
354 lines
12 KiB

use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::{self,Seek,SeekFrom};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use {CommandLine,Config,ImageHeader,MetaInfo,Result,Partition,Mount,verity,util};
use failure::ResultExt;
const STORAGE_BASEDIR: &str = "/sysroot/storage/resources";
const RUN_DIRECTORY: &str = "/run/images";
/// Locates and mounts a resource image file.
/// Resource image files are files containing a disk image that can be
/// loop mounted, optionally secured with dm-verity. The root directory
/// of the mounted image may contain a file called `manifest` which
/// contains a list of bind mounts to perform from the mounted tree to
/// the system rootfs.
/// Various kernel command line options control how the resource file is
/// searched for and how it is mounted.
/// citadel.noverity: Mount image without dm-verity. Also do not verify header signature.
/// citadel.nosignatures: Do not verify header signature.
/// A requested image file will be searched for first in /run/images and if not found there the
/// usual location of /storage/resources is searched.
pub struct ResourceImage {
path: PathBuf,
header: ImageHeader,
metainfo: MetaInfo,
impl ResourceImage {
/// Locate and return a resource image with `name`.
/// First the /run/images directory is searched, and if not found there,
/// the image will be searched for in /storage/resources/$channel
pub fn find(name: &str) -> Result<ResourceImage> {
let filename = ResourceImage::image_filename(name);
let run_path = Path::new(RUN_DIRECTORY).join(&filename);
let channel = ResourceImage::read_rootfs_channel()?;
let storage_path = Path::new(STORAGE_BASEDIR).join(channel).join(&filename);
if run_path.exists() {
return ResourceImage::from_path(run_path);
if !ResourceImage::ensure_storage_mounted()? {
bail!("Unable to mount /storage");
if storage_path.exists() {
} else {
Err(format_err!("Failed to find resource image: {}", name))
/// Locate a rootfs image in /run/images and return it
pub fn find_rootfs() -> Result<ResourceImage> {
let rootfs_path = Path::new(RUN_DIRECTORY).join(ResourceImage::image_filename("rootfs"));
if rootfs_path.exists() {
info!("Found rootfs image at {}", rootfs_path.display());
} else {
Err(format_err!("Failed to find rootfs resource image"))
pub fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<ResourceImage> {
let header = ImageHeader::from_file(path.as_ref())?;
if !header.is_magic_valid() {
bail!("Image file {} does not have a valid header", path.as_ref().display());
let metainfo = header.metainfo()?;
Ok(ResourceImage::new(path.as_ref(), header, metainfo))
pub fn is_valid_image(&self) -> bool {
/// Return path to the resource image file.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn header(&self) -> &ImageHeader {
pub fn metainfo(&self) -> &MetaInfo {
fn new(path: &Path, header: ImageHeader, metainfo: MetaInfo) -> ResourceImage {
ResourceImage {
path: path.to_owned(),
header, metainfo,
pub fn mount(&mut self, config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
if CommandLine::noverity() {
} else {
pub fn is_compressed(&self) -> bool {
pub fn has_verity_hashtree(&self) -> bool {
pub fn decompress(&self) -> Result<()> {
if !self.is_compressed() {
return Ok(())
// Avoid copying the body twice in the common case that image is both
// compressed and needs hashtree generated.
fn decompress_and_generate_hashtree(&self, decompress_only: bool) -> Result<()> {
let mut tmpfile = self.extract_body_to_tmpfile(Some("xz"))?;
if !decompress_only && !self.has_verity_hashtree() {
verity::generate_image_hashtree(&tmpfile, &self.metainfo)?;
fn extract_body_to_tmpfile(&self, extension: Option<&str>) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let mut reader = File::open(&self.path)?;;
let mut path = Path::new("/tmp/citadel-image-tmp").join(format!("{}-tmp", &self.metainfo.image_type()));
if let Some(ext) = extension {
let mut out = File::create(&path)?;
io::copy(&mut reader, &mut out)?;
pub fn write_to_partition(&self, partition: &Partition) -> Result<()> {
if self.metainfo.image_type() != "rootfs" {
bail!("Cannot write to partition, image type is not rootfs");
if !self.has_verity_hashtree() {
info!("writing rootfs image to {}", partition.path().display());
let args = format!("if={} of={} bs=4096 skip=1",
self.path.display(), partition.path().display());
util::exec_cmdline("/bin/dd", args)?;
fn write_image_from_tmpfile(&self, tmpfile: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let mut reader = File::open(&tmpfile)?;
let mut out = File::create(self.path())?;
self.header.write_header(&mut out)?;
io::copy(&mut reader, &mut out)?;
fn mount_verity(&self, config: &Config) -> Result<()> {
let verity_dev = self.setup_verity_device(config)?;
info!("Mounting dm-verity device to {}", self.mount_path().display());
util::mount(&verity_dev.to_string_lossy(), self.mount_path(), None)
pub fn setup_verity_device(&self, config: &Config) -> Result<PathBuf> {
if !CommandLine::nosignatures() {
info!("Setting up dm-verity device for image");
if !self.has_verity_hashtree() {
pub fn generate_verity_hashtree(&self) -> Result<()> {
if self.has_verity_hashtree() {
return Ok(())
info!("Generating dm-verity hash tree for image {}", self.path.display());
if self.is_compressed() {
info!("Image is compressed, so need to decompress first");
} else {
let tmpfile = self.extract_body_to_tmpfile(None)?;
verity::generate_image_hashtree(&tmpfile, &self.metainfo)?;
pub fn verify_verity(&self) -> Result<bool> {
if !self.has_verity_hashtree() {
verity::verify_image(self.path(), &self.metainfo)
pub fn verify_shasum(&self) -> Result<bool> {
// Mount the resource image but use a simple loop mount rather than setting up a dm-verity
// device for the image.
