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# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os, re
import signal
import logging
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
if 'git' not in urllib.parse.uses_netloc:
import operator
import collections
import subprocess
import pickle
import errno
import bb.persist_data, bb.utils
import bb.checksum
import bb.process
import bb.event
__version__ = "2"
_checksum_cache = bb.checksum.FileChecksumCache()
logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Fetcher")
class BBFetchException(Exception):
"""Class all fetch exceptions inherit from"""
def __init__(self, message):
self.msg = message
Exception.__init__(self, message)
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
class UntrustedUrl(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when encountering a host not listed in BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS"""
def __init__(self, url, message=''):
if message:
msg = message
msg = "The URL: '%s' is not trusted and cannot be used" % url
self.url = url
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (url,)
class MalformedUrl(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when encountering an invalid url"""
def __init__(self, url, message=''):
if message:
msg = message
msg = "The URL: '%s' is invalid and cannot be interpreted" % url
self.url = url
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (url,)
class FetchError(BBFetchException):
"""General fetcher exception when something happens incorrectly"""
def __init__(self, message, url = None):
if url:
msg = "Fetcher failure for URL: '%s'. %s" % (url, message)
msg = "Fetcher failure: %s" % message
self.url = url
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (message, url)
class ChecksumError(FetchError):
"""Exception when mismatched checksum encountered"""
def __init__(self, message, url = None, checksum = None):
self.checksum = checksum
FetchError.__init__(self, message, url)
class NoChecksumError(FetchError):
"""Exception when no checksum is specified, but BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM is set"""
class UnpackError(BBFetchException):
"""General fetcher exception when something happens incorrectly when unpacking"""
def __init__(self, message, url):
msg = "Unpack failure for URL: '%s'. %s" % (url, message)
self.url = url
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (message, url)
class NoMethodError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when there is no method to obtain a supplied url or set of urls"""
def __init__(self, url):
msg = "Could not find a fetcher which supports the URL: '%s'" % url
self.url = url
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (url,)
class MissingParameterError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when a fetch method is missing a critical parameter in the url"""
def __init__(self, missing, url):
msg = "URL: '%s' is missing the required parameter '%s'" % (url, missing)
self.url = url
self.missing = missing
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (missing, url)
class ParameterError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when a url cannot be proccessed due to invalid parameters."""
def __init__(self, message, url):
msg = "URL: '%s' has invalid parameters. %s" % (url, message)
self.url = url
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (message, url)
class NetworkAccess(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when network access is disabled but it is required."""
def __init__(self, url, cmd):
msg = "Network access disabled through BB_NO_NETWORK (or set indirectly due to use of BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY) but access requested with command %s (for url %s)" % (cmd, url)
self.url = url
self.cmd = cmd
BBFetchException.__init__(self, msg)
self.args = (url, cmd)
class NonLocalMethod(Exception):
def __init__(self):
class MissingChecksumEvent(bb.event.Event):
def __init__(self, url, md5sum, sha256sum):
self.url = url
self.checksums = {'md5sum': md5sum,
'sha256sum': sha256sum}
class URI(object):
A class representing a generic URI, with methods for
accessing the URI components, and stringifies to the
It is constructed by calling it with a URI, or setting
the attributes manually:
uri = URI("http://example.com/")
uri = URI()
uri.scheme = 'http'
uri.hostname = 'example.com'
uri.path = '/'
It has the following attributes:
* scheme (read/write)
* userinfo (authentication information) (read/write)
* username (read/write)
* password (read/write)
Note, password is deprecated as of RFC 3986.
* hostname (read/write)
* port (read/write)
* hostport (read only)
"hostname:port", if both are set, otherwise just "hostname"
* path (read/write)
* path_quoted (read/write)
A URI quoted version of path
* params (dict) (read/write)
* query (dict) (read/write)
* relative (bool) (read only)
True if this is a "relative URI", (e.g. file:foo.diff)
It stringifies to the URI itself.
Some notes about relative URIs: while it's specified that
a URI beginning with <scheme>:// should either be directly
followed by a hostname or a /, the old URI handling of the
fetch2 library did not comform to this. Therefore, this URI
class has some kludges to make sure that URIs are parsed in
a way comforming to bitbake's current usage. This URI class
supports the following:
file:relative/path.diff (IETF compliant)
git:relative/path.git (IETF compliant)
git:///absolute/path.git (IETF compliant)
file:///absolute/path.diff (IETF compliant)
file://relative/path.diff (not IETF compliant)
But it does not support the following:
file://hostname/absolute/path.diff (would be IETF compliant)
Note that the last case only applies to a list of
"whitelisted" schemes (currently only file://), that requires
its URIs to not have a network location.
_relative_schemes = ['file', 'git']
_netloc_forbidden = ['file']
def __init__(self, uri=None):
self.scheme = ''
self.userinfo = ''
self.hostname = ''
self.port = None
self._path = ''
self.params = {}
self.query = {}
self.relative = False
if not uri:
# We hijack the URL parameters, since the way bitbake uses
# them are not quite RFC compliant.
uri, param_str = (uri.split(";", 1) + [None])[:2]
urlp = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
self.scheme = urlp.scheme
reparse = 0
# Coerce urlparse to make URI scheme use netloc
if not self.scheme in urllib.parse.uses_netloc:
reparse = 1
# Make urlparse happy(/ier) by converting local resources
# to RFC compliant URL format. E.g.:
# file://foo.diff -> file:foo.diff
if urlp.scheme in self._netloc_forbidden:
uri = re.sub("(?<=:)//(?!/)", "", uri, 1)
reparse = 1
if reparse:
urlp = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
# Identify if the URI is relative or not
if urlp.scheme in self._relative_schemes and \
self.relative = True
if not self.relative:
self.hostname = urlp.hostname or ''
self.port = urlp.port
self.userinfo += urlp.username or ''
if urlp.password:
self.userinfo += ':%s' % urlp.password
self.path = urllib.parse.unquote(urlp.path)
if param_str:
self.params = self._param_str_split(param_str, ";")
if urlp.query:
self.query = self._param_str_split(urlp.query, "&")
def __str__(self):
userinfo = self.userinfo
if userinfo:
userinfo += '@'
return "%s:%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (
'' if self.relative else '//',
def _param_str(self):
return (
''.join([';', self._param_str_join(self.params, ";")])
if self.params else '')
def _query_str(self):
return (
''.join(['?', self._param_str_join(self.query, "&")])
if self.query else '')
def _param_str_split(self, string, elmdelim, kvdelim="="):
ret = collections.OrderedDict()
for k, v in [x.split(kvdelim, 1) for x in string.split(elmdelim)]:
ret[k] = v
return ret
def _param_str_join(self, dict_, elmdelim, kvdelim="="):
return elmdelim.join([kvdelim.join([k, v]) for k, v in dict_.items()])
def hostport(self):
if not self.port:
return self.hostname
return "%s:%d" % (self.hostname, self.port)
def path_quoted(self):
return urllib.parse.quote(self.path)
def path_quoted(self, path):
self.path = urllib.parse.unquote(path)
def path(self):
return self._path
def path(self, path):
self._path = path
if not path or re.compile("^/").match(path):
self.relative = False
self.relative = True
def username(self):
if self.userinfo:
return (self.userinfo.split(":", 1))[0]
return ''
def username(self, username):
password = self.password
self.userinfo = username
if password:
self.userinfo += ":%s" % password
def password(self):
if self.userinfo and ":" in self.userinfo:
return (self.userinfo.split(":", 1))[1]
return ''
def password(self, password):
self.userinfo = "%s:%s" % (self.username, password)
def decodeurl(url):
"""Decodes an URL into the tokens (scheme, network location, path,
user, password, parameters).
