472 lines
15 KiB
472 lines
15 KiB
use std::fmt::{self,Write};
use std::path::{Path,PathBuf};
use libcitadel::{Result,util};
const DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES: usize = 3;
const DEFAULT_BOOT_COUNT: u32 = 3;
const DEFAULT_KERNEL_CMDLINE: &str = "root=/dev/mapper/rootfs add_efi_memmap intel_iommu=off cryptomgr.notests rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1 rcu_nocbs=0-64 tsc=reliable no_timer_check noreplace-smp i915.fastboot=1 quiet splash";
pub struct KernelInstaller {
max_entries: usize,
new_kernel: KernelBzImage,
all_entries: BootEntries,
boot_entries: BootEntries,
impl KernelInstaller {
pub fn install_kernel(new_kernel: &Path, version: &str) -> Result<()> {
let mut installer = Self::new(new_kernel, version)?;
if installer.is_already_installed() {
bail!("identical kernel is is already installed");
pub fn new(new_kernel: &Path, version: &str) -> Result<KernelInstaller> {
let new_kernel = KernelBzImage::from_path_and_version(new_kernel.to_path_buf(), version)?;
let all_entries = BootEntries::load()?;
let boot_entries = all_entries.find_by_name("boot");
Ok(KernelInstaller {
pub fn is_already_installed(&self) -> bool {
.flat_map(|e| e.bzimage.as_ref())
.any(|k| k.shasum == self.new_kernel.shasum)
pub fn install(&mut self) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let install_path = self.install_kernel_path()?;
info!("Copying kernel bzImage to {}", install_path.display());
util::copy_file(&self.new_kernel.path, &install_path)?;
let options = self.generate_options_line();
let entry = BootEntry::create_for_kernel("boot", self.new_kernel.clone(), options, Some(DEFAULT_BOOT_COUNT.to_string()));
while self.boot_entries.0.len() >= self.max_entries {
let mut e = self.boot_entries.0.pop().unwrap();
// 0) if boot.conf does not exist, just write it. done.
// 1) if current boot.conf is not verified, just replace it. done.
// 2) rotate boot.conf to boot.1.conf
// 3) create new boot.conf entry
fn install_kernel_path(&self) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let version = match self.new_kernel.version {
Some(v) => v,
None => bail!("new kernel does not have a version"),
let mut path = Path::new("/boot").join(format!("bzImage-{}", version));
for i in 1..5 {
if !path.exists() {
return Ok(path);
path = Path::new("/boot").join(format!("bzImage-{}-{}", version, i));
bail!("Unable to find unused name for new kernel")
// return kernel commandline from most recent boot entry.
// If no boot entries exist, return default kernel commandline
fn generate_options_line(&self) -> &str {
if let Some(entry) = self.boot_entries.0.first() {
} else {
pub struct KernelVersion {
version: u32,
major: u32,
minor: Option<u32>,
revision: Option<u32>,
impl KernelVersion {
// return a KernelVersion instance if the string can be parsed as
// a valid kernel version string. Otherwise return None
fn parse_from_str(s: &str) -> Option<KernelVersion> {
let mut split = s.split("-");
let fields = split.next()
let revision = split.next()
.and_then(|s| s.parse::<u32>().ok());
fields.map(|v| {
KernelVersion {
version: v.0,
major: v.1,
minor: v.2,
pub fn parse_from_path(path: &Path) -> Option<KernelVersion> {
.and_then(|s| Self::parse_from_str(&s))
/// Return version as a string without including revision
pub fn version(&self) -> String {
if let Some(minor) = self.minor {
format!("{}.{}.{}", self.version, self.major, minor)
} else {
format!("{}.{}", self.version, self.major)
// turn path such as /path/to/bzImage-1.2.3 into the string "1.2.3"
// If path does not have a filename or if there is no '-' character
// in filename, return None
fn path_version_string(path: &Path) -> Option<String> {
.and_then(|fname| fname.to_str())
.and_then(|s| s.splitn(2, "-").nth(1))
fn parse_version_field(s: &str) -> Option<(u32,u32,Option<u32>)> {
let elems: Vec<u32> = s.split(".")
