use std::io::Read; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use std::collections::HashSet; use crate::desktop::{DesktopFile,Line}; use crate::Result; lazy_static! { // These are the keys which are copied into the translated .desktop files static ref KEY_WHITELIST: HashSet<&'static str> = [ "Type", "Version", "Name", "GenericName", "NoDisplay", "Comment", "Icon", "Hidden", "OnlyShowIn", "NotShowIn", "Path", "Terminal", "Actions", "MimeType", "Categories", "Keywords", "StartupNotify", "StartupWMClass", "URL", "DocPath", "X-GNOME-FullName", "X-GNOME-Provides", "X-Desktop-File-Install-Version", "X-GNOME-UsesNotifications", "X-GNOME-DocPath", "X-Geoclue-Reason", "X-GNOME-SingleWindow", "X-GNOME-Gettext-Domain", "X-MultipleArgs", ].iter().cloned().collect(); // These are keys which are recognized but deliberately ignored. static ref KEY_IGNORELIST: HashSet<&'static str> = [ "DBusActivatable", "Implements", "TryExec", "InitialPreference", "Encoding", "X-KDE-Protocols", "X-GIO-NoFuse", "X-Gnome-Vfs-System", "X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase", "X-GNOME-Autostart-Notify", "X-GNOME-AutoRestart", "X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla", "X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product", "X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component", "X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version", "X-GNOME-Bugzilla-ExtraInfoScript", "X-GNOME-Bugzilla-OtherBinaries", "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled", "X-AppInstall-Package", "X-KDE-SubstituteUID", "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain", "X-AppInstall-Keywords", "X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts", "X-GNOME-Settings-Panel", "X-GNOME-WMSettingsModule", "X-GNOME-WMName", "X-GnomeWMSettingsLibrary", ].iter().cloned().collect(); } fn is_whitelisted_key(key: &str) -> bool { KEY_WHITELIST.contains(key) } fn filename_from_path(path: &Path) -> Result<&str> { let filename = match path.file_name() { Some(name) => name, None => return Err(format_err!("Path {:?} has no filename component", path)), }; match filename.to_str() { Some(s) => Ok(s), None => Err(format_err!("Filename has invalid utf8 encoding")), } } pub struct DesktopFileParser { desktop_file: DesktopFile, exec_prefix: String, seen_header: bool, current_action: Option, in_ignored_group: bool, known_actions: HashSet, } impl DesktopFileParser { fn new(filename: &str, exec_prefix: &str) -> DesktopFileParser { DesktopFileParser { desktop_file: DesktopFile::new(filename), exec_prefix: exec_prefix.to_string(), seen_header: false, current_action: None, in_ignored_group: false, known_actions: HashSet::new(), } } pub fn parse_from_path>(path: P, exec_prefix: &str) -> Result { let filename = filename_from_path(path.as_ref())?; let f = File::open(path.as_ref())?; DesktopFileParser::parse_from_reader(f, filename, exec_prefix) } fn parse_from_reader(mut r: T, filename: &str, exec_prefix: &str) -> Result { let mut buffer = String::new(); r.read_to_string(&mut buffer)?; DesktopFileParser::parse_from_string(&buffer, filename, exec_prefix) } fn parse_from_string(body: &str, filename: &str, exec_prefix: &str) -> Result { let mut parser = DesktopFileParser::new(filename, exec_prefix); for s in body.lines() { match LineParser::parse(s) { Some(line) => parser.process_line(line)?, None => return Err(format_err!("Failed to parse line: '{}'", s)) } } Ok(parser.desktop_file) } fn process_initial(&mut self, line: Line) -> Result<()> { match line { Line::Comment(_) | Line::Empty => {}, Line::DesktopHeader => self.seen_header = true, _ => return Err(format_err!("Missing Desktop Entry header")) } self.desktop_file.add_line(line); Ok(()) } fn process_line(&mut self, mut line: Line) -> Result<()> { if self.in_ignored_group && !line.is_action_header() { return Ok(()) } if !self.seen_header { return self.process_initial(line) } if let Line::KeyValue(ref k, ref value) = line { if k == "Actions" { for s in value.split_terminator(";") { self.known_actions.insert(s.trim().to_string()); } } } match line { Line::ExecLine(ref mut s) => { s.insert_str(0,self.exec_prefix.as_str()) }, Line::DesktopHeader => return Err(format_err!