138 lines
4.9 KiB

SUMMARY = "The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter"
DESCRIPTION = "Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing. Usually as \
a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display PostScript and PDF \
documents in an X11 environment. \
Furthermore, it can render PostScript and PDF files as graphics to be printed \
on non-PostScript printers. Supported printers include common \
dot-matrix, inkjet and laser models. \
HOMEPAGE = "http://www.ghostscript.com"
SECTION = "console/utils"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=70dc2bac4d0ce4448da873cd86b123fc"
DEPENDS = "ghostscript-native tiff jpeg fontconfig cups libpng"
DEPENDS_class-native = "libpng-native"
UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI = "https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases"
UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "(?P<pver>\d+(\.\d+)+)\.tar"
SRC_URI_BASE = "https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs921/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
file://ghostscript-9.15-parallel-make.patch \
file://ghostscript-9.16-Werror-return-type.patch \
file://do-not-check-local-libpng-source.patch \
file://avoid-host-contamination.patch \
file://mkdir-p.patch \
file://ghostscript-9.21-prevent_recompiling.patch \
file://ghostscript-9.02-genarch.patch \
file://objarch.h \
file://cups-no-gcrypt.patch \
file://CVE-2016-7977.patch \
file://CVE-2017-7207.patch \
file://CVE-2017-5951.patch \
file://CVE-2017-7975.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9216.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9611.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9612.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9739.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9726.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9727.patch \
file://CVE-2017-9835.patch \
file://CVE-2017-11714.patch \
SRC_URI_class-native = "${SRC_URI_BASE} \
file://ghostscript-9.21-native-fix-disable-system-libtiff.patch \
file://base-genht.c-add-a-preprocessor-define-to-allow-fope.patch \
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5f213281761d2750fcf27476c404d17f"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "02bceadbc4dddeb6f2eec9c8b1623d945d355ca11b8b4df035332b217d58ce85"
# Put something like
# PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-ghostscript = " x11"
# in local.conf to enable building with X11. Be careful. The order
# of the overrides matters!
#PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)}"
PACKAGECONFIG_class-native = ""
PACKAGECONFIG[x11] = "--with-x --x-includes=${STAGING_INCDIR} --x-libraries=${STAGING_LIBDIR}, \
--without-x, virtual/libx11 libxext libxt gtk+3\
EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-system-libtiff --without-jbig2dec \
--with-fontpath=${datadir}/fonts \
--without-libidn --with-cups-serverbin=${exec_prefix}/lib/cups \
--with-cups-datadir=${datadir}/cups \
EXTRA_OECONF_append_mipsarcho32 = " --with-large_color_index=0"
# Explicity disable libtiff, fontconfig,
# freetype, cups for ghostscript-native
EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--without-x --with-system-libtiff=no \
--without-jbig2dec \
--with-fontpath=${datadir}/fonts \
--without-libidn --disable-fontconfig \
--disable-freetype --disable-cups"
# This has been fixed upstream but for now we need to subvert the check for time.h
# http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=692443
# http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=692426
inherit autotools
do_configure_prepend () {
mkdir -p obj
mkdir -p soobj
if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/objarch.h ]; then
cp ${WORKDIR}/objarch.h obj/arch.h
do_configure_append () {
# copy tools from the native ghostscript build
if [ "${PN}" != "ghostscript-native" ]; then
mkdir -p obj/aux soobj
for i in genarch genconf mkromfs echogs gendev genht; do
cp ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/ghostscript-${PV}/$i obj/aux/$i
do_install_append () {
mkdir -p ${D}${datadir}/ghostscript/${PV}/
cp -r ${S}/Resource ${D}${datadir}/ghostscript/${PV}/
cp -r ${S}/iccprofiles ${D}${datadir}/ghostscript/${PV}/
do_compile_class-native () {
mkdir -p obj
for i in genarch genconf mkromfs echogs gendev genht; do
oe_runmake obj/aux/$i
do_install_class-native () {
install -d ${D}${bindir}/ghostscript-${PV}
for i in genarch genconf mkromfs echogs gendev genht; do
install -m 755 obj/aux/$i ${D}${bindir}/ghostscript-${PV}/$i
# ghostscript does not supports "arc"
COMPATIBLE_HOST = "^(?!arc).*"