//! Backend using the pure-rust termion library. //! use termion; use self::termion::color as tcolor; use self::termion::event::Event as TEvent; use self::termion::event::Key as TKey; use self::termion::event::MouseButton as TMouseButton; use self::termion::event::MouseEvent as TMouseEvent; use self::termion::input::{MouseTerminal, TermRead}; use self::termion::raw::{IntoRawMode, RawTerminal}; use self::termion::screen::AlternateScreen; use self::termion::style as tstyle; use crossbeam_channel::{self, select, Receiver, Sender}; use cursive::backend; use cursive::event::{Event, Key, MouseButton, MouseEvent}; use cursive::theme; use cursive::vec::Vec2; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self,BufWriter,Write}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd,RawFd}; use std::os::unix::thread::JoinHandleExt; use libcitadel::terminal::AnsiControl; use signal_hook::iterator::Signals; use libc; use std::thread::JoinHandle; /// Copy of terminal backend with following fixes: /// /// (1) Termion sends wrong control sequence to end bold text attribute /// (2) Resize thread will panic on resize after finish() /// (3) Input thread blocks in read from terminal after finish() /// pub struct Backend { terminal: RefCell>>>>, current_style: Cell, // Inner state required to parse input last_button: Option, input_receiver: Receiver, resize_receiver: Receiver<()>, tty_fd: RawFd, input_thread: JoinHandle<()>, } fn close_fd(fd: RawFd) -> io::Result<()> { unsafe { if libc::close(fd) != 0 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); } }; Ok(()) } fn pthread_kill(tid: libc::pthread_t, sig: libc::c_int) -> io::Result<()> { unsafe { if libc::pthread_kill(tid, sig) != 0 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); } }; Ok(()) } impl Backend { /// Creates a new termion-based backend. pub fn init() -> std::io::Result> { // Use a ~8MB buffer // Should be enough for a single screen most of the time. let terminal = RefCell::new(AlternateScreen::from(MouseTerminal::from( BufWriter::with_capacity(8_000_000, File::create("/dev/tty")?) .into_raw_mode()?, ))); write!(terminal.borrow_mut(), "{}", termion::cursor::Hide)?; let (input_sender, input_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); let (resize_sender, resize_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(0); let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); start_resize_thread( resize_sender, Arc::clone(&running), ); // We want nonblocking input, but termion is blocking by default // Read input from a separate thread let input = std::fs::File::open("/dev/tty").unwrap(); let tty_fd = input.as_raw_fd(); let input_thread = thread::spawn(move || { let mut events = input.events(); // Take all the events we can while let Some(Ok(event)) = events.next() { // If we can't send, it means the receiving side closed, // so just stop. if input_sender.send(event).is_err() { break; } } running.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); }); let c = Backend { terminal, current_style: Cell::new(theme::ColorPair::from_256colors(0, 0)), last_button: None, input_receiver, resize_receiver, tty_fd, input_thread, }; Ok(Box::new(c)) } fn close_tty(&self) { if let Err(e) = close_fd(self.tty_fd) { warn!("error closing tty fd: {}", e); } } fn kill_thread(&self) { if let Err(e) = pthread_kill(self.input_thread.as_pthread_t(), libc::SIGWINCH) { warn!("error sending signal to input thread: {}", e); } } fn apply_colors(&self, colors: theme::ColorPair) { with_color(&colors.front, |c| self.write(tcolor::Fg(c))); with_color(&colors.back, |c| self.write(tcolor::Bg(c))); } fn map_key(&mut self, event: TEvent) -> Event { match event { TEvent::Unsupported(bytes) => Event::Unknown(bytes), TEvent::Key(TKey::Esc) => Event::Key(Key::Esc), TEvent::Key(TKey::Backspace) => Event::Key(Key::Backspace), TEvent::Key(TKey::Left) => Event::Key(Key::Left), TEvent::Key(TKey::Right) => Event::Key(Key::Right), TEvent::Key(TKey::Up) => Event::Key(Key::Up), TEvent::Key(TKey::Down) => Event::Key(Key::Down), TEvent::Key(TKey::Home) => Event::Key(Key::Home), TEvent::Key(TKey::End) => Event::Key(Key::End), TEvent::Key(TKey::PageUp) => Event::Key(Key::PageUp), TEvent::Key(TKey::PageDown) => Event::Key(Key::PageDown), TEvent::Key(TKey::Delete) => Event::Key(Key::Del), TEvent::Key(TKey::Insert) => Event::Key(Key::Ins), TEvent::Key(TKey::F(i)) if i < 12 => Event::Key(Key::from_f(i)), TEvent::Key(TKey::F(j)) => Event::Unknown(vec![j]), TEvent::Key(TKey::Char('\n')) => Event::Key(Key::Enter), TEvent::Key(TKey::Char('\t')) => Event::Key(Key::Tab), TEvent::Key(TKey::Char(c)) => Event::Char(c), TEvent::Key(TKey::Ctrl('c')) => Event::Exit, TEvent::Key(TKey::Ctrl(c)) => Event::CtrlChar(c), TEvent::Key(TKey::Alt(c)) => Event::AltChar(c), TEvent::Mouse(TMouseEvent::Press(btn, x, y)) => { let position = (x - 1, y - 1).into(); let event = match btn { TMouseButton::Left => MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Left), TMouseButton::Middle => { MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Middle) } TMouseButton::Right => { MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Right) } TMouseButton::WheelUp => MouseEvent::WheelUp, TMouseButton::WheelDown => MouseEvent::WheelDown, }; if let MouseEvent::Press(btn) = event { self.last_button = Some(btn); } Event::Mouse { event, position, offset: Vec2::zero(), } } TEvent::Mouse(TMouseEvent::Release(x, y)) if self.last_button.is_some() => { let event = MouseEvent::Release(self.last_button.unwrap()); let position = (x - 1, y - 1).into(); Event::Mouse { event, position, offset: Vec2::zero(), } } TEvent::Mouse(TMouseEvent::Hold(x, y)) if self.last_button.is_some() => { let event = MouseEvent::Hold(self.last_button.unwrap()); let position = (x - 1, y - 1).into(); Event::Mouse { event, position, offset: Vec2::zero(), } } _ => Event::Unknown(vec![]), } } fn write(&self, content: T) where T: std::fmt::Display, { write!