m = re.compile('(?P<type>[^:]*)://((?P<user>[^/;]+)@)?(?P<location>[^;]+)(;(?P<parm>.*))?').match(url)
if not m:
raise MalformedUrl(url)
type = m.group('type')
location = m.group('location')
if not location:
raise MalformedUrl(url)
user = m.group('user')
parm = m.group('parm')
locidx = location.find('/')
if locidx != -1 and type.lower() != 'file':
host = location[:locidx]
path = location[locidx:]
elif type.lower() == 'file':
host = ""
path = location
host = location
path = ""
if user:
m = re.compile('(?P<user>[^:]+)(:?(?P<pswd>.*))').match(user)
if m:
user = m.group('user')
pswd = m.group('pswd')
user = ''
pswd = ''
p = collections.OrderedDict()
if parm:
for s in parm.split(';'):
if s:
if not '=' in s:
raise MalformedUrl(url, "The URL: '%s' is invalid: parameter %s does not specify a value (missing '=')" % (url, s))
s1, s2 = s.split('=')
p[s1] = s2
return type, host, urllib.parse.unquote(path), user, pswd, p
def encodeurl(decoded):
"""Encodes a URL from tokens (scheme, network location, path,
user, password, parameters).
type, host, path, user, pswd, p = decoded
if not type:
raise MissingParameterError('type', "encoded from the data %s" % str(decoded))
url = '%s://' % type
if user and type != "file":
url += "%s" % user
if pswd:
url += ":%s" % pswd
url += "@"
if host and type != "file":
url += "%s" % host
if path:
# Standardise path to ensure comparisons work
while '//' in path:
path = path.replace("//", "/")
url += "%s" % urllib.parse.quote(path)
if p:
for parm in p:
url += ";%s=%s" % (parm, p[parm])
return url
def uri_replace(ud, uri_find, uri_replace, replacements, d, mirrortarball=None):
if not ud.url or not uri_find or not uri_replace:
logger.error("uri_replace: passed an undefined value, not replacing")
return None
uri_decoded = list(decodeurl(ud.url))
uri_find_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri_find))
uri_replace_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri_replace))
logger.debug(2, "For url %s comparing %s to %s" % (uri_decoded, uri_find_decoded, uri_replace_decoded))
result_decoded = ['', '', '', '', '', {}]
for loc, i in enumerate(uri_find_decoded):
result_decoded[loc] = uri_decoded[loc]
regexp = i
if loc == 0 and regexp and not regexp.endswith("$"):
# Leaving the type unanchored can mean "https" matching "file" can become "files"
# which is clearly undesirable.
regexp += "$"
if loc == 5:
# Handle URL parameters
if i:
# Any specified URL parameters must match
for k in uri_replace_decoded[loc]:
if uri_decoded[loc][k] != uri_replace_decoded[loc][k]:
return None
# Overwrite any specified replacement parameters
for k in uri_replace_decoded[loc]:
for l in replacements:
uri_replace_decoded[loc][k] = uri_replace_decoded[loc][k].replace(l, replacements[l])
result_decoded[loc][k] = uri_replace_decoded[loc][k]
elif (re.match(regexp, uri_decoded[loc])):
if not uri_replace_decoded[loc]:
result_decoded[loc] = ""
for k in replacements:
uri_replace_decoded[loc] = uri_replace_decoded[loc].replace(k, replacements[k])
#bb.note("%s %s %s" % (regexp, uri_replace_decoded[loc], uri_decoded[loc]))
result_decoded[loc] = re.sub(regexp, uri_replace_decoded[loc], uri_decoded[loc], 1)
if loc == 2:
# Handle path manipulations
basename = None
if uri_decoded[0] != uri_replace_decoded[0] and mirrortarball:
# If the source and destination url types differ, must be a mirrortarball mapping
basename = os.path.basename(mirrortarball)
# Kill parameters, they make no sense for mirror tarballs
uri_decoded[5] = {}
elif ud.localpath and ud.method.supports_checksum(ud):
basename = os.path.basename(ud.localpath)
if basename and not result_decoded[loc].endswith(basename):
result_decoded[loc] = os.path.join(result_decoded[loc], basename)
return None
result = encodeurl(result_decoded)
if result == ud.url:
return None
logger.debug(2, "For url %s returning %s" % (ud.url, result))
return result
methods = []
urldata_cache = {}
saved_headrevs = {}
def fetcher_init(d):
Called to initialize the fetchers once the configuration data is known.
Calls before this must not hit the cache.
