Bruce Leidl 3db0a6b032 Upgrade to Yocto 4.1 and GNOME 43

  Upgrade to Yocto 4.1 Langdale


  citadel-kernel             5.19.9 -> 6.0.8


  sway                       1.5.1  -> 1.7      (meta-wayland)
  wlroots                    0.12.0 -> 0.15.1   (meta-wayland)


  iwd                        1.27   -> 1.30     (meta-oe)
  modemmanager               1.18.2 -> 1.18.6   (meta-oe)
  networkmanager             1.36.2 -> 1.40.0   (meta-oe)


  libgusb                    0.3.7  -> 0.3.10   (meta-oe)


  adwaita-icon-theme         42     -> 43       (oe-core)
  geocode-glib               3.26.2 -> 3.26.4   (meta-oe)
  gjs                        1.72.0 -> 1.73.2   (meta-oe)
  gnome-bluetooth            42.0   -> 42.4     (meta-oe)
  gnome-control-center       42.1   -> 43.0
  gnome-desktop              42.1   -> 43.rc
  gnome-settings-daemon      42.1   -> 43.0
  gnome-shell                42.1   -> 43.0
  gsettings-desktop-schema   41.0   -> 43.0
  gtk4                       4.6.4  -> 4.6.7    (meta-oe)
  gvfs                       1.50.0 -> 1.50.2   (meta-oe)
  libadwaita                 1.1.1  -> 1.2.0    (meta-oe)
  libgee                     0.20.4 -> 0.20.6   (meta-oe)
  mutter                     42.1   -> 43.0
  rest                       0.8.1  -> 0.9.0    (meta-oe)


  ell                        0.50   -> 0.53     (poky)
  exiv2                      0.26   -> 0.27.3   (meta-oe)
  graphene                   1.10.2 -> 1.10.8   (meta-oe)
  gsound                     1.0.2  -> 1.0.3    (meta-oe)
  icu_71.1                   (removed from meta-gnome because this version is in poky)
  jansson                    2.12   -> 2.14     (meta-oe)
  lcms                       2.9    -> 2.14     (meta-oe)
  libdvdread                 6.1.1  -> 6.1.3    (meta-oe)
  libndp                     1.6    -> 1.8      (meta-oe)
  mozjs                      91.8.0 -> 102.3.0
  power-profiles-daemon      0.12      (new-recipe)
2022-11-15 12:25:32 -05:00

50 lines
1.9 KiB

SUMMARY = "Library to handle input devices in Wayland compositors"
DESCRIPTION = "libinput is a library to handle input devices in Wayland \
compositors and to provide a generic X.Org input driver. It provides \
device detection, device handling, input device event processing and \
abstraction so minimize the amount of custom input code compositors need to \
provide the common set of functionality that users expect."
SECTION = "libs"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=bab4ac7dc1c10bc0fb037dc76c46ef8a"
DEPENDS = "libevdev udev mtdev libcheck"
SRC_URI = "${BPN}/${BP}.tar.xz \
file://run-ptest \
file://determinism.patch \
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "ff33a570b5a936c81e6c08389a8581c2665311d026ce3d225c88d09c49f9b440"
UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "libinput-(?P<pver>\d+\.\d+\.(?!9\d+)\d+)"
inherit meson pkgconfig lib_package ptest
# Patch out build directory, otherwise it leaks into ptest binary
do_configure:append() {
sed -i -e "s,${WORKDIR},,g" config.h
if [ -e "litest-config.h" ]; then
sed -i -e "s,${WORKDIR},,g" litest-config.h
PACKAGECONFIG[libwacom] = "-Dlibwacom=true,-Dlibwacom=false,libwacom"
PACKAGECONFIG[gui] = "-Ddebug-gui=true,-Ddebug-gui=false,cairo gtk+3"
UDEVDIR = "`pkg-config --variable=udevdir udev`"
EXTRA_OEMESON += "-Dudev-dir=${UDEVDIR} \
-Ddocumentation=false \
${@bb.utils.contains('PTEST_ENABLED', '1', '-Dtests=true -Dinstall-tests=true', '-Dtests=false -Dinstall-tests=false', d)} \
# package name changed in 1.8.1 upgrade: make sure package upgrades work
RPROVIDES:${PN} = "libinput"
RREPLACES:${PN} = "libinput"
RCONFLICTS:${PN} = "libinput"
FILES:${PN}-ptest += "${libexecdir}/libinput/libinput-test-suite"