("Duplicate Desktop Entry header")), Line::ActionHeader(ref action) => { if self.known_actions.contains(action) { self.current_action = Some(action.to_string()); self.in_ignored_group = false; } else { return Err(format_err!("Desktop Action header with undecleared action: {}", action)) } }, Line::GroupHeader(_) => { self.in_ignored_group = true; return Ok(()) }, Line::KeyLocaleValue(ref k,_,_) | Line::KeyValue(ref k,_) => { if !is_whitelisted_key(k) { if !KEY_IGNORELIST.contains(k.as_str()) { info!("Unknown key in {}: {}", self.desktop_file.filename(), k); } return Ok(()) } } _ => {}, } if let Some(ref action) = self.current_action { self.desktop_file.add_action_line(action, line) } else { self.desktop_file.add_line(line); } Ok(()) } } const DESKTOP_ACTION: &'static str = "Desktop Action "; struct LineParser<'a> { s: &'a str, } impl <'a> LineParser<'a> { fn new(s: &'a str) -> LineParser<'a> { LineParser { s, } } fn parse(s: &'a str) -> Option { if let Some(line) = LineParser::new(s)._parse() { if validate_line(&line) { return Some(line) } } None } fn first(&self) -> Option { self.s.chars().next() } fn last(&self) -> Option { self.s.chars().next_back() } fn _parse(&mut self) -> Option { match self.first() { None => Some(Line::Empty), Some('#') => Some(Line::Comment(self.s[1..].to_string())), Some('[') => self.parse_header(), Some(_) => self.parse_keyval(), } } fn parse_header(&mut self) -> Option { if self.last().unwrap() != ']' { return None } let content = &self.s[1..self.s.len() - 1]; if content.starts_with(DESKTOP_ACTION) { let action = &content[DESKTOP_ACTION.len()..]; return Some(Line::ActionHeader(action.to_string())) } else if content == "Desktop Entry" { return Some(Line::DesktopHeader) } return Some(Line::GroupHeader(content.to_string())) } fn parse_keyval(&self) -> Option { let parts: Vec<&str> = self.s.splitn(2, "=").collect(); if parts.len() != 2 { return None } let key = parts[0].trim(); let val = parts[1].trim(); if !key.contains("[") { if key == "Exec" { return Some(Line::ExecLine(val.to_string())) } return Some(Line::KeyValue(key.to_string(), val.to_string())) } self.parse_locale(key).map(|(key,locale)| Line::KeyLocaleValue(key, locale, val.to_string())) } fn parse_locale(&self, key: &str) -> Option<(String,String)> { let idx = key.find("[").unwrap(); let (k,loc) = key.split_at(idx); let mut chars = loc.chars(); if let Some(']') = chars.next_back() {; if k.trim() == "Exec" { // Exec key with locale not allowed return None; } return Some((k.trim().to_string(), chars.as_str().to_string())) } None } } fn is_alphanum_or_dash(c: char) -> bool { is_ascii(c) && (c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '-') } fn is_ascii(c: char) -> bool { c as u32 <= 0x7F } fn is_first_char_alphabetic(s: &str) -> bool { if let Some(c) = s.chars().next() { return is_ascii(c) && c.is_alphabetic() } false } fn is_valid_key(key: &str) -> bool { if !is_first_char_alphabetic(key) { return false } key.chars().all(is_alphanum_or_dash) } fn is_valid_locale(locale: &str) -> bool { !locale.is_empty() && locale.chars().all(|c| { is_alphanum_or_dash(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '@' }) } fn is_valid_value(value: &str) -> bool { value.chars().all(|c| { !(c.is_control() || c as u32 == 0 ) }) } fn is_valid_action(action: &str) -> bool { is_first_char_alphabetic(action) && action.chars().all(is_alphanum_or_dash) } fn is_valid_group(group: &str) -> bool { is_first_char_alphabetic(group) && group.chars().all(|c| { is_ascii(c) && !c.is_control() }) } fn is_valid_exec(val: &str) -> bool { val.chars().all(|c| { is_ascii(c) && !(c.is_control() || c as u32 == 0) }) } pub fn validate_line(line: &Line) -> bool { match *line { Line::ExecLine(ref s) => is_valid_exec(s), Line::KeyValue(ref k, ref v) => is_valid_key(k) && is_valid_value(v), Line::KeyLocaleValue(ref k, ref l, ref v) => is_valid_key(k) && is_valid_locale(l) && is_valid_value(v), Line::ActionHeader(ref action) => is_valid_action(action), Line::GroupHeader(ref group) => is_valid_group(group), _ => true, } } #[test] fn test_parser() { let tests = vec!["###", "", "# hello", "[Desktop Entry]", "[Desktop Action foo]", "Foo=Bar", "Foo[hehe]=Lol"]; for t in tests { println!("{:?}", LineParser::parse(t)); } }