# When to drop SCM head revisions controlled by user policy
srcrev_policy = d.getVar('BB_SRCREV_POLICY') or "clear"
if srcrev_policy == "cache":
logger.debug(1, "Keeping SRCREV cache due to cache policy of: %s", srcrev_policy)
elif srcrev_policy == "clear":
logger.debug(1, "Clearing SRCREV cache due to cache policy of: %s", srcrev_policy)
revs = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_URI_HEADREVS', d)
bb.fetch2.saved_headrevs = revs.items()
raise FetchError("Invalid SRCREV cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy)
for m in methods:
if hasattr(m, "init"):
def fetcher_parse_save():
def fetcher_parse_done():
def fetcher_compare_revisions():
Compare the revisions in the persistant cache with current values and
return true/false on whether they've changed.
data = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_URI_HEADREVS', d).items()
data2 = bb.fetch2.saved_headrevs
changed = False
for key in data:
if key not in data2 or data2[key] != data[key]:
logger.debug(1, "%s changed", key)
changed = True
return True
logger.debug(2, "%s did not change", key)
return False
def mirror_from_string(data):
mirrors = (data or "").replace('\\n',' ').split()
# Split into pairs
if len(mirrors) % 2 != 0:
bb.warn('Invalid mirror data %s, should have paired members.' % data)
return list(zip(*[iter(mirrors)]*2))
def verify_checksum(ud, d, precomputed={}):
verify the MD5 and SHA256 checksum for downloaded src
Raises a FetchError if one or both of the SRC_URI checksums do not match
the downloaded file, or if BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM is set and there are no
checksums specified.
Returns a dict of checksums that can be stored in a done stamp file and
passed in as precomputed parameter in a later call to avoid re-computing
the checksums from the file. This allows verifying the checksums of the
file against those in the recipe each time, rather than only after
downloading. See https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5571.
_MD5_KEY = "md5"
_SHA256_KEY = "sha256"
if ud.ignore_checksums or not ud.method.supports_checksum(ud):
return {}
if _MD5_KEY in precomputed:
md5data = precomputed[_MD5_KEY]
md5data = bb.utils.md5_file(ud.localpath)
if _SHA256_KEY in precomputed:
sha256data = precomputed[_SHA256_KEY]
sha256data = bb.utils.sha256_file(ud.localpath)
if ud.method.recommends_checksum(ud) and not ud.md5_expected and not ud.sha256_expected:
# If strict checking enabled and neither sum defined, raise error
strict = d.getVar("BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM") or "0"
if strict == "1":
logger.error('No checksum specified for %s, please add at least one to the recipe:\n'
'SRC_URI[%s] = "%s"\nSRC_URI[%s] = "%s"' %
(ud.localpath, ud.md5_name, md5data,
ud.sha256_name, sha256data))
raise NoChecksumError('Missing SRC_URI checksum', ud.url)
bb.event.fire(MissingChecksumEvent(ud.url, md5data, sha256data), d)
if strict == "ignore":
return {
_MD5_KEY: md5data,
_SHA256_KEY: sha256data
# Log missing sums so user can more easily add them
logger.warning('Missing md5 SRC_URI checksum for %s, consider adding to the recipe:\n'
'SRC_URI[%s] = "%s"',
ud.localpath, ud.md5_name, md5data)
logger.warning('Missing sha256 SRC_URI checksum for %s, consider adding to the recipe:\n'
'SRC_URI[%s] = "%s"',
ud.localpath, ud.sha256_name, sha256data)
# We want to alert the user if a checksum is defined in the recipe but
# it does not match.
msg = ""
mismatch = False
if ud.md5_expected and ud.md5_expected != md5data:
msg = msg + "\nFile: '%s' has %s checksum %s when %s was expected" % (ud.localpath, 'md5', md5data, ud.md5_expected)
mismatch = True;
if ud.sha256_expected and ud.sha256_expected != sha256data:
msg = msg + "\nFile: '%s' has %s checksum %s when %s was expected" % (ud.localpath, 'sha256', sha256data, ud.sha256_expected)
mismatch = True;
if mismatch:
msg = msg + '\nIf this change is expected (e.g. you have upgraded to a new version without updating the checksums) then you can use these lines within the recipe:\nSRC_URI[%s] = "%s"\nSRC_URI[%s] = "%s"\nOtherwise you should retry the download and/or check with upstream to determine if the file has become corrupted or otherwise unexpectedly modified.\n' % (ud.md5_name, md5data, ud.sha256_name, sha256data)
if len(msg):
raise ChecksumError('Checksum mismatch!%s' % msg, ud.url, md5data)
return {
_MD5_KEY: md5data,
_SHA256_KEY: sha256data
def verify_donestamp(ud, d, origud=None):
Check whether the done stamp file has the right checksums (if the fetch
method supports them). If it doesn't, delete the done stamp and force
a re-download.
Returns True, if the donestamp exists and is valid, False otherwise. When
returning False, any existing done stamps are removed.
if not ud.needdonestamp or (origud and not origud.needdonestamp):
return True
if not os.path.exists(ud.donestamp):
return False
if (not ud.method.supports_checksum(ud) or
(origud and not origud.method.supports_checksum(origud))):
# done stamp exists, checksums not supported; assume the local file is
# current
return True
if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
# done stamp exists, but the downloaded file does not; the done stamp
# must be incorrect, re-trigger the download
return False
precomputed_checksums = {}
# Only re-use the precomputed checksums if the donestamp is newer than the
# file. Do not rely on the mtime of directories, though. If ud.localpath is
# a directory, there will probably not be any checksums anyway.
if (os.path.isdir(ud.localpath) or
os.path.getmtime(ud.localpath) < os.path.getmtime(ud.donestamp)):
with open(ud.donestamp, "rb") as cachefile:
pickled = pickle.Unpickler(cachefile)
except Exception as e:
# Avoid the warnings on the upgrade path from emtpy done stamp
# files to those containing the checksums.
if not isinstance(e, EOFError):
# Ignore errors, they aren't fatal
logger.warning("Couldn't load checksums from donestamp %s: %s "
"(msg: %s)" % (ud.donestamp, type(e).__name__,
checksums = verify_checksum(ud, d, precomputed_checksums)
# If the cache file did not have the checksums, compute and store them
# as an upgrade path from the previous done stamp file format.
if checksums != precomputed_checksums:
with open(ud.donestamp, "wb") as cachefile:
p = pickle.Pickler(cachefile, 2)
return True
except ChecksumError as e:
# Checksums failed to verify, trigger re-download and remove the
# incorrect stamp file.
logger.warning("Checksum mismatch for local file %s\n"
"Cleaning and trying again." % ud.localpath)
if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
rename_bad_checksum(ud, e.checksum)
return False
def update_stamp(ud, d):
donestamp is file stamp indicating the whole fetching is done
this function update the stamp after verifying the checksum
if not ud.needdonestamp:
if os.path.exists(ud.donestamp):
# Touch the done stamp file to show active use of the download
os.utime(ud.donestamp, None)
# Errors aren't fatal here
checksums = verify_checksum(ud, d)
# Store the checksums for later re-verification against the recipe
with open(ud.donestamp, "wb") as cachefile:
p = pickle.Pickler(cachefile, 2)
except ChecksumError as e:
# Checksums failed to verify, trigger re-download and remove the
# incorrect stamp file.
logger.warning("Checksum mismatch for local file %s\n"
"Cleaning and trying again." % ud.localpath)
if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
rename_bad_checksum(ud, e.checksum)
def subprocess_setup():
