DESCRIPTION = "Citadel linux kernel" SECTION = "kernel" LICENSE = "GPLv2" BUILD_LDFLAGS = "-L${STAGING_LIBDIR} \ -Wl,-rpath-link,${STAGING_LIBDIR} \ -Wl,-rpath,${STAGING_LIBDIR} \ -Wl,-O1 \ -Wl,--dynamic-linker=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/" BUILD_CFLAGS = "-O2 -pipe -v" inherit kernel EXTRA_OEMAKE = 'HOSTCC="x86_64-oe-linux-gcc --sysroot=${RECIPE_SYSROOT}" HOSTCXX="x86_64-oe-linux-g++ --sysroot=${RECIPE_SYSROOT} -isystem ${STAGING_INCDIR_NATIVE}" HOSTCFLAGS="${BUILD_CFLAGS} ${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" HOSTLDFLAGS="--sysroot=${RECIPE_SYSROOT} ${BUILD_LDFLAGS}"' # if OVERRIDES contains citadel-powertop, then find defconfig in citadel-powertop dirctory # This config disables CONFIG_GRKERNSEC_KMEM and enables CONFIG_DEBUG_FS so that # powertop will work FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_citadel-powertop = "${FILE_DIRNAME}/citadel-powertop:" LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION_append_citadel-powertop = "-powertop" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7" LINUX_VERSION ?= "${PV}" LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION_append = "-citadel" S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-${LINUX_VERSION}" do_deploy_append() { rm ${DEPLOYDIR}/bzImage ln -sf bzImage-initramfs-${KERNEL_IMAGE_NAME}.bin ${DEPLOYDIR}/bzImage echo "${PV}" > ${DEPLOYDIR}/kernel.version } # # Replaces function with same name in kernel.bbclass since that implementation # doesn't pass destination argument to lz4 in which case the decompressed output # just disappears into thin air it seems. # copy_initramfs() { echo "copy_initramfs override" mkdir -p ${B}/usr rm -f ${B}/usr/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE_NAME}.cpio cp ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE_NAME}.cpio.lz4 ${B}/usr/. lz4 -df ${B}/usr/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE_NAME}.cpio.lz4 ${B}/usr/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE_NAME}.cpio ls -al ${B}/usr echo "Finished copy of initramfs into ./usr" } # Don't install kernel into images, see kernel.bbclass RDEPENDS_${KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME}-base = "" # # # # # coreutils for /usr/bin/seq which pax size overflow gcc plugin uses DEPENDS += "libgcc openssl coreutils-native lz4-native" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(intel-corei7-64)"