use cursive::views::{Dialog, TextView, OnEventView, PaddedView, DialogFocus, EditView, ListView, LinearLayout, DummyView }; use cursive::traits::{View, Finder,Boxable,Identifiable,Scrollable}; use cursive::event::{EventResult, Event, EventTrigger}; use cursive::event::Key; use cursive::Cursive; use std::rc::Rc; use cursive::view::ViewWrapper; use cursive::direction::Direction; use cursive::theme::ColorStyle; pub fn confirm_dialog(title: &str, message: &str, cb: F) -> impl View where F: 'static + Fn(&mut Cursive) { let content = PaddedView::new((2,2,2,1), TextView::new(message)); let dialog = Dialog::around(content) .title(title) .button("Yes", move |s| { s.pop_layer(); (cb)(s); }) .dismiss_button("No"); OnEventView::new(dialog) .on_event_inner('y', |d: &mut Dialog, _| { Some(d.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Left))) }) .on_event_inner('n', move |d: &mut Dialog, _| { Some(d.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Right))) }) // Eat these global events .on_event_inner('?', |_,_| { Some(EventResult::Consumed(None)) }) .on_event_inner('T', |_,_| { Some(EventResult::Consumed(None)) }) } // Set focus on dialog button at index `idx` by injecting events // into the Dialog view. // // If the dialog content is currently in focus send Tab // character to move focus to first button. // // Then inject Right/Left key events as needed to select // the correct index. pub fn select_dialog_button_index(dialog: &mut Dialog, idx: usize) { let mut current = match dialog.focus() { DialogFocus::Content => { dialog.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Tab)); 0 }, DialogFocus::Button(n) => { n }, }; while current < idx { dialog.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Right)); current += 1; } while current > idx { dialog.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Left)); current -= 1; } } pub fn keyboard_navigation_adapter(dialog: Dialog, keys: &'static str) -> OnEventView { // a trigger that matches any character in 'keys' let trigger = EventTrigger::from_fn(move |ev| match ev { Event::Char(c) => keys.contains(|ch: char| ch == *c), _ => false, }); OnEventView::new(dialog) // The button navigation is a hack that depends on Dialog internal behavior .on_event_inner(trigger, move |d: &mut Dialog,ev| { if let Event::Char(c) = ev { if let Some(idx) = keys.find(|ch: char| ch == *c) { select_dialog_button_index(d, idx); return Some(EventResult::Consumed(None)) } } None }) .on_event_inner(Key::Enter, |v,_| Some(v.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Down)))) // 'q' to close dialog, but first see if some component of the dialog // (such as a text field) wants this event .on_pre_event_inner('q', |v,e| { let result = match v.on_event(e.clone()) { EventResult::Consumed(cb) => EventResult::Consumed(cb), EventResult::Ignored => EventResult::with_cb(|s| {s.pop_layer();}), }; Some(result) }) // Eat these global events .on_event_inner('?', |_,_| { Some(EventResult::Consumed(None)) }) .on_event_inner('T', |_,_| { Some(EventResult::Consumed(None)) }) .on_event(Key::Esc, |s| { s.pop_layer(); }) } pub struct FieldDialogBuilder { layout: FieldLayout, id: &'static str, title: Option<&'static str>, height: Option, } #[allow(dead_code)] impl FieldDialogBuilder { const DEFAULT_ID: &'static str = "field-dialog"; pub fn new(labels: &[&str], message: &str) -> Self { FieldDialogBuilder { layout: FieldLayout::new(labels, message), id: Self::DEFAULT_ID, title: None, height: None, } } pub fn add_edit_view(&mut self, id: &str, width: usize) { self.layout.add_edit_view(id, width); } pub fn edit_view(mut self, id: &str, width: usize) -> Self { self.add_edit_view(id, width); self } pub fn add_field(&mut self, view: V) { self.layout.add_field(view); } pub fn field(mut self, view: V) -> Self { self.add_field(view); self } pub fn set_id(&mut self, id: &'static str) { = id; } pub fn id(mut self, id: &'static str) -> Self { self.set_id(id); self } pub fn set_title(&mut self, title: &'static str) { self.title = Some(title); } pub fn title(mut self, title: &'static str) -> Self { self.set_title(title); self } pub fn set_width(&mut self, width: usize) { self.layout.set_width(width); } pub fn width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self { self.set_width(width); self } pub fn set_height(&mut self, height: usize) { self.height = Some(height); } pub fn height(mut self, height: usize) -> Self { self.set_height(height); self } pub fn build(self, ok_cb: F) -> impl View { let content = .padded(2,2,1,2); let mut dialog = Dialog::around(content) .dismiss_button("Cancel") .button("Ok", ok_cb); if let Some(title) = self.title { dialog.set_title(title); } let height = self.height.unwrap_or(12); dialog.with_id( .min_height(height) } } pub struct FieldLayout { list: ListView, message: String, labels: Vec, index: usize, width: usize, } #[allow(dead_code)] impl FieldLayout { const DEFAULT_WIDTH: usize = 48; pub fn new(labels: &[&str], message: &str) -> FieldLayout { let maxlen = labels.iter().fold(0, |max, &s| { if s.len() > max { s.len() } else { max } }); let pad_label = |s: &&str| { if s.is_empty() { " ".repeat(maxlen + 2) } else { " ".repeat(maxlen - s.len()) + s + ": " } }; let labels = labels .iter() .map(pad_label) .collect(); FieldLayout { list: ListView::new(), message: message.to_string(), labels, index: 0, width: Self::DEFAULT_WIDTH, } } pub fn add_edit_view(&mut self, id: &str, width: usize) { self.add_field(EditView::new() .style(ColorStyle::tertiary()) .filler(" ") .with_id(id) .fixed_width(width)) } pub fn edit_view(mut self, id: &str, width: usize) -> Self { self.add_edit_view(id, width); self } pub fn add_field(&mut self, view: V) { let field = LinearLayout::horizontal() .child(view) .child(DummyView); let idx = self.index; self.index += 1; if idx > 0 { self.list.add_delimiter(); } self.list.add_child(self.labels[idx].as_str(), field); } pub fn field(mut self, view: V) -> Self { self.add_field(view); self } pub fn set_width(&mut self, width: usize) { self.width = width; } pub fn width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self { self.set_width(width); self } pub fn build(self) -> impl View { LinearLayout::vertical() .child(TextView::new(self.message).fixed_width(self.width)) .child(DummyView.fixed_height(2)) .child(self.list) .child(DummyView) .scrollable() } } pub trait DialogButtonAdapter: Finder+ViewWrapper { fn inner_id(&self) -> &'static str; fn call_on_dialog(&mut self, cb: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&mut Dialog) -> R { let id = self.inner_id(); self.call_on_id(id, cb) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed call_on_id({})", id)) } fn button_enabled(&mut self, button: usize) -> bool { self.call_on_dialog(|d| { d.buttons_mut() .nth(button) .map(|b| b.is_enabled()) .unwrap_or(false) }) } fn set_button_enabled(&mut self, button: usize, enabled: bool) { self.call_on_dialog(|d| { if let Some(b) = d.buttons_mut().nth(button) { b.set_enabled(enabled); } }) } fn select_button(&mut self, button: usize) -> EventResult { if self.button_enabled(button) { self.call_on_dialog(|d| select_dialog_button_index(d, button)) } EventResult::Consumed(None) } fn navigate_to_button(&mut self, idx: usize) -> EventResult { if !self.button_enabled(idx) { return EventResult::Ignored; } self.call_on_dialog(|d| { d.take_focus(Direction::down()); let mut current = d.buttons_len() - 1; while current > idx { d.on_event(Event::Key(Key::Left)); current -= 1; } }); EventResult::Consumed(None) } fn handle_char_event(&mut self, button_order: &str, ch: char) -> EventResult { if let Some(EventResult::Consumed(cb)) = self.with_view_mut(|v| v.on_event(Event::Char(ch))) { EventResult::Consumed(cb) } else if ch == 'T' || ch == '?' { EventResult::Consumed(None) } else if let Some(idx) = button_order.find(|c| c == ch) { self.navigate_to_button(idx) } else { EventResult::Ignored } } fn handle_event(&mut self, button_order: &str, event: Event) -> EventResult { match event { Event::Char(ch) => self.handle_char_event(button_order, ch), event => self.with_view_mut(|v| v.on_event(event)).unwrap() } } } pub trait Padable: View + Sized { fn padded(self, left: usize, right: usize, top: usize, bottom: usize) -> PaddedView { PaddedView::new((left,right,top,bottom), self) } } impl Padable for T {} pub trait Validatable: View+Finder+Sized { fn validator ValidatorResult>(mut self, id: &str, cb: F) -> Self { TextValidator::set_validator(&mut self, id, cb); self } } impl Validatable for T {} pub enum ValidatorResult { Allow(Box), Deny(Box), } impl ValidatorResult { pub fn create(ok: bool, f: F) -> Self where F: 'static + Fn(&mut Cursive) { if ok { Self::allow_with(f) } else { Self::deny_with(f) } } pub fn allow_with(f: F) -> Self where F: 'static + Fn(&mut Cursive) { ValidatorResult::Allow(Box::new(f)) } pub fn deny_with(f: F) -> Self where F: 'static + Fn(&mut Cursive) { ValidatorResult::Deny(Box::new(f)) } fn process(self, siv: &mut Cursive) { match self { ValidatorResult::Allow(cb) | ValidatorResult::Deny(cb) => (cb)(siv), } } fn deny_edit(&self) -> bool { match self { ValidatorResult::Allow(_) => false, ValidatorResult::Deny(_) => true, } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TextValidator { id: String, is_valid: Rc ValidatorResult>>, } impl TextValidator { pub fn set_validatorValidatorResult>(view: &mut V, id: &str, cb: F) { let validator = TextValidator{ id: id.to_string(), is_valid: Rc::new(Box::new(cb)) }; view.call_on_id(id, |v: &mut EditView| { v.set_on_edit(move |s,content,cursor| { let v = validator.clone(); v.on_edit(s, content, cursor); }); }); } fn on_edit(&self, siv: &mut Cursive, content: &str, cursor: usize) { let result = (self.is_valid)(content); if result.deny_edit() { self.deny_edit(siv, cursor); } result.process(siv); } fn deny_edit(&self, siv: &mut Cursive, cursor: usize) { if cursor > 0 { let callback = self.call_on_edit(siv, |v| { v.set_cursor(cursor - 1); v.remove(1) }); (callback)(siv); } } fn call_on_edit(&self, siv: &mut Cursive, f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&mut EditView) -> R { siv.call_on_id(&, f) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("call_on_id({})", } }