# Python installs a SIGPIPE handler by default. This is usually not what
# non-Python subprocesses expect.
# SIGPIPE errors are known issues with gzip/bash
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
def get_autorev(d):
# only not cache src rev in autorev case
if d.getVar('BB_SRCREV_POLICY') != "cache":
d.setVar('BB_DONT_CACHE', '1')
return "AUTOINC"
def get_srcrev(d, method_name='sortable_revision'):
Return the revision string, usually for use in the version string (PV) of the current package
Most packages usually only have one SCM so we just pass on the call.
In the multi SCM case, we build a value based on SRCREV_FORMAT which must
have been set.
The idea here is that we put the string "AUTOINC+" into return value if the revisions are not
incremental, other code is then responsible for turning that into an increasing value (if needed)
A method_name can be supplied to retrieve an alternatively formatted revision from a fetcher, if
that fetcher provides a method with the given name and the same signature as sortable_revision.
scms = []
fetcher = Fetch(d.getVar('SRC_URI').split(), d)
urldata = fetcher.ud
for u in urldata:
if urldata[u].method.supports_srcrev():
if len(scms) == 0:
raise FetchError("SRCREV was used yet no valid SCM was found in SRC_URI")
if len(scms) == 1 and len(urldata[scms[0]].names) == 1:
autoinc, rev = getattr(urldata[scms[0]].method, method_name)(urldata[scms[0]], d, urldata[scms[0]].names[0])
if len(rev) > 10:
rev = rev[:10]
if autoinc:
return "AUTOINC+" + rev
return rev
# Mutiple SCMs are in SRC_URI so we resort to SRCREV_FORMAT
format = d.getVar('SRCREV_FORMAT')
if not format:
raise FetchError("The SRCREV_FORMAT variable must be set when multiple SCMs are used.")
name_to_rev = {}
seenautoinc = False
for scm in scms:
ud = urldata[scm]
for name in ud.names:
autoinc, rev = getattr(ud.method, method_name)(ud, d, name)
seenautoinc = seenautoinc or autoinc
if len(rev) > 10:
rev = rev[:10]
name_to_rev[name] = rev
# Replace names by revisions in the SRCREV_FORMAT string. The approach used
# here can handle names being prefixes of other names and names appearing
# as substrings in revisions (in which case the name should not be
# expanded). The '|' regular expression operator tries matches from left to
# right, so we need to sort the names with the longest ones first.
names_descending_len = sorted(name_to_rev, key=len, reverse=True)
name_to_rev_re = "|".join(re.escape(name) for name in names_descending_len)
format = re.sub(name_to_rev_re, lambda match: name_to_rev[match.group(0)], format)
if seenautoinc:
format = "AUTOINC+" + format
return format
def localpath(url, d):
fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([url], d)
return fetcher.localpath(url)
def runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet=False, cleanup=None, log=None, workdir=None):
Run cmd returning the command output
Raise an error if interrupted or cmd fails
Optionally echo command output to stdout
Optionally remove the files/directories listed in cleanup upon failure
# Need to export PATH as binary could be in metadata paths
# rather than host provided
# Also include some other variables.
# FIXME: Should really include all export varaiables?
exportvars = ['HOME', 'PATH',
'HTTP_PROXY', 'http_proxy',
'HTTPS_PROXY', 'https_proxy',
'FTP_PROXY', 'ftp_proxy',
'FTPS_PROXY', 'ftps_proxy',
'NO_PROXY', 'no_proxy',
'ALL_PROXY', 'all_proxy',
if not cleanup:
cleanup = []
# If PATH contains WORKDIR which contains PV which contains SRCPV we
# can end up in circular recursion here so give the option of breaking it
# in a data store copy.
except bb.data_smart.ExpansionError:
d = bb.data.createCopy(d)
d.setVar("PV", "fetcheravoidrecurse")
origenv = d.getVar("BB_ORIGENV", False)
for var in exportvars:
val = d.getVar(var) or (origenv and origenv.getVar(var))
if val:
cmd = 'export ' + var + '=\"%s\"; %s' % (val, cmd)
logger.debug(1, "Running %s", cmd)
success = False
error_message = ""
(output, errors) = bb.process.run(cmd, log=log, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=workdir)
success = True
except bb.process.NotFoundError as e:
error_message = "Fetch command %s" % (e.command)
except bb.process.ExecutionError as e:
if e.stdout:
output = "output:\n%s\n%s" % (e.stdout, e.stderr)
elif e.stderr:
output = "output:\n%s" % e.stderr
output = "no output"
error_message = "Fetch command %s failed with exit code %s, %s" % (e.command, e.exitcode, output)
except bb.process.CmdError as e:
error_message = "Fetch command %s could not be run:\n%s" % (e.command, e.msg)
if not success:
for f in cleanup:
bb.utils.remove(f, True)
except OSError:
raise FetchError(error_message)
return output
def check_network_access(d, info, url):
log remote network access, and error if BB_NO_NETWORK is set or the given
URI is untrusted
if d.getVar("BB_NO_NETWORK") == "1":
raise NetworkAccess(url, info)
elif not trusted_network(d, url):
raise UntrustedUrl(url, info)
logger.debug(1, "Fetcher accessed the network with the command %s" % info)
def build_mirroruris(origud, mirrors, ld):
uris = []
uds = []
replacements = {}
replacements["TYPE"] = origud.type
replacements["HOST"] = origud.host
replacements["PATH"] = origud.path
replacements["BASENAME"] = origud.path.split("/")[-1]
replacements["MIRRORNAME"] = origud.host.replace(':','.') + origud.path.replace('/', '.').replace('*', '.')