fn mount_noverity(&self) -> Result<()> {
info!("loop mounting image to {} (noverity)", self.mount_path().display());
if self.is_compressed() {
let mount_path = self.mount_path();
let loopdev = self.create_loopdev()?;
info!("Loop device created: {}", loopdev.display());
info!("Mounting to: {}", mount_path.display());
util::mount(&loopdev.to_string_lossy(), mount_path, Some("-oro"))
pub fn create_loopdev(&self) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let args = format!("--offset 4096 -f --show {}", self.path.display());
let output = util::exec_cmdline_with_output("/sbin/losetup", args)?;
// Return the path at which to mount this resource image.
fn mount_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
PathBuf::from(format!("{}/{}.mountpoint", RUN_DIRECTORY, self.metainfo.image_type()))
// Read and process a manifest file in the root directory of a mounted resource image.
fn process_manifest_file(&self) -> Result<()> {
info!("Processing manifest file for {}", self.path.display());
let manifest = self.mount_path().join("manifest");
if !manifest.exists() {
warn!("No manifest file found for resource image: {}", self.path.display());
return Ok(())
let s = fs::read_to_string(manifest)?;
for line in s.lines() {
if let Err(e) = self.process_manifest_line(&line) {
warn!("Processing manifest file for resource image ({}): {}", self.path.display(), e);
// Process a single line from the resource image manifest file.
// Each line describes a bind mount from the resource image root to the system root fs.
// The line may contain either a single path or a pair of source and target paths separated by the colon (':') character.
// If no colon character is present then the source and target paths are the same.
// The source path from the mounted resource image will be bind mounted to the target path on the system rootfs.
fn process_manifest_line(&self, line: &str) -> Result<()> {
let line = line.trim_left_matches('/');
let (path_from, path_to) = if line.contains(":") {
let v = line.split(":").collect::<Vec<_>>();
if v.len() != 2 {
bail!("badly formed line '{}'", line);
(v[0], v[1].trim_left_matches('/'))
} else {
(line, line)
let from = self.mount_path().join(path_from);
let to = Path::new("/sysroot").join(path_to);
info!("Bind mounting {} to {} from manifest", from.display(), to.display());
util::mount(&from.to_string_lossy(), to, Some("--bind"))
// If the /storage directory is not mounted, attempt to mount it.
// Return true if already mounted or if the attempt to mount it succeeds.
fn ensure_storage_mounted() -> Result<bool> {
if Mount::is_path_mounted("/dev/mapper/citadel-storage")? {
return Ok(true);
let path = Path::new("/dev/mapper/citadel-storage");
if !path.exists() {
return Ok(false);
info!("Mounting /sysroot/storage directory");
let res = util::mount(
if let Err(err) = res {
warn!("failed to mount /sysroot/storage: {}", err);
return Ok(false);
fn read_rootfs_channel() -> Result<String> {
let s = fs::read_to_string("/sysroot/etc/citadel-channel")
.context("Failed to open /sysroot/etc/citadel-channel")?;
match s.split_whitespace().next() {
Some(s) => Ok(s.to_owned()),
None => Err(format_err!("Failed to parse /sysroot/etc/citadel-channel contents")),
fn image_filename(image_type: &str) -> String {
if image_type == "modules" {
let utsname = util::uname();
let v = utsname.release().split("-").collect::<Vec<_>>();
format!("citadel-modules-{}.img", v[0])
} else {
format!("citadel-{}.img", image_type)