.flat_map(|s| s.parse::<u32>().ok())
match elems.len() {
2 => Some((elems[0], elems[1], None)),
3 => Some((elems[0], elems[1], Some(elems[2]))),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for KernelVersion {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}.{}", self.version, self.major)?;
if let Some(minor) = self.minor {
write!(f, ".{}", minor)?;
if let Some(revision) = self.revision {
write!(f, "-{}", revision)?;
struct BootEntries(Vec<BootEntry>);
impl BootEntries {
const BASE_PATH: &'static str = "/boot/loader/entries";
// The directory where boot entries are found
fn base_path() -> &'static Path {
fn load() -> Result<BootEntries> {
let mut entries = BootEntries(Vec::new());
fn load_entries(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let base_path = Self::base_path();
if !base_path.exists() {
return Ok(())
util::read_directory(base_path, |dent| {
if let Some(fname) = dent.file_name().to_str() {
fn load_filename(&mut self, fname: &str) {
if fname.ends_with(".conf") {
let mut entry = BootEntry::from_filename(fname);
if let Err(e) = entry.load() {
warn!("Error loading boot entry {}: {}", fname, e);
} else {
fn find_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> BootEntries {
let mut v: Vec<BootEntry> = self.0.iter()
.filter(|e| e.name.as_str() == name)
v.sort_by(|a,b| a.index.cmp(&b.index));
// Rename entries in a series so that the base name
// (the name with no associated index value) is unused.
// so if boot.conf and boot.1.conf exist, they will
// be renamed to:
// boot.1.conf and boot.2.conf
fn rotate(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(entry) = self.0.first() {
// Only rotate if the first entry:
// 1) exists
// 2) does not have an index value
// 3) does not have boot count (ie: in 'good' boot state)
if entry.index.is_none() && entry.is_good() {
fn _rotate(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
for entry in self.0.iter_mut().rev() {
if !entry.rotate()? {
bail!("failed to rotate boot entry {} because next index already exists", entry.path().display());
struct BootEntry {
// The filename with index,bootcount,and suffix removed
name: String,
// An optional integer value parsed from filename
index: Option<u32>,
// See systemd-boot(7) for description of boot count name convention
boot_count: Option<String>,
// Contents of the 'title' line
title: String,
// The kernel image corresponding to the 'linux' line, if it exists
bzimage: Option<KernelBzImage>,
// Contents of the 'options' line
options: String,
impl BootEntry {
// parse filename into 3 components:
// Only the name field is mandatory. The index or bootcount may not exist.
// $(name).$(index)+$(bootcount).conf
// boot.2+3.conf ("boot", Some(2), Some("3"))
// boot.conf ("boot", None, None)
// boot+2-2.conf ("boot", None, Some("2-2"))
fn parse_filename(filename: &str) -> (String, Option<u32>, Option<String>) {
let filename = filename.trim_end_matches(".conf");
let mut parts = filename.splitn(2, '+');
let name = parts.next().unwrap().to_string();
let boot_count = parts.next().map(|s| s.to_string());
let v: Vec<&str> = name.rsplitn(2, '.').collect();
if v.len() == 2 {
if let Ok(n) = v[0].parse::<u32>() {
let index = Some(n);
let name = v[1].to_string();
return (name, index, boot_count)
(name, None, boot_count)
fn from_filename(filename: &str) -> BootEntry {
let (name, index, boot_count) = Self::parse_filename(filename);
Self::new(name, index, boot_count)
fn new<S: AsRef<str>>(name: S, index: Option<u32>, boot_count: Option<String>) -> BootEntry {
let name = name.as_ref().to_string();
BootEntry {
name, index, boot_count,
title: String::new(),
bzimage: None,
options: String::new(),
fn create_for_kernel(name: &str, kernel: KernelBzImage, options: &str, boot_count: Option<String>) -> BootEntry {
let mut entry = BootEntry::new(name, None, boot_count);
entry.options = options.to_string();
entry.bzimage = Some(kernel);
fn write(&self, kernel_path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let kernel = if let Some(fname) = kernel_path.file_name() {