def adduri(ud, uris, uds, mirrors, tarballs):
for line in mirrors:
(find, replace) = line
except ValueError:
for tarball in tarballs:
newuri = uri_replace(ud, find, replace, replacements, ld, tarball)
if not newuri or newuri in uris or newuri == origud.url:
if not trusted_network(ld, newuri):
logger.debug(1, "Mirror %s not in the list of trusted networks, skipping" % (newuri))
# Create a local copy of the mirrors minus the current line
# this will prevent us from recursively processing the same line
# as well as indirect recursion A -> B -> C -> A
localmirrors = list(mirrors)
newud = FetchData(newuri, ld)
except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException as e:
logger.debug(1, "Mirror fetch failure for url %s (original url: %s)" % (newuri, origud.url))
logger.debug(1, str(e))
# setup_localpath of file:// urls may fail, we should still see
# if mirrors of the url exist
adduri(newud, uris, uds, localmirrors, tarballs)
except UnboundLocalError:
adduri(newud, uris, uds, localmirrors, tarballs)
adduri(origud, uris, uds, mirrors, origud.mirrortarballs or [None])
return uris, uds
def rename_bad_checksum(ud, suffix):
Renames files to have suffix from parameter
if ud.localpath is None:
new_localpath = "%s_bad-checksum_%s" % (ud.localpath, suffix)
bb.warn("Renaming %s to %s" % (ud.localpath, new_localpath))
bb.utils.movefile(ud.localpath, new_localpath)
def try_mirror_url(fetch, origud, ud, ld, check = False):
# Return of None or a value means we're finished
# False means try another url
if ud.lockfile and ud.lockfile != origud.lockfile:
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.lockfile)
if check:
found = ud.method.checkstatus(fetch, ud, ld)
if found:
return found
return False
if not verify_donestamp(ud, ld, origud) or ud.method.need_update(ud, ld):
ud.method.download(ud, ld)
if hasattr(ud.method,"build_mirror_data"):
ud.method.build_mirror_data(ud, ld)
if not ud.localpath or not os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
return False
if ud.localpath == origud.localpath:
return ud.localpath
# We may be obtaining a mirror tarball which needs further processing by the real fetcher
# If that tarball is a local file:// we need to provide a symlink to it
dldir = ld.getVar("DL_DIR")
if origud.mirrortarballs and os.path.basename(ud.localpath) in origud.mirrortarballs and os.path.basename(ud.localpath) != os.path.basename(origud.localpath):
# Create donestamp in old format to avoid triggering a re-download
if ud.donestamp:
open(ud.donestamp, 'w').close()
dest = os.path.join(dldir, os.path.basename(ud.localpath))
if not os.path.exists(dest):
# In case this is executing without any file locks held (as is
# the case for file:// URLs), two tasks may end up here at the
# same time, in which case we do not want the second task to
# fail when the link has already been created by the first task.
os.symlink(ud.localpath, dest)
except FileExistsError:
if not verify_donestamp(origud, ld) or origud.method.need_update(origud, ld):
origud.method.download(origud, ld)
if hasattr(origud.method, "build_mirror_data"):
origud.method.build_mirror_data(origud, ld)
return origud.localpath
# Otherwise the result is a local file:// and we symlink to it
if not os.path.exists(origud.localpath):
if os.path.islink(origud.localpath):
# Broken symbolic link
# As per above, in case two tasks end up here simultaneously.
os.symlink(ud.localpath, origud.localpath)
except FileExistsError:
update_stamp(origud, ld)
return ud.localpath
except bb.fetch2.NetworkAccess:
except IOError as e:
if e.errno in [os.errno.ESTALE]:
logger.warning("Stale Error Observed %s." % ud.url)
return False
except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException as e:
if isinstance(e, ChecksumError):
logger.warning("Mirror checksum failure for url %s (original url: %s)\nCleaning and trying again." % (ud.url, origud.url))
if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
rename_bad_checksum(ud, e.checksum)
elif isinstance(e, NoChecksumError):
logger.debug(1, "Mirror fetch failure for url %s (original url: %s)" % (ud.url, origud.url))
logger.debug(1, str(e))
ud.method.clean(ud, ld)
except UnboundLocalError:
return False
if ud.lockfile and ud.lockfile != origud.lockfile:
def try_mirrors(fetch, d, origud, mirrors, check = False):
Try to use a mirrored version of the sources.
This method will be automatically called before the fetchers go.
d Is a bb.data instance
uri is the original uri we're trying to download
mirrors is the list of mirrors we're going to try
ld = d.createCopy()
uris, uds = build_mirroruris(origud, mirrors, ld)
for index, uri in enumerate(uris):
ret = try_mirror_url(fetch, origud, uds[index], ld, check)
if ret != False:
return ret
return None
def trusted_network(d, url):
Use a trusted url during download if networking is enabled and
BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS is set globally or for a specific recipe.
Note: modifies SRC_URI & mirrors.
if d.getVar('BB_NO_NETWORK') == "1":
return True
pkgname = d.expand(d.getVar('PN', False))
trusted_hosts = d.getVarFlag('BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS', pkgname, False)
if not trusted_hosts:
trusted_hosts = d.getVar('BB_ALLOWED_NETWORKS')
# Not enabled.
if not trusted_hosts:
return True
scheme, network, path, user, passwd, param = decodeurl(url)
if not network:
return True
network = network.split(':')[0]
network = network.lower()
for host in trusted_hosts.split(" "):
host = host.lower()
if host.startswith("*.") and ("." + network).endswith(host[1:]):
return True
if host == network:
return True
return False
def srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d, name):
a) a source revision if specified
b) latest revision if SRCREV="AUTOINC"
c) None if not specified
srcrev = None
pn = d.getVar("PN")
attempts = []
if name != '' and pn:
attempts.append("SRCREV_%s_pn-%s" % (name, pn))
if name != '':
attempts.append("SRCREV_%s" % name)
if pn:
attempts.append("SRCREV_pn-%s" % pn)
for a in attempts:
srcrev = d.getVar(a)
if srcrev and srcrev != "INVALID":
if 'rev' in ud.parm and 'tag' in ud.parm:
raise FetchError("Please specify a ;rev= parameter or a ;tag= parameter in the url %s but not both." % (ud.url))
if 'rev' in ud.parm or 'tag' in ud.parm:
if 'rev' in ud.parm:
parmrev = ud.parm['rev']
parmrev = ud.parm['tag']
if srcrev == "INVALID" or not srcrev:
return parmrev
if srcrev != parmrev:
raise FetchError("Conflicting revisions (%s from SRCREV and %s from the url) found, please specify one valid value" % (srcrev, parmrev))
return parmrev
if srcrev == "INVALID" or not srcrev:
raise FetchError("Please set a valid SRCREV for url %s (possible key names are %s, or use a ;rev=X URL parameter)" % (str(attempts), ud.url), ud.url)
if srcrev == "AUTOINC":
srcrev = ud.method.latest_revision(ud, d, name)
return srcrev
def get_checksum_file_list(d):
""" Get a list of files checksum in SRC_URI
Returns the resolved local paths of all local file entries in
SRC_URI as a space-separated string
fetch = Fetch([], d, cache = False, localonly = True)
dl_dir = d.getVar('DL_DIR')
filelist = []
for u in fetch.urls:
ud = fetch.ud[u]
if ud and isinstance(ud.method, local.Local):
paths = ud.method.localpaths(ud, d)
for f in paths:
pth = ud.decodedurl
if '*' in pth:
f = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(f), pth)
if f.startswith(dl_dir):
# The local fetcher's behaviour is to return a path under DL_DIR if it couldn't find the file anywhere else
if os.path.exists(f):
bb.warn("Getting checksum for %s SRC_URI entry %s: file not found except in DL_DIR" % (d.getVar('PN'), os.path.basename(f)))
bb.warn("Unable to get checksum for %s SRC_URI entry %s: file could not be found" % (d.getVar('PN'), os.path.basename(f)))
filelist.append(f + ":" + str(os.path.exists(f)))
return " ".join(filelist)
def get_file_checksums(filelist, pn):
"""Get a list of the checksums for a list of local files
Returns the checksums for a list of local files, caching the results as
it proceeds
return _checksum_cache.get_checksums(filelist, pn)
class FetchData(object):
A class which represents the fetcher state for a given URI.