(self.terminal.borrow_mut(), "{}", content).unwrap(); } } impl backend::Backend for Backend { fn finish(&mut self) { write!( self.terminal.get_mut(), "{}{}", termion::cursor::Show, termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1) ) .unwrap(); write!( self.terminal.get_mut(), "{}[49m{}[39m{}", 27 as char, 27 as char, termion::clear::All ) .unwrap(); self.close_tty(); self.kill_thread(); } fn set_color(&self, color: theme::ColorPair) -> theme::ColorPair { let current_style = self.current_style.get(); if current_style != color { self.apply_colors(color); self.current_style.set(color); } return current_style; } fn set_effect(&self, effect: theme::Effect) { match effect { theme::Effect::Simple => (), theme::Effect::Reverse => self.write(tstyle::Invert), theme::Effect::Bold => self.write(tstyle::Bold), theme::Effect::Italic => self.write(tstyle::Italic), theme::Effect::Underline => self.write(tstyle::Underline), } } fn unset_effect(&self, effect: theme::Effect) { match effect { theme::Effect::Simple => (), theme::Effect::Reverse => self.write(tstyle::NoInvert), // XXX Fixed broken tstyle::NoBold theme::Effect::Bold => self.write(AnsiControl::unbold().as_str()), theme::Effect::Italic => self.write(tstyle::NoItalic), theme::Effect::Underline => self.write(tstyle::NoUnderline), } } fn has_colors(&self) -> bool { // TODO: color support detection? true } fn screen_size(&self) -> Vec2 { // TODO: termion::terminal_size currently requires stdout. // When available, we should try to use /dev/tty instead. let (x, y) = termion::terminal_size().unwrap_or((1, 1)); (x, y).into() } fn clear(&self, color: theme::Color) { self.apply_colors(theme::ColorPair { front: color, back: color, }); self.write(termion::clear::All); } fn refresh(&mut self) { self.terminal.get_mut().flush().unwrap(); } fn print_at(&self, pos: Vec2, text: &str) { write!( self.terminal.borrow_mut(), "{}{}", termion::cursor::Goto(1 + pos.x as u16, 1 + pos.y as u16), text ) .unwrap(); } fn poll_event(&mut self) -> Option { let event = select! { recv(self.input_receiver) -> event => event.ok(), recv(self.resize_receiver) -> _ => return Some(Event::WindowResize), default => return None, }; event.map(|event| self.map_key(event)) } } fn with_color(clr: &theme::Color, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&dyn tcolor::Color) -> R, { match *clr { theme::Color::TerminalDefault => f(&tcolor::Reset), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Black) => f(&tcolor::Black), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Red) => f(&tcolor::Red), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Green) => f(&tcolor::Green), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Yellow) => f(&tcolor::Yellow), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Blue) => f(&tcolor::Blue), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Magenta) => f(&tcolor::Magenta), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::Cyan) => f(&tcolor::Cyan), theme::Color::Dark(theme::BaseColor::White) => f(&tcolor::White), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Black) => f(&tcolor::LightBlack), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Red) => f(&tcolor::LightRed), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Green) => f(&tcolor::LightGreen), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Yellow) => { f(&tcolor::LightYellow) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Blue) => f(&tcolor::LightBlue), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Magenta) => { f(&tcolor::LightMagenta) } theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::Cyan) => f(&tcolor::LightCyan), theme::Color::Light(theme::BaseColor::White) => f(&tcolor::LightWhite), theme::Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => f(&tcolor::Rgb(r, g, b)), theme::Color::RgbLowRes(r, g, b) => { f(&tcolor::AnsiValue::rgb(r, g, b)) } } } /// This starts a new thread to listen for SIGWINCH signals #[allow(unused)] pub fn start_resize_thread( resize_sender: Sender<()>, resize_running: Arc, ) { let signals = Signals::new(&[libc::SIGWINCH]).unwrap(); thread::spawn(move || { // This thread will listen to SIGWINCH events and report them. while resize_running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { // We know it will only contain SIGWINCH signals, so no need to check. if signals.wait().count() > 0 { // XXX fixed to avoid panic if resize_running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { if let Err(_) = resize_sender.send(()) { return; } } } } }); }