fname.to_str().expect("could not convert filename to string").to_string()
} else {
bail!("kernel path does not have filename");
let mut buffer = String::new();
writeln!(&mut buffer, "title {}", self.title)?;
writeln!(&mut buffer, "linux /{}", kernel)?;
writeln!(&mut buffer, "options {}", self.options)?;
util::write_file(self.path(), buffer)
fn is_good(&self) -> bool {
fn generate_title(&mut self, kernel: &KernelBzImage) {
if let Some(v) = kernel.version {
self.title = format!("Subgraph OS (Citadel {})", v);
} else {
self.title = format!("Subgraph OS (Citadel)");
fn load(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let path = self.path();
for line in util::read_to_string(&path)?.lines() {
if line.starts_with("title ") {
self.title = line.trim_start_matches("title ").to_owned();
} else if line.starts_with("linux /") {
let path = Path::new("/boot").join(line.trim_start_matches("linux /"));
if path.exists() {
let bzimage = KernelBzImage::from_path(&path)?;
self.bzimage = Some(bzimage);
} else {
bail!("kernel path {} in boot entry does not exist", path.display());
} else if line.starts_with("options ") {
self.options = line.trim_start_matches("options ").to_owned();
} else {
warn!("unexpected line in boot entry file {}: {}", path.display(), line);
if self.title.is_empty() {
bail!("no 'title' line in boot entry file {}", path.display());
if self.bzimage.is_none() {
bail!("no 'linux' line in boot entry file {}", path.display());
if self.options.is_empty() {
bail!("no 'options' line in boot entry file {}", path.display());
fn path(&self) -> PathBuf {
let mut filename = self.name.clone();
if let Some(index) = self.index {
filename.push_str(&format!(".{}", index));
if let Some(ref count) = self.boot_count {
filename.push_str(&format!("+{}.conf", count));
} else {
// Increment index value and rename boot entry file. Return false
// if new name already exists.
fn rotate(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
let old_path = self.path();
let old_index = self.index;
self.index = match self.index {
Some(idx) => Some(idx + 1),
None => Some(1),
let new_path = self.path();
if new_path.exists() {
self.index = old_index;
return Ok(false);
verbose!("Rotating boot entry {} to {}", old_path.display(), new_path.display());
util::rename(old_path, new_path)?;
// Remove boot entry file and associated kernel bzimage
fn remove(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(ref bzimage) = self.bzimage {
self.bzimage = None;
struct KernelBzImage {
path: PathBuf,
version: Option<KernelVersion>,
shasum: String,
impl KernelBzImage {
fn from_path_and_version(path: PathBuf, version: &str) -> Result<KernelBzImage> {
let shasum = util::sha256(&path)?;
let version = KernelVersion::parse_from_str(version);
Ok(KernelBzImage {
path, version, shasum
fn from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<KernelBzImage> {
let version = KernelVersion::parse_from_path(&path);
let shasum = util::sha256(path)?;
let path = path.to_path_buf();
Ok(KernelBzImage { path, version, shasum })
fn remove_file(&self) -> Result<()> {
fn test_version_parse() {
let path = Path::new("/boot/bzImage-2.2-x");
let kv = KernelVersion::parse_from_path(path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(kv.version, 2);
assert_eq!(kv.major, 2);
assert_eq!(kv.minor, None);
let kv2 = KernelVersion::parse_from_str("5.1.1").unwrap();
let kv3 = KernelVersion::parse_from_str("5.8.1").unwrap();
let kv4 = KernelVersion::parse_from_str("5.8").unwrap();
assert!(kv < kv2);
assert!(kv2 < kv3);
assert!(kv4 < kv3);
println!("{} {} {} {}", kv, kv2, kv3, kv4);
fn test_bootentry_parse_filename() {
let fields = BootEntry::parse_filename("foo.heh.2+abc.conf");
assert_eq!(fields, ("foo.heh".to_string(), Some(2), Some("abc".to_string())));
let fields = BootEntry::parse_filename("foo+abc.conf");
assert_eq!(fields, ("foo".to_string(), None, Some("abc".to_string())));
let fields = BootEntry::parse_filename("foo.2.conf");
assert_eq!(fields, ("foo".to_string(), Some(2), None));
} |