def __init__(self, url, d, localonly = False):
# localpath is the location of a downloaded result. If not set, the file is local.
self.donestamp = None
self.needdonestamp = True
self.localfile = ""
self.localpath = None
self.lockfile = None
self.mirrortarballs = []
self.basename = None
self.basepath = None
(self.type, self.host, self.path, self.user, self.pswd, self.parm) = decodeurl(d.expand(url))
self.date = self.getSRCDate(d)
self.url = url
if not self.user and "user" in self.parm:
self.user = self.parm["user"]
if not self.pswd and "pswd" in self.parm:
self.pswd = self.parm["pswd"]
self.setup = False
if "name" in self.parm:
self.md5_name = "%s.md5sum" % self.parm["name"]
self.sha256_name = "%s.sha256sum" % self.parm["name"]
self.md5_name = "md5sum"
self.sha256_name = "sha256sum"
if self.md5_name in self.parm:
self.md5_expected = self.parm[self.md5_name]
elif self.type not in ["http", "https", "ftp", "ftps", "sftp", "s3"]:
self.md5_expected = None
self.md5_expected = d.getVarFlag("SRC_URI", self.md5_name)
if self.sha256_name in self.parm:
self.sha256_expected = self.parm[self.sha256_name]
elif self.type not in ["http", "https", "ftp", "ftps", "sftp", "s3"]:
self.sha256_expected = None
self.sha256_expected = d.getVarFlag("SRC_URI", self.sha256_name)
self.ignore_checksums = False
self.names = self.parm.get("name",'default').split(',')
self.method = None
for m in methods:
if m.supports(self, d):
self.method = m
if not self.method:
raise NoMethodError(url)
if localonly and not isinstance(self.method, local.Local):
raise NonLocalMethod()
if self.parm.get("proto", None) and "protocol" not in self.parm:
logger.warning('Consider updating %s recipe to use "protocol" not "proto" in SRC_URI.', d.getVar('PN'))
self.parm["protocol"] = self.parm.get("proto", None)
if hasattr(self.method, "urldata_init"):
self.method.urldata_init(self, d)
if "localpath" in self.parm:
# if user sets localpath for file, use it instead.
self.localpath = self.parm["localpath"]
self.basename = os.path.basename(self.localpath)
elif self.localfile:
self.localpath = self.method.localpath(self, d)
dldir = d.getVar("DL_DIR")
if not self.needdonestamp:
# Note: .done and .lock files should always be in DL_DIR whereas localpath may not be.
if self.localpath and self.localpath.startswith(dldir):
basepath = self.localpath
elif self.localpath:
basepath = dldir + os.sep + os.path.basename(self.localpath)
elif self.basepath or self.basename:
basepath = dldir + os.sep + (self.basepath or self.basename)
bb.fatal("Can't determine lock path for url %s" % url)
self.donestamp = basepath + '.done'
self.lockfile = basepath + '.lock'
def setup_revisions(self, d):
self.revisions = {}
for name in self.names:
self.revisions[name] = srcrev_internal_helper(self, d, name)
# add compatibility code for non name specified case
if len(self.names) == 1:
self.revision = self.revisions[self.names[0]]
def setup_localpath(self, d):
if not self.localpath:
self.localpath = self.method.localpath(self, d)
def getSRCDate(self, d):
Return the SRC Date for the component
d the bb.data module
if "srcdate" in self.parm:
return self.parm['srcdate']
pn = d.getVar("PN")
if pn:
return d.getVar("SRCDATE_%s" % pn) or d.getVar("SRCDATE") or d.getVar("DATE")
return d.getVar("SRCDATE") or d.getVar("DATE")
class FetchMethod(object):
"""Base class for 'fetch'ing data"""
def __init__(self, urls=None):
self.urls = []
def supports(self, urldata, d):
Check to see if this fetch class supports a given url.
return 0
def localpath(self, urldata, d):
Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
Can also setup variables in urldata for use in go (saving code duplication
and duplicate code execution)
return os.path.join(d.getVar("DL_DIR"), urldata.localfile)
def supports_checksum(self, urldata):
Is localpath something that can be represented by a checksum?
