "do_uefiapp_deploy"
inherit uefi-sign
# Legacy hddimg support below this line
efi_hddimg_populate() {
uefiapp_deploy_at "$1"
build_efi_cfg() {
# The command line is built into the combo app, so this is a null op
populate_kernel_append() {
# The kernel and initrd are built into the app, so we don't need these
if [ -f $dest/initrd ]; then
rm $dest/initrd
if [ -f $dest/vmlinuz ]; then
rm $dest/vmlinuz
IMAGE_FEATURES[validitems] += "secureboot"