Bruce Leidl 43800cdc6e Initial implementation of keyring
Keyring is an encrypted file to store secrets. The encryption key is
derived from the disk decryption passphrase so that the file can be
automatically decrypted and processed during boot.

The keys contained in the keyring file are loaded into the kernel key
store so that they can later be retrieved by other components.

Currenly during installation a signing key is generated and stored in
the keyring so that the system can transparently sign RealmFS images
when the user modifies or updates them.
2019-02-02 20:42:42 -05:00

109 lines
2.8 KiB

#[macro_use] extern crate failure;
#[macro_use] extern crate nix;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
macro_rules! info {
($e:expr) => { if $crate::verbose() { println!("[+] {}", $e);} };
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { if $crate::verbose() { println!("[+] {}", format!($fmt, $($arg)+));} };
macro_rules! warn {
($e:expr) => { println!("WARNING: {}", $e); };
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { println!("WARNING: {}", format!($fmt, $($arg)+)); };
macro_rules! notify {
($e:expr) => { println!("[+] {}", $e); };
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { println!("[+] {}", format!($fmt, $($arg)+)); };
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::result;
use failure::Error;
thread_local! {
pub static VERBOSE: RefCell<bool> = RefCell::new(false);
pub fn verbose() -> bool {
VERBOSE.with(|f| { *f.borrow() })
pub fn set_verbose(val: bool) {
VERBOSE.with(|f| { *f.borrow_mut() = val });
pub fn format_error(err: &Error) -> String {
let mut output = err.to_string();
let mut prev = err.as_fail();
while let Some(next) = prev.cause() {
output.push_str(": ");
prev = next;
mod blockdev;
mod config;
mod keys;
mod cmdline;
mod header;
mod partition;
mod resource;
pub mod util;
pub mod verity;
mod mount;
mod realmfs;
mod keyring;
pub use crate::config::OsRelease;
pub use crate::blockdev::BlockDev;
pub use crate::cmdline::CommandLine;
pub use crate::header::{ImageHeader,MetaInfo};
pub use crate::partition::Partition;
pub use crate::resource::ResourceImage;
pub use crate::keys::{KeyPair,PublicKey};
pub use crate::mount::Mount;
pub use crate::realmfs::RealmFS;
pub use crate::keyring::KeyRing;
const DEVKEYS_HEX: &str = "bc02a3a4fd4a0471a8cb2f96d8be0a0a2d060798c024e60d7a98482f23197fc0";
pub fn devkeys() -> KeyPair {
.expect("Error parsing built in dev channel keys")
pub fn public_key_for_channel(channel: &str) -> Result<Option<PublicKey>> {
if channel == "dev" {
return Ok(Some(devkeys().public_key()));
// Look in /etc/os-release
if Some(channel) == OsRelease::citadel_channel() {
if let Some(hex) = OsRelease::citadel_image_pubkey() {
let pubkey = PublicKey::from_hex(hex)?;
return Ok(Some(pubkey));
// Does kernel command line have[hex encoded pubkey]
if Some(channel) == CommandLine::channel_name() {
if let Some(hex) = CommandLine::channel_pubkey() {
let pubkey = PublicKey::from_hex(hex)?;
return Ok(Some(pubkey))
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T,Error>;
pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 4096;