# We cannot compute checksums for directories
if os.path.isdir(urldata.localpath) == True:
return False
if urldata.localpath.find("*") != -1:
return False
return True
def recommends_checksum(self, urldata):
Is the backend on where checksumming is recommended (should warnings
be displayed if there is no checksum)?
return False
def _strip_leading_slashes(self, relpath):
Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
while os.path.isabs(relpath):
relpath = relpath[1:]
return relpath
def setUrls(self, urls):
self.__urls = urls
def getUrls(self):
return self.__urls
urls = property(getUrls, setUrls, None, "Urls property")
def need_update(self, ud, d):
Force a fetch, even if localpath exists?
if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
return False
return True
def supports_srcrev(self):
The fetcher supports auto source revisions (SRCREV)
return False
def download(self, urldata, d):
Fetch urls
Assumes localpath was called first
raise NoMethodError(url)
def unpack(self, urldata, rootdir, data):
iterate = False
file = urldata.localpath
# Localpath can't deal with 'dir/*' entries, so it converts them to '.',
# but it must be corrected back for local files copying
if urldata.basename == '*' and file.endswith('/.'):
file = '%s/%s' % (file.rstrip('/.'), urldata.path)
unpack = bb.utils.to_boolean(urldata.parm.get('unpack'), True)
except ValueError as exc:
bb.fatal("Invalid value for 'unpack' parameter for %s: %s" %
(file, urldata.parm.get('unpack')))
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if ext in ['.gz', '.bz2', '.Z', '.xz', '.lz']:
efile = os.path.join(rootdir, os.path.basename(base))
efile = file
cmd = None
if unpack:
if file.endswith('.tar'):
cmd = 'tar x --no-same-owner -f %s' % file
elif file.endswith('.tgz') or file.endswith('.tar.gz') or file.endswith('.tar.Z'):
cmd = 'tar xz --no-same-owner -f %s' % file
elif file.endswith('.tbz') or file.endswith('.tbz2') or file.endswith('.tar.bz2'):
cmd = 'bzip2 -dc %s | tar x --no-same-owner -f -' % file
elif file.endswith('.gz') or file.endswith('.Z') or file.endswith('.z'):
cmd = 'gzip -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.bz2'):
cmd = 'bzip2 -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.txz') or file.endswith('.tar.xz'):
cmd = 'xz -dc %s | tar x --no-same-owner -f -' % file
elif file.endswith('.xz'):
cmd = 'xz -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.tar.lz'):
cmd = 'lzip -dc %s | tar x --no-same-owner -f -' % file
elif file.endswith('.lz'):
cmd = 'lzip -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.tar.7z'):
cmd = '7z x -so %s | tar x --no-same-owner -f -' % file
elif file.endswith('.7z'):
cmd = '7za x -y %s 1>/dev/null' % file
elif file.endswith('.zip') or file.endswith('.jar'):
dos = bb.utils.to_boolean(urldata.parm.get('dos'), False)
except ValueError as exc:
bb.fatal("Invalid value for 'dos' parameter for %s: %s" %
(file, urldata.parm.get('dos')))
cmd = 'unzip -q -o'
if dos:
cmd = '%s -a' % cmd
cmd = "%s '%s'" % (cmd, file)
elif file.endswith('.rpm') or file.endswith('.srpm'):
if 'extract' in urldata.parm:
unpack_file = urldata.parm.get('extract')
cmd = 'rpm2cpio.sh %s | cpio -id %s' % (file, unpack_file)
iterate = True
iterate_file = unpack_file
cmd = 'rpm2cpio.sh %s | cpio -id' % (file)
elif file.endswith('.deb') or file.endswith('.ipk'):
output = subprocess.check_output('ar -t %s' % file, preexec_fn=subprocess_setup, shell=True)
datafile = None
if output:
for line in output.decode().splitlines():
if line.startswith('data.tar.'):
datafile = line
raise UnpackError("Unable to unpack deb/ipk package - does not contain data.tar.* file", urldata.url)
raise UnpackError("Unable to unpack deb/ipk package - could not list contents", urldata.url)
cmd = 'ar x %s %s && tar --no-same-owner -xpf %s && rm %s' % (file, datafile, datafile, datafile)
# If 'subdir' param exists, create a dir and use it as destination for unpack cmd
if 'subdir' in urldata.parm:
subdir = urldata.parm.get('subdir')
if os.path.isabs(subdir):
if not os.path.realpath(subdir).startswith(os.path.realpath(rootdir)):
raise UnpackError("subdir argument isn't a subdirectory of unpack root %s" % rootdir, urldata.url)
unpackdir = subdir
unpackdir = os.path.join(rootdir, subdir)
unpackdir = rootdir
if not unpack or not cmd:
# If file == dest, then avoid any copies, as we already put the file into dest!
dest = os.path.join(unpackdir, os.path.basename(file))
if file != dest and not (os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.samefile(file, dest)):
destdir = '.'
# For file:// entries all intermediate dirs in path must be created at destination
if urldata.type == "file":
# Trailing '/' does a copying to wrong place
urlpath = urldata.path.rstrip('/')
# Want files places relative to cwd so no leading '/'
urlpath = urlpath.lstrip('/')
if urlpath.find("/") != -1:
destdir = urlpath.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + '/'
bb.utils.mkdirhier("%s/%s" % (unpackdir, destdir))
cmd = 'cp -fpPRH %s %s' % (file, destdir)
if not cmd:
path = data.getVar('PATH')
if path:
cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" %s" % (path, cmd)
bb.note("Unpacking %s to %s/" % (file, unpackdir))
ret = subprocess.call(cmd, preexec_fn=subprocess_setup, shell=True, cwd=unpackdir)
if ret != 0:
raise UnpackError("Unpack command %s failed with return value %s" % (cmd, ret), urldata.url)
if iterate is True:
iterate_urldata = urldata
iterate_urldata.localpath = "%s/%s" % (rootdir, iterate_file)
self.unpack(urldata, rootdir, data)
def clean(self, urldata, d):
Clean any existing full or partial download
def try_premirror(self, urldata, d):
Should premirrors be used?
return True
def checkstatus(self, fetch, urldata, d):
Check the status of a URL
Assumes localpath was called first
logger.info("URL %s could not be checked for status since no method exists.", url)
return True
def latest_revision(self, ud, d, name):
Look in the cache for the latest revision, if not present ask the SCM.
if not hasattr(self, "_latest_revision"):
raise ParameterError("The fetcher for this URL does not support _latest_revision", url)
revs = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_URI_HEADREVS', d)
key = self.generate_revision_key(ud, d, name)
return revs[key]
except KeyError:
revs[key] = rev = self._latest_revision(ud, d, name)
return rev
def sortable_revision(self, ud, d, name):
latest_rev = self._build_revision(ud, d, name)
return True, str(latest_rev)
def generate_revision_key(self, ud, d, name):
key = self._revision_key(ud, d, name)
return "%s-%s" % (key, d.getVar("PN") or "")
def latest_versionstring(self, ud, d):
Compute the latest release name like "x.y.x" in "x.y.x+gitHASH"
by searching through the tags output of ls-remote, comparing
versions and returning the highest match as a (version, revision) pair.
return ('', '')
class Fetch(object):
def __init__(self, urls, d, cache = True, localonly = False, connection_cache = None):
if localonly and cache:
raise Exception("bb.fetch2.Fetch.__init__: cannot set cache and localonly at same time")
if len(urls) == 0:
urls = d.getVar("SRC_URI").split()
self.urls = urls
self.d = d
self.ud = {}
self.connection_cache = connection_cache
fn = d.getVar('FILE')
mc = d.getVar('__BBMULTICONFIG') or ""
if cache and fn and mc + fn in urldata_cache:
self.ud = urldata_cache[mc + fn]
for url in urls:
if url not in self.ud:
self.ud[url] = FetchData(url, d, localonly)
except NonLocalMethod:
if localonly:
self.ud[url] = None
if fn and cache:
urldata_cache[mc + fn] = self.ud
def localpath(self, url):
if url not in self.urls:
self.ud[url] = FetchData(url, self.d)
return self.d.expand(self.ud[url].localpath)
def localpaths(self):
Return a list of the local filenames, assuming successful fetch
local = []
for u in self.urls:
ud = self.ud[u]
return local
def download(self, urls=None):
Fetch all urls
if not urls:
urls = self.urls
network = self.d.getVar("BB_NO_NETWORK")
premirroronly = (self.d.getVar("BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY") == "1")
for u in urls:
ud = self.ud[u]
m = ud.method
localpath = ""
if ud.lockfile:
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.lockfile)
self.d.setVar("BB_NO_NETWORK", network)
if verify_donestamp(ud, self.d) and not m.need_update(ud, self.d):
localpath = ud.localpath
elif m.try_premirror(ud, self.d):
logger.debug(1, "Trying PREMIRRORS")
mirrors = mirror_from_string(self.d.getVar('PREMIRRORS'))
localpath = try_mirrors(self, self.d, ud, mirrors, False)
if localpath:
# early checksum verification so that if the checksum of the premirror
# contents mismatch the fetcher can still try upstream and mirrors
update_stamp(ud, self.d)
except ChecksumError as e:
logger.warning("Checksum failure encountered with premirror download of %s - will attempt other sources." % u)
logger.debug(1, str(e))
localpath = ""
if premirroronly:
self.d.setVar("BB_NO_NETWORK", "1")
firsterr = None
verified_stamp = verify_donestamp(ud, self.d)
if not localpath and (not verified_stamp or m.need_update(ud, self.d)):
if not trusted_network(self.d, ud.url):
raise UntrustedUrl(ud.url)
logger.debug(1, "Trying Upstream")
m.download(ud, self.d)
if hasattr(m, "build_mirror_data"):
m.build_mirror_data(ud, self.d)
localpath = ud.localpath
# early checksum verify, so that if checksum mismatched,
# fetcher still have chance to fetch from mirror
update_stamp(ud, self.d)
except bb.fetch2.NetworkAccess:
except BBFetchException as e:
if isinstance(e, ChecksumError):
logger.warning("Checksum failure encountered with download of %s - will attempt other sources if available" % u)
logger.debug(1, str(e))
if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
rename_bad_checksum(ud, e.checksum)
elif isinstance(e, NoChecksumError):
logger.warning('Failed to fetch URL %s, attempting MIRRORS if available' % u)
logger.debug(1, str(e))
firsterr = e
# Remove any incomplete fetch
if not verified_stamp:
m.clean(ud, self.d)
logger.debug(1, "Trying MIRRORS")
mirrors = mirror_from_string(self.d.getVar('MIRRORS'))
localpath = try_mirrors(self, self.d, ud, mirrors)
if not localpath or ((not os.path.exists(localpath)) and localpath.find("*") == -1):
if firsterr:
raise FetchError("Unable to fetch URL from any source.", u)
update_stamp(ud, self.d)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno in [os.errno.ESTALE]:
logger.error("Stale Error Observed %s." % u)
raise ChecksumError("Stale Error Detected")
except BBFetchException as e:
if isinstance(e, ChecksumError):
logger.error("Checksum failure fetching %s" % u)
if ud.lockfile:
def checkstatus(self, urls=None):
Check all urls exist upstream
if not urls:
urls = self.urls
for u in urls:
ud = self.ud[u]
m = ud.method
logger.debug(1, "Testing URL %s", u)
# First try checking uri, u, from PREMIRRORS
mirrors = mirror_from_string(self.d.getVar('PREMIRRORS'))
ret = try_mirrors(self, self.d, ud, mirrors, True)
if not ret:
# Next try checking from the original uri, u
ret = m.checkstatus(self, ud, self.d)
if not ret:
# Finally, try checking uri, u, from MIRRORS
mirrors = mirror_from_string(self.d.getVar('MIRRORS'))
ret = try_mirrors(self, self.d, ud, mirrors, True)
if not ret:
raise FetchError("URL %s doesn't work" % u, u)
def unpack(self, root, urls=None):
Unpack urls to root
if not urls:
urls = self.urls
for u in urls:
ud = self.ud[u]
if ud.lockfile:
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.lockfile)
ud.method.unpack(ud, root, self.d)
if ud.lockfile:
def clean(self, urls=None):
Clean files that the fetcher gets or places
if not urls:
urls = self.urls
for url in urls:
if url not in self.ud:
self.ud[url] = FetchData(url, d)
ud = self.ud[url]
if not ud.localfile and ud.localpath is None:
if ud.lockfile:
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.lockfile)
ud.method.clean(ud, self.d)
if ud.donestamp:
if ud.lockfile:
class FetchConnectionCache(object):
A class which represents an container for socket connections.
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {}
def get_connection_name(self, host, port):
return host + ':' + str(port)
def add_connection(self, host, port, connection):
cn = self.get_connection_name(host, port)
if cn not in self.cache:
self.cache[cn] = connection
def get_connection(self, host, port):
connection = None
cn = self.get_connection_name(host, port)
if cn in self.cache:
connection = self.cache[cn]
return connection
def remove_connection(self, host, port):
cn = self.get_connection_name(host, port)
if cn in self.cache:
del self.cache[cn]
def close_connections(self):
for cn in list(self.cache.keys()):
del self.cache[cn]
from . import cvs
from . import git
from . import gitsm
from . import gitannex
from . import local
from . import svn
from . import wget
from . import ssh
from . import sftp
from . import s3
from . import perforce
from . import bzr
from . import hg
from . import osc
from . import repo
from . import clearcase
from . import npm